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Re: need helpful tips for dog-urgent-pls email me if it is hel...

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In a message dated 9/5/09 11:05:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

KayleesJasmineMogadishu@... writes:

> Molly has had a large tumour on her mammary since feb this year-since

> then with Budwig it burst and closed up and even reduced in size-since last

> week end she has become weaker -she cannot stand and walk


Have you been giving her milk thistle? If the tumor burst and closed up

there may be debris going through the liver, too much to handle so you must

help it along with milk thistle.

Also, have you worked with ? She's the black salve herbalist on our

list and on the cures for cancer list who helped me cure Flurry of fibrosarcoma.

Flurry is in great shape and it's been 2 years so far that she first got

spindle cell carcinoma.

Do you give your dog medical mushrooms? How about immunoplex? D3? There is

a product called something like Breast-D (not sure of the exact name) that

has something in it that converts estrogen to inactive estrogen for estrogen

reactive cancers. Is your dog on LDN?

What exactly does your dog take to combat the cancer? I pray for her

recovery. Also..what are you feeding her?

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In a message dated 9/5/09 11:05:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> KayleesJasmineMogadishu@... writes:

Have you been giving her milk thistle? If the tumor burst and closed up

there may be debris going through the liver, too much to handle so you


help it along with milk thistle.

Am giving Milk thistle but not sure about dosage etc -lots of

conflicting and worrisome reports on its use too-so far no pain,

tenderness in all stomach area...

> Also, have you worked with ? She's the black salve herbalist

on our

> list and on the cures for cancer list who helped me cure Flurry of


> Flurry is in great shape and it's been 2 years so far that she first


> spindle cell carcinoma.

Black salve will distress her and I cannot afford to do that...

> Do you give your dog medical mushrooms? How about immunoplex? D3?

There is

> a product called something like Breast-D (not sure of the exact name)


> has something in it that converts estrogen to inactive estrogen for


> reactive cancers. Is your dog on LDN?

none of these and now I doubt I will be able to find them as I am not

leaving the house at all now- I can send my son or husband but they end

up getting the wrong things ...

> What exactly does your dog take to combat the cancer? I pray for her

> recovery. Also..what are you feeding her?

Essiac tea

Aloe vera


raw mince+ organ+ crushed raw bone + solids form soup I make with mutton

legs, carrot pulp from carrot juice making, celery, 1 tbsp pumpkin to

make her poop ,cinnamon, turmeric, little ginger garlic for taste-small

qty of this ground well and given wiht wheat grass powder and salmon oil

cap 1000mg twice a day.

vit c total now 2000 mg given in 3 doses

colostrum, shark cartilage, tiny amts selenium, zinc, b complex, milk

thistle given in carrot juice with wheat grass powder and burdock root


Focc and essiac t twice a day

She is also taking homeopathy from my doc

Rest is intense faith and prayer to the Divine

Love and thanks


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