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Sodium Bicarbonate

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You should be tested every six months . Ask why they are

not doing this. When you take Diuretics you can lose too much potassium in your

urine and this needs watching closely.

Luv - Sheila

From: thyroid treatment

[mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of bob.m9uk

Sent: 09 August 2009 11:58

thyroid treatment

Subject: Re: Sodium Bicarbonate

Hi Sheila,

You get tested for potassium?- I don't and have been taking diuretics

for 25 years!

[reposted to show on screen]


> Hi Sheila,


> You get tested for potassium?- I don't and have been taking

> diuretics for 25 years!







> Subject: RE: Re: Sodium Bicarbonate









> This is very scary Bob. I have been taking diuretics for years - all

that is

> ever tested is my potassium level, never sodium. I am seeing my

> endocrinologist this week and will speak with him about this and get


> sodium levels tested. Does anybody in the medical profession actually


> or know what they are doing - what's the betting if my sodium level is

> within the present reference range - I will be told I am absolutely


> and all this time the reference ranges have been wrong - how





> Luv - Sheila


> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19559171?dopt=Abstract>

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19559171?dopt=Abstract


> Mild hyponatremia carries a poor prognosis in community subjects.

> Sajadieh A, Binici Z, Mouridsen MR, Nielsen OW, Hansen JF, Haugaard SB


> ****


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Hi Sheila,

I have already apologised for forgetting to change format

of my replies- I can't set this and have to do it each time and occasionally

I forget.

Sodium Bicarbonate

- can you turn messages in Rich Text into Plain Text before replying,

and then your messages might come through. Until gets rid of the bugs

it has, we have to compromise for the time being.

Luv - Sheila

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Hi nick,

I do that, but it resets depending on the format of the message to

which I am replying. Eg your message is plain text so it is set at that, but

if it were HTML or rich test then the reply would come up as that unless I

remember to check and change. Lots of illogical things seem to happen to me

on this computer!!

Subject: Re: Re: Sodium Bicarbonate

On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:04:06 +0100, you wrote:

> I have already apologised for forgetting to change format

>of my replies- I can't set this and have to do it each time and


>I forget.

Under accounts you should be able to set a default setting if you are

using OE as an e-mail program



TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.

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On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 16:17:23 +0100, you wrote:

> I do that, but it resets depending on the format of the message to

>which I am replying. Eg your message is plain text so it is set at that, but

>if it were HTML or rich test then the reply would come up as that unless I

>remember to check and change. Lots of illogical things seem to happen to me

>on this computer!!

There is an option to force a plain text mail from it, you have to set

the format to plain text and then turn off the " reply in the format of

incoming mail " option.

I don't use OE myself so I can't tell you exactly where it is


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Tools, options, send, untick reply to messages in the same format they were sent (or something like that).

This of course is Tools in the main OE page not in the email you are sending.


> I do that, but it resets depending on the format of the message to>which I am replying. Eg your message is plain text so it is set at that, but>if it were HTML or rich test then the reply would come up as that unless I>remember to check and change.

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I have been on diuretics for about ten years, but did not have my

potassium levels tested until about four years ago when I was in

hospital with gall bladder problems, and I was told I had low potassium levels.

No action taken, but I did increase my intake

of bananas.

In 2008 I had a urea and electrolytes test (not sure why) and the

potassium came back at 4.9 mmol/l and sodium at 142 mmol/l which

I think are good levels, though I dont have the lab ranges.

Then in autumn of 2008 I was hospitalised with acute pancreatitis

and again was told I had low potassium, (although I did not have

vomiting and 'ria which can cause low potassium)

I have since started taking Ionic Trace Mineral Drops, plus about 10 bananas per

week and loads of tomatoes, which should give a good


Oh yes, and when I read the PIL for the Bendroflumethizide for the

first time (!) I stopped taking it, about two months ago. Now I

only visit the bathroom twice each night instead of five times, and

my ankles are only fractionally more puffy than before. One of the

other side effects. I see, can be pancreatitis. Hmm.

Ginny B.


> You should be tested every six months . Ask why they are not doing

> this. When you take Diuretics you can lose too much potassium in your urine

> and this needs watching closely.

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  • 1 month later...

Because until we found out about it, it has been a very well

kept secret. Go to our Files from the Home Page of this forum web site and

click on Candida, and then click on the FILES Sodium Bicarbonate. Spread the


Luv - Sheila


I was just wondering,if sodium bicarbonate is so

great for candida etc,why do so many people take so many other things and for

so long or permanantly?

Best wishes Sharon

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And is it just the cynic in me that feels that it is " discounted " as a " cure "

because it is so cheap.... and the pharmaceticals can't make much money on it!

My dad used to take " bicarb " every day for years for a reflux stomach but was

persuaded onto other stuff years ago by his GP. He still suffers but the bill to

the tax payer is a lot more!


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Does bicarb not give you horrendous diarrhoea?


> Because until we found out about it, it has been a very well kept secret.

> Luv - Sheila

> I was just wondering,if sodium bicarbonate is so great for candida etc,why

> do so many people take so many other things and for so long or permanantly?

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Hi Glynis,

An overdose of almost any salt will cause diarrhoea.

It's best to keep the amount down to about a half teaspoon in sufficient water

to make it 'pallatable' ~

and I use neat sodium bicarbonate (10-20mg) for my teeth to give them an extra

clean feeling ~ so it doesn't taste all that bad......as opposed to neat table


best wishes



> Does bicarb not give you horrendous diarrhoea?

> Glynis



> > Because until we found out about it, it has been a very well kept secret.

> > Luv - Sheila


> > I was just wondering,if sodium bicarbonate is so great for candida etc,why

> > do so many people take so many other things and for so long or permanantly?


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If taking too much - people use this to help constipation. Cut

your dose if you constantly have 'dire rear' Glynis.

Luv - Sheila

Does bicarb not give you horrendous diarrhoea?


> Because until we found out about it, it has been a very well kept secret.

> Luv - Sheila

> I was just wondering,if sodium bicarbonate is so great for candida etc,why

> do so many people take so many other things and for so long or


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Hi Sheila,

I don't take bicarb, I used it when I used to have a lot of cystitis many years

ago but have not taken it internally for many years.


> If taking too much - people use this to help constipation. Cut your dose if

> you constantly have 'dire rear' Glynis.

> Luv - Sheila

> Does bicarb not give you horrendous diarrhoea?

> Glynis


> > Because until we found out about it, it has been a very well kept secret.

> > Luv - Sheila


> > I was just wondering,if sodium bicarbonate is so great for candida etc,why

> > do so many people take so many other things and for so long or

> permanantly?

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Hi B

s salts have magnesium sulphate as well as sodium bicarbonate (plus citric

acid ~ the fizz)

ratio about 5:4 bicarb : magnesium

Those two things it's becoming almost impossible to source easily these

days....they don't want you to know about, let alone be able to buy them...

small pots of bicarb for cooking perhaps...



> Hi Sheila


> Is ENO or s the same stuff as sodium bicarbonate?


> B


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Hi Densie, No- those are a mixture of stuff. bicarb is the stuff you bake with -adding cream of tartar to get baking powder. > Subject: Re: sodium bicarbonate> > Hi Sheila> > Is ENO or s the same stuff as sodium bicarbonate?> > B> > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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Hi All,

Still confused.

I always have a pot of ENO in the house. I don't use it much but sometimes it

is good when I feel a bit 'yucky'.

I just wondered if half a teaspoon of the ENO in the morning was as good as the

sodium bicarb for candida etc.,


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  • 2 weeks later...

thesprout@... writes:

> would an oral intake of sodium bicarbonate be in any way beneficial for

> my mum

I was taking a lot of bicarb for acid reflux and my doctor was concerned

about the large amount of salt intake. Be careful. I have perfect blood

pressure and don't want to lose that.

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Hello Dr Sircus

Thanks so much for the links and additional info! Apologies for my late reply.

I'll definitely try to make use of this valuable info. I sometimes do get

overwhelmed by all this information and vast knowledge out there and it takes

time to do your own research.. which is exactly what I've been trying to do in

the past 2 months. And, no...i am not a practicioner..I am just trying to help

my mum and also expand my own background knowledge while I'm at it. The fact

that I'm not an expert makes things a bit tricky as i simply cant offer her the

guidance a professional could. And of course I am afraid of doing it wrong. I

posted her protocol on this forum a few minutes ago. So if you dont mind would

you have a quick look and tell me if I could incorporate sodium bicarbonate

somehow - or if there's anything i'd better leave out. Do you reckon Lugol's

iodine could be of benefits for her?

Once again, thanks for your help.

all the best



> At this link you can see a recent essay from my newsletter on oral use that is

not in the book ... http://www.imva.info/news/oral-dosages-of-bicarbonate.html

...... and very important to note that in the general guidline is the mandate

to take it with other substance most importantly magnesium but that said its

really is easy as far as the bottom line....and sure there are side effects if

you dont do or approach it correctly meaning you can over do it or underdo

it...so have to monitor pH daily....or even more often .....maximum dose of

bicarbonate _see Arm and Hammers box is seven half teaspoons for max of two

weeks......stop for five days and do again....that dose level though is for big

people......stomach acid is an issue....for sure dont take right before and

after meals.


> Now to transdermal...this more new and experimental but of course the safest

thing in the world....two big choices, throw a pound of bicarbonate into your

bath and jump in.....but again add magnesium chloride (lots like 2 to four

pounds) and I like some sodium thiosulfate that stuff that smells of sulphur

just like a hot spring because it is the same stuff you smell at hot

springs....and you have perfect trasansdermal treatment...you can also just make

lotion and put on affected areas....or entire body...but I save that method of

direct application for the magnesium oil....


> Also some recent other material on bicarbonate I can share is


> http://www.imva.info/news/sodium-bicarbonate-baking-soda-cancer-treatment.html


> and this one on bicarbonate and kidney disease shows how safe or how it is

used to make situations safer by protecting the kidneys....


> http://www.imva.info/news/sodium-bicarbonate-kidney-disease.html



> I do happen to believe that one should read everything one can when employing

something to treat cancer but that said as I hope the above simple paragraph

illustrates, we are dealing with some very simple stuff when we deal with

bicarbonate and magnesium and just as long as you dont try to inject it your

oncologist will only half freak out!


> In a week I will have a bicarbonate site up and that should help.


> By the way for the group as a whole my stand is that bicarbonate should be

employed no matter what else one is doing for treatment and God forbid one is

doing chemo or radiation or surgery it goes double....same with the

magnesium..... for surgery for instance everything goes better if you use

magnesium before, during and after.... you know like having the surgeon wash his

hands before he walks in to cut you...but there are studies showing this....


> Dr. Sircus


> PS Tami you asked for liver/pancreas mets. and that is really really serious

stuff and I don't know if you are a practitioner or what and I am not suggesting

that these people can be cured by bicarbonate but I can say they will be helped

as long as a FULL PROTOCOL IS USED, that they are guided and supervized and dot

every i and t .............. For liver I like the work of Dr. Berkenson who is

the guy licenced by the FDA to do intrevenous ALA and he has had sucess mixing

that with low dose Naldextrone I think its spelled but I am not free or

liecenced to suggest any pharmaceutical since I am not an allopath.




> From: thesprout@...


> Hi Dr. Mark,

> ok..that's fair enough. Would you mind giving me a general guideline as to

how to apply the b.s orally/transdermally in patients with liver/pancreas mets.

Are there any side effects.

> Once again, thanks for your help.

> Tami


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Dr. Sircus,

Where do you get sodium bicarbonate, sodium thiosulfate, and magnesium

chloride? Is it 7 one half teaspoons a day, or one half teaspoon for 7 days?

Do you have your new web site up?

Thanks, Robyn

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