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Re: Re: Cancer Free-Johanne

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Thank you Johanne for your subtle reminder about what this list is all about.

It is not a support group for Oncologists and while we do discuss their

business, and others have named it, The Cancer Industry, the thrust of the list

is dealing with cancer naturally as much as possible.

While some have taken issue with certain terms, such as the use of 'remission',

the term is used throughout the Alternative as well as Conventional arts.

When a cancer 'returns', that is a loose term which should be better explained

as, 'it never left'. Cancer doesn't 'come back', it did not go somewhere

outside the body and then return. The cells never left and the body could

not handle the remaining cells for any number of reasons.

Johanne is correct about working to keep it at bay or, as might say, in

" Sustained Remission " . If the word remission is not the term some might use,

that is fine but it is just a way of understanding that it can rear its ugly

head again. It is Semantics.

Test are useful tools that we use, however, both a CT-Scan and the often

false-result AMAS test missed a very small cancer developing that gave me a

false sense of confidence. Within three months, it revealed itself as a tumor in

my bladder. I have read, and I believe it was something by Ralph Moss, that

cancer cells must double 50 times before being detectible.

Many of the cancer patients I have met have, at some time, told me that their

tests were negative after treatment and some have had recurrences in spite of


Regardless, I welcome any report that doesn't find cancer in my body but at this

juncture in my life, I am well aware that cancer cells still exist and can

multiply at any time. Never let this fact cause excess worry, but rather just

enough concern so that we are watchful.

It is quite a feat to be positive and factual at the same time but this is an

uplifting list, a list that has learned the errors and wiles of the Conventional

system as well as recognizing the many weaknesses in Alternative care as well.

Joe C.

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