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Re: Need help on peripheral neuropathy and Vitamin D3

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One thing that is excellent for nerves is lecithin. Liquid would be best but

granules are okay also.



> My mom has been suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy despite stopping

her chemo for the last 1 month. She has been on Vitamin B complex and now

benfotiamine but she still can't feel the ground well with her feet and needs to

walk around with a walking stick. ANy good suggestions? does acupuncture help?



> Also, thinking of starting my mom on Vitamin D3 since now she doesn't dare to

walk much and she is not going out into the sun that often. Besides the website

vitaminD3 world, any other reliable source of Vitamin D3 that allows

international shipping?


> Thanks everyone for your help....


> HP


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Speaking of D3 anyone know of a good place to get it? I am in Il and coming off

a really cold winter and of course now it is spring with gray rainy days ahead.


> >

> > My mom has been suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy despite stopping

her chemo for the last 1 month. She has been on Vitamin B complex and now

benfotiamine but she still can't feel the ground well with her feet and needs to

walk around with a walking stick. ANy good suggestions? does acupuncture help?


> >

> > Also, thinking of starting my mom on Vitamin D3 since now she doesn't dare

to walk much and she is not going out into the sun that often. Besides the

website vitaminD3 world, any other reliable source of Vitamin D3 that allows

international shipping?

> >

> > Thanks everyone for your help....

> >

> > HP

> >


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Hi HP, I recently read where Cod Liver oil will help with neuropathy. You can

get the capsules online. Just google it. Hope this helps. You might also go to

the site Weston A. Price Foundation. It's online. They have very intersting

reading in that site. Good luck.


In , " chu_hui_ping " <chu_hui_ping@...> wrote:


> My mom has been suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy despite stopping

her chemo for the last 1 month. She has been on Vitamin B complex and now

benfotiamine but she still can't feel the ground well with her feet and needs to

walk around with a walking stick. ANy good suggestions? does acupuncture help?



> Also, thinking of starting my mom on Vitamin D3 since now she doesn't dare to

walk much and she is not going out into the sun that often. Besides the website

vitaminD3 world, any other reliable source of Vitamin D3 that allows

international shipping?


> Thanks everyone for your help....


> HP


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Vitamin Shoppe chain has liquid D3 2, 000 IU per drop. They are near me

and I am in Illinois, also.


cheryl wrote:


> Speaking of D3 anyone know of a good place to get it? I am in Il and

> coming off a really cold winter and of course now it is spring with

> gray rainy days ahead.


> Cheri



> > >

> > > My mom has been suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy

> despite stopping her chemo for the last 1 month. She has been on

> Vitamin B complex and now benfotiamine but she still can't feel the

> ground well with her feet and needs to walk around with a walking

> stick. ANy good suggestions? does acupuncture help? desperate...

> > >

> > > Also, thinking of starting my mom on Vitamin D3 since now she

> doesn't dare to walk much and she is not going out into the sun that

> often. Besides the website vitaminD3 world, any other reliable source

> of Vitamin D3 that allows international shipping?

> > >

> > > Thanks everyone for your help....

> > >

> > > HP

> > >

> >



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> > > >

> > > > My mom has been suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy

> > despite stopping her chemo for the last 1 month. She has been on

> > Vitamin B complex and now benfotiamine but she still can't feel the

> > ground well with her feet and needs to walk around with a walking

> > stick. ANy good suggestions? does acupuncture help? desperate...

> > > >

> > > > Also, thinking of starting my mom on Vitamin D3 since now she

> > doesn't dare to walk much and she is not going out into the sun that

> > often. Besides the website vitaminD3 world, any other reliable source

> > of Vitamin D3 that allows international shipping?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks everyone for your help....

> > > >

> > > > HP

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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or Vitamin Shoppe also sells Carlson's D3 softgels. 2000 per softgel,120 soft

gelcaps. Gelcaps are more absorbable than powder capsules according to Dr.

(heartscanblog). Boosting Vit D levels up to 70 or 80 is ideal.


Mike Golden <goldenmike@...> wrote:

> Vitamin Shoppe chain has liquid D3 2, 000 IU per drop. They are near me and I

am in Illinois, also.

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The following is from the Beck-n-stuff group, I hope it is permissible to

post here?

" My apologies to those reading in digest form. Unfortunately I could not send a

link to this as it is at a members only site, so you would not be able to get





Contributing Editor: Nutrition & Healing, 10/1/2003 Newsletter

April 2004 Newsletter

Breakthrough magnet therapy speeds up your body's healing power

By V. , M.D.

Usually, I use this space to tell you about various vitamins, minerals,

and herbs that can help you achieve optimal health. But some of the most

impressive healing results I've come across lately didn't have much to

do with supplements. They came from a machine called a Magnetic

Molecular Energizer, or MME.

By now, everyone knows about MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans. MRI

is such an advance in health care that the inventors recently won a

Nobel Prize for it. With a few exceptions, though, there have been very

few treatment applications for electromagnetism.

But, thanks to the MME, that's starting to change dramatically. Case

studies show that stroke, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy,

congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),

diabetic neuropathy, and chronic non-healing injuries and other trauma

can all be significantly improved with this breakthrough therapy.

Magnets' long healing history goes " high-tech "

The MME operates somewhat like an MRI as they both use strong DC

electromagnetic fields. However, an MRI receives resonating electro-

magnetic fields generated from the body due to a radio frequency input.

This signal then creates an image. The MME applies DC electromagnetic

fields to the body to treat various conditions. So an MRI is a

" receiver, " while an MME is a " transmitter. "

The MME device is made up of two strong electromagnets, which apply a

direct-current magnetic field to the body. Unlike MRI, MME treatments

aren't done in a " tunnel. " Instead, you lie on an open bed, which moves

you into the correct position between the two magnets and magnetic fields.

These electromagnetic fields interact with the electrons in atoms in

cells in the area of focus on your body. Some of the electrons on these

atoms start moving faster, which leads to enhanced electron transfer.

Electron transfer is the basic action in all chemical reactions of the body.

So the magnetic field causes all your body's normal processes to become

heightened. Oxygen gets carried throughout the body faster and more

efficiently. Nutrients from your food and supplements get assimilated

more quickly and effectively. Waste gets removed from your cells and

organs sooner than it would otherwise. And, perhaps most importantly,

tissues get regenerated more rapidly, which means that healing time for

all sorts of injuries-from brain and nerve damage to broken bones -is

dramatically reduced. And, with MME, tissues that have remained damaged

and unhealing for years, even decades, can be induced to heal. This

allows the patient to recover significant-sometimes even complete-function.

This sounds very technical and involved, and on a molecular level, it

is. But magnet therapy has actually been around for quite a long time,

well before technological advancements like MRI and MME machines. In

fact, ancient Egyptians and Greeks used magnets for healing.

But like any other alternative therapy, magnets have met with their

share of skepticism and criticism. And the magnet hype that came about

several years ago-coupled with the deluge of substandard magnetic

products boasting wild claims-certainly didn't do much to help this

therapy's reputation. But the fact is, magnets do work in many cases.

Different magnets, different results

True, MRI and MME are very different from the magnets you've seen

advertised on TV or in magazines. Those types of magnets are called

permanent, or static, magnets and expose the body to both poles of a

magnetic field. The primary difference is that static magnets don't use

electric currents to direct and " power " their magnetic fields. So the

results are much weaker than what you get from the MME, and static

magnets wouldn't have the power to treat some of the serious conditions

the MME can treat.

But, as much as the skeptics and naysayers downplay static magnet

therapy, I think it's safe to say that if it didn't work at all, we

probably wouldn't have advancements like the MRI and MME, which do have

proven clinical applications.

Don't get me wrong: I'm skeptical about machines and devices promising

amazing results. I've observed that nature provides us with most of the

healing tools we'll ever need. And I've seen-in countless people-the

positive impact vitamins, minerals and other natural substances can

have. But don't forget that as technologically advanced as the MME is,

magnetism-and the magnetic fields around your cells-is natural. And as

another natural option for helping your body heal itself without patent

medications or surgery, the MME is worth a closer look.

MME's inventor, Dr. Dean Bonlie and his colleagues at MME centers in

North America are conducting clinical trials under the supervision of an

Institutional Review Board as required by the FDA for " approval. " These

clinical trials on the MME aren't yet complete, but Dr. Bonlie and the

other investigators have a wealth of personal experiences from their

patients that they shared with me. The case studies ran the gamut, but

I'll just share some of them here, starting with the MME's effects on

nerve damage and neurological disorders.1

Patients recover from brain and nerve damage without intensive physical


Many times, recovering from brain injuries or repairing nerve damage

brought on by disease takes months or even years of arduous physical

therapy. The long hours and intense exertion can be just as emotionally

draining for the patient as it is physically. And all that hard work

often results in minimal changes to their condition.

That's what made the case histories the doctors shared with me

particularly interesting: Their patients have been able to recover

significant nerve function with absolutely no exertion using MME therapy.

One such patient had suffered multiple strokes during open heart

surgery: His medical records indicated that he'd been without blood flow

to areas of his brain for at least 13 minutes. Before he received MME

treatment, he had undergone all the conventional treatments available,

which helped bring back his kidney function and motor function. But he

still couldn't see, had lost most of his memory and reasoning capacity,

and, according to his family, he had considerable personality changes.

This patient received MME treatment for three weeks, 11 hours a day. It

does sound like quite an intense treatment protocol and time commitment,

but some severe cases require longer sessions than others. Minor

conditions might only require a few hours of MME treatment-protocols are

based on the patient's individual needs. And keep in mind that MME is

non-taxing for the patient, so even long treatment periods aren't nearly

as exhausting as most physical therapy sessions. Patients are free to

take personal breaks as needed.

After three weeks of treatment, this patient's memory, reasoning

capability, and personality had all returned to normal, according to

both him and his family. Unfortunately, his vision didn't return, but

with the other progress he'd made, he was able to function independently

enough to enroll in a school for the blind.

Researchers think that these effects might be due to the changes that

magnetic fields can cause in nerve cells. In one study published in

1999, human nerve cells exposed to magnetic fields demonstrated changes

in their shape and growth. They formed organized patterns, and grew

branches (dendrites) with specialized communication structures within 20


This ability to help spark nerve branch growth might explain another of

the case histories-this one of a young man who had nearly all of his

spinal cord surgically removed to eliminate a tumor. Consequently, he

was paralyzed and had no feeling from the chest down except for one spot

of his right big toe.

After five days of 10- to 15-hour MME sessions, he began to regain

sensation in both of his legs, and continued to improve for the

remainder of the treatment. By the end of his treatment, he was no

longer paralyzed and could walk behind his wheelchair, leaning on it for


Four months later, he had lost some of his improvement, so he took

another 120 hours of treatment, and regained the sensory and motor

improvement that he had achieved immediately after the first series of

treatments. This is unusual, though: In most cases, the results from MME

treatment are permanent. But one year after his second round of

treatment, this patient has maintained his improvement.

MME also works on diseases of the nervous system, such as cerebral

palsy. There are few sadder sights than children with cerebral palsy.

Their frequent uncontrollable motions and difficulty relating to others

are usually lifelong. But the MME is helping some of these children beat

those odds. In one case, a 4-year-old boy with frequent arm and leg

spasms, double vision, and difficulty speaking was brought in by his

parents for MME treatment. After 60 hours, his double vision improved

dramatically. After 130 hours, he could sit upright by himself, and use

a styrofoam cup without routinely crushing it in his hand.

The doctors tell me that, so far, every patient with cerebral palsy has

improved significantly.

Back pain wiped away

Granted, the nerve problems in those case studies are somewhat

out-of-the-ordinary. But the MME also appears to help nerve damage-and

pain-brought on by more common causes as well.

Dr. Bonlie showed me before-and-after MRI scans of one individual whose

herniated disc could clearly be seen almost entirely " closing off " the

entire adjacent spinal canal. This patient had been in continual pain,

and was unable to work. After MME treatment, the follow-up MRI showed

the badly herniated disc barely protruding into the spinal canal at all.

The patient became entirely symptom free, and resumed normal activity.

With back pain being one of the most common complaints in this country,

and with so few truly effective, non-surgical ways to treat it, MME

opens up a whole new avenue of relief for the millions of people looking

for it.

Heal nagging, persistent injuries in 1/3 the time

The doctors have also had great success with common injuries like

sprains and bone fractures. Of course, bones do still heal in a cast,

and sprains do still heal if you stay off the injured body part. In most

cases, the " old way " is probably still the most cost efficient for the

majority of people. But knowing that MME can heal acute injuries like

these in about 1/3 the expected time is a good testament to its power

and potential.

But sometimes injuries and trauma " just won't heal " no matter how long

you wait. MME can often induce complete recovery. Here are a couple of

examples the doctors gave me:

• An internationally ranked professional tennis player who had been

struggling with tennis elbow for months fully recovered after just 5 1/2

hours of MME treatment. She then went out to win the Australian Open.

• A professional football player in the NFL had a chronic recurrent

elbow injury that wasn't alleviated even after two arthroscopic

surgeries. The injury restricted his elbow motion, and he had to wear a

brace during games. After 16 hours of MME treatment, he reported that

his elbow felt " almost normal. " After one more 8-hour session, his elbow

was completely normal, pain-free, and he had complete restor- ation of

motion. He played the final six games of the football season with no

splint, and- more importantly-with no pain.

MME's " big three "

Most of the work with MME is focused on neurologic, orthopedic, and

cardiovascular problems. It sounds like a small list, but the array of

conditions it encompasses is staggering. The doctors I spoke with have

used MME to successfully treat:

• Parkinson's disease. The disease's characteristic jerking movement,

fatigue, and " freeze ups " are all reduced with MME therapy.

• Congestive heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease (COPD). MME therapy has helped CHF and COPD patients clear their

lungs of fluid and eliminate their need for oxygen.

• Liver fibrosis. In addition to returning liver function tests to the

normal range, MME can also alleviate the debilitating fatigue brought on

by this condition.

• Diabetic neuropathy. Dr. Bonlie reports that every patient he's

treated for diabetic neuropathy with MME has recovered completely.

A summary prepared several years ago by four MME centers states: " Of an

initial 114 patients receiving MME treatment, 75 [65.8%] showed

significant improve- ment. The most promising results were in cerebral

palsy, where seven of seven patients improved. A 40 year old patient,

quadriplegic since birth, became ambulatory after 200 hours of

treatment...Patients with Parkinson's disease, CNS injury, stroke, and

MS also benefited. "

Since that time, physicians at MME centers have also observed

improvement in many other previously untreatable or chronic problems,

including seizure disorders, Alzheimer's disease, concussions, autism,

and Bell's palsy

Finding MME treatment near you

When Dr. Bonlie completes the FDA " approval " process, there will

undoubtedly be more MME centers cropping up across the country. And

insurance companies may start picking up some of the costs involved.

Right now, since it's still considered " experimental, " most insurance

plans won't cover MME treatments.

But even though it's not " appr-oved " or covered by insurance yet, you

can still get MME treatments at several clinics affiliated with Dr.

Bonlie's Advanced Magnetic Research Institute (AMRI). In fact, I was so

impressed by all the case reports that my wife, Holly (who's also a

nurse), and I are having MME systems installed right next to Tahoma

Clinic, where we'll combine it with our time-tested natural therapies

for even better results.

There are also five other MME centers in the United States and Canada:

• AMRI-Calgary:

5421 11th Street NE, #109

Calgary, Alberta T2E 6M4



Dr. Dean Bonlie, inventor and principal investigator

• AMRI-Laguna Niguel:

27652-B Camino Capistrano

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677


Dr. Stokesbary

• AMRI-Pennsylvania:

195 Stock Street #211

Hanover, PA 17331

(717)632-0300; www.amripa.com

Dr. Trent Nichols, Jr.

• AMRI-Michigan:

43393 Schoenherr Road

Sterling Heights, MI 48313



Drs. Mike Opipari, Diane Culik, Halat, A. Rook, and

T. Rook

• AMRI-North Carolina:

217 Dayspring Way

Mocksville, NC 27028

(336) 492-2800


Dr. Larry Pearce

MME treatments are generally billed on an hourly basis, and usually run

about $50 per hour. It can add up. But keep in mind that, as expensive

as it can be, MME's healing effects on otherwise " incurable " problems

can also be well worth the price tag.

And don't forget that, as you've read in these pages numerous times,

there are also effective vitamin and nutrient solutions for some of the

conditions MME can treat. Plus, some of the MME centers also recommend a

comprehensive supplement program in addition to MME treatments, to

enhance the healing effects. So you may want to start with the

nutritional approach first and decide whether to try MME based on your

results with that.

I'll keep you posted on the results we achieve at the Washington MME

center. Until then, if you're interested in learning more about MME and

how it might be able to help you, contact the Tahoma Clinic (see

" Resources " on page 8), or any of the other clinics listed on page 4. JVW

Citations available upon request and on the Nutrition & Healing website:


" chu_hui_ping " wrote:

> My mom has been suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy despite stopping

her chemo for the last 1 month.


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I use vit d3 transdermal from sb3.com

Mike Golden wrote:

>Vitamin Shoppe chain has liquid D3 2, 000 IU per drop. They are near me and I

am in Illinois, also.



> cheryl wrote:

> >Speaking of D3 anyone know of a good place to get it?

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