Guest guest Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 " It has been estimated " is not a good research statement. Who estimated? When? How? Why? Where? I was told that my 5 year chances after removal of a stage III C colon tumor was about 40%. I was told that 5FU and leucovorin would raise that to 60%, and that the addition of oxaliplatin would raise it to 75%. So I opted for chemo because the doctors told me it would give me a 35% better chance at 5 year survival... (More below) > Statistically, it has been estimated that the five year success rate > from chemo is only about 3% (meaning only about 3% more patients who > opted for chemo survived at least five years than did those who opted > to not undergo chemo). I was also told that if the cancer did not re-occur after 5 years, that I was basically cured, and that it would never come back. Now, was I flat out lied to? First, the chemo did NOT get rid of my cancer -- it made cancer appear all over where no cancer had existed before. Second, the chemo almost killed me itself. Damned close. Third, the chemo did do permanent damage to me, and even if the cancer was completely gone, I would have remained significantly impaired. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Jim - I am about to head out for the weekend (or part of it anyway) and do not have the time to look up the exact sources, but you have surely seen them before over in the other forum. One is Dr. Ralph Moss (who gave a figure of 3%) and another was the Australian study which gave a figure closer to only 2%. As to the question of whether you were lied to or not - of course you were lied to. Lies, big money, corruption and insurance are what keeps the almost $400 Billion mainstream cancer industry from collapsing. Have a good weekend, my friend! Tony > > " It has been estimated " is not a good research statement. Who estimated? When? How? Why? Where? > > I was told that my 5 year chances after removal of a stage III C colon tumor was about 40%. I was told that 5FU and leucovorin would raise that to 60%, and that the addition of oxaliplatin would raise it to 75%. > > So I opted for chemo because the doctors told me it would give me a 35% better chance at 5 year survival... (More below) > > > Statistically, it has been estimated that the five year success rate > > from chemo is only about 3% (meaning only about 3% more patients who > > opted for chemo survived at least five years than did those who opted > > to not undergo chemo). > > I was also told that if the cancer did not re-occur after 5 years, that I was basically cured, and that it would never come back. > > Now, was I flat out lied to? First, the chemo did NOT get rid of my cancer -- it made cancer appear all over where no cancer had existed before. Second, the chemo almost killed me itself. Damned close. Third, the chemo did do permanent damage to me, and even if the cancer was completely gone, I would have remained significantly impaired. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Chemo success rate : German News Magazine " Der Spiegel " - 04.10.2004 (Der Spiegel is the equivalent in Germany to Times Magazine) TOXIC TREATMENT WITHOUT EFFECT Severely ill patients suffering from cancer (lung, breast, prostate, or intestinal tumors) are being treated with increasingly complex and costly cytotoxic agents. An epidemiologist has recently analyzed survival rates, and his findings indicate that, despite alleged positive outcomes, patients do not live any longer. [Please click on this link to read the rest of the article.] ========================================================== Also see : Can You Trust Chemotherapy to Cure Your Cancer? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Jim, I was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2000, stage 3, as you know. I was told that with chemo I had a 30% chance of no recurrence. (Note they said " recurrence " but I HEARD " cure " ). To a cancer patient just about any good percentage makes them feel better and it was the same with me until I really began to think about it. When turning around the onco's words it meant that I had a 70% change of recurrence with chemo! What most oncologists mean in their terminology is not what patients actually " hear " , and the docs know this. In many circles this would amount to very questionable marketing tactics. I also had a month (4 treatments) of 5FU, Leucovorin and Camptosar (irinotecan) in what I was told was a " double-whammy cocktail " . Took one month of the cocktail and ended up in the hospital with SEVERE dehydration and every side-effect imaginable! Stopped because there was no way that I could do six months of " preventative " chemo. Yes, that's what they called it " preventative " . Something " preventative " that actually makes one that sick. Why do we believe things like this? " It is estimated is " not meant to be an official research statement because no one in the US will research conventional cancer treatment without a bias or in a way that most people would understand. Who should research it? The FDA, the pharmaceutical companies, the oncologists? Could we even trust any such research? Not likely. Even if one could find someone who was unbiased, who would pay for it? It's just too much of a " cash cow " for many, many companies and corporations. Here in Houston, on several recent Saturday & Sunday afternoons, MD has aired programs marketing their success in the " fight " against cancer. I think there is or will be a series of six programs. The son of a well-known local newscaster, who was treated by MD and died of cancer last year, is the emcee. I can remember (it hasn't been too long ago) when one with cancer either had to " know someone " at MD or their doctor had to know a doctor affiliated with MD in order to actually get in for treatment. Now, as with pharmaceutical drugs being marketed every five minutes on evening TV, MD uses a lot of money to market their wares. Why do they need to do this? Are they losing money? The program can be viewed at There was actually a study done in Australia that showed much of the same statistics that the journal, Clinical Oncology, showed in 2004. l Yes, in my opinion, you were lied to. There is always a chance of cancer coming back. The 5-year mark is just that " a mark " yet it is made to look like the " end all " in cancer treatment. I have seen people who have had a recurrence at 5 years and 1 month. Yet, MD would say there were successfully treated. We have to make this all about chancing the lifestyle that allowed cancer to happen and then always stay in " prevention mode. " It's about living healthy and realizing that most lifestyles promoted today are NOT healthy. No one is safe from cancer and statistics predict that 1 in 2 or 3 (depending on who you read) will get a cancer diagnosis at some time during their lifetime. However, staying in prevention mode through healthy lifestyle, emotions and environment is likely the best defense we have right now. Be Well Loretta -----Original Message----- " It has been estimated " is not a good research statement. Who estimated? When? How? Why? Where? I was told that my 5 year chances after removal of a stage III C colon tumor was about 40%. I was told that 5FU and leucovorin would raise that to 60%, and that the addition of oxaliplatin would raise it to 75%. So I opted for chemo because the doctors told me it would give me a 35% better chance at 5 year survival... (More below) > Statistically, it has been estimated that the five year success rate > from chemo is only about 3% (meaning only about 3% more patients who > opted for chemo survived at least five years than did those who opted > to not undergo chemo). I was also told that if the cancer did not re-occur after 5 years, that I was basically cured, and that it would never come back. Now, was I flat out lied to? First, the chemo did NOT get rid of my cancer -- it made cancer appear all over where no cancer had existed before. Second, the chemo almost killed me itself. Damned close. Third, the chemo did do permanent damage to me, and even if the cancer was completely gone, I would have remained significantly impaired. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 How can I find a link to read this acutal paper? ~Amber -------Original Message------- As reported at the 27th Annual San Breast Cancer <,92,637> Symposium, Dec 2004, (abstract 6014), German investigators from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, have shown that taxol (the " gold standard of chemo " ) causes a massive release of cells into circulation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Tony: In 1994, I was given six months to live after a large tumor had destroyed my sterum. Basically, the tumor was holding my chest wall together. I was put on Adriamycin, 5FU and maybe something else, which I don't remember. My tumor actually grew 30% on this stuff. My best friend and cancer buddy Ronda was diagnosed near the same time with Stage II breast cancer and put on Adriamycin by my oncologist, who I had referred her to. She died of the chemotherapy with the side effects causing CHF---congestive heart failure. Now, the same oncologist switched me to Taxol to see if we could get some results from this. Previously, I had been very careful not to mix natural herbs with the chemo, so I didn't interfere with the chemo. When the tumor grew 30% and then I began taking the Taxol, I took a ton of natural herbs, cleanses (i.e. Dr. Hulda , etc.). Within six weeks the tumor was completely gone. That tumor had even began to grow around the heart. I followed up the Taxol treatment with a stem cell transplant and radiation. Now it is fifteen years later. So, what to make of this? Cancer is a crap shoot. When you make blanket statements that Chemo Does Not Cure, you are missing the mark on some of us who have actually been helped by Chemo. The strident voices on both sides of the fence---whether it is alternative or mainstream--should open their eyes to the fact that cancer is a complex disease and sometimes no one really knows what works to put folks in remission. No one is going to be cured of cancer, because eventually all of us will die one day of something. I am grateful for the fifteen years that Taxol (and the herbs) have given me. dquixote1217 wrote: HTML clipboard Chemo Does Not Cure - Often It Inflicts Damage and Spreads Cancer by Tony Isaacs For years now, many of us who advocate natural health and natural approaches to beating cancer have warned against the dangers and the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy. The following report illustrates how chemo actually spreads cancer cells, as well as points out how little we are being told about the dangers of chemo: As reported at the 27th Annual San Breast Cancer <http://www.curezone .com/c/?http: //curezone. com/faq/c. asp?a=4,92, 637> Symposium, Dec 2004, (abstract 6014), German investigators from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, have shown that taxol (the " gold standard of chemo " ) causes a massive release of cells into circulation. Such a release of cancer cells would result in extensive metastasis months or even years later, long after the chemo would be suspected as the cause of the spread of the cancer. This little know horror of conventional cancer treatment needs to be spread far and wide, but it is not even listed in the side effects of taxol. As has oft been stated, chemo does not cure cancer - it merely attempts to eliminate the tumors and cancer cells that are symptoms of the underlying causes of cancer, and does so with little success and great risks. In some instances it may appear to eliminate tumors and cancer cell masses, though most often it merely destroys some of the cancer cells. In the process, it often inflicts a very high price. Besides spreading cancer cells, chemo inflicts serious and perhaps irreversible damage to the immune system, the body's natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness - thus paving the way for the remaining cancer cells or future cancers to overwhelm a body that is even less able to beat the cancer that got past the immune system in the first place. Chemo also frequently results in serious and even fatal damage to major organs are also damaged, particularly the liver - which as cancer pioneer Max Gerson observed is always impaired to begin in those who get cancer. The heart is also frequently seriously damaged. The end result is that chemo kills more patients than it " cures " ..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 18, 2009 Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 It is very well established that the so-called 'cure rate' using Chemo is very small. With all that is admitted as having happened to people as the direct result of chemotherapy, how can credit be given to any of its use? If just a few people are helped, and that is always questionable, but more are harmed, how can one justify its use? In fact, the 'establishment' is admitting that there are " spontaneous remissions " that they cannot account for, remissions that take place without any treatment. Additionally we find strong evidence that often, people survive longer with no treatment compared to Chemotherapy. This is an Alternative List and by and large the list members have rightfully come to the conclusion that Chemotherapy does not work and worse, inflicts great damage. For all that one knows, neither the herbs nor the Taxol were a benefit. How would one know? How do list members come to the conclusion above? First hand experience and the admissions by more sincere physicians and researchers that report a good measure of truth and input from some of our knowledgeable list members. Each time I see the drug 5fu mentioned I remember Ralph Moss, in one of his books saying, " I heard two Oncologists joking about 5fu as being " Five Feet Under " . We all know the saying, " The treatment was a success but the patient died " and I actually heard that, with my own ears, while in a Military Hospital more than 50 years ago. While I have urged members to be non-argumentative, the thrust of this list is not to 'bless' chemotherapy but to further Alternative methods. There are lists out there that one can find all of the information they want regarding what most of us believe is damaging and failed treatments..........chemotherapy and radiation. The War On Cancer, as constantly thrown at us, is a failure. Can you imagine the success rate if but a fraction of the billions of dollars wasted on these horrors were directed towards Alternative measures? No, instead they spend millions on the oppression of those working in the Alternative field and it works because even members of this list, for example, have quoted QuackWatch as their source of information. Conventional Medicine may be the nations biggest criminal enterprise closely matching our Banking system. JC Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 19, 2009 Report Share Posted April 19, 2009 First of all, let me congratulate you on beating cancer. That is just wonderful! I just love it when someone beats that damned disease. And I hate it when they don't, because in most instances they would have been able to if only they had taken advantage of the best nature has to offer. Given what I posted about Taxol spreading cancer cells and leading to further cancer down the road, I would advise that it is imperative for you to continue with a healthy anti-cancer lifestyle to help insure against it's return. Personally, knowing what I do, I would take small amounts of oleander (either extract or capsule) every two or three days as a preventive. People who do that, even those who have had cancer they have eliminated, virtually never get cancer again. When it comes to Taxol, it has had some successes in eliminating the cancer symptoms (tumors) though most often it just reduces them. Even in the successes, just the same as in all chemo drugs, it does not address the underlying causes of the cancer and thus does not really cure cancer. Those who survive long term do so by developing a strong natural immune system, living a health lifestyle, and/or avoiding the toxins and other causes that led to the cancer to begin with. I note that you " took a ton of natural herbs, cleanses - and there is a good chance that doing so not only helped the chemo eliminate the tumor but also prevented some chemo damage and helped keep cancer at bay thus far. Cancer is a crap shoot alright - though it is mostly crap when it comes to mainstream treatment. I firmly believe that as much as 75% of all cancer could be avoided in the first place with a health diet and lifestyle and making sure that you get all the proper nutrients you need in optimum amounts (iodine, vitamin D3, selenium, major and trace minerals, etc.). When combined with preventive amounts of key cancer fighters, such as oleander or perhaps laetrile, over 90% would likely be prevented. Even for those who do get cancer, a nature first approach such as the one I suggest is over 90% successful in beating cancer and keeping it at bay. Even when the body and immune system have been ravaged by chemo and/or radiation, one can still beat cancer the large majority of the time - depending mostly on the stage and aggressiveness of the cancer combined with the overall physical shape of the individual and how much damage was caused by the mainstream treatment methods. Beating cancer, just like avoiding cancer, is often a matter of how dedicated and thorough one is. A lot of that is diet and lifestyle and a lot of it is a positive and determined attitude. All the best, Tony Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 19, 2009 Report Share Posted April 19, 2009 Tony, My cancer fight is more complicated now because of having a stroke. I am compiling a list of herbs and supplements that I am sending to both my primary doctor and my oncologist. They are both great doctors and open-minded about alternatives, especially my oncologist as he is a Doctor of Osteopathy. He even gave me the Anti-Cancer Diet book to read several months back. He also gave me books on how to meditate. Now, here are some links for others who might have to weigh blood-thinning herbs/foods/supplements (i.e. turmeric, IP6, etc.) with blood-clotting herbs/foods/supplements (i.e. dark leafy vegetables that contain high levels of Vitamin K). I am hoping that since I eat a lot of Vitamin K foods/blood clotters, I can offset it with the blood-thinners. My doctor has taken me off of the daily baby aspirin because it was interferring with a seratonin-uptake medication I need to be on. I was getting unexplained brusing on my legs, even thought my platelet count came back normal. I noticed that on your website you caution those on Coumadin or other blood-thinners not to take Oleander. I am going to include this supplement on the list of herbs/supplements/foods so that my doctors are aware of what I am on and potentially want to take. Fortunately, I am not currently on any blood-thinners and perhaps I am over-worried about things. On the other hand, my days of experimentation on my body are over. I am running everything thru my docs first so that they can keep tabs on my blood levels. It took forever to get my potassium back up to normal levels after my Cesium Chloride protocol. I am excited about the Oleander. I think if I was to take a potential blood-thinner, that Oleander seems to be the most promising. I would take it before Turmeric, which is another blood-thinner. I have to be careful not to take too many blood-thinners I think. I am still trying to figure all of this out. Thanks, From: dquixote1217 <dquixote1217@...> Subject: [ ] Re: Chemo Does Not Cure - Often It Inflicts Damage and Spreads Cancer Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 2:19 PM First of all, let me congratulate you on beating cancer. That is just wonderful! I just love it when someone beats that damned disease. And I hate it when they don't, because in most instances they would have been able to if only they had taken advantage of the best nature has to offer. Given what I posted about Taxol spreading cancer cells and leading to further cancer down the road, I would advise that it is imperative for you to continue with a healthy anti-cancer lifestyle to help insure against it's return. Personally, knowing what I do, I would take small amounts of oleander (either extract or capsule) every two or three days as a preventive. People who do that, even those who have had cancer they have eliminated, virtually never get cancer again. When it comes to Taxol, it has had some successes in eliminating the cancer symptoms (tumors) though most often it just reduces them. Even in the successes, just the same as in all chemo drugs, it does not address the underlying causes of the cancer and thus does not really cure cancer. Those who survive long term do so by developing a strong natural immune system, living a health lifestyle, and/or avoiding the toxins and other causes that led to the cancer to begin with. I note that you " took a ton of natural herbs, cleanses - and there is a good chance that doing so not only helped the chemo eliminate the tumor but also prevented some chemo damage and helped keep cancer at bay thus far. Cancer is a crap shoot alright - though it is mostly crap when it comes to mainstream treatment. I firmly believe that as much as 75% of all cancer could be avoided in the first place with a health diet and lifestyle and making sure that you get all the proper nutrients you need in optimum amounts (iodine, vitamin D3, selenium, major and trace minerals, etc.). When combined with preventive amounts of key cancer fighters, such as oleander or perhaps laetrile, over 90% would likely be prevented. Even for those who do get cancer, a nature first approach such as the one I suggest is over 90% successful in beating cancer and keeping it at bay. Even when the body and immune system have been ravaged by chemo and/or radiation, one can still beat cancer the large majority of the time - depending mostly on the stage and aggressiveness of the cancer combined with the overall physical shape of the individual and how much damage was caused by the mainstream treatment methods. Beating cancer, just like avoiding cancer, is often a matter of how dedicated and thorough one is. A lot of that is diet and lifestyle and a lot of it is a positive and determined attitude. All the best, Tony Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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