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Re: Heavy Metal Chelation Pesto Sauce

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I have amalgams so I cant chelate. I was wondering about the ions effect on

it....but thanks you for the recipe- Im sure it is effective - Cilantro is

very effective....i also have methylation cycle block chelation is too much

right now....:o(

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph wrote:


> For heavy metals I use a portable tent type FIR sauna at 30 to 45 min. 3 x

> week along with a Coriander (cilantro pesto recipe).


> Chelation Pesto


> 4 cloves garlic (organic germanium

> 1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)

> 1/3 cup Sunflower seeds (cystein)

> 1/3 Pumpkin seed (zinc, silica, magnesium)

> 2 cups packed fresh Coriander (cilantro, or called Chinese parsley)

> (vitamin A, flavonoids)

> 1 cup packed fresh basil (vitamin A, flavonoids)

> 2/3 cup flaxseed oil (EFA essential fatty acids)

> 4 Tbsp lemon juice (vitamin C)

> 2 tsp dulse powder (organic iodine and minerals)

> 200 mg. Alpha Lipoic Acid (heavy metal chelator)

> Sea salt to taste


> Process the celantro, basil, and flaxseed oil in a blender until smooth.

> Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and blend into a

> smooth paste. Add the lipoic acid, salt mix again. Store in dark glass

> jars. It freezes well.


> Spread on a whole grain cracker or bread.


> 2 tsp per day will chelate heavy metals out of the body.


> Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph


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You could potentially kill a mercury poisoned person with this protocol! The

only way to chelate mercury is to remove the source of exposure and to chelate

with ALA and DMSA by their halvlife in minimum three consecutive days.

Coriander has som merritt, but its mechanism of action are unknown, and it has

caused considerably complications in some mercury poisoned individuals.

The sulfur(cystein) approach have no effect or it just stirs up mercury and

cause redistribution.

Most FIR saunas does distribute the infrared radiation in a very uneven pattern

over the bodie, and that causes redistribution, so one should use regular sauna

for mercury detoxification.

But if one has the genetics which enables the body to easily get rid og mercury,

then your approach could be an option, but then one is not likely to be mercury

posisoned either.



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I think it's hard to know for sure. My dr. would say the same as you - but

there are so many testimonials of damage done even with chlorella. cliantro

with amalgams still in tact and so it scares me....ALA is supposed to be the

srongest of the chelators for mercury - but then I read in pubmed where once

mercury goes to the brain there is NOTHING that will get it out - ala, dmsa

were not effective...

I am glad to see that you have success with it - I need that hope right now

- Im very mercury toxic.

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph <ebjwiz@...> wrote:

> To Dragseth, I think you might want to refrain from using the protocol as

> for anyone else it works great.


> Unless you have been involved in an industrial accident with mercury or

> another heavy metal you will be more than fine. You will feel great!

> Remember the pesto is part of an entire program.


> When you exposure is from your silver amalgams and you have had them

> removed do not worry about the detox when you are using the FIR sauna. The

> saunas are by far one of the best methods of detoxing and I respectfully

> disagree with Dragseth. I have used this protocol for years, even before

> the Alpha Lipoic Acid was available to add to the pesto without any mishap.


> Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

PerK wrote:


> You could potentially kill a mercury poisoned person with this protocol!

> The only way to chelate mercury is to remove the source of exposure and to

> chelate with ALA and DMSA by their halvlife in minimum three consecutive

> days.

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I am dealing with this on a daily

basis, and have researched mercury chelation for many years. Your suggestiones

are purly based on marketing hype, and there are no sound theories that could

explain any of it. Yes, your approach could work for some people, but

this is people with a normal ability to clear mercury, who anyway seldom get


toxic. Often mercury toxicity gets mixed up with parasittes, candida, etc, etc.

And this could possibly explain your observationes of " mercury toxic "

people getting well on your protocol.

Your use of ALAcould in its self falsify your beliefs. Because a single dosage

of 200 mg ALAwould give a mercury toxic person loads of side effects. More


observationes and the use of scientific litterature would have convinced you to

use Alaby its halflife in a frequent low dose protocol.

If your observationes were accurate

you should also have noticed a “sulfur sensitivity†in 30-50% of the mercury

toxic people you have consulted. Supplementing with cystein will in these


cause major redistribution symptoms; if you have a high thiol pool (“sulfur

sensitivityâ€), then any source of thiol/cysteine elevation causes the mercury

to bounce around.

Many people have gotten horrible ill

by using suggestions like yours, and there are also belived to be cronicly

mercury poisoned people who have died using a protocol like yours. So beware.


From: Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph <ebjwiz@...>

Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 5:42:31 PM

Subject: [ ] Heavy Metal Chelation Pesto Sauce

To Dragseth, I think you might want to refrain from using the protocol as for

anyone else it works great.

Unless you have been involved in an industrial accident with mercury or another

heavy metal you will be more than fine. You will feel great! Remember the

pesto is part of an entire program.

When you exposure is from your silver amalgams and you have had them removed do

not worry about the detox when you are using the FIR sauna. The saunas are by

far one of the best methods of detoxing and I respectfully disagree with

Dragseth. I have used this protocol for years, even before the Alpha Lipoic

Acid was available to add to the pesto without any mishap.

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

You could potentially kill a mercury poisoned person with this protocol! The

only way to chelate mercury is to remove the source of exposure and to chelate

with ALA and DMSA by their halvlife in minimum three consecutive days.

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ALA will do the job, but you have to use it in a frequent low dose protocol.

And you should never chelate with the amalgams stil inn your mouth, it could be


You need more than hope! What you need are a protocol that will do the job, and

not someone experimenting with your life. Seek up the frequent low dose

chelation group on , and you will get the support that you need.


From: Meredith W. <meredithbw@...>

Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 7:17:40 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Heavy Metal Chelation Pesto Sauce

I think it's hard to know for sure. My dr. would say the same as you - but

there are so many testimonials of damage done even with chlorella. cliantro

with amalgams still in tact and so it scares me....ALA is supposed to be the

srongest of the chelators for mercury - but then I read in pubmed where once

mercury goes to the brain there is NOTHING that will get it out - ala, dmsa

were not effective...

I am glad to see that you have success with it - I need that hope right now

- Im very mercury toxic.

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If you are not able to sweat you would get serious complications using this

protocol, and 5 hours in the sauna, will if mercury toxic, blow your adrenals

big time.


From: Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph <ebjwiz@...>

I think that anyone dealing with heavy metal detox must, and I mean must use FIR

sauna daily and sometimes twice daily. The Hubbard method of detoxing uses 4 to

5 hours in a sauna per day with high amounts of pure niacin. This method has

been successful for many years. Now with the new portable tent FIR saunas it

makes it much easier and less time in the sauna.

Hope this helps.

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

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I can handle about 45 minutes in a Dry Sauna - I much better after that -

who could spend 5 hrs a day...isnt that dangeorus even for a healthy person

b/c of mineral depeltion? ( i dont know - its just seems unbearable)

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:20 AM, PerK Dragseth <perkrdra@...> wrote:



> If you are not able to sweat you would get serious complications using this

> protocol, and 5 hours in the sauna, will if mercury toxic, blow your

> adrenals big time.


> ________________________________

> From: Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph


>I think that anyone dealing with heavy metal detox must, and I mean must

> use FIR sauna daily and sometimes twice daily. The Hubbard method of

> detoxing uses 4 to 5 hours in a sauna per day with high amounts of pure

> niacin. This method has been successful for many years. Now with the new

> portable tent FIR saunas it makes it much easier and less time in the sauna.

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How is it known where the mercury is sitting? I never had amalgams, but still

have high mercury. Where can it be? How do I know it;s not in the brain already?

> >

> > You could potentially kill a mercury poisoned person with this protocol!

> > The only way to chelate mercury is to remove the source of exposure and to

> > chelate with ALA and DMSA by their halvlife in minimum three consecutive

> > days.


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i don't think you can know for sure where unless you have specific symptoms

in certain areas - I have major neuro-symptoms, I have endocrine systems,

kidney pain, intestinal issues, joint pain muscle pain - for me I'd say its


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:02 PM, katerinka70 wrote:

>How is it known where the mercury is sitting? I never had amalgams, but

> still have high mercury. Where can it be? How do I know it;s not in the

> brain already?

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So what is your opinion then of simply eating cilantro, a natural chelator, or

ingesting msm? Are these doing more harm than good in a person who still has

amalgams? I did not know of this. Is taking any supplement with ala also not a

good idea?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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NO WE ARE NOT talking about regular people. If these people have methylation

issues, they are not going to get rid of mercury with cilantro....it will

and can just move around. The conservative thing to say IMO is that no one

can be an expert. THERE ARE PEOPLE who have been HURT but simply taking

cilantro with mercury issues - and some of them HAVE HAD their amalgams out.

So I think its really strange any Dr. would say they KNOW its completly safe

when we have anecdotal cases of that not being true.

My opinion and i am NOT A DR. so its not MEDICAL ADVICE but I'd be as

conservative as possible with mercury detox. There are many ways to do it

and YES some do VERY WELL with what this Dr. is suggesting but some do not.

Some do well with ALA and some say they dont. My point is dont rush into any

thing - research this and approach it SLOWLY whatever you do decide. Food

seems innocent enough but its also POWERFUL!

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph wrote:

I would say eat away and enjoy the flavor. I live in El Paso Texas where

> Cilantro is a common ingredient in every restaurant. Millions of doses of

> MSM and ALA with no mishap, no deaths from mercury poisoning, no nothing.

> Scare tactics only.


> Do not forget we are talking about regular people not heavy metal

> industrial accidents.


> Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph





> So what is your opinion then of simply eating cilantro, a natural chelator,

> or ingesting msm? Are these doing more harm than good in a person who still

> has amalgams? I did not know of this. Is taking any supplement with ala also

> not a good idea?

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I hear of so many people that were harmed by Cilantro, ALA or any other natural

chelator, just like you are saying.  Not one time has anyone given a real name

of a person that was harmed.  Have someone that was harmed contact me


Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

NO WE ARE NOT talking about regular people. If these people have methylation

issues, they are not going to get rid of mercury with cilantro.... it will and

can just move around. The conservative thing to say IMO is that no one can be an

expert. THERE ARE PEOPLE who have been HURT but simply taking cilantro with

mercury issues - and some of them HAVE HAD their amalgams out.

So I think its really strange any Dr. would say they KNOW its completly safe

when we have anecdotal cases of that not being true.

My opinion and i am NOT A DR. so its not MEDICAL ADVICE but I'd be as

conservative as possible with mercury detox. There are many ways to do it and

YES some do VERY WELL with what this Dr. is suggesting but some do not.

Some do well with ALA and some say they dont. My point is dont rush into any

thing - research this and approach it SLOWLY whatever you do decide. Food seems

innocent enough but its also POWERFUL!

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Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph <ebjwiz>wrote:

I hear of so many people that were harmed by Cilantro, ALA or any other natural

chelator, just like you are saying. Not one time has anyone given a real name

of a person that was harmed. Have someone that was harmed contact me



Sorry I dont keep an inventory of names. And that doesnt really prove a

point - I dont ask for names of those who claimed to have been harmed by

chemo. But I believe many stories are probably true. But I read boards and

talk to people who claimed to have been harmed when they did almost ANY type

of chelation - there is no one way that has people every group saying wasnt

harmed by this. I am not dogmatic about which protocol to do -and i see

merit in yours. I think each one has the potential to do good or

harm....its the nature of mercury and it is a very delicate process.

If someone has methylation issues - its much harder...and that should be dealt

with before or during chelation, not the other way around.

I think we should be learning here -and if you dont accept that I have

heard of people harmed doing chelation with ALA/chrollela with amlagams in or

with methylation issues - thats fine - I put it out there so someone who is

suffering can think twice about it......

I wont say anymore b/c I am not interested in arguing - i just wanted other to

know there is a different point of view.



> NO WE ARE NOT talking about regular people. If these people have

> methylation issues, they are not going to get rid of mercury with

> cilantro.... it will and can just move around. The conservative thing to say

> IMO is that no one can be an expert. THERE ARE PEOPLE who have been HURT but

> simply taking cilantro with mercury issues - and some of them HAVE HAD their

> amalgams out.


So I think its really strange any Dr. would say they KNOW its completly

> safe when we have anecdotal cases of that not being true.

> My opinion and i am NOT A DR. so its not MEDICAL ADVICE but I'd be as

> conservative as possible with mercury detox. There are many ways to do it

> and YES some do VERY WELL with what this Dr. is suggesting but some do not.


> Some do well with ALA and some say they dont. My point is dont rush into

> any thing - research this and approach it SLOWLY whatever you do decide.

> Food seems innocent enough but its also POWERFUL!

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If you have had experience with mercury toxic people, then you would have known

hundreds of people with these issues. I read about these instances on a daily

basis, so I find your point of view rather odd.I got terribly worse when using

cilantro and single doses of ALA (50 mg) while I was seriously toxic from my


Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph wrote:

I hear of so many people that were harmed by Cilantro, ALA or any other

natural chelator, just like you are saying.  Not one time has anyone given a

real name of a person that was harmed.  Have someone that was harmed contact me


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On the show the Drs the one Dr said that Cilantro was very good for getting

rid of minerals and toxins in the body. So If he says its ok I would go with


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