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Valley Cancer Institute

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Hi list,

Sometime ago we were discussing the net effect of ingesting bicarbonate

with molasses to effect cancer and the fact that it would be neutralized

by stomach acid. Someone gave me an explanation as to why this

neutralization is unimportant. I was wondering if the attached link to a

patent using calcium carbonate enterically coated makes sense.



*Bibliographic data* Description


41203BE154E94C7EBE0.espacenet_levelx_prod_4?CC=WO & NR=2008069788A1 & KC=A1 & FT=D & dat\

e=20080612 & DB= & locale=>



BE154E94C7EBE0.espacenet_levelx_prod_4?CC=WO & NR=2008069788A1 & KC=A1 & FT=D & date=200\

80612 & DB= & locale=>



3BE154E94C7EBE0.espacenet_levelx_prod_4?CC=WO & NR=2008069788A1 & KC=A1 & FT=D & date=20\

080612 & DB= & locale=>

Original document


D3BD841203BE154E94C7EBE0.espacenet_levelx_prod_4?CC=WO & NR=2008069788A1 & KC=A1 & FT=\

D & date=20080612 & DB= & locale=>

INPADOC legal status


3BE154E94C7EBE0.espacenet_levelx_prod_4?CC=WO & NR=2008069788A1 & KC=A1 & FT=D & date=20\

080612 & DB= & locale=>

Publication number: WO2008069788 (A1)

Publication date: 2008-06-12

Inventor(s): WHANG SANG YOUN

Applicant(s): SANG YOUN WHANG


- international: A23L2/00; A61K9/20; A23L2/00; A61K9/20

- European: A23L1/00P4


Application number: WO2006US46349 20061204

Priority number(s): WO2006US46349 20061204

View INPADOC patent family

<http://v3.espacenet.com/inpadoc?KC=A1 & NR=2008069788A1 & DB=EPODOC & submitted=true & \

locale=en_V3 & CC=WO & FT=D>

View list of citing documents

<http://v3.espacenet.com/forwardCitations?KC=A1 & NR=2008069788A1 & DB=EPODOC & submit\

ted=true & locale=en_V3 & CC=WO & FT=D>

View document in the European Register

<http://register1.epoline.org/espacenet/regviewer?LG=en & DB=REG & locale=en_V3 & PN=W\

O2008069788 & CY=V3>

Cited documents:


BE154E94C7EBE0.espacenet_levelx_prod_4?CC=US & NR=5914130 & KC=A & FT=E & DB= & locale=>

US5914130 (A)


BE154E94C7EBE0.espacenet_levelx_prod_4?CC=US & NR=2003235629 & KC=A1 & FT=E & DB= & locale\


US2003235629 (A1)

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<http://www.espacenet.com/error_report/index.en.php?02_hi_ViewPane=Biblo & 03_hi_D\

ebugData=test & 01_hi_InterfaceCode=V3 & 10_ri_DocumentNo=WO2008069788A1>

Abstract of * WO 2008069788 (A1) *

A human consumable chemical compound of calcium carbonate which is

coated with an impervious coating that will not allow the compound to

dissolve from stomach acid but does allow it to dissolve in the aqueous

environment of the intestine. The chemical compound is time released,

and is positionally sensitive to reach the intestines of the human body

where it is absorbed into the blood. Carbonic acid in the blood reacts

upon the gradual dissolution of the compound and this reaction converts

the calcium carbonate to calcium bicarbonate. Calcium bicarbonate in the

blood neutralizes the body's harmful acidic wastes and is a substitute

for drinking about fifty ounces of alkaline drinking water daily.


Data supplied from the */esp@cenet/* database — Worldwide

Arlyn wrote:

> Has anyone heard of the Valley Cancer Institute? I think it's in California.

Any personal experiences?


> Thanks,

> ar




> ------------------------------------



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*Cancer Hyperthermia Holistic Center

Valley Cancer Inst (VCI)

Haim Bicher M.D.; Bicher, M.D.

12099 W. Washington Blvd., #304

Los Angeles, CA 90066-0549


310-398-4470 (fax)



mostly conventional; nutritional info; educational support.

astounding results w/inflammatory BC (at least stages I & II) & prostate cancer;

" local-regional hyperthermia...lower than usual doses of radiation therapy, "

which is effective w/ " early-stage breast and prostate cancer. For other kinds of

cancer, it is frequently an effective way of retarding the growth of tumors. Dr.

Bicher does not claim more than palliation and hopefully increased survival for

advanced disease. Most of our clients who have gone to Valley have been

pleased...Some of them credit Dr. Bicher with saving their lives " RalphMoss.com

(2001); " leading hyperthermia clinic in the United States " (Moss Reports 2000 or


" often uses very low dose radiation. This keeps it legal for them to use local

hyperthermia. I have known patients with accessible cancers such as squamous of

the head and neck and local breast cancer who did very well....Valley would not

be a good choice for metastatic cancers " Gammill, 4/3/07

" Valley does microwave hyperthermia with radiation as is required in the US.

Their radiation equipment is quite old. At least they are willing to use lower

doses " vgammill@... 2/08

" costly "

In summary, I think they're much better than any conventional hospital but not

nearly as good as a good Tijuana or German (alt/integrative) clinic.

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Hi Arlyn,

I had a consult at Valley Institute. I found strange office dynamics, for

instance the intake person told me I was pretty, which I found very

unprofessional and engratiating. Dr Wolfstien spoke rudely to the nurse in

front of me, again inappropriate. Then he actually followed myself and my

husband into the hallway trying to convince us the treatment was what I needed.

I was appalled!

In addition to that for my type of cancer the hyperthermia they use would more

than likely not be effective.

I exchanged emails (in 07) with a Dr at MD (the satellite in Galveston),

they were hoping to open a hyperthermia unit there soon. But who knows what

happened with that since the damage they sustained on the island. I dont know

any details but if you are looking for hyperthermia I may have a couple of email

adresses for you to contact.

take care


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I am sorry I somehow missed Leonard's post on this subject because he can be

expected to cover a subject thoroughly.

When reviewing the Valley Institute site one thing stood out and it is the usual

boast about

'Response'. This term is used throughout conventional Oncology as the goal of

any treatment dealing with tumors.

What it really means is 'Tumor Shrinkage' and many of us have learned that Tumor

Response, shrinkage that is, too often has no relationship to survivability.

Chemotherapy and Radiation are excellent examples of obtaining a 'Response'.

These two practices can almost guarantee a Partial, if not complete response and

then comes the task of surviving which, because of these treatments, is too

often less than well-planned Alternative measures. If nothing else, we at

least know what they mean when they use the misleading term, Response.

I told my Urologist I am not interested in 'Response' but rather Survivability

to which there was no response. Pun intended!

Joe C.

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