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Re: Oxalic Acid as cancer cure?

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This article was very interesting. One of my brothers had kidney

stones. His doctor told him not to eat foods containing oxalic

acid. I have heard that foods high in oxalic acid are not good for

the kidneys like rhuarb and spinach. My wife will not eat these foods

either. However, my brother's doc gave him a list of things not to

eat like beans, nuts, soy (I think), all berries, and others. I wrote

him man times saying you cannot look at one component of food to say

it is bad. I would like to find out more about this since the article

seems to say that all cancer fighting supplements have oxalic acid.

Also, what specific patents did Col Hart receive?



> Sorry, here is the website:


> http://ezinearticles.com/?Oxalic-Acid---The-Cure-For-Cancer & id=912295


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Thanks for the tip.

I read the diet recommendation page.

The core of the diet is avoidance of non-human foods and electromagnetic

radiation that cause cancer. All linked to the depletion of oh so

important oxalic acid. It is another way of looking at things... from

the oxalic acid perspective.

Bottom line is avoid electromagnetic radiation.

Bottom line is raw fruits and raw vegetables will cure you. Simply

going back to true raw human foods as nature intended people to eat.

If it is processed, cooked or whatever, it is not human food and

depletes your oxalic acid and you get cancer.

The human body is a self healing perfect machine. You just have to give

it a chance. So please, eat real raw human food only so you can allow

yourself to heal.

The problem is people are so hard headed or more like addicted to cooked

food or mis-educated about cooked food, they find cooked food

inescapable. There are ways to get rid of cooked food addiction. Here

is one way:



This is how I interpret it.



melly banagale wrote:


> Sorry, here is the website:


> http://ezinearticles.com/?Oxalic-Acid---The-Cure-For-Cancer & id=912295

> <http://ezinearticles.com/?Oxalic-Acid---The-Cure-For-Cancer & id=912295>



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If you go to that website i pasted, it would lead you

to Col. Hart's website where he discusses extensively

his theory on oxalic acid. Maybe just google oxalic

acid Col. Hart

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I like sweet potato. Can that be eaten raw? Is it

safe to eat broccoli and cauliflower raw? I wish to

eat more vegetables than fruits as i am diabetic. But

some vegetables have to be cooked, i think.

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I sometimes buy a small tray of vegetables such as carrots, celery, and broccoli

each in their own little compartments in the tray with a fourth compartment that

holds a small tub of ranch dressing. So, I don't see any reason one cannot eat

broccoli raw.

I don't like cauliflower and rarely eat it.

I do eat sweet potato but don't think I would eat it uncooked. I recently read

where a group of people who are long-lived eat a lot of sweet potatoes and

bitter melon (maybe it was a place in the ines). My understanding is

that sweet potatoes are good nutrition.

Bitter melon, along with cinnamon and a few other things, is supposed to be good

for lowering blood sugar in adults (supposedly bitter melon has made at least

one child comatose by lowering his/her blood glucose too much).



Edwin, I like sweet potato. Can that be eaten raw? Is it safe to eat broccoli

and cauliflower raw? I wish to eat more vegetables than fruits as i am diabetic.

But some vegetables have to be cooked, i think.

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Hi ,

You can eat most veggies raw. Or, if you prefer, very lightly steamed.

Many people eat potatoes raw - I did not enjoy it. I also have trouble

with raw broccoli and cauliflower hurting my stomach. So, I always

steam those veggies.


" melly banagale " said:

> Edwin,

> I like sweet potato. Can that be eaten raw? Is it

> safe to eat broccoli and cauliflower raw? I wish to

> eat more vegetables than fruits as i am diabetic. But

> some vegetables have to be cooked, i think.

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I like to cut broccoli and cauliflower up in salads. When they are

with a lot of other salad ingredients they are not noticed as much.

But I love them raw with dip at parties too. Once we went to a bridge

opening with a very long Hero sandwich advertised, and got there to

find the sandwich was all gone but there was 20' of practically

untouched broccoli with dip left.:-P I tried raw sweet potato pie for

Christmas but thought it was awful. It didn't really blend smooth but

was crunchy. Yuck. I love yams baked though. They are full of good

nutrition. Turnips and beets can be very good raw, especially grated

into a salad. And Jicama, a crunchy bland Mexican root, cut in


On Jan 18, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Arlyn Grant wrote:

> Hi ,


> You can eat most veggies raw. Or, if you prefer, very lightly steamed.

> Many people eat potatoes raw - I did not enjoy it. I also have trouble

> with raw broccoli and cauliflower hurting my stomach. So, I always

> steam those veggies.

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The simple test of whether it can be eaten raw is done by your taste

buds. Follow your taste buds. If it tastes great, it is food.

I don't find sweet potato, broccoli and cauliflower appetizing when raw.

If you are diabetic, you will be inspired by the Raw for 30 days movie

that is coming soon. Diabetics in a 30 day raw food program were

IMMEDIATELY cured of diabetes. Type 1, type 2. Who cares? Western

medicine and the drug companies are wrong about the concept of diabetes

because they declare their ignorance by shouting " there is no cure for

diabetes / diabetes is a life long disease " . False.

See the movie trailer:



Of course you know Bitter Melon will help control blood sugar levels,

this is popular in the Philippines:



And how to go Raw for Life DVD:



Going raw cures literally everything. Raw is the fuel of people. The

key is getting rid of addictions and learning how.

I go around the raw fruitarians, the raw vegans, the raw paleolithic

diet (some 50% raw animal meat, eggs, fish, fat) discussion boards,

websites and . Raw is the key to all cures. Cure protocols

are built on raw food. There is no cure protocol built on cooked foods

as majority cooked food diet is a root cause of diseases.

My journey began when I cured myself of a terrible eczema at

http://www.eczemacure.info and this opened my eyes to the truth and I

started helping my friends and relatives understand and cure themselves

of what they thought were incurable diseases.

I then wanted to know more, beyond eczema. I owe a lot to my teacher

Barefoot Herbalist MH at http://www.barefootherbalistmh.com his orange

juice fasting method, his teachings, his books, his study guides and he

personally answers his forum and emails.

Fresh raw fruits I hear are beneficial to diabetics. The sugars of

fresh raw fruit are different from the commercial sugars in cooked /

processed food.

If you have sweets / sugar / carbohydrate cravings due to yeast /

candida, you can kill those cravings with virgin coconut oil detoxing as

taught by Bruce Fife of Coconut Cures. Page 195.



melly banagale wrote:


> Edwin,


> I like sweet potato. Can that be eaten raw? Is it

> safe to eat broccoli and cauliflower raw? I wish to

> eat more vegetables than fruits as i am diabetic. But

> some vegetables have to be cooked, i think.





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I would agree with some of your info here. However, what fits one

does not fit everyone. According to Ayurveda, raw can help people

with predominately pitta dosha. You mentioned you had eczema. That

is a pitta imbalance so raw can work for someone likeyou. However,

it is not so good for kapha and vata doshas. They need warm foods

and vata needs " comfort foods " . Also raw does not digest that

well. They tend to come out the same way they went in. Juicing is

by far a better way of eating those foods except for salad type

veggies, which naturally digest easier.


> >

> > Edwin,

> >

> > I like sweet potato. Can that be eaten raw? Is it

> > safe to eat broccoli and cauliflower raw? I wish to

> > eat more vegetables than fruits as i am diabetic. But

> > some vegetables have to be cooked, i think.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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In a message dated 1/20/08 2:40:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

greatyoga@... writes:

> so raw can work for someone likeyou. However,

> it is not so good for kapha and vata doshas

I was told by 3 different people that I was 3 different ayuvedic things.


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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Thanks for ayurvedic perspective. My sister in law frequently consults

with an ayurvedic doctor. One of the healers I respect also has

ayurvedic education: Mr. s Moritz. We frequent indian groceries

and regularly use soaps and toothpaste.

Many vegetables are not humanly digestible, thus they have to be

cooked. So vegans pushing their luck that they can eat grass or

vegetables like cows are mistaken because humans only have 1 stomach.

On the other hand, FRUITS are meant to be eaten raw and are most easily

digestible because fruits are meant to be human foods as the trees

painstakingly make it so for mutual benefit... aka feed the humans

fruits and tree seeds are spread.

Here lies the criticism against eating raw food. Raw Veganism get too

much attention. Real raw foodists eat majority FRUITS than indigestible

vegetables. Fruit is #1. Vegetables are a far cry constipating and

indigestible when raw, they need to be juiced or cooked.

See Wai Genriiu discuss why humans don't need to eat plants:


I do eat some plants, very seldom, only when I feel like doing so,

celery, cucumbers. Avoid Nightshades, that family is poisonous more or

less to most people.

Yes, I cured myself of eczema but I also helped cure my wife's uncle of

painful, bleeding, large tumor kidney cancer:



(raw fruit breakfast, raw vegs noon, raw fruit night).

As always, people are different.

We must all learn to self experiment and see what works for us.

My current opinion is your food just has to be raw; the composition of

how much raw fruit, raw vegetables, and raw meat is really up to you to

find out.


Guru K wrote:

> Edwin

> I would agree with some of your info here. However, what fits one

> does not fit everyone. According to Ayurveda, raw can help people

> with predominately pitta dosha. You mentioned you had eczema. That

> is a pitta imbalance so raw can work for someone likeyou. However,

> it is not so good for kapha and vata doshas. They need warm foods

> and vata needs " comfort foods " . Also raw does not digest that

> well. They tend to come out the same way they went in. Juicing is

> by far a better way of eating those foods except for salad type

> veggies, which naturally digest easier.


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Hi, Edwin.

Some questions:

Chimpanzees only have one stomach, and the majority of what they eat

is green leafy vegetables. When there is drought, they eat more root

vegetables. Chimpanzees are genetically the closest thing to human

beings. Chimps and humans can indeed get benefit from eating leaves,

grass, algae and other green things.

With regard to eating mostly all fruits with no supplements, your

site says you eat raw fish, and you mention Vonderplanetz, who I

personally feel is off the deep end. He actually has said he buys

regular, commercial raw meat at grocery stores and eats it raw. I

take it you eat the raw animal protein to get calcium, which I

believe is not present in large enough quantity in fruits.

With regard to eating local fruits in season, where does that leave

people who live in northern locales, where for 5 or more months of

the year, there are NO fresh local fruits in season?

Raw vegetables are far from constipating. I eat lots of raw, as well

as lightly cooked, vegetables, and I always have 3-5 bowel movements

per day.

Personally, I feel your dietary recommendations, on closer

examination, are too limited to be of use to a great many people. I

appreciate that you say people are different, and that we must all

experiment to see what works for each of us.

Best wishes,


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It doesn't surprise me that 3 different people told you you were 3

different things, Skuzipoo. Personally, I believe many westerners

embrace Ayurvedic medicine out of disillusionment with western

mainstream medicine and because they see it as something exotic. When

I read something like this:


I take it as mumbo-jumbo. Not only are there " vata, pitta and kafa, "

but there are " vata-kafa, " " pitta-vata, " " kafa-vata, " and every other


Two of the people closely connected with Ayurvedic medicine,

the " Maharishi Mahesh Yogi " and " Deepak Chopra, " I personally feel

are two of the premier mumbo-jumbo artists I have come across.

I am perfectly fine dealing with just one pulse, instead of several,

and, as I feel I have plenty to choose from to make me healthy

without trying to learn some methodology that appears highly suspect

to me.

That is my opinion. I regret if it offends some people. I am simply

stating what I think from what I have seen of Ayurvedic medicine.

Best wishes,


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" Too limited for a great number of people? " That is the reason many do

not get well, stay sick and die. That is why I introduce people to the

cure protocol using Ross Horne's book Health and Survival into the 21st




The science, the logic to curing cancer and many incurable diseases has

long been established and written about. Curing people with regularity

is done in the many sanitariums around the world. Big strong sick men

have been known to cry on their knees adjusting to a real human

lifestyle. It is the mind that must be healed first. Only when people

understand that they must unlearn the false " facts " that $$$ medicine

$$$ has fed them will they be open to healing.

Being truly cured of a lifestyle disease like cancer is very

inconvenient for many afflicted people. Simply because it is their

lifestyle choices, their environments, their habits, their diet that has

caused them to be diseased in the first place. Inconvenient changes

must be made and will be made to steer the cancer afflicted from the

road to sure death to a road to a healthy life. Big efforts must be

made if your current habits are so far fetched or so destructive.

1. The fruitarian approach is the cleanest and easiest to adhere to.

Add raw green juices if you like. http://www.rawschool.com

2. There is also the raw paleolithic approach which uses less raw

fruits, some raw animal meat and much raw animal fat.


3. The easy compromise for most people is Wai Genriiu's approach with

the Wai Diet. (more raw fruits, salads with extra virgin olive oil,

some raw eggs and some raw fatty fish)


And here is me summarizing all of the above:


You remember my wife's uncle I helped cure of cancer last year? He's so

strong now, climbing mountains, selling them for farm land, he is now

back to being lazy about his eating habits and I met him last Christmas

and he ate cooked rice, cooked pork and drank coca cola right in front

of me. Some people never learn.

If one is sick of cancer right now, just switch to any of those raw

diets you think you can stick to for some 1 or 2 months. You make

adjustments according to how you feel and how your body reacts to

certain foods.

The logic is to put sick people in an absolutely clean diet first.

After some time reintroduce what you think are other " foods " one at a

time and see how your body likes those " new foods " .

Raw foodism will hydrate most people, the water in raw food is

structured perfectly to hydrate humans. If you need more water, home

distilled water is the next best. Then home reverse osmosis last.

Of course raw food is just that one big chunk of the healing equation.

There are many other variables that must be addressed.

Good skill,


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Hi, Edwin.

Thank you for your reply. In it, you have already expanded the

choices from the site I read in your original message.

I am not at all discounting what you are saying, Edwin. I don't doubt

that people have gotten well on the regimens of which you speak.

I am just asking some questions, looking for clarification and

pointing out what I feel are a few fallacies here and there.

For me personally, fruitarianism is definitely not the easiest

approach. After I eat a certain amount of fruit, my body starts

craving something other than fruit, and I get to where I simply

cannot look at another fruit, much less eat another fruit.

The Raw School site appears to be about veganism, not fruitarianism.

That I can live with, though I do not at all think there is a

terrible problem with eating some cooked vegetables in addition to

all the raw. Even 80%/20% or 75%/25% is a healthful ratio to my mind.

You did not address my questions about vegetables causing

constipation. They definitely do not, in my experience. They produce

healthful bowel movements, actually.

And you did not address what you said about humans not being able to

process grasses and greens because they don't have several stomachs

the way cows do. I had mentioned that chimps and humans are very

similar and that chimps eat mostly green things, as well as root


Finally, I asked what someone who lives in North Dakota or Wisconsin

is supposed to do about eating local fruits in season when for at

least half the year there are no fresh, local fruits available.

I would add that raw fish and raw animal protein is not without its

hazards---bacteria, flukes, etc.

Best wishes,


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A note of caution with raw food diets - I switched to a vegetarian -

mostly fruit and leafy greens - raw food diet six years ago. It did not

stop me from getting breast cancer. It did not address the hormone

imbalance in my body that caused breast cancer - nor will it cure it.

It is important to remember that not all cancers are the same. I bought

into the raw food dogma that if you eat this way, you won't get cancer.

Thank goodness I still went in for tests. I know other raw food women

who are not doing any yearly exams to make sure they don't have cancer

growing. It's too bad.


On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:50:24 +0800, " Edwin Casimero "

<eesc@...> said:

> Elliot,


> " Too limited for a great number of people? " That is the reason many do

> not get well, stay sick and die. That is why I introduce people to the

> cure protocol using Ross Horne's book Health and Survival into the 21st

> Century:





> The science, the logic to curing cancer and many incurable diseases has

> long been established and written about. Curing people with regularity

> is done in the many sanitariums around the world. Big strong sick men

> have been known to cry on their knees adjusting to a real human

> lifestyle. It is the mind that must be healed first. Only when people

> understand that they must unlearn the false " facts " that $$$ medicine

> $$$ has fed them will they be open to healing.


> Being truly cured of a lifestyle disease like cancer is very

> inconvenient for many afflicted people. Simply because it is their

> lifestyle choices, their environments, their habits, their diet that has

> caused them to be diseased in the first place. Inconvenient changes

> must be made and will be made to steer the cancer afflicted from the

> road to sure death to a road to a healthy life. Big efforts must be

> made if your current habits are so far fetched or so destructive.


> 1. The fruitarian approach is the cleanest and easiest to adhere to.

> Add raw green juices if you like. http://www.rawschool.com

> 2. There is also the raw paleolithic approach which uses less raw

> fruits, some raw animal meat and much raw animal fat.

> http://www.rawpaleodiet.org/

> 3. The easy compromise for most people is Wai Genriiu's approach with

> the Wai Diet. (more raw fruits, salads with extra virgin olive oil,

> some raw eggs and some raw fatty fish)

> http://www.waidiet.com/thewaidiet.html


> And here is me summarizing all of the above:

> http://www.eczemacure.info/article/articleview/259/1/9


> You remember my wife's uncle I helped cure of cancer last year? He's so

> strong now, climbing mountains, selling them for farm land, he is now

> back to being lazy about his eating habits and I met him last Christmas

> and he ate cooked rice, cooked pork and drank coca cola right in front

> of me. Some people never learn.


> If one is sick of cancer right now, just switch to any of those raw

> diets you think you can stick to for some 1 or 2 months. You make

> adjustments according to how you feel and how your body reacts to

> certain foods.


> The logic is to put sick people in an absolutely clean diet first.

> After some time reintroduce what you think are other " foods " one at a

> time and see how your body likes those " new foods " .


> Raw foodism will hydrate most people, the water in raw food is

> structured perfectly to hydrate humans. If you need more water, home

> distilled water is the next best. Then home reverse osmosis last.


> Of course raw food is just that one big chunk of the healing equation.

> There are many other variables that must be addressed.


> Good skill,

> Edwin







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Not saying I pay attention to the ayurvedic doshas, but from what I

read, kapha and vata people are always feeling cold and pittas are

always feeling hot, like I do, so it would not be hard for me to pick

one. Pittas tend to have metabolic problems. Kapha people tend to be

muscular and gain weight easily as they get older, have mostly

circulatory problems. Vata people tend to be skinny, nervous, and

high-strung and tend to have problems with the nervous system. I can

kind of place people in my family in a dosha easily and there does seem

to be some correlation with their health problems but I am also put

off by the spiritual aspects and haven't done anything with it. The

Chinese also have a classification system based on 5 body types. The

systems, like acupuncture, could be based on quantifiable data, it

would be up to the individual whether they could fit it into their

belief system. I do find the Chinese herbal classifications useful in

helping me to understand herbs and their actions.

On Jan 20, 2008, at 6:38 PM, szukipoo@... wrote:

>> so raw can work for someone likeyou. However,

>> it is not so good for kapha and vata doshas


> I was told by 3 different people that I was 3 different ayuvedic

> things.

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You could be tridoshic or fairly evenly balanced doshas or even kapha/

pitta or vata/ pitta, etc.



> In a message dated 1/20/08 2:40:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> greatyoga@... writes:



> > so raw can work for someone likeyou. However,

> > it is not so good for kapha and vata doshas


> I was told by 3 different people that I was 3 different ayuvedic


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Dear Arlyn,

I am interested in what you are saying below abut hormones. My mother and

several great aunts died of breast cancer (my mother was in her fifties) and I

am trying (in my 40's) to find a way of preventing the disease in myself.

Is there any way of influencing your hormones prior to the onset of the disease

such that you are less likely to get it?

I heard that supplementing with Vitamin D and with a small amount of aspirin

daily might help prevent it, but you hear so many different things.

I'm afraid I don't know the history of my mother's illness, whether it was

estrogen sensitive or otherwise. She died almost 20 years ago.

Should a naturopath be able to help?

Thank you for any insights.


" Arlyn Grant " wrote:

> Edwin,

>A note of caution with raw food diets - I switched to a vegetarian -

> mostly fruit and leafy greens - raw food diet six years ago. It did not stop

me from getting breast cancer. It did not address the hormone imbalance in my

body that caused breast cancer - nor will it cure it.

> It is important to remember that not all cancers are the same. I bought into

the raw food dogma that if you eat this way, you won't get cancer. Thank

goodness I still went in for tests. I know other raw food women who are not

doing any yearly exams to make sure they don't have cancer growing. It's too


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