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Re: Farrah Fawcett and

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Your story was touching. I was diagnosed CLL 9 years ago next month. It is hard

to see and hear about others going thru " the struggle. " I pray for all of us.

N. Xavier Arnold

From: dorrnancy <dorrnancy@...>

Sent: Tue, 12 May 2009 11:51 pm

I picked up a People magazine last Friday and it had the stories of both Farran

Fawcett and , who's cancers have now spread much more

extensively. As most people know, Farrah is dying. I will be watching the

documentary of her treatment this Friday at 9pm PST.

No matter which path we choose, cancer is a heart-breaking illness. My heart

goes out to these cancer survivors. Farrah tried alternative treatments in

Germany, which caused abdominal bleeding and other complications.

None of us know what the end result of our efforts will be in this battle

against this deadly and very serious illness. Back in 1994 when I was fighting

what I thought was a hopeless battle, I thought to myself, " What if none of this

works? I would be wasting my time, maybe my last moments on earth. " But then the

other voice told me, " But what if you don't at least TRY? "

Here's to all the courageous cancer survivors on this website and around the

world who are trying to beat this terrible illness. I wish all of us well. But

there are no guarantees. When I read a story like Farrah's or 's, it

scares me because I can't deny that cancer KILLS people. It is now estimated

that 40% of the American population will get some form of cancer in their


By the way, everyone, I am doing great. I feel wonderful. I hike 12-15 miles a

week and work out at the gym. I am 100% back!!!

I am starting an intensive 90 day cleanse of all my body's organs. I am allowing

for some seafood at my sister's beach cottage in North Carolina next month,

however. Here's to Jim wanting to enjoy his life with a bit of animal protein!!!

I am going to enjoy the heck out of my seafood. I haven't eaten fish in a long

time. This may be the only time for quite a while, but I am looking forward to

it. It will be fresh right out of the sea. And no, I'm not going to worry about

the bit of mercury in one night's pleasure.


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I'm more concerned with finding the truth regarding the China Study than trying

to promote eating animal protein for pleasure. :)

I'm also concerned with finding what is healthiest for me and others.

I think we have been shaped by millions of years of evolution to require some

animal protein, but not a lot -- certainly not bacon and eggs for breakfast, a

hamburger for lunch, and steak and potatoes for dinner.

Most of our animal food today comes from extremely sick animals fed extremely

sick genetically engineered plant food and injected with poisons on a daily

basis. I don't know for sure, but it has been estimated that our omega 3 to

omega 6 intake 100 years ago was 1 to 1, including the fats obtained from

healthy animal protein. Now the ratio is about 20-1 (omega 6 to omega 3) for

the average American. The excessive omega 6's clog up cell respiration and screw

up cell metabolism, leading to anerobic respiration of cells leading to cancer.

We may be wise to strive for a 1:1 balance of omega 6 to omega 3. Note that

Budwig DOES NOT achieve this balance (on its own), but, rather, supplies too

much omega 3. But this is just speculation on my part (Mike Golden thinks there

is a scientifically based dynamic tension between 3's and 6's best obtained by a

1-1 balance, and historical data seems to indicate that this was the natural

balance until recently).

There is also some historical evidence that most of humanity used to live within

50 miles (or so) of the sea, and therefore we may NEED healthy seafood,

sunshine, and iodine to remain healthy.

I am assuming that if people COULD do well with no animal protein, that many

civilizations would have sprung up not consuming any animal protein. Animal

protein is a pain in the ass to get, compared to raising crops (and/or foraging

for vegetable food). Animal protein was the original fast food, often very


Instead we see this constant push for people to get some animal protein.

Hunter-gatherer societies are the norm for pre-agricultural societies, and the

" hunter " is half the equation, despite the dangers of hunting verus gathering

food that doesn't bite back.

And in agricultural societies, people seem to have always kept animals along

with their crops, even though the animals are, again, a pain in the butt to


If we were meant to be pure vegetarian, wouldn't our digestive systems have

evolved over millions of years to handle a pure vegetarian diet better?

Instead, our digestive systems are omnivorous, handling anything from meat to


In fact, it is only the hunters that develop superior brain functions, and for

humans to have developed their oversized craniums means that they HAD TO BE

predators, for at least part of their diets. Otherwise we'd be stupid, because

you don't need many brains to find fields of grass and chew it.

Now, a diet for someone who is ill is often different than a diet for someone

who is healthy. I am not sure what diet is best for a cancer patient, but some

things seem to emerge from trial and error. Sugar is a killer, obviously. Too

much animal protein seems very bad too, for several reasons. And a lot of green

organic vegetable food seems to help a lot.

I'm not sure about Kelley's " metabolic types " . I do know that I crave animal

protein a lot. Does this mean it is good for me? Well, I also crave greasy

pepperoni pizza and ice cream and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and gallons of Diet

Coke and even still get strong cravings for smoking a really good cigar.

Obviously none of those things are good for me. So cravings are not necessarily

an indicator of what the body needs!

> Here's to Jim wanting to enjoy his life with a bit of animal protein!!! I am

going to enjoy the heck out of my seafood. I haven't eaten fish in a long time.

This may be the only time for quite a while, but I am looking forward to it. It

will be fresh right out of the sea. And no, I'm not going to worry about the bit

of mercury in one night's pleasure.


> Dorr


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dorrnancy wrote:

> I picked up a People magazine last Friday and it had the stories of both

Farran Fawcett and , who's cancers have now spread much more

extensively. As most people know, Farrah is dying. I will be watching the

documentary of her treatment this Friday at 9pm PST.

> No matter which path we choose, cancer is a heart-breaking illness. My heart

goes out to these cancer survivors. Farrah tried alternative treatments in

Germany, which caused abdominal bleeding and other complications.


, well put. Didn't Farrah do chemo and rads before doing the

alternatives? Sad thing is if she dies, they will say the alterantives

didnt' work and that is why she died.

Do you know what the tv show is that she will be on Friday night?

in MN

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What we do not know is what Farrah Fawcett actually entertained as Alternative

treatment or whether or not she did what she was supposed to.

I know someone that went to Germany to seek 'tumor shrinkage' using something

she could not get here and then, if successful, would have surgery to remove the

smaller tumor back in the U.S.

Perhaps Farrah would have been better off right here in the U.S. but all of this

is conjecture and we just do not know. Just today I learned of two people I

know of, one developing Eye Cancer and the other with advanced Pancreatic and

Liver cancer.

It is evident to me that the choice to go Alternative is often less physical

abuse than the conventional and even when unsuccessful often results in longer

life with less misery along the way. Just another reason I seek Alternative

help and why I work with someone that knows what works and what doesn't. This

is something like being one's own attorney in a court case..............not too

smart going it alone while trying to get through the hype and 'magic' some


Joe C.

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I watched the O'Reilly Factor last night and was so mad I could have spit! 

O'Reilly did a piece on Farrah and he had a really green surgical oncologist

woman on as his guest.  First, he hit it right when he began his interview by

stating that he lost his own father to melanoma at age 62 but that it was the

radiation that killed him, not the cancer.  He then asked the doctor if the war

on cancer was progressing and of course she said yes and went on to talk about

" all the wonderful things " that are being done and marvelous success rates,

etc...and of course I wanted to just vomit.  That woman was so stupid in her

answers, even my husband said so.  O'Reilly wrapped up his interview by asking

what people could do to prevent cancer and she said they should have gene

screening done!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????  Not a single work about diet,

processed foods, alkalizing the body, exercise, vitamin D, nothing!  I listened

to her and got more and more

frustrated and by the time it was over I realized that she had basically given

me a death sentence with all of her nonsense.  Yet here I sit, almost 2 years

after being diagnosed with a recurrence of Hodgkin's Lymphoma and being told I

would die by an oncologist unless I followed the conventional protocol of more

chemo and a stem cell transplant, well on my way to being cancer free as

evidenced by an ultrasound this morning!


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List Do we want to compose a letter and send it to OReallyy. Perhaps we

can get him intererested?y

Deborah Lindberg wrote:



> I watched the O'Reilly Factor last night and was so mad I could have

> spit! O'Reilly did a piece on Farrah and he had a really green

> surgical oncologist woman on as his guest. First, he hit it right

> when he began his interview by stating that he lost his own father to

> melanoma at age 62 but that it was the radiation that killed him, not

> the cancer. He then asked the doctor if the war on cancer was

> progressing and of course she said yes and went on to talk about " all

> the wonderful things " that are being done and marvelous success rates,

> etc...and of course I wanted to just vomit. That woman was so stupid

> in her answers, even my husband said so. O'Reilly wrapped up his

> interview by asking what people could do to prevent cancer and she

> said they should have gene screening done! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????

> Not a single work about diet, processed foods, alkalizing the body,

> exercise, vitamin D, nothing! I listened to her and got more and more

> frustrated and by the time it was over I realized that she had

> basically given me a death sentence with all of her nonsense. Yet

> here I sit, almost 2 years after being diagnosed with a recurrence of

> Hodgkin's Lymphoma and being told I would die by an oncologist unless

> I followed the conventional protocol of more chemo and a stem cell

> transplant, well on my way to being cancer free as evidenced by an

> ultrasound this morning!


> Debbie



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How did you do it? My husband has a recurrence of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. We

tried to get it using every imaginable alternative treatment and it just kept

growing. Thanks, Karyn

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: [ ] Farrah Fawcett and

I watched the O'Reilly Factor last night and was so mad I could have spit! 

O'Reilly did a piece on Farrah and he had a really green surgical oncologist

woman on as his guest.  First, he hit it right when he began his interview by

stating that he lost his own father to melanoma at age 62 but that it was the

radiation that killed him, not the cancer.  He then asked the doctor if the war

on cancer was progressing and of course she said yes and went on to talk about

" all the wonderful things " that are being done and marvelous success rates,

etc...and of course I wanted to just vomit.  That woman was so stupid in her

answers, even my husband said so.  O'Reilly wrapped up his interview by asking

what people could do to prevent cancer and she said they should have gene

screening done!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????  Not a single work about diet,

processed foods, alkalizing the body, exercise, vitamin D, nothing!  I listened

to her and got more and more

frustrated and by the time it was over I realized that she had basically given

me a death sentence with all of her nonsense.  Yet here I sit, almost 2 years

after being diagnosed with a recurrence of Hodgkin's Lymphoma and being told I

would die by an oncologist unless I followed the conventional protocol of more

chemo and a stem cell transplant, well on my way to being cancer free as

evidenced by an ultrasound this morning!


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What are you using for your cleanse.  I want a good one and know that I need

one.  What do you suggest? 

I am happy to hear you are doing so well!  You are so right, cancer is a mean

disease.  It doesn't matter who you are, what age, race, gender, or religion, it

doesn't discriminate.  I am glad you chose to fight!  And so far have Won!

Enjoy the seafood.

us well. But there are no guarantees. When I read a story like Farrah's or

's, it scares me because I can't deny that cancer KILLS people. It is

now estimated that 40% of the American population will get some form of cancer

in their


YOu wrote:

By the way, everyone, I am doing great. I feel wonderful. I hike 12-15 miles a

week and work out at the gym. I am 100% back!!!

I am starting an intensive 90 day cleanse of all my body's organs. I am allowing

for some seafood at my sister's beach cottage in North Carolina next month,

however. Here's to Jim wanting to enjoy his life with a bit of animal protein!!!

I am going to enjoy the heck out of my seafood. I haven't eaten fish in a long

time. This may be the only time for quite a while, but I am looking forward to

it. It will be fresh right out of the sea. And no, I'm not going to worry about

the bit of mercury in one night's pleasure.


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I am happy to hear you are doing so well.  Keep doing what is working.  I agree

that conventional medicine leaves much to be desired.  If we go to universal

health care so more people best get educated about diet, processed food v whole

organics, etc.


I watched the O'Reilly Factor last night and was so mad I could have

spit!  O'Reilly did a piece on Farrah and he had a really green surgical

oncologist woman on as his guest.  First, he hit it right when he began his

interview by stating that he lost his own father to melanoma at age 62 but that

it was the radiation that killed him, not the cancer.  He then asked the doctor

if the war on cancer was progressing and of course she said yes and went on to

talk about " all the wonderful things " that are being done and marvelous success

rates, etc...and of course I wanted to just vomit.  That woman was so stupid in

her answers, even my husband said so.  O'Reilly wrapped up his interview by

asking what people could do to prevent cancer and she said they should have gene

screening done!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????  Not a single work about diet,

processed foods, alkalizing the body, exercise, vitamin D, nothing!  I listened

to her and got more and


frustrated and by the time it was over I realized that she had basically given

me a death sentence with all of her nonsense.  Yet here I sit, almost 2 years

after being diagnosed with a recurrence of Hodgkin's Lymphoma and being told I

would die by an oncologist unless I followed the conventional protocol of more

chemo and a stem cell transplant, well on my way to being cancer free as

evidenced by an ultrasound this morning!


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If you have Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma use a magnetic pulser to pulse the swollen

lymph nodes and infected areas..These lumps will be eliminated in a short

time..I have a friend who is back to

perfect health and he was terminal...He used the pulser and a Rife Plasma

Machine...Also lots of nutrition including the Budwig Protocol and the Beck

Blood Purifier...It works....


From: <karyn_hughes

How did you do it? My husband has a recurrence of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.

We tried to get it using every imaginable alternative treatment and it just

kept growing. Thanks, Karyn

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I used Bill 's protocol plus a bunch of other stuff plus Low Dose

Naltrexone.  Please email me if you would like more info.



From: " karyn_hughes@... "

How did you do it?  My husband has a recurrence of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.  We

tried to get it using every imaginable alternative treatment and it just kept

growing. Thanks, Karyn

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Deborah Lindberg <debannlin@...>

.....Yet here I sit, almost 2 years after being diagnosed with a recurrence of

Hodgkin's Lymphoma and being told I would die by an oncologist unless I followed

the conventional protocol of more chemo and a stem cell transplant, well on my

way to being cancer free as evidenced by an ultrasound this morning!


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debannlin@... writes:


> I watched the O'Reilly Factor last night and was so mad I could have spit!


Have you emailed him? Oreilly @ foxnews.com

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Enjoy your fresh Fish . I occasionally stray once or twice a year myself.

But after A while I found I no longer need to eat certain foods to have simple

pleasures. No longer need a cold beer to enjoy a foot ball game. No longer need

a cup of coffee in the AM to wake up. No longer get the after noon blas from

coming down a sugar high! I focus on what I foods I can have, not what I can't

have. One simple statement I read recently I found interesting all sources of

protein on Earth come from Plants. Including fish whome obtain it from sea plant

life, same as a cow gets its protein from what it eats. So like it or not vegan

or not your getting your protein from plants just with the added fat and

cholestrol. I think its important we agree to disagree on many different

subjects, working toward what WE believe is our best course of action. I am open

minded enough to change COURSE if its in my best interest.

All the best,


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Without returning to meat vs. plants, for the sake of proper nutrition, be

advised that by plants, if one means greens.................one cannot get

sufficient protein from them alone to remain healthy. One must include nuts

or they are going to be deficient in the building blocks needed. Additionally,

and it is pretty well established, many vegetarians that simply eschew meat and

do not consume enough protein, are deficient in B-12 and are not as healthy as

their life-style would have them believe.

Fruitarians need to eat veggies or they won't get the minerals needed to convert

the acids in some fruits to usable elements.

My thoughts to all...........Nuts to you vegetarians! Eat them that is!

Joe C.

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I have not emailed him on this issue.  I have emailed him in the past but I'm

not so sure he gets them/reads them as he gets so much mail and you are limited

to how many words you can send.

From: " szukipoo@... "

debannlin (DOT) com writes:


> I watched the O'Reilly Factor last night and was so mad I could have spit!


Have you emailed him? Oreilly @ foxnews.com

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Nuts aren't for everyone either...

From: JCastron1

Without returning to meat vs. plants, for the sake of proper nutrition, be

advised that by plants, if one means greens.................one cannot get

sufficient protein from them alone to remain healthy. One must include nuts or

they are going to be deficient in the building blocks needed. Additionally, and

it is pretty well established, many vegetarians that simply eschew meat and do

not consume enough protein, are deficient in B-12 and are not as healthy as

their life-style would have them believe.

Fruitarians need to eat veggies or they won't get the minerals needed to

convert the acids in some fruits to usable elements.

My thoughts to all...........Nuts to you vegetarians! Eat them that is!

Joe C.

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The oncologist guest on the O'Reilly show wasn't being stupid . She was stating

the party line of the AMA ,FDA  and that of the big Pharm. This doctor was being

a good little AMA Nazi.


  The FDA has proven this point . Now the FDA is attacking Cheerios for claiming

to be able to reduce Cholestrerol by 4% . The FDA  stated in a 24 page letter

that General Foods must submit a (NDA) New Drug Application with clinical



  A spokesperson for the FDA  stated the FDA's policy is anything that cures,

prevents or treats a disease is a drug. (even though cholestrerol is not a

disease.) She went on to say; Food can not affect medical conditions . (so limes

cant prevent scurvy)  Drug are tested to be effective and safe.

(Tell that to all the people who die every year from medication.) 


 Cheerios is only making the same claim that the American Heart Assocation says

; A diet high in soluble fiber can lower cholesterol.


Deborah Lindberg wrote:

.... O'Reilly did a piece on Farrah and he had a really green

surgical oncologist woman on as his guest...He then asked the doctor if the war

on cancer was progressing and of course she said yes and went on to talk about

" all the wonderful things " that are being done and marvelous success rates,

etc...and of course I wanted to just vomit. That woman was so stupid in her

answers...Not a single work about diet, processed foods, alkalizing the body,

exercise, vitamin D, nothing! I listened to her and got more and more


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....Nuts to you vegetarians! Eat them that is!

> Joe C.


you are absolutely right !! you need a lot of nuts to be a healthy nut !!

Did you know that : The Journal of Clinical Oncology (May 1, 2008) published a

study which had investigated the nutritional status of 9,000 cancer patients and

found that only about 15% were eating properly – the rest, while undergoing

chemotherapy, were eating junk food at the same time without any idea of what

they were doing to themselves.

This is the real concern and when a journal of clinical oncology said 15 %

knowing their disdain for organic food . i will say that probably 2 % of cancer

patients eat right.

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Dear Raven:

I just got back from the " farm " where I work for 2 1/2 days a week. That's why I

didn't respond right away.

My cleanse this time is pretty complicated. I am combining six different books

as my research. I will get back to you later this week-end and spell it all out.

I am cleansing all of my vital organs at least once each. It is summertime

almost so it will be a lot easier then when I tried to do this in the winter.

I think you will be impressed with my cleanse. I have taken great ideas from

books and combined it with my own knowledge of what works best for me. The more

I read and study, the clearer things become for me. For example, one book

recommends organic brown rice on one cleanse, but in another book it states that

rice is high glycemic. Because I have cancer, I shouldn't eat high glycemic

foods. But the book which recommends the rice has wonderful information about

liver cleansing herbs and vital information about the human cells. I have

learned not to throw the baby out with the bath water. You can learn something

from everyone.

I PROMISE to get back to you this week-end with a full report on my cleanse. I

started my pre-cleanse on Wednesday and will begin the real thing on Monday.

I will post it for all to read this week-end. I will most likely get it up on

Sunday night as I want to spend the week-end nailing down all the fine points. I

am convinced that you can heal your body of ANY disease with cleansing and

proper diet. But let me advice you to take my information and come up with your

own special plan for your body and lifestyle and/or disease. It's not a one plan

fits all type of thing. But I think you can take some information from what I

will post and use it for your own better health.




What are you using for your cleanse.  I want a good one and know that I need

one.  What do you suggest?..... 

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O'Reiley couldn't report the truth even if he wanted to. He would be

canned so fast and never work in broadcasting again. The pharmaceutical

industry " owns " the media. They are the #1 advertisers, so the

programming will not go against its drug pushing sponsers. If someone

were to go on the show for an interview to present alternative treatment

information, they would get edited to a point of looking stupid. It's



> List Do we want to compose a letter and send it to OReallyy. Perhaps


> can get him intererested?y


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" dorrnancy " <dorrnancy@...> wrote:

>I picked up a People magazine...Farrah Fawcet....By the way, everyone, I am

doing great. I feel wonderful.... Dorr


Hi ,

I'm so glad to read of you feeling well. That is great. I saw the special on

Farrah. She was shown reading lots of letters from fans. I wonder how to contact

her and tell her or her family about the Budwig Diet. If Johanna Budwig cured so

many people with her diet, then why not Farrah? I'm sure she has the financial

means to get someone to make the food for her if she is able to eat. I was so

saddened by her failing health. I made the Linomel, and added it to yogurt and

it was great. I also made the Oleolox. Which is tasty too. I just wish someone

out there could convey the Budwig diet to Farrah before it's too late.



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I think people are too concerned about treatments and outcomes.

It is how the person feels about the treatment that makes it work.

THAT IS WHY EVERY PROTOCOL has someone who fares well...or not at all


With Farrah Fawcett it was so obvious... her son is in prison and a herion


Her emotion is in her heart...her pain is in her cancer,

He obviously has been an addict for quite some time..and she has absorbed guilt

and fear as her own prison.

at an unconscious level she is punishing herself.

Changing how she feels about it is as difficult for her as it is for her son to

change his habit.

Taking charge of our emotions...finding some good in a negative is finding

freedom from illness.

We are all well...we just have to believe it.



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If the following was more true than not,

" I think people are too concerned about treatments and outcomes.

It is how the person feels about the treatment that makes it work.

THAT IS WHY EVERY PROTOCOL has someone who fares well...or not at all "

Then I have to wonder why some of my efforts, that I had great confidence in,

did not work? This is the 'It's all in your head' kind of suggestion and while

I have no doubt mental outlook and emotions are influential factors in health,

believing in one's treatment protocol would find great success when using

Chemotherapy and Radiation. All of those people hearing, " we got it all " would

be dancing in the streets but, unfortunately, quite a few have had recurrences

and worse..........

I would still recommend a positive attitude as you suggest.

Joe C.

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