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Re: Simoncini

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with all due respect :

You wrote :

" Simoncini does a lot of grandstanding with very little credible

supporting evidence "

How do you know this ? Do you talk with him ? Do you review his evidences ?

Why this charismatic man had to gain using a few dollar product when he could

use cancer chemo and make up from 50 % to 75 % profit on conventional drugs ?

His stubbornness in using this cheap product cost him his license. Why is doing

that ? I am of a curious nature and I speak Italian so I asked questions and saw

a lot of video testimonials about his success and this why I started to believe

in him. I am not done with my investigation till I will visit him in Roma.

VGammill <vgammill@...> wrote:


> Simoncini does a lot of grandstanding with very little credible

> supporting evidence, but if one were to be scrupulously honest you

> can probably find much more " quackery " in conventional oncology. I

> am still waiting for the day when one of the oncology governing

> bodies states: " We have carefully examined all the toxic therapies

> that we do unnecessarily, and, sad to say, we have determined that we are all

a bunch of quacks. "


> I think that it is very important for people such as Simoncini be

> allowed to do their experiments. Our demand as citizens and as

> governing bodies should be that they be of the highest integrity in

> reporting all results.




> At 08:15 AM 4/7/2009, you wrote:


> >The Simoncini protocol is with sodium bicarbonate pharmaceutical

> >grade that you can get in pharmacy ( compound pharmacy ? or science lab


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I reviewed Simoncini's web site and the tapes on that site. I

listened to his talk at the Cancer Control Society and saw the film

he presented as evidence. I saw very poor science. I didn't see

anything that seemed like a cure. To make a convincing case he would

need to conduct a prospective study that would be monitored and

tallied by several respected outsiders.

I would even be willing to coordinate the study. I have

board-certified practicing oncologist friends who are very partial to

alternative medicine, but they are not naive. The process could be a

simple, friendly, non-adversarial, fact-finding study. The project

observers would be as curious about outcomes as anyone else. They

would be willing to observe, to review records, and to interview, but

they would not be willing to inject the tumors.

It would not be a best case study. People don't really care about

best case. They want to know if it would work for them.

At 06:41 PM 4/7/2009, you wrote:

> with all due respect :


>You wrote :


> " Simoncini does a lot of grandstanding with very little credible

>supporting evidence "


>How do you know this ? Do you talk with him ? Do you review his evidences ?


>Why this charismatic man had to gain using a few dollar product when

>he could use cancer chemo and make up from 50 % to 75 % profit on

>conventional drugs ?


>His stubbornness in using this cheap product cost him his license.

>Why is doing that ? I am of a curious nature and I speak Italian so

>I asked questions and saw a lot of video testimonials about his

>success and this why I started to believe in him. I am not done with

>my investigation till I will visit him in Roma.


>VGammill <vgammill@...> wrote:

> >

> > Simoncini does a lot of grandstanding with very little credible

> > supporting evidence, but if one were to be scrupulously honest you

> > can probably find much more " quackery " in conventional oncology. I

> > am still waiting for the day when one of the oncology governing

> > bodies states: " We have carefully examined all the toxic therapies

> > that we do unnecessarily, and, sad to say, we have determined

> that we are all a bunch of quacks. "

> >

> > I think that it is very important for people such as Simoncini be

> > allowed to do their experiments. Our demand as citizens and as

> > governing bodies should be that they be of the highest integrity in

> > reporting all results.

> >

> >

> >

> > At 08:15 AM 4/7/2009, you wrote:

> >

> > >The Simoncini protocol is with sodium bicarbonate pharmaceutical

> > >grade that you can get in pharmacy ( compound pharmacy ? or

> science lab ?)...........



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I know someone who went to Simoncini as a first line attack on her cancer - and

she is very pleased with the results. I don't think she's shouting 'cure' but

tumours have shrunk.


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, I have to agree with you and then some. I have done my own

research into Simoncini and am convinced that he is much more successful

at self-promotion via pseudo-science and hype than he is in actually

healing cancer.

Now, I cannot thoroughly condemn Simoncini for fleeing Italy due to

being charged with manslaughter and fraud, since we both know how

alternative practitioners are persecuted; however, there is a whiff of

taint there which only increases when you look further. For example, I

have seen reports of how he went to a Scandanavian clinic and treated

six patients there unsuccessfully and one of them died from extreme

alkalinosis after multiple injections of sodium bicarbonate into her


I have also seen reports that have called some of the testimonials about

his treatment method - including allegations that one person never had

cancer to begin with and another turned out to be his mistress.

At any rate, sodium bicarbonate may have some usefulness against cancer

but the successes appear to be far less than those touted by Simoncini.

And I seriously question those who quote his work as evidence that

taking an oral concoction of baking soda and maple syrup is effective

against cancer. Baking soda in any form taken orally might have

benefits for cancer and other conditions from the mouth through the

digestive system and on to the anus. Other than that, a basic

understanding of how the digestive system works should be sufficient to

know that there is no way that a baking soda/maple syrup " cancer bomb "

will somehow make it into the blood stream and be delivered to a cancer

cell to be ingested and release the baking soda.

As one naturopathic member of one of my groups observed: baking soda

will dissolve corrosion on battery terminals too, but it won't get there

by putting it in your gas tank.

One other thing: though this is no proof, I have to note that I have

been unable to find any information anywhere, including Simoncini's own

website, which gives an iota of information about his education - and I

have to note that Italy is known to be a place where a degree in just

about anything can be had for the right price. Though commonly referred

to as an oncologist, Simoncini describes himself as an MD who

specializes in oncology.

I will also note that a great many things, including most chemo drugs,

will shrink tumors initially. The key is eliminating the tumors

entirely and addressing and correcting the underlying causes which led

to the tumor development in the first place. Baking soda alone is not

likely to do that and if one does want to try it, they are best advised

to put some other and better bullets in their gun.

Finally, two members of my groups have reported going to Simoncini and

have both come away with negative impressions.

Best regards,



> I reviewed Simoncini's web site and the tapes on that site. I

> listened to his talk at the Cancer Control Society and saw the film

> he presented as evidence. I saw very poor science. I didn't see

> anything that seemed like a cure. To make a convincing case he would need to

conduct a prospective study that would be monitored and

> tallied by several respected outsiders...........


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dquixote wrote: I have to note that Italy is known to be a place where a degree

in just about anything can be had for the right price.


Really? I live 18 years in Italy never heard about such a thing!Another

condescending cliche on Europeans !

Reality check :

Eight years ago, the World Health Organization made the first major effort to

rank the health systems of 191 nations. France and Italy took the top two spots;

the United States was a dismal 37th.

A study by the Rand Corporation, published in the New England Journal of

Medicine of December 2003, found that barely half of the standards for basic

medical care are being met.

More recently, the highly regarded Commonwealth Fund has pioneered in comparing

the United States with other advanced nations through surveys of patients and

doctors and analysis of other data. Its latest report, issued in May, ranked the

United States last or next-to-last compared with five other nations —

Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom — on most

measures of performance, including quality of care and access to it. Other

comparative studies also put the United States in a relatively bad light.

In a comparative study of 13 industrialized nations, Dr. Barbara Starfield,

University Distinguished Professor at s Hopkins School of Public Health,

found that the overall health of Americans ranked second to last. And according

to the World Health Organization (WHO), Americans have a healthy life expectancy

of an average 2.5 years less than 22 other industrialized countries,

ranking—again—second to last.


Another factor is the common belief that the United States does more than its

share of medical innovation, which ultimately benefits the rest of the world. In

fact, on a per-capita basis the U.S. doesn’t develop more new drugs than

western Europe or Japan, “of the 569 new drugs approved… between 1995 and

2000, only 13 percent actually contain new active ingredients that offer a

significant improvement over already available drugs and therapies.†Not only

does U.S. health care not meet international standards, it’s also the most

expensive in the world. Internationally available drugs, for example, cost a

whopping 70% more in the U.S. than in Europe or Canada


Harvard, Cornell, Yale ? Relax..Go to buy a degree in Italy,son, and enjoy " la

vie en rose " drinking Beaujolais and eating French baguette in Paris, where they

have the best medical care in the world !!

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I personally have no condescending attitude towards Italy and I certainly do not

have high regard for the United States model of illness managed for profit. See

my article:

" Modern Medicine: How Healing Illness became Managing Illness "


Insofar as the degrees for cash problem in Italy, I wasn't trying to single out

Italy, just Simoncini, and I merely reported what has been widely published,

including this article at a European site:

" Fake degrees are a boom industry in Italy "

http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storyCode=93238 & sectioncode=26



I have to note that Italy is known to be a place where a

degree in just about anything can be had for the right price.

> ===========================================================


> Really? I live 18 years in Italy never heard about such a thing!Another

condescending cliche on Europeans !

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Degrees are quite useless, if you are not admitted to the Italian

medical order of Italian practicing doctors..

see http://application.fnomceo.it/Fnomce...fessionisti.ot

by putting surname on the " cognome " box and then by clicking " ricerca " ....

There is not Tullio Simoncini...I read he was expelled from

the Italian Medical Order and was condemned by an Italian court.

Sigh... " nemo in patria propheta est "


I have to note that Italy is known to be a place where a

degree in just about anything can be had for the right price.

> > ===========================================================

> >

> > Really? I live 18 years in Italy never heard about such a thing!Another

condescending cliche on Europeans !


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This is a new phenomenon coming with internet in fact the article say :

Bogus universities operating in Italy generally claim parent-universities in

other countries. An Italian can, for example, obtain a degree from the Italian

branch of " Kensington University " , which is not off Brompton Road, but in

California. Then there is the Italian branch of " Northwest London University " ,

or the " Melchnikov Institute " in Naples, which claims links with Odessa, or

various self-styled institutions claiming legitimacy from universities in

Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Spain, the United States, and Latvia.

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Dr Simoncini is a MD surgeon specializing in Oncology, a diabetologist and the

recipient of a PHD in philosophy. He also studied physics for a while.

Nobody in Italy, even his enemies from the medical association and prosecutors

had a doubt on his credentials.

He and his brother,who is also an MD, lost their licence in 2003 for insisting

in curing people with Bicarbonate of Soda..

Dr.Simoncini are not keeping secret their protocol like if it was the formula

for Coca Cola to the contrary.. Any doctor in the world can read their various

protocol online. It is public domain. No patent,no profit for the brothers.

How it began

In 1947 an Italian MD, Dr Pantellini advice a patient dying of a stomach cancer

to go home and papers in order. Before he left the good doctor, to alleviate the

pain of his patient, gave him this recomendation : drink fresh lemonade and

baking soda. A year later his patient was completely cured.. This patient died

from an heart attack 20 years later.

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" Dr Simoncini is a MD surgeon specializing in Oncology, a diabetologist and the

recipient of a PHD in philosophy. He also studied physics for a while. "


That may all be so, but do you not find it odd that there is no reference at all

to any institutions he attended, even on his own website?

If Simoncini, along with his brother, lost his license then he is no longer an

MD is he? Certainly not in Italy.

When it comes to Simoncini " curing " cancers, I have seen no convincing evidence

or data about Simoncini's purported successes with injecting bicarbonate of


What I have seen is a huge amount of hype, mostly tied into a campaign to

promote his book " Cancer is a Fungus " about his bogus theory which would have us

believe that all cancer is fungus.

I have also seen questionable testimonials and some tragic failures, such as the

wrongful death in Italy that lead to his prosecution.

Besides the death in Italy, a Dutch breast cancer patient died in October 2007

in a Netherlands clinic after she was treated with sodium bicarbonate injections

by Tullio Simoncini. The cause of death was acute alkalinosis and the

circumstances of her death, including multiple injections of baking soda into

the her breast is reported to be subject to investigation by the department of

public prosecution/the police and the Netherlands Health Care Inspectorate. It

is also reported that Simoncini treated a total of six patients at the

Netherlands clinic where the woman died and was not successful in a single case.

Then there is the case of poor Marjolean Bouwman, once highly touted by

Somoncini as one of his big success stories:

When Marjolein Bouwman was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she was advised

to take conventional therapy. Instead, she decided to contact Tullio Simoncini

in Rome, where she was given a number of injections with sodium bicarbonate by

him. The other part of the treatment consisted of infusions of sodium

bicarbonate, which Marjolein adminstered herself in her own home in the

Netherlands. Soon after, Simoncini declared that Marjolein was completely cured.

Ecstatically happy, Marjolein became a staunch advocate of Simoncini's sodium

bicarbonate therapy. However, undeniable proof of her miracle cure was never

delivered, in spite of repeated promises.

A few months ago, Marjolein stated that Simoncini had deceived her and that she

had not been cured at all. At that time, her cancer had already metastasized so

extensively that she had a less than 40% chance of recovery. She also said that

Simoncini's useless therapy had caused her to lose valuable time, which might

well have been fatal.

Marjolein Bouwman died of metastasized ovarian cancer on November 2, 2008. She

was only 25 years old and the mother of a little boy.




> Dr Simoncini is a MD surgeon specializing in Oncology, a diabetologist and the

recipient of a PHD in philosophy. He also studied physics for a while.


> Nobody in Italy, even his enemies from the medical association and prosecutors

had a doubt on his credentials.


> He and his brother,who is also an MD, lost their licence in 2003 for

insisting in curing people with Bicarbonate of Soda..


> Dr.Simoncini are not keeping secret their protocol like if it was the formula

for Coca Cola to the contrary.. Any doctor in the world can read their various

protocol online. It is public domain. No patent,no profit for the brothers.


> How it began


> In 1947 an Italian MD, Dr Pantellini advice a patient dying of a stomach

cancer to go home and papers in order. Before he left the good doctor, to

alleviate the pain of his patient, gave him this recomendation : drink fresh

lemonade and baking soda. A year later his patient was completely cured.. This

patient died from an heart attack 20 years later.


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Dear Tony:


I am glad that there are folks on this site genuinely trying to protect us

desperate cancer patients from getting killed. Look at what this doc did:



Now remember the nurses in the hyberbaric room at Providence Hospital Hyberbaric

Chamber therapy room told me about a rash of patients coming in with air

embolisms from drinking hydrogen peroxide a few years back. If you don't believe

me, call 503-215-1111 and ask for the Hyberbaric Chamber therapy room and ask

for " . " There are two nurses in this facility named " , " both of whom

commented on the air embolisms from the ingested hydrogen peroxide.


The naturopath I went to see out of state who gave me IV hydrogen peroxide did

not want me filming him either doing this IV treatment or the IV ozone

treatment. Wonder why? So I could have been killed by the IV hydrgoen peroxide

as well, it turns out.


The medical staff at the hospital were all incredulous that I would be putting

ozone in my veins. One emergency room doc came prouncing into my room and said,

" Looking at your chart, I don't know if this is a comedy or a tragedy. " I

certainly corrected his " bedside manner, " assuring him that it was no fun to be

writhing on the floor for an hour with no help. Anyway, I felt like I was being

blamed for doing something as stupid as putting a gas in my veins.


If only I had listened to Mike Golden. I am seeing a lot of stroke patients in

my clinical rotation this week. I am one lucky lady. Thank you Mike for speaking

out. Even I initally thought you were a naysayer. Keep warning people of the

potential dangers of oxygen therapies. I knew there would be people attacking me

for coming out with my story, this is why I wanted you to protect my privacy.

But I can handle it now. I am not as vulnerable as I was a few months back. I'm

a big girl. I can take the heat. If I can save one person from going thru what I

went thru, then it is worth all the B.S. I have to go thru. My only desire is to

protect others.


....When it comes to Simoncini " curing " cancers, I have seen no convincing

evidence or data about Simoncini's purported successes with injecting

bicarbonate of soda.

What I have seen is a huge amount of hype, mostly tied into a campaign to

promote his book " Cancer is a Fungus " about his bogus theory which would have us

believe that all cancer is fungus.

I have also seen questionable testimonials and some tragic failures, such as the

wrongful death in Italy that lead to his prosecution.

Besides the death in Italy, a Dutch breast cancer patient died in October 2007

in a Netherlands clinic after she was treated with sodium bicarbonate injections

by Tullio Simoncini. The cause of death was acute alkalinosis and the

circumstances of her death, including multiple injections of baking soda into

the her breast is reported to be subject to investigation by the department of

public prosecution/ the police and the Netherlands Health Care Inspectorate. It

is also reported that Simoncini treated a total of six patients at the

Netherlands clinic where the woman died and was not successful in a single


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shaman urban <shaman_urban@...> wrote:

> " Dr Simoncini is a MD surgeon specializing in Oncology, a diabetologist and

the recipient of a PHD in philosophy. He also studied physics for a while. "


Tony <dquixote1217> responded...

That may all be so, but do you not find it odd that there is no reference at

all to any institutions he attended, even on his own website?



5 minutes on the Net would tell you that he " received his Degree in 1976

from La Sapienza University, Rome Italy, majoring in Surgery. He followed

this with specialized studies in Diabetes and Metabolic Illnesses at the

Sacro Cuore University, also in Rome, in 1983. In 1996 Dr. Simoncini

received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from La Sapienza University. From 2000 to

2004 he devoted his focus to Oncology, also at La Sapienza University. "

This is on the fourth Google search result if you search on Simoncini MD.

You can also look up both universities - their websites have English


You wrote:

> If Simoncini, along with his brother, lost his license then he is no

> longer an MD is he? Certainly not in Italy.

The MD is an academic degree and nothing to do with licensure. So yes, he is

still an MD, whether he is licensed or not.

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Quackwatch may have some valid information hidden among all of it's

shilliing for big pharma and ranting against any and all alternatives to

their patented drugs and other mainstream treatments, but it is largely

a Big Pharma front run by de-licensed and thoroughly discredited

quackpot Barrett which autoaticially rejects all natural and

alternative therapies and I would never trust it as a source of


Mike Golden is a valuable member of my " oleandersoup " group too

and we think quite highly of him over there. His information is, well,

" golden " .



Dorr <dorrnancy@...> wrote:


> Dear Tony:


> I am glad that there are folks on this site genuinely trying to

protect us desperate cancer patients from getting killed. Look at what

this doc did: http://www.quackwatch.org/11Ind/shortt.html.


> Now remember the nurses in the hyberbaric room at Providence Hospital

Hyberbaric Chamber therapy room told me about a rash of patients coming

in with air embolisms from drinking hydrogen peroxide a few years back.

If you don't believe me, call 503-215-1111 and ask for the Hyberbaric

Chamber therapy room and ask for " . " There are two nurses in this

facility named " , " both of whom commented on the air embolisms from

the ingested hydrogen peroxide.


> The naturopath I went to see out of state who gave me IV hydrogen

peroxide did not want me filming him either doing this IV treatment or

the IV ozone treatment. Wonder why? So I could have been killed by the

IV hydrgoen peroxide as well, it turns out.


> The medical staff at the hospital were all incredulous that I would be

putting ozone in my veins. One emergency room doc came prouncing into my

room and said, " Looking at your chart, I don't know if this is a comedy

or a tragedy. " I certainly corrected his " bedside manner, " assuring him

that it was no fun to be writhing on the floor for an hour with no help.

Anyway, I felt like I was being blamed for doing something as stupid as

putting a gas in my veins.


> If only I had listened to Mike Golden. I am seeing a lot of stroke

patients in my clinical rotation this week. I am one lucky lady. Thank

you Mike for speaking out. Even I initally thought you were a naysayer.

Keep warning people of the potential dangers of oxygen therapies.....

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I would that Simoncini was right and that all that was needed was an Infusion of

Baking Soda and cancer would be cured. I have no reason to believe it works.

By the same token, why would I believe reports about his failures because when

Luther King's wife died at a clinic, the blame was placed at the feet of

the clinic and the treatments. They kept the part about her being near death

when arriving at the clinic quiet. One or two deaths do not make a strong

enough case and of course what is the source of that information.

Regardless, as stated above, I see no valid reason to believe, other than a

wish, that Bicarbonate of Soda is an effective treatment for cancer. It does,

however, along with Peroxide, make for a great teeth-cleaning substance.

There isn't enough evidence for the very desperate to lose valuable time

'trying' the protocol without much more evidence it is effective. It also makes

for a fast acting ant-acid when there is need for one.

Joe C.

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This is an interesting blog on baking soda :

My Dance with Cancer.


I cite :

" In their technical terms they described it on the report dated 17Mar 2008:

" Reviewed CT and bone scan. Bone scan showed metastatic disease at R sacrum and

L illiac wing " .So...they patted me on the back and told me I had aggressive

prostate cancer that has spread to the bone "

Long story short. I did it. I drank a baking soda solution I started 2 June

2008 and quit 12 June 2008. I quit because I was scheduled for another bone scan

on 13 June 2008.


Two days later I got another report in the mail about my blood tests: PSA is now

0.1.... That is zero point one!

Do I have a conclusion? No I don't. I just told you some of my story... "



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You wrote : I am glad that there are folks on this site genuinely trying to

protect us desperate cancer patients from getting killed.


We have 300 to 500 reported deaths per year, taking aspirin: (taken as


Your reaction to ozone therapy is very rare as the odd of a diver dying during

his first deep dive from an embolism. Unfortunately this happens every year and

nobody would not who is at risk or who is not.. The only to avoid this risk is

to never dive with a tank in more than 30 feet deep.


But you have a lot of " incident " that are avoidable. Lets look at conventional

treatment best kept secret. Here I am not talking about useless surgeries and

treatments used everyday..

To get a better understanding, let’s define an important medical term.

Iatrogenic: Something that happens as the result of the action of a physician or

a therapy the doctor prescribed.

Therefore, an iatrogenic disease, is a disease that may be inadvertently caused

by a physician or surgeon or by a medical or surgical treatment or a diagnostic


Only in the US for example :

As few as 5% and no more than 20% of iatrogenic events are ever reported.


So let’s take the number of avoidable (latrogenic) deaths that are reported

and multiply it times the number above to get a better estimate of how many

actually occur.

In 1994, for example, if all latrogenic events were reported we would have more


783,936 deaths.

On a ten year basis the number of iatrogenic deaths is more than all the

casualties from wars that America has fought in its entire history (1)

“ Our report shows that casualties are equivalent to 6 jumbo jets falling out

of the sky each and every day “ (1)

How many is too many?

The actual yearly number of latrogenic deaths could be around

999,936 deaths (1)

Never before have the complete statistics on the multiple causes of iatrogenesis

been combined in one article, a special thanks to: Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean

MD, ND; Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy , PhD

In light of these numbers, The American Medical system is the leading cause of

death and injury in The United States (2)


(1) Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD;

and Dorothy , PhD . © 2003,

(2)Leape LL. Error in medicine. JAMA. 1994 Dec 21;272(23):1851-7.

(3)Brennan TA, Leape LL, Laird NM, Hebert L, Localio AR, Lawthers AG, et al.

Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients. N Engl J

Med 1991; 324: 370-376.)

(4) C, Stanhope N, Crowley- M. Reasons for not reporting adverse

incidents: an empirical study. J Eval Clin Pract. 1999 Feb;5(1):13-21

(5)A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices, Agency for Healthcare

Research and Quality (AHRQ), 2001

(6)Dickinson JG. Dickinson’s FDA Review. March 2000; 7 (3):13-14.

(7)Cohen JS. Overdose: The Case Against the Drug Companies. 2001, Tarcher-Putnum

New York

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  • 6 months later...

Not Here Gubi,

But I remember Getting Negative press on it. That means nothing though.

Unless it is a fast growing tumor you can prove disprove claims.

Good Luck.


Re: Simoncini


Has any onyone here used Dr. Simoncini's protocol?

If so, would you care to tell us about it and your impression of it?


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