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Re: You don’t have to get cancer

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Hi ,

Dr. Peskin's thesis seems to be taken from the research and

books of Dr. Johanna Budwig who was an expert on fats and oils and

discovered in the 1950's that the EFA's in flaxseed oil and flaxseeds

would, along with a special diet, sunlight and stress reduction would

heal many diseases including terminal cancer. Dr. Budwig worked with

patients for over 50 years with over a 90% success rate. She

specialized in treating terminal cancer patients and wrote her last

book in 1999 plus continued working with patients into 2002 when she

was in her 90's yet still very sharp and active.

, you have named the wrong oils for omega 6 which is actually

linoleic acid and omega 3 which is linolenic acid. Olive oil has NO

omega 3 acids in it and is a neutral oil that doesn't enter the

picture as a healer as far as Dr. Budwig is concerned. It isn't

harmful but isn't very helpful either where cancer is concerned. It

gets a lot of attention because it has a pleasant taste and can be

used for cooking as well as being better than butter or other

damaging fats. However, it does not compare to the healing effects

offered by flaxseed oil which is high in omega 3 and also has a good

balance of omega 6 and 9. Flax oil is the most active of the oils and

can revitalize and normalize the cells in the body by helping them to

absorb oxygen and repairing the other membrane of the cells which is

made up primarily of fatty substances. Without essential fatty acids

that outer membrane cannot protect the cell from carcinogins or

cancer-causing chemicals that attach to it.

Dr. Budwig also wrote that fish oil supplements are not only worthless

but harmful because of the way they are processed. We also have the

problem now of mercury in fish.

Dr. Snuffy Myers is talking about consuming flaxseed oil alone. Dr.

Budwig explained that taking a high amount of oil alone is not

helpful. She found that when flax oil is blended and bonded with

cottage cheese or quark it adhers to the sulfurated proteins in the

cheese and those proteins make the oil more water soluble allowing it

to be easily digested and metabolized, transporting it into the

tissues and organs of the body and the cells where it can do its

repair work and oxygenated the body at the cell level. Dr. Snuffy

Myers doesn't include the idea of bonding flax oil with cottage

cheese. So, he doesn't have the full understanding that Dr. Budwig


This has worked to heal people of cancer and other diseases for many

years and is working today with members of the group,

flaxseedoil2, which is one of the largest health groups has.

People in that group, who follow that Budwig protocol correctly are

healing not only from advanced cancer, but also from various other

conditions such are arthritis, diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure,


When anyone joins FlaxseedOil2, they automatically receive a copy of

an " Introduction to the Budwig Protocol " explaining the program plus

a list of recent testimonials [in the files there are well over 100

testimonials of healing], and links to two videos on youtube that

show how to make the flax oil/cottage cheese/fruit recipe. Here is

the link to the group for those who are interested.


john magal wrote:

>I'm glad that finally someone initiated a discussion of Dr

Peskin's thesis on essential fatty acids.


>To resume that thesis in the shortest possible way would be that it

is the EFAs which transport the oxygen to our cells preventing

hypoxia and of the two EFAs omega-6 (linolenic acid) transports more

than omega-3 (or olive oil)


> So we all have to rethink. So far we have been told that cold

pressed olive oil is the healthiest thing on earth and that we all

have to consume more omega-3s swallowing 3 grs of fish oil per day to

keep cardiac problems and cancer away. Peskin, however, says " fish

oil is worthless at best and harmful at worst " and " Fish oil

supplements can significantly decrease the effectiveness of your

immune system, increasing your risk of contracting cancer " .


> So if you want to avoid cardiac and cancer problems you better

investigate this matter carefully. It might very well be the single

most important nutritional issue of your life. You can do that by

reading the synopsis of 3 pages mcnjnj has gracefully posted in

digest 3434, or by going to www.townsendletter.com where Peskin has

written an article of 7 pages, or to http://www.brianpeskin.com/efa-

analysis.pdf where you will find 51 pages.


> Is Peskin right? As far as EFAs and cardiovascular problems are

concerned, he probably is. But the focus of this comment is another.


> I'm a prostate cancer patient and am aware of the opinion of Dr

Snuffy Meyers on EFAs. Meyers is one of the foremost oncologists in

the country, specialized in PCa and very knowledgable in nutrition

and PCa. He has written a book on it and publishes the health letter

The Prostate Forum.


> All what Peskin says is in open contradiction to what Meyers

recommends to his patients.


> Meyer says " I strongly recommend that men with prostate cancer do

not use flax seed oil or a n y o t h e r oils rich in alpha-

linolenic acids " . " ...the inescapable conclusion is that the best way

to get enough omega-3 fatty acids is to increase your intake of DHA

and EPA, not alpha-linolenic acid " . " I strongly urge you to obtain

ocean fish, fish oil capsules or algae-based neuromins "


> So, these two authorities are in flagrant contradiction to each

other, at least as far as the treatment of cancer is concerned. It

would probably be expecting too much that one of these doctors would

manifest himself on this, so we will have to figure this out for

ourselves, although the topic is really too complex to be within the

grasp of a lay person.


> Can anybody make a contribution to this?

> Happy New Year


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Without having read the studies, only the conclusions as outlined below, I have

to wonder if Meyers has investigated the alpha-linolenic acid of flax seed oil

in regard to the guidelines of the Budwig Protocol wherein, when combined with

the sulfur contribution of cottage cheese, the oil is transformed, and as

claimed by the protocol, makes the alpha-linolenic acid able to penetrate the

cell wall and work its magic.? The Budwig protocal specifically claims that

without the additive of the sulpher, that flaxseed can be more detrimential to

you than good.




john magal <johnmagal@...> wrote:

Is Peskin right? As far as EFAs and cardiovascular problems are concerned, he

probably is. But the focus of this comment is another.

I’m a prostate cancer patient and am aware of the opinion of Dr Snuffy Meyers on

EFAs. Meyers is one of the foremost oncologists in the country, specialized in

PCa and very knowledgable in nutrition and PCa. He has written a book on it and

publishes the health letter The Prostate Forum.

All what Peskin says is in open contradiction to what Meyers recommends to his


Meyer says “I strongly recommend that men with prostate cancer do not use flax

seed oil or a n y o t h e r oils rich in alpha-linolenic acids”. “...the

inescapable conclusion is that the best way to get enough omega-3 fatty acids is

to increase your intake of DHA and EPA, not alpha-linolenic acid”.”I strongly

urge you to obtain ocean fish, fish oil capsules or algae-based neuromins”

So, these two authorities are in flagrant contradiction to each other, at least

as far as the treatment of cancer is concerned. It would probably be expecting

too much that one of these doctors would manifest himself on this, so we will

have to figure this out for ourselves, although the topic is really too complex

to be within the grasp of a lay person. Can anybody make a contribution to this?

Happy New Year

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Regarding prostate cancer specifically, to the best of my knowledge,

Cliff Beckwith, who was an originator of the flaxoil board,

lived for many years with prostate cancer, and attributed his many

extended years to following Dr. Budwig's protocol. I think also that

there are more than a few other men from the flaxoil2 board who can

give testimony as to the effectiveness of the protocol.

A woman my wife and I know who is scheduled to have a gastrectomy in

just a few days, due to stomach cancer, said she was taking flax oil

for a long time, years, I think, prior to being diagnosed with

cancer. But she was taking it by itself---no cottage cheese.

It seems to me that the reason flax oil became known was due to Dr.

Budwig, or am I incorrect about that? If that is the case, how did

taking flax oil get separated from the necessary addition of cottage


Best wishes,


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this contradiction is interesting, but i believe an

authority like Dr Johanna Budwig spent her life

studying this matter - the transport of oxygen - and

the involvement of the fatty acids in this process,

and came up with the conclusion that its only Flax

Seed Oil that can best carry out this role

--- john magal wrote:

> I’m glad that finally someone initiated a

> discussion of Dr Peskin’s thesis on essential

> fatty acids.

> To resume that thesis in the shortest possible way

> would be that it is the EFAs which transport the

> oxygen to our cells preventing hypoxia...

> So we all have to rethink. So far we have been

> told that cold pressed olive oil is the healthiest

> thing on earth and that we all have to consume more

> omega-3s swallowing 3 grs of fish oil per day to

> keep cardiac problems and cancer away. Peskin,

> however, says “fish oil is worthless at best and

> harmful at worst” and “Fish oil supplements can

> significantly decrease the effectiveness of your

> immune system, increasing your risk of contracting

> cancer”.....

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