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Re: Marshmallows For Brains - Purely Carcinogenic Snacks

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I think that our country should emphasize good nutrition to the population.

There should be more subsidization of fruits and vegetables and more effort to

fairly distribute such to the people.

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> Yesterday, my wife and I went to the local grocery store to pick up

> some avocados for us and some jarred apple sauce, packaged tapioca

> pudding and ice cream for my mother-in-law. She is 76, and wants to

> eat the way she wants to, and we have to respect that and bear with

> it.


This one was a doozey, Elliot. Had to copy and paste your letter in to

a Word document, so that I could enlarge the print and give it to my

husband, who remarked at his rather antiquated age, " This letter is

right on! " And so it is.

Warm wishes,


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Yes, the programs are out there, but rice krispie squares are part of

it! Look in most diabetic cook books and they are highly recommended.

Granted the version in the books uses more rice krispies and less

marshmallow that the kraft recipe, but yes, it is a well recommended

snack for diabetics. So how is the average person to figure out what is

good to eat?

It took me years of research to find out what to eat to be healthy with

an impair glucose tolerance. The information I was given by the medical

profession would have had me on the needle long ago, if I had listened

to them.

Bright Blessings,


lineridergarcia22 wrote:

> - Ever hear of the saying, " you can lead a horse to the water, but you can't

make it drink " ?

> There are nutrition programs out there already !!








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Great point about what is good and bad. When I was

just a youngster I knew about health foods and health

food stores. Most already told what people now are

learning. Maybe it was because of the church I was in

that gave me a head start. I always use wheat bread

and only brown sugar when I use sugar. Of course honey

is a great substitute for sugar !!

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Rice Krispies squares are great....the problem I had with their recipe

is the margarine part. Should use real butter and stay away from the

garbage type polyunsaturated fats. If for no other reason than

health, at least taste............




> Sure enough, I saw them next in the cereal aisle, buying two large

> boxes of rice krispies, and then they went to the dairy aisle and

> bought two 1-pound packages of margarine.


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Hi, Chuck.

I have to suppose you are pulling my leg with your response about rice

krispies squares being " great. "

Nevertheless, I will only post one follow-up message on this topic, and

then I will, in the interest of space, and in order not to turn the

thread into an argument, not say any more. I feel you MUST know better,

but if you do not, here are the facts about a " snack " that consists of

rice krispies, marshmallows and marshmallows or butter. Keep in mind

that ingredients are listed in order of how much of each is in the

product, and keep in mind that the rice in rice krispies is not even

brown rice, but rather nutritionless white rice:

Rice Krispies ingredients: Rice, sugar, salt, high fructuse corn syrup,

malt flavoring, ascorbic acid (vitaminC), niacinamide, reduced iron,

pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin

hydrochloride (vitamin B1), vitamin A palmitate, folic acid, vitamin

B12, and vitamin D, and BHT.

Marshmallow ingredients generally consist of some or all of the

following: artificial colour, artificial flavour, corn syrup, dextrose,

gelatin, modified corn starch, natural flavour, sugar, tetrasodium

pyrophosphate, water

You have got it pretty much right that margarine in general is worse

than butter, but butter is not good to eat much of, either. I use it

very occasionally, because I enjoy the flavor of it. But most of the

time when I eat a baked potato, for instance, I put olive oil on it

instead of butter. Dr. Budwig did not allow the people she was treating

to eat butter. It's the wrong kind of fat for people with degenerative


Butter substitutes have nearly all been a case of " trying to have your

cake and eat it, too. " Here's an interesting article about lung damge

from products like " Butter Buds " :


I almost forgot to mention the microwave oven, that the people in the

grocery store I saw buying ingredients for " rice krispie bars " were

very likely going to use the microwave oven to make the things. So they

were taking already poisonous ingredients,(YES, white sugar and some of

the other ingredients can certainly be considered poisons), and then

were going to " nuke " or " frankenstein " them with microwaves. There is a

huge body of evidence that microwaving food alters it in negative,

dangerous ways.

Now, if you wish to continue saying rice krispie bars are " great, " I

will say no more.

Best wishes and best of health to you,


> >

> >

> > Sure enough, I saw them next in the cereal aisle, buying two large

> > boxes of rice krispies, and then they went to the dairy aisle and

> > bought two 1-pound packages of margarine.

> >


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In a message dated 1/25/08 7:14:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

misc@... writes:

> Hydrogenated milk fat

> is added back into these diluted blends for " taste, " otherwise it

> would be awful to drink.


why doesn't it say this on the package? I certainly don't want to eat

hydrogenated milk fat! I usually buy organic low fat milk. When I drank raw


from the farm I gained a lot of weight and much more mucus than lower fat milk.


Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.




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I still like them WITH butter - will not eat them with margarine....

And your point is? If I was to spend as much time worrying about what

I eat as some people I observe on this site do, I may as well quit

eating and/or living. You are consumed by your dietary regimen.

The point is to eat sensibly and healthy overall. The body is a

wondrous machine, capable of screening, filtering producing and

blending most anything it needs or does not need, including things

that may be on the unhealthy side. I agree avoiding excesses of these

ingredients, but the most undesirable of all food additives is MSG.

Might as well eat poison. The other thing I avoid like the plague, is

anything that has the word diet in it. Give me the real thing, not

some processed food that has been depleted of beneficial elements, and

substituted with additives to improve taste.

The real point is to enjoy life, the food you eat and quit worrying

about every minute ingredient that goes in the gut. Worry is more of

a cause of stress than poor food choices, so less worry and more

laughter and enjoyment of life is a better pill to swallow and follow.

So, yes Rice Krispie treats are great and I will continue to enjoy

them on occasions.

As far as the fat issue goes, a little more research into the

saturated fats versus polyunsaturated fats will help one determine the

right choice here. Natural animal fats are by far much better,

healthier from both a scientific and common sense approach than

processed, heat treated, hydrogenated polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

Olive oil is a monosaturated fat, and is beneficial as well. Virgin

Coconut Oil is an even better choice for cooking and the diet.

In fact, it has been proven that saturated fats are actually

beneficial to the heart and vascular system. Plaque buildup, when

properly analyzed, is actually a buildup of polyunsaturated fats, NOT

saturated fats as they would have us believe. Here again, the

disinformation campaign racks up a victory by pinning plaque buildup

as caused by saturated fats.

The food industry which founded and still funds in large part, the

American Heart Association, is still kept in their back pocket. To

this day, they continue to be the primary proponent of and for the

hype and disinformation about the fat issue over the past 50+ years.

The whole Heart Healthy labeling campaign has been perhaps the most

successful ad campaign Madison Ave has created, and a major source of

revenue for the AHA.

A whole generation has been educated/misinformed to believe that

saturated fats are bad for us, while polyunsaturated fats are good for

us. Big pharma also reaps the benefits from promoting statin drugs to

lower cholesterol, which has also suffered a smear campaign. The body

will produce a certain amount of cholesterol that it requires,

regardless of our lowered intake. Those levels are unique to each one

of us, and do not always fit within the " guidelines " of the mandated

cholesterol schedule. Even the statin drug ads make light of this

source of cholesterol when they pronounce the two sources - family and


The dairy industry is a whipping boy as well. Why are there so many

laws on the books not allowing the public access to raw milk? For

thousands of years, and still in rural populations, man has consumed

raw milk with no ill effects. It wasn't until the pasteurization and

homogenization of milk, together with the introduction of

polyunsaturated fats that Coronary Heart Disease made into medical

journals in the 1920's. Improvements in refrigeration, which were the

primary reason for pasteurization, are no longer an issue - so why

continue to deny raw milk to the public.

Read up on low fat and skim milk for a real eye opener. If one was

educated as to the source and the manufacturing process used for these

types of milk touted as being healthy substitutes for whole milk, it

would literally turn your stomach upside down. Hydrogenated milk fat

is added back into these diluted blends for " taste, " otherwise it

would be awful to drink.

For truthful information on cholesterol, I recommend the book " The

Cholesterol Myths " available for a nominal fee from the Weston Price



PS - Why would someone use the micro to make Rice Krispie treats? You

can't control the melting process. It's much easier and faster to use

the stove. So your assumption is just that - an assumption.


> Hi, Chuck.


> I have to suppose you are pulling my leg with your response about rice

> krispies squares being " great. "


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Elliot, would you please provide the proof that the people you saw in

the grocery store prepared their rice krispies in a microwave?

Unless you know this for sure, please consider that it may be hurtful

to make fun of, ridicule or put down people that you really know

nothing about regardless of the fact that we do not know their names.

They are still real people who are being discussed but what is being

said has no basis in reality. I do believe that thoughts have power.

Lets keep our thoughts about others positive and kind.

thank you.

Elliot wrote:

> I almost forgot to mention the microwave oven, that the people in

the grocery store I saw buying ingredients for " rice krispie bars "

were very likely going to use the microwave oven to make the things.

So they were taking already poisonous ingredients,(YES, white sugar

and some of the other ingredients can certainly be considered

poisons), and then were going to " nuke " or " frankenstein " them with

microwaves. There is a huge body of evidence that microwaving food

alters it in negative, dangerous ways.

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For one thing this is a cancer board. EVERY ingredient in Rice

Krispie Treats has cancer causing ingredients in them. Margarine has

chemicals and transfats. Sugar is processed with chemicals. Rice

Krispies are made with sugar, chemicals and devitalized rice.

Marshmallows are made from eggs, sugar and chemicals. Here is your

quote. " Give me the real thing, not

> some processed food that has been depleted of beneficial elements,


> substituted with additives to improve taste. "

Nothing in the recipe is real. I can't even pronounce the names in

this recipe. If you want real, use ghee, honey, and organic puffed



> >

> > Hi, Chuck.

> >

> > I have to suppose you are pulling my leg with your response about


> > krispies squares being " great. "

> >


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Here is a study on microwaves and people. Why are you promoting

foods and processes that contribute to cancer? People on this board

are trying to find ways to get rid of cancer. That involves real

food and real processes of cooking.



> > I almost forgot to mention the microwave oven, that the people in

> the grocery store I saw buying ingredients for " rice krispie bars "

> were very likely going to use the microwave oven to make the things.

> So they were taking already poisonous ingredients,(YES, white sugar

> and some of the other ingredients can certainly be considered

> poisons), and then were going to " nuke " or " frankenstein " them with

> microwaves. There is a huge body of evidence that microwaving food

> alters it in negative, dangerous ways.


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Thank you, GB! Thank you ever so much!!!

I REALLY could NOT believe we were beginning to have such a

conversation on this board!

That I was getting accused of " telling lies " about " that poor couple "

was amazing to me! I meant them no harm whatsoever, and no harm

whatsoever could have come to them from what I said. I simply chose

them as just one example out of millions who are still eating white

bread, marshmallows, rice krispies and margarine, AND SMOKING---just

ONE couple out of millions of people in my country who CANNOT any

longer be completely ignorant about the dangers of white sugar, white

flour and large quantities of fat, not to mention smoking.

As for the suggestion that I " prove " they were going to use a

microwave oven, again, I could not believe it. First of all,

EVERYBODY in my area still uses microwaves. That my wife and I got

rid of our microwave oven makes us 1 out of 100,000 around here.

Family, friends and neighbors who visit us are amazed that we don't

have a microwave oven. It was my wife who said that couple would use

the microwave to make the rice krispie bars. Then, the idea that I

needed to prove the couple was going to use a microwave oven in order

to " vindicate " them of the " harm " I had done them...utterly amazing!

I wrote that message because I am aghast, afraid and deeply saddened

by what I see people doing all around me. The person who asked me

to " prove " that couple used a microwave oven had some preconceived

notion that I was somehow acting " holier than thou " or that I

was " ridiculing " the couple. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

It is because I care a great deal about individuals and about the

crushing health care costs being incurred by such behavior that I

wrote what I did.

As someone who has, through Providence, been allowed to live through

a diagnosis of cancer, I spend a significant portion of my time

answering questions about healing from cancer and degenerative

disease on this board and on a board I started and which I moderate.

I also have a website and a blog about healing from cancer, and I

speak in person to groups of people who want to learn about

recovering from and preventing cancer. I care deeply about what

happens to others, and I am outraged and saddened by the state of

affairs in this country, a country that more than has the capability

to provide REAL HEALTH care to people, (as in making people really

healthy and helping people to maintain real health), but that instead

provides mainly dis-ease care,(as in doing nothing to keep people

from becoming sick---even, almost, encouraging it---and then treating

them for catastrophic dis-eases), and that actively tries to

discourage those who attempt to provide REAL HEALTH care from doing


Best wishes and best of health,


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I am not promoting the use of microwaves at all.

I'm asking that we not assume and publicize things about others that

we do not know are fact. KC


> Here is a study on microwaves and people. Why are you promoting

> foods and processes that contribute to cancer? People on this board

> are trying to find ways to get rid of cancer. That involves real

> food and real processes of cooking.

> http://www.cancersalves.com/articles/Microwave.html


> GB



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When one is diagnosed with a deadly, death-dealing dis-ease, it is

highly intelligent and absolutely necessary to pay close attention to

as many details of one's diet, as well as to one's environment and

the rest of one's life, as possible. Many people do all they can to

take as much burden off their immune system as they can. They get an

air purifier for their home, they drink pure water, they eat only

those things that will support the health of the body, they get to

bed on time, AND they take supplements they hope will strengthen and

otherwise help their immune system.

For someone with cancer, eating something like " rice krispie bars " would be

foolish indeed. Two things I remember from my reading:

1) In his book, " The Cancer Answer, " Al says,(paraphrased) " It

is not red dye #2 that causes cancer. It is, rather, the extra work

the immune system has to do of constantly breaking down and

eliminating the red dye from the body that overworks the immune

system, thereby causing it to miss the destruction of some mutant

cells that then have the chance to grow into cancer. "

2) In another place, I don't remember where, I read that each

teaspoon of white sugar a person consumes directly diminishes the

effectiveness of his immune system, and also directly diminishes any

store of vitamin C in his body.

I therefore want to avoid, within reason, anything that is going to

diminish the effectiveness/efficiency of my immune system, and it is

certainly within reason to avoid eating a " snack " as wholly

carcinogenic as " rice krispie bars. " There is not one thing in them

that gives me a reason to suppose I can conscionably eat such a

thing. If I want an occasional snack that is delicious and " candyish "

tasting, I will make myself a sandwich consisting of two slices of

real whole wheat bread(home-baked, if possible) spread with almond

butter, tahini and a bit of Really Raw honey.

Best wishes and best of health,


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I do agree with you, but for many people, who have diabetes, which can

kill you fairly rapidly, they believe rice krispie square to be healthy.

Why wouldn't they? The nutritionalists use them as an example of a

healthy well balanced snack. I have lived with an impaired glucose

tolerance for over 35 years now and have had nutritionalists in both

Canada and the US do this.

I do agree with your hurt, I too look at the world and wonder how did

right become wrong, how did good food become illegal and poison legal.

But expecting anyone to know the difference? No, there is too much

mis-information from too many sources that should, in a rational world

be trustworthy, for the average person to know what is good for them and

what is not.

Bright Blessings,


breathedeepnow wrote:

> For someone with cancer, eating something like " rice krispie bars "

> would be foolish indeed. Two things I remember from my reading:



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I make my rice krispie treats with veal and coal tar, myself.

Posted by: " Guru K " greatyoga@...   greatyoga

Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:54 pm (PST)


For one thing this is a cancer board. EVERY ingredient in Rice

Krispie Treats has cancer causing ingredients in them. Margarine has

chemicals and transfats. Sugar is processed with chemicals. Rice

Krispies are made with sugar, chemicals and devitalized rice.

Marshmallows are made from eggs, sugar and chemicals. Here is your

quote. " Give me the real thing, not

> some processed food that has been depleted of beneficial elements,


> substituted with additives to improve taste. "

Nothing in the recipe is real. I can't even pronounce the names in

this recipe. If you want real, use ghee, honey, and organic puffed



> >

> > Hi, Chuck.

> >

> > I have to suppose you are pulling my leg with your response about


> > krispies squares being " great. "

> >


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Do you mean you leave the MSG out? :>))



> I make my rice krispie treats with veal and coal tar, myself.


> Posted by: " Guru K " greatyoga@...   greatyoga

> Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:54 pm (PST)

> Chuck

> For one thing this is a cancer board. EVERY ingredient in Rice

> Krispie Treats has cancer causing ingredients in them. Margarine


> chemicals and transfats. Sugar is processed with chemicals. Rice

> Krispies are made with sugar, chemicals and devitalized rice.

> Marshmallows are made from eggs, sugar and chemicals. Here is your

> quote. " Give me the real thing, not

> > some processed food that has been depleted of beneficial


> and

> > substituted with additives to improve taste. "

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Yeah, it gives me hives. I use FD & C Red 3, 5, 11, 23, and 52 instead.

Posted by: " Guru K " greatyoga@...   greatyoga

Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:02 am (PST)

Do you mean you leave the MSG out? :>))



> I make my rice krispie treats with veal and coal tar, myself.


> Posted by: " Guru K " greatyoga@...   greatyoga

> Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:54 pm (PST)

> Chuck

> For one thing this is a cancer board. EVERY ingredient in Rice

> Krispie Treats has cancer causing ingredients in them. Margarine


> chemicals and transfats. Sugar is processed with chemicals. Rice

> Krispies are made with sugar, chemicals and devitalized rice.

> Marshmallows are made from eggs, sugar and chemicals. Here is your

> quote. " Give me the real thing, not

> > some processed food that has been depleted of beneficial


> and

> > substituted with additives to improve taste. "

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Humor (and a sense of humor) is always productive and beneficial. With

all due respect, can you spell L-I-G-H-T-E-N-U-P?

RB, And you're welcome :)

Posted by: " dwntwngrl2 " kcg@...   dwntwngrl2

Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:13 am (PST)

I dont understand the benefit of these messages. They dont seem very

productive. Perhaps they were meant to be private between you two?

Thx KC

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I like the FD & C Red 3. I can go for nine days straight with no sleep.


> >

> > I make my rice krispie treats with veal and coal tar, myself.

> >

> > Posted by: " Guru K " greatyoga@   greatyoga

> > Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:54 pm (PST)

> > Chuck

> > For one thing this is a cancer board. EVERY ingredient in Rice

> > Krispie Treats has cancer causing ingredients in them. Margarine

> has

> > chemicals and transfats. Sugar is processed with chemicals. Rice

> > Krispies are made with sugar, chemicals and devitalized rice.

> > Marshmallows are made from eggs, sugar and chemicals. Here is


> > quote. " Give me the real thing, not

> > > some processed food that has been depleted of beneficial

> elements,

> > and

> > > substituted with additives to improve taste. "


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