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Re: Husband was just diagnosed with mass on right upper lobe...cancer with possible

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I know how you feel, it is a nightmare

Praying for you

On Jan 26, 2010, at 8:50 PM, " talib.schwartz " wrote:

We are devastated, confused, dazed and anxious. Been to two hospital for

diagnosis. Latest one, Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC. Biopsy in St. Barnabus

Hospital found large mass on rt. upper lobe. Sloan Kettering did more scans,

MRI. Found tiny lesion on left parietal lobe of brain, small lesion on rt.

adrenal, small lesion on left lower lobe of lung. He was feeling great, but I

insisted he go for long overdue physical in November. I am an energy

healer/acupuncturist and knew deeply something was wrong. Lots of coughing,

history of lung problems and previous smoking.

Sloan-Kettering wants him to have needle radiation on his brain next Thursday.

They require an additional MRI and want him to be in the hospital for day

surgery for twelve hours. They also want him to take Dexamethasone (strong

steroid) afterwards. Terrible side effects. Just from taking Leviquin for

possible pneumonia, he has had swollen ankles and knee pain for three weeks! I

want to look at the Rife machine and find someone who is adept in N.J. or NY

with using it for cancer. The chemo doctor is checking to see if my husband

could be a candidate for Tarceva...some sort of genetic checking, as it has less

side effects and can possibly cross the blood/brain barrier. NJ hospital only

sent a few of the glass slides and now Sloan says we have to wait weeks for this

to check out.

Husband open to alternatives, but very scared and depressed (beyond belief). I

do acupuncture, compresses, enzymes, adrenal supplementations. Also Health

Kinesiology and Chinese herbs for his constant, dry cough. I want him to wait on

radiation to the brain...

We need support...dazed and frantic!

Tal Schwartz

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Hi Tal,

I totally understand where you are coming from as I am in a similar situation.

My husband who never smoked and seemed perfectly healthy was diagnosed with

NSCLC last August. I do not want to get into more details here so if you want

to email me privately my email is ngitig @gmail.com but the main thing I want

to point out to you is that we also started at Sloan Kettering and ultimately

left and extremely happy that we did leave. Sloan Kettering is a research

institution and their knowledge and expertise is great BUT their patient skills

leave a lot to be desired. They see you as just another statistic to test their

theories on. We now see an oncologist at NYU who came very highly recommended.

If you want the name and more info email me and I will be happy to supply.

In addition, my husband, who by the way is a physician himself, opted to go with

alternative holistic approach. I can recommend an excellent MD who does that

kind of work in NYC.

Our oncologist at NYU follows my husband with PET/CT scans and reviews whatever

we ask him to review in terms of the alternatives and he is open minded enough

not to try to pressure us into chemo. He is supportive of our personal


I gave you the overall picture so if you want more information with more

details, please email me directly.

Good Luck


From: talib.schwartz

We are devastated, confused, dazed and anxious. Been to two hospital for

diagnosis. Latest one, Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC. Biopsy in St. Barnabus

Hospital found large mass on rt. upper lobe. Sloan Kettering did more scans,

MRI. Found tiny lesion on left parietal lobe of brain, small lesion on rt.

adrenal, small lesion on left lower lobe of lung. He was feeling great, but I

insisted he go for long overdue physical in November. I am an energy

healer/acupuncturist and knew deeply something was wrong. Lots of coughing,

history of lung problems and previous smoking.

Sloan-Kettering wants him to have needle radiation on his brain next Thursday.

They require an additional MRI and want him to be in the hospital for day

surgery for twelve hours. They also want him to take Dexamethasone (strong

steroid) afterwards. Terrible side effects. Just from taking Leviquin for

possible pneumonia, he has had swollen ankles and knee pain for three weeks! I

want to look at the Rife machine and find someone who is adept in N.J. or NY

with using it for cancer. The chemo doctor is checking to see if my husband

could be a candidate for Tarceva...some sort of genetic checking, as it has less

side effects and can possibly cross the blood/brain barrier. NJ hospital only

sent a few of the glass slides and now Sloan says we have to wait weeks for this

to check out.

Husband open to alternatives, but very scared and depressed (beyond belief). I

do acupuncture, compresses, enzymes, adrenal supplementations. Also Health

Kinesiology and Chinese herbs for his constant, dry cough. I want him to wait on

radiation to the brain...

We need support...dazed and frantic!

Tal Schwartz

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You didn't state, but if the cancer involves an

adrenal there is a good chance it is non-small

cell lung cancer (NSCLC) although small cell lung

cancer almost always affect the brain. I would

not worry about the dexamethasone -- he

absolutely does not want swelling in the brain.

You haven't described anything that should cause

great panic or depression. Neither of you can

make good decisions when you are this distraught.

You might ask more questions about the needle

radiation vs gamma knife for the brain. I

haven't seen any of the Rife type devices perform well for this type of cancer.

Ask the doc detailed questions about the type and

grade of the cancer. If it is a high grade

cancer you might have a very useful protocol

based on diet. I can put you in touch with

others who have successfully controlled this with diet.

Once you get detailed diagnostic information you

might post it on the list. Beating this is very doable.

At 06:50 PM 1/26/2010, you wrote:



>We are devastated, confused, dazed and anxious.

>Been to two hospital for diagnosis. Latest one,

>Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC. Biopsy in St.

>Barnabus Hospital found large mass on rt. upper

>lobe. Sloan Kettering did more scans, MRI. Found

>tiny lesion on left parietal lobe of brain,

>small lesion on rt. adrenal, small lesion on

>left lower lobe of lung. He was feeling great,

>but I insisted he go for long overdue physical

>in November. I am an energy healer/acupuncturist

>and knew deeply something was wrong. Lots of

>coughing, history of lung problems and previous smoking.

>Sloan-Kettering wants him to have needle

>radiation on his brain next Thursday. They

>require an additional MRI and want him to be in

>the hospital for day surgery for twelve hours.

>They also want him to take Dexamethasone (strong

>steroid) afterwards. Terrible side effects. Just

>from taking Leviquin for possible pneumonia, he

>has had swollen ankles and knee pain for three

>weeks! I want to look at the Rife machine and

>find someone who is adept in N.J. or NY with

>using it for cancer. The chemo doctor is

>checking to see if my husband could be a

>candidate for Tarceva...some sort of genetic

>checking, as it has less side effects and can

>possibly cross the blood/brain barrier. NJ

>hospital only sent a few of the glass slides and

>now Sloan says we have to wait weeks for this to check out.

>Husband open to alternatives, but very scared

>and depressed (beyond belief). I do acupuncture,

>compresses, enzymes, adrenal supplementations.

>Also Health Kinesiology and Chinese herbs for

>his constant, dry cough. I want him to wait on radiation to the brain...

>We need support...dazed and frantic!

>Tal Schwartz



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I need all the details you can get. You can post it on Cancercured

or do it off list; it is up to you.

Do you have a pathology report from a biopsy?

Is anything out of range in his CBC and blood chemistry?

At 09:00 PM 1/26/2010, you wrote:


> I am interested in your advice

>Ray has NSC stage iv lung mets to brain and 4 cm masses on adrenals

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(moderator's note: Please remember to trim your posts. Thank you)

maybe photodynamic therapy could help with brain mets


Photodynamic therapy adjuvant to surgery in metastatic carcinoma in brain.


Department of Neurosurgery, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee,

Scotland, UK.

Cerebral metastases occur in 15-40% of cancers and their incidence is

increasing. We have studied the use of fluorescence image-guided surgery and

repetitive photodynamic therapy in 14 metastatic brain cancers. METHODS: Case

note review of prospectively collected data on patients who were treated with

PDT at the time of surgery for brain metastases. Patients were consented for the

surgery and PDT. Patients were given 2 mg/kg body weight of Photofrin IV 48 h

before the surgery and 20 mg/kg 5-aminolevulenic acid orally 3h before surgery.

Following resection of the tumor using fluorescence, microsurgical and image

guidance techniques, the post-excision cavity is filled with a balloon using

0.32% intralipid solution and up to five consecutive PDT treatments were given

using 100 J/cm(2) Diode Laser 630 nm. Patients were followed up clinically and

by brain imaging every 3 months till their death. RESULTS: Seven were lung in

origin and seven of variable sources. One patient with lung metastases died of

unrelated cause while the remaining six had remained free from brain disease

till their death. Two of the remaining seven patients died of local brain

recurrence, one bowel after 4 weeks and one of unknown primary after 70 weeks.

CONCLUSION: Adjuvant repetitive PDT seems to offer an excellent local control of

metastatic brain carcinomas with about 79% of patients succumb to the primary

and only two out of fourteen died of brain recurrence with the best results

obtained in lung cancer.

PMID: 19932456 [PubMed - in process]

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It is good to see that you are feeling better and you must be feeling better

since you are active again. I hope you continue to feel better and regain your

strength. I too am interested in your advice as my husband was diagnosed with

NSCL at the end of August with no metastasis other than in the Pleura. Brain

MRI at the end of Aug. was totally clean and full body PET/CT was also clean.

We have been doing a vegetarian diet with lots of supplements and other than his

loss of some weight (he does not have it to lose as he is small to begin with),

and dramatic loss of muscle tone he seems to be holding his own. He does not

have any typical lung cancer symptoms. No coughing, wheezing, breathing issues.

His main outward symptoms is weakness and fatigue. The latest PET/CT done at

the end of Dec. showed a very small shrinkage in the tumor and a decrease in the

SUV. We would like to continue on this path but we need guidance. We are also

very interested in the work of your organization in California and would like to

know whether you will be holding more seminars? Is it possible to contact you

off list?

Thank you for your time,


Re: [ ] Husband was just diagnosed with mass on right upper

lobe...cancer with possible

I need all the details you can get. You can post it on Cancercured

or do it off list; it is up to you.

Do you have a pathology report from a biopsy?

Is anything out of range in his CBC and blood chemistry?

At 09:00 PM 1/26/2010, you wrote:


> I am interested in your advice

>Ray has NSC stage iv lung mets to brain and 4 cm masses on adrenals

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