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Re: A Recipe for You/ was Desperate!!!!

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The question was asked:

>Can anyone offer proof that the flush works to rid you of all

>gallstones? My doctor won't even approach the subject of having the

>stones analyzed.


>Does this flush really work and how can you prove it to me.

The response was:

>Yes, the flush works. I have personally done several stone flushes and

>gotten out many large stones. You may have to " dig " through your first

>bowel movements to prove it to yourself...but the stones are there. If

>you want an immediate relief and a good drink on a daily basis here is Dr.

>Schulze liver flush drink which he says stops a gb attack and is good to

>do a few days off and on or whenever you need it:

I think that the response did not begin to answer the question.

Were the " many large stones " gallstones?

Did the flush " rid you of _all_ gallstones " ?

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Hi Wally and ,

I appreciate your help. Just to clarify, I have done several

flushes, all but one released many stones. The stones are less in

quantity and size as the flushes advance. But the attacks are

actually increasing in occurence.

I was wondering if eventually the flushes do get out all the stones.

Dr Weil states that the " stones " we see are in fact the olive oil and

not gallstones. I tried to questions him on his proof, but cannot

get a response from him or his team. My doctor won't analyze the

stones I released, and I haven't found an independent lab to do the


I am not merely skeptical, more analytical. I need to know that I am

on the right path. I spend 2-4 days a month being sick. That's a

big chuck of time. I would like to know that if I devote myself to

this regimen of cleansing that eventually I will be " worryfree " and

stonefree! I need to be able to go out to dinner with my husband, I

need to be able to share birthday cake on my daughter's birthday.

But most of all, I need to get rid of the stress both my husband and

I share over never knowing when another attack will occur and will

that one land me in the hospital! I want my life back.

Everyone on this side of my computer tells me to get my gallbladder

out. But I know that's not the right thing to do. I have no faith

or trust in this country's medical system. I can't blindly give up

my body to something I don't trust. I can't do it. Period. That's

why I am so anxious about the flush regimen working.

Do you still have attacks? Have you had an ultrasound to see if your

bladder is clear of stones? Have you gotten to the point where you

can treat yourself to dining out?

Thanks for all your attention. And special thanks for letting me

rant-I am really stressed out about this!



--- In gallstones , Wally Gordon <wally.gordon@b...>


> The question was asked:

> >Can anyone offer proof that the flush works to rid you of all

> >gallstones? My doctor won't even approach the subject of having


> >stones analyzed.

> >

> >Does this flush really work and how can you prove it to me.



> The response was:

> >Yes, the flush works. I have personally done several stone flushes


> >gotten out many large stones. You may have to " dig " through your


> >bowel movements to prove it to yourself...but the stones are

there. If

> >you want an immediate relief and a good drink on a daily basis

here is Dr.

> >Schulze liver flush drink which he says stops a gb attack and is

good to

> >do a few days off and on or whenever you need it:


> I think that the response did not begin to answer the question.


> Were the " many large stones " gallstones?


> Did the flush " rid you of _all_ gallstones " ?

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> I was wondering if eventually the flushes do get out all the stones.

> Dr Weil states that the " stones " we see are in fact the olive oil and

> not gallstones. I tried to questions him on his proof, but cannot

> get a response from him or his team. My doctor won't analyze the

> stones I released, and I haven't found an independent lab to do the

> same.


I think you have to pass some stones yourself to know that

that simply isn't true. I don't know enough to say that perhaps

some of the real soft thingy's, or the chaf that just looks like

little yellow bits may in fact be something like that, but the harder

things that I pass cannot form and be as hard as they are in

that short of a time. I don't mean like rocks, though some

have a little calcium in them, but I didn't take a lot of stone-

softening stuff (lots of apple juice, beet powder, etc.) the

last time a flushed about a month ago, and the stones were

harder than I've had in the past. (BTW, I will need to do this

again, I can tell, but am not nearly as bad as I was...will wait

a bit until the " traditional " cleansing time of spring if I can :-)

As to whether you'll ever been stone-free forever, I don't

know. I know I am a " stone maker " and have been flushing

on and off for many years. Just accept that as part of my

life. Your diet sounds fantastic, by the way, and like you

are on an even better track that way than I am. It is so hard

around here as my hubby is on the Atkins diet and I would

rather not eat that way...in fact I definately can't. Right now

we have compromised, and maybe we'll talk and he'll want

to go vegetarian again like we have tried in the past.

I'll read more posts before I reply to anything else as I'm sure

others have helped a lot :-) I am analytical, too, btw.

Take care,

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes

http://nutritionist.tripod.com ~ Journey to Health & Auctions

" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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Dr Weil states that the " stones " we see are in fact the olive oil and

not gallstones. I tried to questions him on his proof, but cannot

get a response from him or his team. My doctor won't analyze the

dr weil has a big bloated belly. probably full of gallstones

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Hi Wally and ,


I was wondering if eventually the flushes do get out all the stones.

Dr Weil states that the " stones " we see are in fact the olive oil and

not gallstones. I tried to questions him on his proof, but cannot

get a response from him or his team. My doctor won't analyze the

stones I released, and I haven't found an independent lab to do the


Do you still have attacks? Have you had an ultrasound to see if your

bladder is clear of stones? Have you gotten to the point where you

can treat yourself to dining out?

Thanks for all your attention. And special thanks for letting me

rant-I am really stressed out about this!





I can't tell you just how much I understand your fear. I was in a possition in

February of '99' that could have cost me my life like it did two of my friends.

One had died and the other died just recently and all was related to their liver

and gallbladders. Both had gallbladders that broke open and cause the dreaded

problem of peritonitis. I did a lot of research and then took a leap of faith to

attempt what was called the impossible, I got rid of a big stone that was

referred to as " A " stone by my doctor and the hospital. I could never assertain

just what size this stone proved to be but I can say I did pass some pretty

large stones for the first few flushes. I have six of them posted in the Files

of the on-line site.

I have just recently found that there were a few people that were fearful of my

doing the flush, believing I could have died, which is possible anytime you deal

with a diseased organ like the liver or gallbladder but I felt pretty secure in

myself to do so. I was told by one member of my family because that person just

recently started doing the flushes because they found that they too had stones

and strange pains. So far things are goind well, two flushes with chaff and some

very small stones.

Ultrasound is not as good as an MRI for detecting stones unless they are

clacified some. However, ultrasound can do some types of detection if a stone is

what the technician is seeking to find.

As for Dr. Weil's olive oil being the stones this is preposterous and is also

the reason my repect for him dropped like a stone into a mud pool. I believe he

is a very knowledgeable man, and has helped countless numbers of people with

various problems, but I think he was making an exstemely unfounded statement by

saying this. All one would have to do is to understand how important an

alkalizing agent is needed to get olive oil to gel let alone become a soap.

There just isn't going to be enough nor is there a hot enough inviorment in the

body to make the process work. It just becomes unfounded retoric to someone in

my possition.

So, does the flush work? Well, to me and a lot of others it does when done in a

process of exercise, healthy eating, and some other added modalities like

colonics or enemas to help in stimulating the liver and gallbladder.


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Hi ,

" Remember how I told you that you have to catch your first bowel

movement or so, and that is where you will find most of the big stones

that you don't see the first day? " .....

It wasn't me you were talking to, but thats exactly what happened to me

today! Wow was I surprised to see those stones sticking thru the bm in

the water. Very dark colored and one biggie with a few smaller ones! I

just got thru flushing on Sat and Sun and continued to eat lightly until

last night when I went out and ate with friends, I didn't eat any fat or

dairy though. Now if I could get this kidney stone to vacate and quit

scraping me....


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> Dr Weil states that the " stones " we see are in fact the olive oil and

> not gallstones. I tried to questions him on his proof, but cannot

> get a response from him or his team. My doctor won't analyze the

> dr weil has a big bloated belly. probably full of gallstones

LOL :-)

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes

" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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Hi B,

I had to respond when I read about what your Dr. told you. I had

probably a hundred green blobs (stones?) come out when I did the

flush and I used sunflower oil which has no green tint at all? If it

was just the oil then how come my " stones " weren't more clear in

color? When it comes down to it I think it is a personal decision

and that we all had to decide what was best for us. I am going to

try doing the flushing again and hope the I just keep feeling

better. I hope that you do too and I will be praying for you.

> > The question was asked:

> > >Can anyone offer proof that the flush works to rid you of all

> > >gallstones? My doctor won't even approach the subject of having

> the

> > >stones analyzed.

> > >

> > >Does this flush really work and how can you prove it to me.

> >

> >

> > The response was:

> > >Yes, the flush works. I have personally done several stone


> and

> > >gotten out many large stones. You may have to " dig " through your

> first

> > >bowel movements to prove it to yourself...but the stones are

> there. If

> > >you want an immediate relief and a good drink on a daily basis

> here is Dr.

> > >Schulze liver flush drink which he says stops a gb attack and is

> good to

> > >do a few days off and on or whenever you need it:

> >

> > I think that the response did not begin to answer the question.

> >

> > Were the " many large stones " gallstones?

> >

> > Did the flush " rid you of _all_ gallstones " ?

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Guest guest

The question was asked:

>Can anyone offer proof that the flush works to rid you of all

>gallstones? My doctor won't even approach the subject of having the

>stones analyzed.


>Does this flush really work and how can you prove it to me.

The response was:

>Yes, the flush works. I have personally done several stone flushes and

>gotten out many large stones. You may have to " dig " through your first

>bowel movements to prove it to yourself...but the stones are there. If

>you want an immediate relief and a good drink on a daily basis here is Dr.

>Schulze liver flush drink which he says stops a gb attack and is good to

>do a few days off and on or whenever you need it:

I have the feeling that the response did not really answer the question.

What makes you think that the " many large stones " were gallstones?

Did the flush " rid you of _all_ gallstones " ? Or some?

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Guest guest

> The question was asked:


> >Can anyone offer proof that the flush works to rid you of all

> >gallstones? My doctor won't even approach the subject of having the

> >stones analyzed.

> >

> >Does this flush really work and how can you prove it to me.

I think this is something you have to prove to yourself by

doing it...I am VERY skeptical about things, and was about

this, but seeing is believing in this case.

>>You may have to " dig " through your first

> >bowel movements to prove it to yourself...but the stones are there.

If you take the epsoms as suggested in the procedure,

the stones come out quite clean because you have purged

the intestinal tract...at least that has always been

my experience. They float on top of the water in

the toilet and can be scooped out with a strainer and given

a light rinsing with cold water. If there is enough calcium

in them, they will fall to the bottom.

> What makes you think that the " many large stones " were gallstones?

I am not the one who wrote the original message you are

responding to, but the appearance is very much different than

a usual bm, so it is very easy to tell.

> Did the flush " rid you of _all_ gallstones " ? Or some?

Sometimes it can, more often it doesn't....perhaps just doesn't

get rid of them all because so many are in the GB, or perhaps

some move down out of the ducts of the liver to refill the

GB now that there is room.

L. Meydrech, CN

http://nutritionist.tripod.com/gallbladder.html ~ My Flushes


" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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