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Re: Healers with results with cancer?

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Dear Glen;

I think what you want is the one answer. Have you noticed how many conflicting

answers there are about everything?

Consistency...truth...reality? Depends on what you believe! This may help you

find your own conclusions.

Placebo effect studied in Japan.

They asked for volunteers to be exposed to poison ivy.

When one volunteer began scratching a rash and felt the burning pain in his arm

he wondered why he bothered to be part of this study.

He was later told that the leaves rubbed on his arm were NOT poison ivy and not


....The dis 'ease " is the person believing , creating it!. If you fear it you

create it..If you are born with a vibration that brings sickness ,,it can be

dealt with

Here's the point 'the Healers' are the person themselves'

Another Surgeon I think Ernie Segal? in his book Love Miracles and cures

....decribed the multiple personality individuals who had medical exams...

The same person ....would have diabetes and wear prescription glasses as one

personality and not have diabetes but heart disease and 20/20 vision in another


If we believe in " A " healer they will take the credit..If you realize its you

yourself...and you do have the power to allow or disallow it on yourself.

You can save yourself a lot of money.Whether you believe in Physicians or Reiki


I have practiced Quantum Touch and found some amazing results...It is something

beyond " human " energy . It comes with breathing..we all have it.

Find Peace..fear nothing esp death...there you will find the truth it is within





Hello folks.

Are there any healers* out there who have consistent significant results

with cancer?

* faith healers, hands on and distance energy healers, Chi gung, Reiki,

" Pleiadian " , Huna, Maori, Quantum Touch, Matrix Energetics, Quantum

Techniques, etc.

Any tips?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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I do not believe any sensible and deep-thinking person would rule out the mind's

influence upon our body.

That said, is there any sensible, deep-thinking person that believes it has all

to do with every malady? One cannot violate every physical rule and then

'think' themselves to well-ness just as probably nobody that practices good

physical habits but has bad mental practices can expect not to pay the piper

somewhere down the road.

Mental peace has its place and perhaps more than we think. Let us assume we

bring cancer upon ourselves because of some mental trauma. Would the cessation

of that trauma result in a cure? If it can at all, surely not if the cancer has

progressed enough.

People having a strong belief in the psychological aspect to illness need to

keep teaching others about it but cannot put all the blame for cancer or other

disease solely on the back of mental trauma. Nothing, not smoking, not mental

trauma or meat eating causes cancer all the time in every case and that is

obvious or should be to anyone on this list for any length of time. The same

principle applies to getting well from cancer- Nothing works for all people all

the time. Brighter people than me have uttered those words more often than


Joe C.

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Cancer can only be cured by making drastic life style changes. There are no

magic treatments just a lot of hard work on the part of the owner. This

so-called disease is simply a normal and expected reaction to conditions within

the body that can no longer take abuse. All cancer patients have impaired immune

systems, their body humors are full of trash and areas where lymphatic flow

becomes stagnant, tumors form. Tumor formation is a protection mechanism that

walls off accumulated trash and encapsulates it in what is hopefully an oxygen

deprived containment vessel. Organisms that we carry with us then shift their

identity to become scavengers that only thrive in a fuel rich food of dead

tissue in an environment low in oxygen. If successful, the material contained

within the tumor will be broken down fully at which time digestive enzymes will

dissolve away the tumor, returning the material back into the body to be burned

by normal metabolism. There are external energies that can impact this process

but only altering the internal soil can this organism responsible for tissue

destruction be stopped. This process was well-known by a few doctors early in

the last Century and they successfully eradicated this disease in their


" Cancer is Nature's protest against disobedience and is the penalty she imposes

upon those who, perhaps knowingly or unknowingly, have ignored her teachings. "

Bell, MD - 1913

You can apply Voodo, crystal pendulums, prey, worship dead cats or whatever but

only by cleaning up the pollution in the body fluids can this condition be made

to disappear. Carmi Hazen


> Hello folks.


> Are there any healers* out there who have consistent significant results

> with cancer?


> * faith healers, hands on and distance energy healers, Chi gung, Reiki,

> " Pleiadian " , Huna, Maori, Quantum Touch, Matrix Energetics, Quantum

> Techniques, etc.


> Any tips?


> Thanks much!

> Glen from Illinois, USA


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I can give you the names of two VERY excellent healers.

Dr. Rick Levy

Gaithersburg, land


_DrrLevy@..._ (mailto:DrrLevy@...)

_www.drrickLevy.com_ (http://www.drrickLevy.com)

He has an excellent book out. He is an amazing healer. I know him very



Avery Kanfer

Rockville, MD

_AveryKanfer@..._ (mailto:AveryKanfer@...)

I can't find his phone number at the moment but if you can't find it, let

me know. He is also excellent.

Good Luck,

Debbie Tolson

Potomac, MD

In a message dated 6/10/2009 7:10:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

zanaglen@... writes:

Hello folks.

Are there any healers* out there who have consistent significant results

with cancer?

* faith healers, hands on and distance energy healers, Chi gung, Reiki,

" Pleiadian " , Huna, Maori, Quantum Touch, Matrix Energetics, Quantum

Techniques, etc.

Any tips?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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Addendum to my list:

Aajonus Vonderplanitz!


Raw animal meat, raw fat, raw juiced vegetables, 1 raw fruit a day.

Food is your best medicine and this is how it is done.

I combine all their protocols: dr Hoover, Aajonus, Vander Gaditano...

Best wishes,



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Cessation of a trauma result in a cure?

Define cessation.

define when life starts or stops...there have been debates over that also.

Cessation of trauma would result in a cure.

IT Could be that simple!

With trauma the memory of it is stored somewhere is the body...in its mind..

it relives; it rethinks it..even when there are no more symptoms there are


Even when you haven't thought of it in years...That nagging pain in your body is

remembering it.

We do it all the time.


From: JCastron1

Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:47 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Healers with results with cancer?

I do not believe any sensible and deep-thinking person would rule out the

mind's influence upon our body.

That said, is there any sensible, deep-thinking person that believes it has

all to do with every malady? One cannot violate every physical rule and then

'think' themselves to well-ness just as probably nobody that practices good

physical habits but has bad mental practices can expect not to pay the piper

somewhere down the road.

Mental peace has its place and perhaps more than we think. Let us assume we

bring cancer upon ourselves because of some mental trauma. Would the cessation

of that trauma result in a cure? If it can at all, surely not if the cancer has

progressed enough.

People having a strong belief in the psychological aspect to illness need to

keep teaching others about it but cannot put all the blame for cancer or other

disease solely on the back of mental trauma. Nothing, not smoking, not mental

trauma or meat eating causes cancer all the time in every case and that is

obvious or should be to anyone on this list for any length of time. The same

principle applies to getting well from cancer- Nothing works for all people all

the time. Brighter people than me have uttered those words more often than me.

Joe C.

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Hi Glen,

While understanding that healing does come from within there are some 'external'

sources of help that kick start the process. I am an EFT practitioner (Emotional

Freedom Technique) so I use it on myself each day to promote healing. I also

have a personal relationship with a Shaman who has helped to guide me on my

healing journey. I have lung cancer with brain mets and so far so good. I have

also found insight by Hamer's New German Medicine. There is an interesting

article online called " The Science of Voodoo " which helps explain why our

internal 'talk' is important in healing. And finally, there is an online site on

Tong Ren Therapy that hosts an open healing session for cancer once a week if

you are interested. http://www.tomtam.com/

I have come across several 'healers' who have a reputation for healing cancer

but I have never pursued those leads.


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Dear Cheryl,

Thanks for the tips.

<< I have come across several 'healers' who have a reputation for healing

cancer but I have never pursued those leads. >>

Do any names come to mind, off the top of your head?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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<< In reference to Faith healers and energy healers that work. In May of

this year the 23rd I went to see Kurt He is an energy healer. I am

in remission according to all the tests >>

That is wonderful. If you have a minute, would you please share some more

details on this healing?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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Wow.. the fees some of these healers charge is insane. If I could do what

they claim to do, I sure wouldn't be charging an arm and a leg to 'heal'

their brains, breasts or prostates. If I could do what they do, I would walk

into every hospital I could, free of charge, and do my thing.


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Thousands of dollars, it is crazy!!!


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of justkitten1@...

Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:18 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Healers with results with cancer?

Wow.. the fees some of these healers charge is insane. If I could do


they claim to do, I sure wouldn't be charging an arm and a leg to 'heal'

their brains, breasts or prostates. If I could do what they do, I would


into every hospital I could, free of charge, and do my thing.


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Feel free to email me privately

-- [ ] Re: Healers with results with cancer?


<< In reference to Faith healers and energy healers that work. In May of

this year the 23rd I went to see Kurt He is an energy healer. I am

in remission according to all the tests >>

That is wonderful. If you have a minute, would you please share some more

details on this healing?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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I understand that's admirable.

BUT it takes so much out of you.

I asked him about this when I saw him after my treatment...he said he is in

bed after the treatments till morning to re-coup.

-- [ ] Re: Healers with results with cancer?

Wow.. the fees some of these healers charge is insane. If I could do what

they claim to do, I sure wouldn't be charging an arm and a leg to 'heal'

their brains, breasts or prostates. If I could do what they do, I would walk

into every hospital I could, free of charge, and do my thing.


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Well, I do energy work. I have done some healing, but it small stuff, only. I

would never be able to pull together the focus needed for something like cancer.

Plus, I have done no energy work since my own cancer treatment.

I can tell you that it is exhausting and requires a tremendous amount of focus

and stamina. Plus, you have to make sure that you are working on people who

truly want the treatment to work.


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