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Re: omega 3 (flax, hemp, & fish oils)

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Vicki Marburger <vickimarburger@...> wrote:

> Studies show omega-3 doesn't help cancer

That's inaccurate.

Aside from the established benefits for flax and hempseed oil for cancer


“positive impact of omega-3...on...neuroblastoma (Gleissman

2010)....DHA...could cause apoptosis...rats [with] neuroblastomas...fed

DHA...`DHA resulted in stable disease or partial response.' The response

depending on the dose of DHA.

....high dose of DHA decreased normal tumor growth by about two-thirds "


4.8g EPA/DHA is effective for NHL (Buckley R et al 2004).

" suppressing [COX-2]...reducing angiogenesis....decreasing the expression of

AP-1 and ras...oncogenes....inducing differentiation....suppressing nuclear

factor-kappaB activation and bcl-2 expression, thus allowing

apoptosis....reducing...cachexia "

www.denvernaturopathic.com (Fish Oils and Cancer Treatment 11/24/03)

For more info, www.cancerdecisions.com/content/view/493

http://foodforbreastcancer.com/studies/5826 (FASEB Journal, 2008; DHA

synergistic w/doxorubicin for BC)


>or heart disease

also inaccurate.

" Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids combat the development and

progression of vascular disease via multiple mechanisms including, lowering

triglycerides, lowering blood pressure, improving endothelial function and

raising HDL levels (, 2006).

A team of researchers examined the correlation between tissue omega-3 fatty acid

levels and measures of circulating Lp-PLA2, a marker of inflammatory arterial

plaque, in over 300 patients. They found a strong, independent and inverse

association between tissue omega-3 levels and circulating Lp-PLA2. The

researchers went on to conclude that intake of omega-3 fatty acids might reduce

Lp-PLA2 levels and reduce the risk of vascular disease (Schmidt, 2008).

In another study involving 563 elderly men, 2.4 grams per day of omega-3 fatty

acid supplementation was found to improve arterial elasticity (Hjerkinn, 2006).

In 16 patients with peripherial artery disease who were already being treated

with conventional methods, the addition of 2 grams daily of omega-3 fatty acids

was shown to significantly improve endothelial function, as measured by brachial

artery flow-mediated dilation (from 6.7% to 10.0%) and plasma soluble

thrombomodulin (from 33.0 ng/mL to 17.0 ng/mL) (Schiano, 2008). Similarly,

another study found that when omega-3 fatty acids were combined with

rosuvastatin, the combination improved endothelial dependent vasodilation

(-1.42% to 11.36%) while rosuvastatin alone failed to improve endothelial

function (Mindrescu, 2008). "



> it might be the proper form of omega-6 in the flax oil.

The omega 6 in flax is linoleic acid, which actually promotes cancer growth (but

this is far outweighed by the cancer-healing properties of the omega-3

alpha-linolenic acid in flax). Accordingly, oils high in linoleic acid

(cottonseed, soy, corn, safflower, and sunflower oils) should be avoided in

general and particularly by people w/cancer.


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Leonard, you might want to read Peskin's book: " The Hidden Story of

Cancer " , or at least inquire into some of the information on his web site

regarding the essential fatty acid known as Lenoleic Acid, LA, or omega-6, if

you haven't already done so.

From my readings on cancer, physiology, and nutrition, I've realized that there

is great confusion. And a lot of it revolves around the words used. For

instance, in recent posts, people are talking about two kinds of hemp oil that

are totally different. One is the result of heavily concentrating the important

chemicals of hemp that will provide a cancer treatment and is administered in

very small dozes. The other is merely cold pressed hemp SEED oil, and is high in

omega-6 and omega-3 as well as high in protein. It is taken just as part of a

nutritious diet.

Another great confusion is that the seed oils such as sunflower, safflower, corn

and soy are the ones used by commercial food manufacturers, and happen to be

heavily omega-6. The processing performed by the food companies, even if they

don't change these oils into transfats, will most likely ruin them for human

consumption, by robbing them of the oxygen carrying ability they originally had

if the seeds were eaten raw or the oils had been carefully cold pressed. If

effect they become rancid, over heated, etc. and are ruined. What one needs to

understand is that both the ruined oils in most processed foods, junk foods,

packaged pastries, and all commercial salad dressings is adulterated omega-6 to

a large degree. But healthy omega-6 as you would get if you ate meat, or

walnuts, or flax seed (or carefully prepared oils derived from all these seeds)

is essential to the human body and actually helps prevent cancer.

So, again, from what I've read, I believe we must be careful to not say things

like " omega-6 causes cancer " . And we might want to inform others to reduce the

intake of commercial sources of seed oils and all foods that might contain them,

as most all alternative cancer treatment programs already do. At the same time,

as one reduces the intake of these dangerous sources of omega-6, we need to

continue feeding our bodies with healthy omega-6. Flax seed, and the oil from

that seed is one source. Walnut and hemp seed happen to be other sources which

contain even more omega-6 fatty acid than they do omega-3.

So I think what Vicki Marburger said with regard to it being the omega-6 in the

flax seed that helps with cancer is most definitely aligned with what " The

Hidden Story of Cancer " documents. Its all about restoring cell walls to again

be able to transport oxygen into the cells for metabolism, and it takes weeks,

once a person stops eating the adulterated oils that have severely reduced this

capability, before healthy omega-6 content of the cell walls is raised to a

point in new cells where cancer will not result. Old cells, once cancerous,

cannot be brought back. They can only be starved out (reduced sugar consumption)

or killed with one of the other alternative treatments. But what one wants to

insure, beyond all else, is that they consume healthy omega-6 so that no more

cells need to change to glycosis or fermentation in order to survive. Once a

cell, (which normally derives about 20% of its energy from fermentation) is

oxygen starved due to heavy concentrations of adulterated omega-6 in the cell

walls in place of the healthy omega-6, and the oxygen shortage reaches over 35%

for a period of time, then that cell will change to 100% fermentation for

energy. Once it does that, it never changes back. That, by definition, is

cancer, according to " The Hidden Story of Cancer " , and according to many other



It is a phenomenon which was discovered in the 1930's by Dr. Otto Warburg and

for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1931. The key, it seems,

to remaining cancer free, is to keeping sufficient healthy Lenoleic Acid

(omega-6) in the cell walls so that they can bring in oxygen from the blood. It

seems that regardless of toxins, radiation, etc. that are attributed to causing

cancer, a cell may just be able to stay non-cancerous if it can just get

sufficient oxygen to perform metabolism normally. Its for this reason that I

have to give a little extra emphasis to what Vicki Marburger said.

Peskin's site is: http://www.brianpeskin.com/

A thumbnail sketch on the omega-6 / cancer connection is:


Best of Health to you all....

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" thurx " <thurx@...> wrote:

> Linoleic Acid, LA

is 1 type of omega-6

Thanks for the great info on hemp oils, which I heard but forgot about.

<<oils such as sunflower, safflower, corn and soy are the ones used by

commercial food manufacturers, and happen to be heavily omega-6. The processing

performed by the food companies...will most likely ruin them>>

The processing and heat & chemical extraction do further damage, but even the

natural linoleic acid in them (and cold-pressed versions of them) is harmful.

Americans get about 10 times the amount that humans evolved on, and such excess

amounts cause and promote cancer growth ( Boik, www.ompress.com) and tons of

other health problems.




(note: Weston Price is very biased in favor of saturated and animal fats).

<<omega-6 as you would get if you ate meat, or walnuts, or flax seed (or

carefully prepared oils derived from all these seeds) is essential to the human


Only in minute quantities. I've never heard of anyone deficient in linoleic acid

or anyone who benefited from increasing their intake of it.

> and actually helps prevent cancer

Please send me the documentation for that if you find it.

Arachadonic acid (another omega 6) isn't the horrible thing it's made out to be,

but it does promote growth of existing cancers (Boik).

The 3rd type of omega 6 is gamma linolenic acid (GLA), and it's

cancer-healing, but it isn't found in significant quantities in any of the above

foods. I would take relatively large dose of it in form of black currant seed

oil (and perhaps pine nuts) (evening primrose and borage oils are the other

sources of it). Reportedly 240mg black currant oil for brain tumors. It's

anti-inflammatory (whereas linoleic's inflammatory, which is very bad).


Hrelia S, Bordoni A, Biagi P, Rossi CA, Bernardi L, Horrobin DF, Pession A (1996

Aug 14) Gamma-Linolenic acid supplementation can affect cancer cell

proliferation via modification of fatty acid composition. Biochem Biophys Res

Commun; 225(2):441-7

I agree w/you re: the importance of oxygen.


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