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Re: The Immune System - How to Build Your own.

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Sorry, my bad . Dr Tullio Simoncini used bicarbonato di

sodio - in english, Bicarbonate of Soda - sold in pharmacy. I apologize for my

confusion. Baking soda here and baking powder there are sold by the same

company, Hamer, so I got a bit confused :-(

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Using lemon/lime/citrus to raise ph level in my opinion should not be used long

term.  The body uses/pulls the calcium and magnesium in the system to make the

body alkaline.

I've come across this theory many times in different websites.


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what ever happened to replenishing calcium and magnesium et al by eating our

veggies and taking supplements?

Isn't it obvious from all of the 'theories' we are just going around in circles

but so do carousels and they're fun too.


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Consider this Joe, it is your body's stock of calcium  & magnesium that is being

depleted. It is not that easy to raise magnesium and calcium even if you take

supplements.  I've been taking magnesium for years and still am not at normal

level.  So i avoid trying to raise my body's ph using citrus foods.  Try

sprouted chia seeds, watermelon, they are at the top of the line in alkaline



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Hi -- I agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion that depending on a

sound nutritious diet for health and alkalinity is the way to go. It is this

attitude of total diet/lifestyle change which brought me to this site and keeps

me searching out more info. (Sometimes " information overload!!! " lol).

My suggestion about the lemon bicarb comes from a site I've grown fond of

(Earthclinic) and the 'resident' biochemist who contributes to the site.

Would you happen to have sources for your information about citrus fruits

stealing minerals from bones? I'd be very interested in reading those, thanks!

Rose :)

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Maybe the expression 'stealing' could be softened to 'taking' (same thing) but

when my wife suffered a broken neck (C2) it was suggested by a friendly

Naturopath I know that she should supplement with calcium and mag even though

" her bones would provide the needed calcium for repair " . In other words he

wanted her to 'help' the body provide the calcium needed. Obviously our body

is constantly in 'repair mode' and adjusts accordingly and if too much Citrus

was consumed and inadequate minerals from greens, then I suppose it would 'take

or steal' what it needs to bring the acidic foods into a more acceptable form.

??? Please do not ask me for proof. ha.

Joe C.

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lol! Hi Joe, that makes sense actually, no proof necessary, haha :) Since

reading and hearing about how important our pH is, I've tried to learn more

about it. Taking an 'alkalizer' helped me in the past to quickly get an

alkaline reading.

But I recently tested myself and the pH strip showed me as alkaline, and what a

pleasant surprise that was--I've only been on the Budwig protocol for about a

month which includes not only the oil/protein aspect but lots of greens (which I

juice) as well as fruits, and other things such as plenty of sunshine, etc.

I've never gotten an alkaline reading as a result of a good diet alone, unless I

used a bicarb-type remedy as well. So I'm a believer! :) Rose


> RW:


> Maybe the expression 'stealing' could be softened to 'taking' (same thing) but

when my wife suffered a broken neck (C2) it was suggested by a friendly

Naturopath I know that she should supplement with calcium and mag even though

" her bones would provide the needed calcium for repair " . In other words he

wanted her to 'help' the body provide the calcium needed. Obviously our body

is constantly in 'repair mode' and adjusts accordingly and if too much Citrus

was consumed and inadequate minerals from greens, then I suppose it would 'take

or steal' what it needs to bring the acidic foods into a more acceptable form.

??? Please do not ask me for proof. ha.


> Joe C.



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Where do you buy your clay Lucy?


-- [ ] Re: The Immune System - How to Build Your own.

Dear Rose,

By drinking french green clay I increased my pH level. If you are

interested pls google on french green clay. cheers. lucy


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Thank you Lucy. I want to make sure I'm buying the right kind since there

are so many cheap knockoffs.


-- Re: [ ] Re: The Immune System - How to Build Your own.

Dear Amber,

I buy french green clay in France but you can buy it in USA and UK.

Herewith I send you below 2 sites to check for the sales:



it's worth to try.

good luck


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