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Re: The Center's Program

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In a message dated 3/15/09 5:02:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

vgammill@... writes:

> Zeolites and Redox Catalysts

What zeolite do you like?


A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above.

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In a message dated 3/15/09 5:02:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,

vgammill@... writes:

> Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Immune Dysfunction

..do you think that everyone should be tested for mycoplasma?


A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps!





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>What is your program please?




Anita, below is the agenda for the first few days

of the one-week program that we operate in Del

Mar, California through our non-profit. We try

to make everything we discuss immediately

available. We do this in coordination with

certain clinics in Mexico to keep everything

lawful in the California and the US. Program

participants stay at our retreat center.

In general, the program is as follows:

Sunday: Orientation and preparation for detoxification.

Monday: blood tests for cancer vaccines, medical

consultation and Mex. pharmacies, talks on making smart decisions quickly.

Tuesday: diet day. We go through the various

diets and discuss their relative merits and ways to greatly improve them.

Wednesday: Topics devoted to a much deeper

understanding of cancer and the therapies that seem to work with most cancers.

Thursday: Specific therapies for the individual program participants.

Friday: Continuation of therapies, planning,

results of tests, additional alternatives.

Program participants go home with a two-month

supply of meds, & c., that would be otherwise unobtainable.

More specifics below:

The Center for the Study of Natural Oncology

Del Mar, California


The Mango Retreat Program ( " Mango " is the name of the street)

Sunday Afternoon

Orientation: Tour, bedroom assignments, introductions

Salutation: Assuming Responsibility for One’s Health

Clarifying Goals

Monday Seminars

Consultation with Filiberto Munoz, MD at the San Diego Clinic in Tijuana

(Fast for blood tests and bring driver’s license

or passport – transportation provided)

Clarifying Detoxification Goals and Resetting Cell Signaling

Hyperoleation Detoxification Technique

The Royal Clyster

Why Most Conventional and Alternative Therapies Fail

A Strategy for Making Rational Choices Quickly

Reading Between the Lines:

Part One: Scientific Literature

Part Two: Marketing literature

Part Three: Health Newsletters, the Net Infosources,

Treatment Biases: Personal and Allostatic

Tuesday Seminars

Cultures with Extremely Low Rates of Cancer:

Shared Independent Variables

Nutritional Devolution and the Diatheses of Affluence

Cancer Diets: Selection and Individuation

Wednesday Seminars

Sensitizers and Synergists for Various Conventional and Alternative Treatments

Therapeutic Misadventures, Counterintuitive

Therapies, and Conflicts in Intention

Prevention and Reversal of Drug Resistance

Innovative Russians: The Methods of Zalmanov,

Khatchatrian, Britov, Golyuk, Arendt,


Naturopathic Strategies: Distortive, Corrective, Resolutive

Thomsonian Botanic Medicine

Physiological Therapies vs.Medicinal Therapies

The Cyprus Treatment (Cephalopod Extracts and Seco-Iridoids)

“Germanic New Medicine” – Its Strengths, Weaknesses, Healing Crises

Electromagnetic Fields and Currents in Diagnosis and Treatment

Autonomic Dysfunction and Cholinergic Strategies

The Zinc Treatment

Tallberg and Revici Strategies

Ferric Cation Therapy

The Kochi Method

Thermogenesis Therapies and Hyperthermia

Prostaglandins (Harnessing or Hobbling)

Von Ardenne Oxygen Multistep Therapy

Peroxides, Endoperoxides, and Ozonides

Forgotten and Recovered Medical Science:

Chaotropic Salts

Koch’s Lost Writings

Bishop Berkeley’s Catechols

Massey’s Iontophoresis therapy

Tannates, Polyols, Hydroxylated Stilbenes and Chalcones,

Methylglyoxal and the Diones

ATP Uncoupling Systems

Rhamnosides and Other Glycosides

Insulin Potentiation and Other Targeting Strategies

Chronotherapy (Diurnal Cycle Dependent Posology)

Rapid Hematopoiesis

Enzyme therapies vs. Matrix Metaloproteinase Inhibition (MMPI) therapy

Angiogenesis Inhibitor Combinations: If/When to use

Differentiation Agents: If/When To Use

PARP (Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase) Inhibitors

Zeolites and Redox Catalysts

Biologically Active Chromophores

The Inherent Defenses – Rethinking Cachexia,

Anemia, Fevers, Nausea, and Nightsweats

Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Immune Dysfunction

Reversing Immune Anergy (lassitude) by

Stimulating Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity

Conjugate Vaccines, Adjuvants and Hyperimmunization

Directing Immune Function (Th1 and Th2)

Intralesional Ablatants

Antineoplastons and Histone Deacetylase Inhibition

Salmonella, Newcastle, Pertussis vs. Cancer

Assessing Progress – Objective and Subjective Measures

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Guest guest

>What is your program please?




Anita, below is the agenda for the first few days

of the one-week program that we operate in Del

Mar, California through our non-profit. We try

to make everything we discuss immediately

available. We do this in coordination with

certain clinics in Mexico to keep everything

lawful in the California and the US. Program

participants stay at our retreat center.

In general, the program is as follows:

Sunday: Orientation and preparation for detoxification.

Monday: blood tests for cancer vaccines, medical

consultation and Mex. pharmacies, talks on making smart decisions quickly.

Tuesday: diet day. We go through the various

diets and discuss their relative merits and ways to greatly improve them.

Wednesday: Topics devoted to a much deeper

understanding of cancer and the therapies that seem to work with most cancers.

Thursday: Specific therapies for the individual program participants.

Friday: Continuation of therapies, planning,

results of tests, additional alternatives.

Program participants go home with a two-month

supply of meds, & c., that would be otherwise unobtainable.

More specifics below:

The Center for the Study of Natural Oncology

Del Mar, California


The Mango Retreat Program ( " Mango " is the name of the street)

Sunday Afternoon

Orientation: Tour, bedroom assignments, introductions

Salutation: Assuming Responsibility for One’s Health

Clarifying Goals

Monday Seminars

Consultation with Filiberto Munoz, MD at the San Diego Clinic in Tijuana

(Fast for blood tests and bring driver’s license

or passport – transportation provided)

Clarifying Detoxification Goals and Resetting Cell Signaling

Hyperoleation Detoxification Technique

The Royal Clyster

Why Most Conventional and Alternative Therapies Fail

A Strategy for Making Rational Choices Quickly

Reading Between the Lines:

Part One: Scientific Literature

Part Two: Marketing literature

Part Three: Health Newsletters, the Net Infosources,

Treatment Biases: Personal and Allostatic

Tuesday Seminars

Cultures with Extremely Low Rates of Cancer:

Shared Independent Variables

Nutritional Devolution and the Diatheses of Affluence

Cancer Diets: Selection and Individuation

Wednesday Seminars

Sensitizers and Synergists for Various Conventional and Alternative Treatments

Therapeutic Misadventures, Counterintuitive

Therapies, and Conflicts in Intention

Prevention and Reversal of Drug Resistance

Innovative Russians: The Methods of Zalmanov,

Khatchatrian, Britov, Golyuk, Arendt,


Naturopathic Strategies: Distortive, Corrective, Resolutive

Thomsonian Botanic Medicine

Physiological Therapies vs.Medicinal Therapies

The Cyprus Treatment (Cephalopod Extracts and Seco-Iridoids)

“Germanic New Medicine” – Its Strengths, Weaknesses, Healing Crises

Electromagnetic Fields and Currents in Diagnosis and Treatment

Autonomic Dysfunction and Cholinergic Strategies

The Zinc Treatment

Tallberg and Revici Strategies

Ferric Cation Therapy

The Kochi Method

Thermogenesis Therapies and Hyperthermia

Prostaglandins (Harnessing or Hobbling)

Von Ardenne Oxygen Multistep Therapy

Peroxides, Endoperoxides, and Ozonides

Forgotten and Recovered Medical Science:

Chaotropic Salts

Koch’s Lost Writings

Bishop Berkeley’s Catechols

Massey’s Iontophoresis therapy

Tannates, Polyols, Hydroxylated Stilbenes and Chalcones,

Methylglyoxal and the Diones

ATP Uncoupling Systems

Rhamnosides and Other Glycosides

Insulin Potentiation and Other Targeting Strategies

Chronotherapy (Diurnal Cycle Dependent Posology)

Rapid Hematopoiesis

Enzyme therapies vs. Matrix Metaloproteinase Inhibition (MMPI) therapy

Angiogenesis Inhibitor Combinations: If/When to use

Differentiation Agents: If/When To Use

PARP (Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase) Inhibitors

Zeolites and Redox Catalysts

Biologically Active Chromophores

The Inherent Defenses – Rethinking Cachexia,

Anemia, Fevers, Nausea, and Nightsweats

Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Immune Dysfunction

Reversing Immune Anergy (lassitude) by

Stimulating Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity

Conjugate Vaccines, Adjuvants and Hyperimmunization

Directing Immune Function (Th1 and Th2)

Intralesional Ablatants

Antineoplastons and Histone Deacetylase Inhibition

Salmonella, Newcastle, Pertussis vs. Cancer

Assessing Progress – Objective and Subjective Measures

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Guest guest

-- didn't you say awhile back that you were writing a book? How is that

coming along?

Any chance you could release an e-version for sale early?



> >What is your program please?

> >

> >Sincerely,

> >Anita


> Anita, below is the agenda for the first few days

> of the one-week program that we operate in Del

> Mar, California through our non-profit. We try

> to make everything we discuss immediately

> available. We do this in coordination with

> certain clinics in Mexico to keep everything

> lawful in the California and the US. Program

> participants stay at our retreat center.


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At 07:50 AM 3/16/2009, you wrote:

> -- didn't you say awhile back that you were writing a book?

>How is that coming along?


>Any chance you could release an e-version for sale early?

I have been too busy this past month to work on it. I wear two hats:

I am director of the Center for the Study of Natural Oncology -- a

501C3 non-profit that conducts seminars and helps hook participants

up with strategies that are much more likely to be effective

in treating their cancers.

I am director of new drug development for a biotech company. We are

developing a natural type product to reverse cellular immune

anergy. It is natural but I have to synthesize it. I hope to have

it available at no cost to those who have done our program.

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Guest guest

At 07:50 AM 3/16/2009, you wrote:

> -- didn't you say awhile back that you were writing a book?

>How is that coming along?


>Any chance you could release an e-version for sale early?

I have been too busy this past month to work on it. I wear two hats:

I am director of the Center for the Study of Natural Oncology -- a

501C3 non-profit that conducts seminars and helps hook participants

up with strategies that are much more likely to be effective

in treating their cancers.

I am director of new drug development for a biotech company. We are

developing a natural type product to reverse cellular immune

anergy. It is natural but I have to synthesize it. I hope to have

it available at no cost to those who have done our program.

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For those of us who might need your help, what are the fees of your center?


> > -- didn't you say awhile back that you were writing a book?

> >How is that coming along?

> >

> >Any chance you could release an e-version for sale early?


> I have been too busy this past month to work on it. I wear two hats:


> I am director of the Center for the Study of Natural Oncology -- a

> 501C3 non-profit that conducts seminars and helps hook participants

> up with strategies that are much more likely to be effective

> in treating their cancers.


> I am director of new drug development for a biotech company. We are

> developing a natural type product to reverse cellular immune

> anergy. It is natural but I have to synthesize it. I hope to have

> it available at no cost to those who have done our program.




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At 09:28 AM 3/16/2009, Jim wrote:

>For those of us who might need your help, what are the fees of your center?

The program fee is $5,000 for those who stay at the retreat center,

$4,500 for those who don't. Sometimes we can pull in donations for

special situations, e.g., mothers with young children, and this can

be deducted. The costs includes anything that we can directly

provide. A good example would be antineoplastons. They might be

$8,000 per month from Burzynski, but from us there is no additional

cost. Pamidronate might cost others up to $2,000 per injection. We

provide it at no additional cost.

We are always looking for outside donations to help fund a rescue

hospice. As the name implies, it would be for the benefit of those

who are told to go home and die, but we know that many of these cases

can be turned around with very little expenditure. We already have

the land, but no building.

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Relatively speaking, this is very reasonable.


> >For those of us who might need your help, what are the fees of your center?


> The program fee is $5,000 for those who stay at the retreat center,

> $4,500 for those who don't. Sometimes we can pull in donations for

> special situations, e.g., mothers with young children, and this can

> be deducted. The costs includes anything that we can directly

> provide. A good example would be antineoplastons. They might be

> $8,000 per month from Burzynski, but from us there is no additional

> cost. Pamidronate might cost others up to $2,000 per injection. We

> provide it at no additional cost.


> We are always looking for outside donations to help fund a rescue

> hospice. As the name implies, it would be for the benefit of those

> who are told to go home and die, but we know that many of these cases

> can be turned around with very little expenditure. We already have

> the land, but no building.




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