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Re: Raw meat diet for dogs with cancer

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Raw meat is not just for dogs. Raw animal food is recommended for

humans too. I'm a raw foodist and I eat a lot of raw animal food.

Broth is when you get the bone parts and boil for several hours. Along

with the right ingredients, you leach the bones of minerals and form a

gel like broth that is nutritious, loaded with minerals that is

absorbable. See Sally Fallon of the Weston A Price foundation. She has

a book called nourishing traditions.

If your dog ate fresh raw meat, he does not need broth. Beef, goat and

lamb are SUPERIOR to intensively farmed chicken and pork.

Broth is for people with narrow minded issues about eating raw meat, so

they settle for a far second best which is broth.

Best wishes,


gita_madhu wrote:


> The only fresh raw meat I can find is in the morning market here in

> Kuala Lumpur and that is chicken/pork.

> And even then I am just hoping it is fresh.

> I started tentatively with two small pieces of chicken and still not

> having courage I dunked them in boiling water for some time. She is

> not really interested and so I blended it with cooked mince and a bit

> of ginger garlic (fresh ) juice a tiny amount of mashed carrot and a

> little dash of cooked curry ( she likes what I cook for my son). SHe

> loved it.

> Today I just dipped the pieces in and out of the boiling water-she is

> still not interested.


> I need more information on giving her raw meat -I somehow think pork

> will not be good to give.


> A lady on another forum asked me to give her broth made with a

> bone-any suggestions what type of bone and what is broth?

> Thanks

> Gita



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Hi Gita,

I fed my cats a raw food diet for many years. Unfortunately, you are not in the

states because we can order premade foods online.

Broth is the soup made from boiling the bones (and vegetables). I would suggest

chicken bones for this. There are recipes online for healing chicken soup for


Raw food has no smell, so you will need to spice it up on order to get your dog

used to eating it - as you did the other day. One thing you can do is smear his

old food on it. There is a transition period needed for some animals.



> The only fresh raw meat I can find is in the morning market here in Kuala

Lumpur and that is chicken/pork.

> And even then I am just hoping it is fresh.

> I started tentatively with two small pieces of chicken and still not having

courage I dunked them in boiling water for some time. She is not really

interested and so I blended it with cooked mince and a bit of ginger garlic

(fresh ) juice a tiny amount of mashed carrot and a little dash of cooked curry

( she likes what I cook for my son). SHe loved it.

> Today I just dipped the pieces in and out of the boiling water-she is still

not interested.


> I need more information on giving her raw meat -I somehow think pork will not

be good to give.


> A lady on another forum asked me to give her broth made with a bone-any

suggestions what type of bone and what is broth?

> Thanks

> Gita


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Oh, I wanted to add that you can google B.A.R.F diet - which is a raw food diet

for dogs. You will find recipes and information on how to make it.


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I feed raw as a daily diet and way of life not because of cancer. I feed

anything I can find relatively cheap (Apollo is a great dane who at 2 1/2 is

still growing) I think boiling it is taking away the smell. Some dogs are picky

as they are addicted to kibble and the sugars and fats added to it to get them

eating it. Much the way people are addicted to sugars and cola.

If you want to feed raw try briefly searing the meat with some garlic and

butter. A strong broth (which has been used to save pups with fading puppy

syndrome) is made from beef liver simmered till the blood runs. Cool and give to

the dog to eat.



> The only fresh raw meat I can find is in the morning market here in Kuala

Lumpur and that is chicken/pork.

> And even then I am just hoping it is fresh.

> I started tentatively with two small pieces of chicken and still not having

courage I dunked them in boiling water for some time. She is not really

interested and so I blended it with cooked mince and a bit of ginger garlic

(fresh ) juice a tiny amount of mashed carrot and a little dash of cooked curry

( she likes what I cook for my son). SHe loved it.

> Today I just dipped the pieces in and out of the boiling water-she is still

not interested.


> I need more information on giving her raw meat -I somehow think pork will not

be good to give.


> A lady on another forum asked me to give her broth made with a bone-any

suggestions what type of bone and what is broth?

> Thanks

> Gita


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LOL we love raw beef. I am not sure I would try chicken or pork though. The

transition for Apollo to eat what he was designed to eat was a no brainer.


> >

> > The only fresh raw meat I can find is in the morning market here in

> > Kuala Lumpur and that is chicken/pork.

> > And even then I am just hoping it is fresh.

> > I started tentatively with two small pieces of chicken and still not

> > having courage I dunked them in boiling water for some time. She is

> > not really interested and so I blended it with cooked mince and a bit

> > of ginger garlic (fresh ) juice a tiny amount of mashed carrot and a

> > little dash of cooked curry ( she likes what I cook for my son). SHe

> > loved it.

> > Today I just dipped the pieces in and out of the boiling water-she is

> > still not interested.

> >

> > I need more information on giving her raw meat -I somehow think pork

> > will not be good to give.

> >

> > A lady on another forum asked me to give her broth made with a

> > bone-any suggestions what type of bone and what is broth?

> > Thanks

> > Gita

> >

> >


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It is much cheaper and therapeutic to use raw meats not premade diets. They are

lacking in certain things. Some are waaay too bone heavy say using chicken

carcasases for the meat instead of a whole chicken back or quarters.


> >

> > The only fresh raw meat I can find is in the morning market here in Kuala

Lumpur and that is chicken/pork.

> > And even then I am just hoping it is fresh.

> > I started tentatively with two small pieces of chicken and still not having

courage I dunked them in boiling water for some time. She is not really

interested and so I blended it with cooked mince and a bit of ginger garlic

(fresh ) juice a tiny amount of mashed carrot and a little dash of cooked curry

( she likes what I cook for my son). SHe loved it.

> > Today I just dipped the pieces in and out of the boiling water-she is still

not interested.

> >

> > I need more information on giving her raw meat -I somehow think pork will

not be good to give.

> >

> > A lady on another forum asked me to give her broth made with a bone-any

suggestions what type of bone and what is broth?

> > Thanks

> > Gita

> >


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Thank you for the instructions on broth-it is being made even as I type...

I managed to obtain some fresh beef (slaughtered last night and frozen0-my dog

really relished it! A bit expensive for us but if it helps I can't grudge my

daughter this...(100-200 gms 2 USD)-she is about 20 odd kilos in weight -how

much raw meat should I give? Please ignore the question if you are not a dog

person-I am so desperate to cure her or at least give her comfort that I am

asking all and sundry and surfing the net to find out all about cancer and

cancer diets..

It must be noted that in climates like Malaysia, etc. decomposition is very

fast. Thus I'm not sure how a raw meat diet can be safely followed in hot


Thanks for the guidance (I am so much at sea in all this as I am born a

vegetarian-now I do eat all sorts of things but My " vegetarian " teeth can't take

it -I have to visit a dentist when I eat red meats!)

Best regards,


Raw meat is not just for dogs.

Broth is for people with narrow minded issues about eating raw meat

Best wishes,


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Hi Gita,

I am also a vegetarian. It was weird having a freezer full of raw meat just for

my cats.

As to how much to give your dog, please check the amounts given for BARF. There

are dedicated to feeding raw food, so you should be able to ask

your questions there.

All my best,


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Yes, thanks, Cheri. So I will not give her raw pork or chicken.

I wish I could put the emoticon for the green face (as in yuck!:))! Anyway Molly

is thrilled with the raw beef -only it does not work to disguise any supplement

or such things-she just turns up her nose then.

So far it looks like I will have to go on performing acrobatics to give her

broth too!

LOL we love raw beef. I am not sure I would try chicken or pork though. The

transition for Apollo to eat what he was designed to eat was a no brainer.


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Hi Ar,

Thanks- I will look at BARF ( and try not to barf-arf arf!!)

I am not a 100% vegetarian but come form a proper vegetarian family-first time I

cooked meat I puked the whole day.

Now I have been cooking beef and chicken every day for dog daughter and human


Thanks again


As to how much to give your dog, please check the amounts given for BARF. There

are dedicated to feeding raw food, so you should be able to ask

your questions there.

All my best,


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Hi Ar,

So lucky to get premade foods online which are safe too!

She loves the raw beef but veggies she hates as much as it is the other way

round for me!

Today I first put the 7 beef bones in the slow cooker until they more or less

defrosted -then I covered with whey from my home made cottage cheese making.

Then after it had boiled for some time I added a small carrot -a tiny amount of

broccoli and a small tomato and 6 whole cloves of garlic. My feeling is it

should boil down to about 7 small cups or so...

There is still meat on the bones...

She has shown no interest in it.

Can I add cilantro leaf ? I also added cinnamon.

Chicken broth will be a better idea as I can also then give my husband some


Thanks again,


Hi Gita,

I fed my cats a raw food diet for many years. Unfortunately, you are not in

the states because we can order premade foods online.

Broth is the soup made from boiling the bones (and vegetables). I would

suggest chicken bones for this.

Raw food has no smell, so you will need to spice it up on order to get your dog

used to eating it


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I suppose not all have choice-as I care for my Molly these days I wonder how

people who have to go for jobs or live alone manage in such a situation?

I have my husband and son-not much help LOL but still they do go out and buy

something if I ask.

About packaged dog food I read yesterday that they also add dog meat to it!

Until five years back Molly never had " dog food " - I used to boil meat and rice

for her-she would have whole wheat " chapatis " ( Indian unleavened flat breads)

-and all the awful treats as an d when we had them-ice cream-pizza etc.

After we moved to Malaysia she seemed to like dog food and my husband said to

give it to her-so for the past few years she has had one helping of dog food and

those artificial bones, etc.

The dogs of my childhood lived till 18 years and ate mostly rice and yogurt-meat

we could not afford except once in a blue moon!

It is much cheaper and therapeutic to use raw meats not premade diets. They are

lacking in certain things.


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Luckily she has taken to the raw beef quite happily! Raw veggies is now the only


If you want to feed raw try briefly searing the meat with some garlic and

butter. A strong broth (which has been used to save pups with fading puppy

syndrome) is made from beef liver simmered till the blood runs. Cool and give to

the dog to eat.


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I measure in lbs not sure how that converts but for dogs you want to shoot for 1

to 2% of body weight. That is how much you should feed. If the dog looks thin

give more if he looks chunky give less. Each dog is different much like people.

The 2% is a starting point. Oh not sure this applies but in healthy dogs a meat

that is a bit off is fine as it develops good enzymes.


> Raw meat is not just for dogs.

> Broth is for people with narrow minded issues about eating raw meat

> Best wishes,

> Edwin


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Oh there is a raw group for beginniers on called rawk9s. It is a great



> Raw meat is not just for dogs.

> Broth is for people with narrow minded issues about eating raw meat

> Best wishes,

> Edwin


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Fruits and veggies are not necessary. If she likes some add them if not don't

bother. Garlic is good in small amount go easy on them as they can build up.

Apollo loves his fruits and veggies LOL


> Hi Gita,

> I fed my cats a raw food diet for many years. Unfortunately, you are not in

the states because we can order premade foods online.

> Broth is the soup made from boiling the bones (and vegetables). I would

suggest chicken bones for this.

> Raw food has no smell, so you will need to spice it up on order to get your

dog used to eating it

> ar


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My dogs have eaten a raw diet for many years. This is much healthier

for dogs (and cats!) than kibble or any type of " pet food. " If you are

trying to heal your dog from cancer, this is definitely preferred to

giving them " dog food. "

I feed a mixture of ground beef (the cheapest grind is OK) and canned

mackerel in the morning. I give a recreational bone during the day

(usually a beef rib bone, because weight bearing bones. such as marrow

bones, are extremely hard and can damage teeth, although the marrow from

them (RAW) is very beneficial). I feed either chicken necks or chicken

backs in the evening, all raw. When dogs eat RAW chicken bones, this is

fine because the bones are very soft and can be digested (dogs have much

more hydrochloric acid in their stomachs than humans do), and only

become VERY DANGEROUS and brittle when they are cooked. I would NEVER

give any animal a cooked bone.

A general guideline for feeding raw is that you feed 2% of an animal's

weight if you are trying to maintain them at the same weight, more if

you are trying to put weight on them, and less if you are trying to take

it off.

I welcome anyone who would like to learn more about the raw diet, or dog

nutrition in general, to join the ADT Nutrition List, which is run by a

woman in Dallas, TX, USA, who has been a breeder of Airedales, which is

the type of dog I have had for the last 20 years. You don't have to own

Airedales to join--we have lots of people with lots of different types

of dogs. The files contain a wealth of information, especially for

anyone considering a raw diet. There is much misinformation out on the

internet about the raw diet for dogs and cats.

Here is the URL for this group, which is a group, as is CancerCured:


Best regards,

Fort Worth, TX


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In a message dated 4/7/09 10:57:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

arlynsg@... writes:

> As to how much to give your dog, please check the amounts given for BARF.

In my experience, dogs that get the nutrition they need will not over eat. I

give my dog what she wants and she leaves the rest. She eats organic raw.

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In a message dated 4/8/09 3:23:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

gita_madhu@... writes:

> and a small tomato and 6 whole cloves of garlic

Tomatoes are not good for dogs and 6 gloves of garlic is way too much.

There is a chemical in garlic that is toxic to dogs.

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In a message dated 4/7/09 8:32:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

arlynsg@... writes:

> There are recipes online for healing chicken soup for animals.

A very cancer smart lady in Manhattan used to make a wonderful organic beef

broth for my dog Szuki when she had cancer. It smelled very very good. What

kind of recipes do you have for a healing soup> Can dogs do the oleander soup?

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thanks-for the links as well as the precise information.

What " organs " of beef may I begin with-this may be cheaper for me too?

Molly has usually vomited when she ate bones of any sort (cooked of course).

At this point I will not dare to give her chicken neck even as is-might I grind

it up and give?

Canned fish mostly has salt-how do I deal with that?

If you are trying to heal your dog from cancer, this is definitely preferred to

giving them " dog food. "

I feed a mixture of ground beef (the cheapest grind is OK) and canned

mackerel in the morning. I feed either chicken necks or chicken

backs in the evening, all raw.

Best regards,

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At present there is no fear of over eating. It is now more than two weeks that I

have totally stopped ready made dog food, biscuits, etc..

Now her basic intake is the 2 half cups of cottage cheese with flax oil and one

cup of meat-half is lightly st4eamed beef mince and half is raw beef, with a

tiny bit of veggies...

Some amount of beef broth and carrot juice also is going in.

I am still not able to find any clear cut information on barf-madly joining

lists in the hope of getting quickly some clear idea.

As to how much to give your dog, please check the amounts given for BARF.

In my experience, dogs that get the nutrition they need will not over eat. I

give my dog what she wants and she leaves the rest. She eats organic raw.

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Every dog is different but mine also self regulates. When he is full he just

does not want to eat anymore unlike those on kibble



> In a message dated 4/7/09 10:57:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> arlynsg@... writes:



> > As to how much to give your dog, please check the amounts given for BARF.


> In my experience, dogs that get the nutrition they need will not over eat. I

> give my dog what she wants and she leaves the rest. She eats organic raw.


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I do not see why not. Most things people can have dogs can too.



> In a message dated 4/7/09 8:32:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> arlynsg@... writes:



> > There are recipes online for healing chicken soup for animals.



> A very cancer smart lady in Manhattan used to make a wonderful organic beef

> broth for my dog Szuki when she had cancer. It smelled very very good. What

> kind of recipes do you have for a healing soup> Can dogs do the oleander



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Join this group. It is great and I think some on this or maybe it is the sister

group are dealing with cancer in their dogs.



> As to how much to give your dog, please check the amounts given for BARF.

> In my experience, dogs that get the nutrition they need will not over eat. I

> give my dog what she wants and she leaves the rest. She eats organic raw.


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