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Re: Leukemia treatment

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I'd google inhaled methyl jasmonate for leukemia.

Also beetroot and carrot juice therapies for leukemia.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 7:31 PM, ph Casella <invest2177@...> wrote:

> My aunt has leukemia and was told she needed a bone marrow transplant

> but is to weak to go through it. Anyone know what we can do?




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There are tales of people with leukemia who were given Flagyl for other

conditions only to find their leukemia disappeared. One was a nurse. It's

thought that it killed a fungus masquerading as leukemia.


----- Original

My aunt has leukemia and was told she needed a bone marrow transplant but is

to weak to go through it. Anyone know what we can do?

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Have you tried LDN?



Check out this website for all of its many uses:


<http://www.low dose naltrexone.org/>


From: ph Casella

My aunt has leukemia and was told she needed a bone marrow transplant but is to

weak to go through it. Anyone know what we can do?

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My 1st choices for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), particulalry the



IV vit. C, PANCREATIN (large amounts), CHLOROPHYLL, green tea, grapeseed,

camptothecin, jacaranda, logwood/brazalwood, Nikko maple bark, acai, maytens;

frankincense, lavender, Exodus II? (YoungLivingOils.com) essential oils;

Butyrex; “GENISTEIN [in fermented soy]…CURCUMIN…with genistein….Flax

seed oil†Gammill, 10/04; bitter almonds, laetrile; antifungals; dendritic

cell vaccine?; BioImmune.com, www.sdiegoclinic.com

Let me know if your aunt has a type other than CLL.

More info from my notes on CLL/leukemia:

PANCREATIC ENZYMES--large amounts (Kelley- regimen)

HOXSEY formula--it includes the following herbs:

POKE ROOT (watch for toxicity)-- mitogenic; simulates lymphocytes;

being tested around the world w/leukemia; even effective w/CML

“I start with olive leaf and poke teas with most lymphocytic leukemiasâ€

Gammill, 9/20/07

burdock†" “induced differentiation of myeloid leukemia…action against

lymphocytic leukemiaâ€

buckthorn bark-- contains anticancer substance EMODIN, which was

effective w/lymphocytic leukemia in mice

cascara-- contains EMODIN

barberry root bark-- especially helpful to take during chemo &

radiation; contains the anticancer substance berberine, which may be effective

for leukemia

My 1st choices of brands of Hoxsey would be

AT/BC from www.QuantumHerbalProducts.com


D-Tox (doctorrelation.com)

FEVERFEW†" effective w/AML & CML; “I have been tracking feverfew for

leukemia†Gammill, 7/05; “Feverfew compound (parthenolide)…Kills leukemia

stem cellsâ€

resveratrol†" found in GRAPE LEAVES & red grapes

grape seed-- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez

maytens†" “proven to be of great value in treating leukemia….anti-cancer

chemical’--maytansine†(Heinerman, 1980, p. 107)

camptothecin†" “shown remarkable use in the treatment of…leukemiaâ€

(Heinerman, 1980, p. 111)

BEETS & BEET JUICE†" “Kunstmann who in 1938 [used beets] in leukemia cases

with good results†( B. Lust, 1962, _About Raw Juices_, Thorsons.)

fermented soy products such as HAELAN 951

“GENISTEIN [in fermented soy] can be very useful for CLL…I usually recommend

CURCUMIN [up to 6-8 grams] with genistein….Flax seed oil should be part of any

protocol†Gammill, 10/04


IV vit. C’s very effective (www.whale.to/v/c/vogt.html; BioImmune.com);

contact BioImmune.com for a good practitioner near you.

I would NOT go to Hippocrates My 1st choices for chronic lymphocytic leukemia

(CLL) (let me know if your aunt has a different type):


IV vit. C, PANCREATIN (large amounts), CHLOROPHYLL, green tea, grapeseed,

camptothecin, jacaranda, logwood/brazalwood, Nikko maple bark, acai, maytens;

frankincense, lavender, Exodus II? (YoungLivingOils.com) essential oils;

Butyrex; “GENISTEIN [in fermented soy]…CURCUMIN…with genistein….Flax

seed oil†Gammill, 10/04; bitter almonds, laetrile; antifungals; dendritic

cell vaccine?; BioImmune.com, www.sdiegoclinic.com

More info from my notes on CLL/leukemia:

PANCREATIC ENZYMES--large amounts (Kelley- regimen)

HOXSEY formula--it includes the following herbs:

POKE ROOT (watch for toxicity)-- mitogenic; simulates lymphocytes;

being tested around the world w/leukemia; even effective w/CML

“I start with olive leaf and poke teas with most lymphocytic leukemiasâ€

Gammill, 9/20/07

burdock†" “induced differentiation of myeloid leukemia…action against

lymphocytic leukemiaâ€

buckthorn bark-- contains anticancer substance EMODIN, which was

effective w/lymphocytic leukemia in mice

cascara-- contains EMODIN

barberry root bark-- especially helpful to take during chemo &

radiation; contains the anticancer substance berberine, which may be effective

for leukemia

My 1st choices of brands of Hoxsey would be

AT/BC from www.QuantumHerbalProducts.com


D-Tox (doctorrelation.com)

FEVERFEW†" effective w/AML & CML; “I have been tracking feverfew for

leukemia†Gammill, 7/05; “Feverfew compound (parthenolide)…Kills leukemia

stem cellsâ€

resveratrol†" found in GRAPE LEAVES & red grapes

grape seed-- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez

maytens†" “proven to be of great value in treating leukemia….anti-cancer

chemical’--maytansine†(Heinerman, 1980, p. 107)

camptothecin†" “shown remarkable use in the treatment of…leukemiaâ€

(Heinerman, 1980, p. 111)

BEETS & BEET JUICE†" “Kunstmann who in 1938 [used beets] in leukemia cases

with good results†( B. Lust, 1962, _About Raw Juices_, Thorsons.)

fermented soy products such as HAELAN 951

“GENISTEIN [in fermented soy] can be very useful for CLL…I usually recommend

CURCUMIN [up to 6-8 grams] with genistein….Flax seed oil should be part of any

protocol†Gammill, 10/04


IV vit. C’s very effective (www.whale.to/v/c/vogt.html; BioImmune.com);

contact BioImmune.com for a good practitioner near you.

I would NOT go to Hippocrates for leukemia, and I would NEVER get a bone marrow



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A friend of mine 7 years ago had leukemia. He went to Sloan Kettering and they

treated him with a French medicine. He did not have bone marrow.  Docs could not

perform it on him as he is too overweight.  He is up and about now.


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Look up " artemisin and Dr. Singh and Dr. Lai " . These 2 doctors are studying the

wormwood plant (artemisinin is derived from). The best results they have found

is on leukemia. Artemisinin is used to treat Malaria and, except for North

America, is an acceptable treatment. It gets into cells and reacts with iron,

destroying the cell. Cancer cells are very high in iron. I think Malaria

patients take it for 2 years so it is assumed safe...in appropriate doses. I

buy artemix and it is very expensive (about $2 per pill) but when I started to

take it, one of the tumors started to shrink substantially. As with most of us

on alternative " healing tools " , I do not know if it is the Artemesinin

responsible for the reduction or the emotional work I had done as they


I think in vitro Artemisinin killed 100% of Leukemia cells in 8 hours and 80% of

breast cancer cells. I have breast cancer. Most websites I read about this

stuff say to take it alongside a comprehensive plans so it just may be a

jump-start for BP.

I emailed Dr. Singh and he answered me right away with the right dosage. They

are working out of a university in or near Seattle WA. You may want to send him

an email and outline your situation.



> My aunt has leukemia and was told she needed a bone marrow transplant but is

to weak to go through it. Anyone know what we can do?


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By mistake, I forwarded something to Bob Luhrs instead of Bob Ransley. Bob

Luhrs runs the group (Godzilla). In reply to my

apology, he said:

We have a leukemia remission on the site, under lymphoma, not sure how exactly

it did the job, but likely took out some sort of virus, according to one doctor

I discussed it with. It took a week using wrist electrification of bloostream

an hour a day, I think it was our version of the Beck 4 hertz device used at the

time. She died 6 months later of unrelated stuff, but they cancelled her chemo

and she said she felt lots of energy the 6 months prior to her death. She was


(It must have been the interesting list of remedies for leukemia I sent him!)



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What dosage did Dr. Singh recommend for your b/c Louise? Is yours hormone

positive? I'm taking artemesin but am just guessing at dosage.


-- [ ] Re: Leukemia treatment

Look up " artemisin and Dr. Singh and Dr. Lai " . These 2 doctors are studying

the wormwood plant (artemisinin is derived from). The best results they

have found is on leukemia. Artemisinin is used to treat Malaria and, except

for North America, is an acceptable treatment. It gets into cells and

reacts with iron, destroying the cell. Cancer cells are very high in iron.

I think Malaria patients take it for 2 years so it is assumed safe...in

appropriate doses. I buy artemix and it is very expensive (about $2 per

pill) but when I started to take it, one of the tumors started to shrink

substantially. As with most of us on alternative " healing tools " , I do not

know if it is the Artemesinin responsible for the reduction or the emotional

work I had done as they coincided.

I think in vitro Artemisinin killed 100% of Leukemia cells in 8 hours and

80% of breast cancer cells. I have breast cancer. Most websites I read

about this stuff say to take it alongside a comprehensive plans so it just

may be a jump-start for BP.

I emailed Dr. Singh and he answered me right away with the right dosage.

They are working out of a university in or near Seattle WA. You may want to

send him an email and outline your situation.


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Here the full research paper in PDF

#Synergistic cytotoxicity of artemisinin and sodium butyrate on human cancer



#Another one :

http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN & cpsidt=15987892

#Another one:

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6T99-4DVW67T-4 & _user=1\

0 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVers\

ion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=26503b800524974dbd1794134cf7c9fc

Louise could you give us , please, more information on your medical history and

results ?


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I think it's worth noting that activity in cell culture is not a reliable

predictor of benefit in patients. It can't account for the dose needed to

achieve therapeutic levels, or the toxicities at those levels ... even common

salt is toxic at high doses. Also, the cancer cells are changed when removed

from the body and put in animials or cell cultures, ... some types of cancer

cells (such as CLL) are difficult to keep alive in medium. So preclinical

(animal and cell culture) information is a starting point only.


Patients Against Lymphoma






> Here the full research paper in PDF


> #Synergistic cytotoxicity of artemisinin and sodium butyrate on human cancer


> http://www.dogcancer.net.au/RP/ButyrateAndDHA.pdf


> #Another one :

> http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN & cpsidt=15987892



> #Another one:


http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6T99-4DVW67T-4 & _user=1\

0 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVers\

ion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=26503b800524974dbd1794134cf7c9fc


> Louise could you give us , please, more information on your medical history

and results ?


> Thanks


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Karl you wrote :

" I think it's worth noting that activity in cell culture is not a reliable

predictor of benefit in patients. "

Sorry Karl this is the way that Science investigate a product in vitro first

and then in vivo. Now this productis used by cancer patient and is shrinking

tumors as expected.. And therapeutic dose are already prescribe.

It can't account for the dose needed to achieve therapeutic levels, or the

toxicities at those levels ...

Then you wrote, " even common salt is toxic at high doses " .

Now Karl If you had done your own homework,, you should know that common salt is

toxic in any quantity disrupting the potassium/sodium relation in each cell. in

fact in Finland where they don't have FDA they changed their table salt

replacing it with a sodium/potassium /magnesium mixture... between 1972 and 1992

Finland saw a 60 percent decline nationwide of deaths attributed to heart

attacks and strokes.Have you read anything about this in the media?

This was perfectly explained by Dr MD. in the US, he hold also a PH.D. in

biophysics. This was discovered much earlier in 1904 and again in 1924 !! And

could end 60 % of useless death by heart attack.

So, wrong example, Karl. Read his book.

In your site www.lymphomation. org Voicing patient perspectives and providing

evidence-based education, you give this " information: "

" If by " integrative medicine " we mean removing all of our mercury amalgams or

colon cleansing, then we are misusing the term, and practicing alternative

medicine: unproven, implausible, pseudoscience-based practices. " What's the



You are probably one of the last to believe that mercury is innocuous for our

health, please call the " International Flat Earth Research Society " they have a

free membership for you.

When you write: " A pesticide-free world could reduce the incidence of lymphomas,

but changing to an organic diet after diagnosis will not reverse it ... cancer

cells (having mutations that favor survival and growth) will grow well in an

organic test tube medium (if not better) than in a toxic one. "

So, 'Doctor,' no relation, whatsoever, between cancer and nutrition?

You should ask Ruth Heidrich, a 74 years triathlon athlete how she beat her last

stage cancer at age 46 !! I know her personally and she will tell you as she

told me how.

I guess you never had and aquarium, a piece of land, or read Otto Wardburg

because you would know about the importance of PH for our health. A farmer knows

about the importance of the PH of his land. A nine year old child know the

importance of a PH of his aquarium if he wants to maintain life in his tank but

our so called " modern medicine " disregard basics laws of nature and try cure a

mutagenic disease with mutagenic products and protocols destroying the immune


To discard the advice of Nobel prize winners like Otto Wardburg or Linus ing

is not really the right solution. NOT SCIENTIFIC AT ALL

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-Do you know a study( randomized trial) in which non conventional

leukemia therapies are compared with conventional leukemia therapies?

Or a chemical toxin (chemo drug) is compared with another chemical

toxin (or cocktails of toxins) and with non conventional cancer

treatment, in the non-conventional arm of the study...


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Such a study would be illegal to run.

However, doctors in Vietnam claim a 60% long-term cure rate for cancer using

artemisinin. I would assume this number might be much higher for leukemia,

because it is the highest in iron of all the cancers.


> -Do you know a study( randomized trial) in which non conventional

> leukemia therapies are compared with conventional leukemia therapies?

> Or a chemical toxin (chemo drug) is compared with another chemical

> toxin (or cocktails of toxins) and with non conventional cancer

> treatment, in the non-conventional arm of the study...

> karla


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-it would be illegal because cancer patients have to be protected

from unproven treatments :))

and of course pharmaceutical companies are protected as well!




Bernard Shaw

" jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:


> Such a study would be illegal to run.

> However, doctors in Vietnam claim a 60% long-term cure rate for cancer using

artemisinin. I would assume this number might be much higher for leukemia,

because it is the highest in iron of all the cancers.


" minolfa " <rapaccini.carlo@> wrote:

> >

> > -Do you know a study( randomized trial) in which non conventional

> > leukemia therapies are compared with conventional leukemia therapies?

> > Or a chemical toxin (chemo drug) is compared with another chemical

> > toxin (or cocktails of toxins) and with non conventional cancer

> > treatment, in the non-conventional arm of the study...

> > karla

> >


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