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Edwin's raw diet (including raw meat) for cancer?

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<< Raw animal meat, raw fat, raw juiced vegetables, 1 raw fruit a day.

Food is your best medicine and this is how it is done. >>

What kinds of results have you seen in people with cancer using this type

of diet?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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Aajonus Vonderplanitz has a lot of documentation on raw everything on

cancer. Raw fats especially. See his books and website.


Raw fats makes the liver move, cleanse, lubricate.

If you are into liver cleansing, you may have heard of olive oil for

liver flushing, egg yolks can do a continuous job.

Raw animal protein is the best and complete protein and the cleanest...

applying heat to animal food damages the protein and the fats.

Treating people with cancer in my view is just... being healthy. (Don't

do drugs, except for emergencies.)

avoiding pollution (cooked food, personal care products, home products,

work environment),

the most superior nutrition (raw fatty animal meat, raw juiced vegs,

some raw fruit),

detoxing (including spinal adjustment, colon cleanses, kidney cleans,

liver, lungs, lymph, fungal / candida),

exercise, movement, stress relief, etc.

When you use raw animal protein, you need to consume more raw fat than

the raw protein.

Then there are is the practice of Dr. Henry Bieler: Proteins are body

builders (when raw), Proteins can be killers (when cooked).

Then there is the practice of giving raw liver in the original Gerson

Protocol. They say they don't give raw liver anymore in the USA because

they cannot find organic beef livers anymore. But in the Philippines,

the healer Vander Gaditano consistently uses his own goat herd's organic

livers on his patients and he gets great results. Also in the

Philippines, Dr. Dy Liacco feeds his cancer patients raw beef

liver and the powerful raw pigs pancreas as well as stressing all animal

food must be raw, and he gets great results with his patients.

The healer Vander can be contacted at +63-917-742-3294



Dr. Dy Liacco can be contacted at +63-2-924-2487

Here he is in a youtube video:

Raw veganism is a temporary treatment. Most people don't last long

without animal protein, like my wife's uncle who had kidney cancer (he's

now eating cooked animal foods again... grrr). When these former raw

vegans start consuming animal food, they must consume their animal food

raw - not cooked.

Here is a definitive video of what is theorized as the original human

diet, the raw paleo diet.



There is a raw paleo diet forum http://www.rawpaleoforum.com where you

can get pointers from long time raw animal foodists.

Best wishes,


zanaglen@... wrote:



> Edwin,



> << Raw animal meat, raw fat, raw juiced vegetables, 1 raw fruit a day.

> Food is your best medicine and this is how it is done. >>


> What kinds of results have you seen in people with cancer using this type

> of diet?


> Thanks much!

> Glen from Illinois, USA



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Dear Edwin,

Thank you for the informative reply.

Also, if you have any personal observations of people's recoveries from

cancer utilizing a raw diet which not only includes raw non-animal foods, but

also includes daily or weekly intake of things along the lines of raw goat

whey, raw grassfed bovine beef, and other raw animal products, would you

please be so very kind as to share that information, too?

Anyone else know of such recoveries?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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I suppose it would depend on the cancer, but in general, a raw foods diet hasn't

been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of cancer. One study of patients

newly diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia actually found an increased risk of

infection and death in patients on a raw food diet vs those who cooked their


From an Eastern medical slant, raw fruits and veggies are considered 'cold'

foods. You can speculate that eating a mostly or entirely raw (cold) diet would

deplete the vital heat necessary to fight off infections and other diseases. In

my practice I've noticed the cancer patients tend to run lower temperatures than

healthier patients. I think it has to do with so many resources being sapped

trying to fight off the cancer. Why douse the fire with more coldness?

Dr. Raushanah Najeeullah, ND (Preceptee)

From: zanaglen@...

Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009

Dear Edwin,

Thank you for the informative reply.

Also, if you have any personal observations of people's recoveries from

cancer utilizing a raw diet which not only includes raw non-animal foods, but

also includes daily or weekly intake of things along the lines of raw goat

whey, raw grassfed bovine beef, and other raw animal products, would you

please be so very kind as to share that information, too?

Anyone else know of such recoveries?

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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You wrote :

" Raw veganism is a temporary treatment. Most people don't last long

without animal protein. "

Do you have any serious sources for this affirmation ?

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Are you talking about people in general or people with cancer? I'm not vegan

because I don't think it's possible to be strictly so in this world because

there is nothing that is not connected somehow to an animal. But I have been

vegetarian for several years and have done well without eating animal

protein. I'm talking on a daily basis. I do have fish sometimes, and once in

awhile, eggs but I don't think it's that difficult.

But I can't deal with the raw aspect of it.


You wrote :

" Raw veganism is a temporary treatment. Most people don't last long

without animal protein. "

Do you have any serious sources for this affirmation ?


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I know that I have felt much better since adding raw dairy (milk, kefir,

cheese) to my raw vegan diet.

I also eat raw fish now and an occasional soft-boiled egg (runny yolk).

I started the animal protein six months ago and am even contemplating going

back to work.

The raw dairy provides B12 (an anti-cancer vitamin) and B6 (which is

depleted by pasteurization and also necessary to metabolize B12).

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 3:32 PM, shaman_urban wrote:

> You wrote :

> " Raw veganism is a temporary treatment. Most people don't last long

> without animal protein. "


> Do you have any serious sources for this affirmation ?

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Vitamin D is also extremely important and is lacking in cancer patients.

I brought my vitamin D levels up from 11 ng/mL's to 55 ng/mL's from the sun


But otherwise, you need fish or raw dairy for vitamin D.

During the summer months, I get 1-2 hours of sun, over my entire body,

including my armpits (because this is where breast cancer most often

starts), whenever it is sunny out.

I am also looking into getting a solar, tan-thru swimsuit.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Dana Herbert wrote:

> I know that I have felt much better since adding raw dairy (milk, kefir,

> cheese) to my raw vegan diet.

> I also eat raw fish now and an occasional soft-boiled egg (runny yolk).

> I started the animal protein six months ago and am even contemplating going

> back to work.

> The raw dairy provides B12 (an anti-cancer vitamin) and B6 (which is

> depleted by pasteurization and also necessary to metabolize B12).

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Hi Glen,

My wife's uncle had kidney cancer in 2007 and he was peeing blood. Our

family guided him through with Hulda 's pollution avoidance and

detoxes (also pulled out root canaled teeth), then with Dr. Tam Mateo

the Naturopath who invented Dr. Tam's Miracle Tea. Dr. Tam recommended

raw vegan. For some 3 months my wife's uncle was on pure raw vegan,

sure enough his kidneys recovered. Today he's eating rice and cooked

meat again... and softdrinks... which I frown upon when we met at a

christmas reunion (it's like yo man, I just helped you with kidney

cancer and you this garbage in front of me). He's not 100% cured

because he has gone back to old bad habits... he should have added raw

meat to his diet instead of cooked meat.

I'm advicing a friend in canada, a young woman in her late 30s, they

recommended a kidney transplant. She didn't like that option. She

switched to raw paleolithic diet high fat / low carb. Asked the

rawpaleoforum.com community for advice. Also switched water to

distilled water + squeezed lemon because her water had flouride in it.

Also lessened her medications. In less than 2 weeks she had another

test for her kidney function and she was happy to see a couple of

percentage points improvement when every month in the past the slope was

always downwards.

The term cancer is broad... as long as the methods improve health, no

need to use the branding word cancer.

A loved one has suspected breast cancer on her left breast. No way she

should use mammography and biopsy, no need for " confirmation " , the

method of eliminating a tumor / cyst does not change. She does raw

vegs, raw fruit, raw fish and raw eggs... and she stopped using bras and

stopped using deodorants / anti-perspirants... also did the herbal colon

cleanse, kidney cleanse, liver flushes... been a month now and her tumor

has markedly shrunk... so she's relaxed about it, life is all happy.

She still needs to do virgin coconut oil detoxing... she and her mom can

do it at the same time for company.

I'm retyping Dr. dy-liacco's recommended diet. He gives away

these photo copies with his seminars.

Best wishes,


zanaglen@... wrote:



> Dear Edwin,


> Thank you for the informative reply.


> Also, if you have any personal observations of people's recoveries from

> cancer utilizing a raw diet which not only includes raw non-animal

> foods, but

> also includes daily or weekly intake of things along the lines of raw

> goat

> whey, raw grassfed bovine beef, and other raw animal products, would you

> please be so very kind as to share that information, too?


> Anyone else know of such recoveries?


> Thanks much!

> Glen from Illinois, USA



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> A loved one has suspected breast cancer on her left breast. No way she should

use mammography and biopsy, no need for " confirmation " , the method of

eliminating a tumor / cyst does not change. She does raw vegs, raw fruit, raw

fish and raw eggs... and she stopped using bras and stopped using deodorants /

anti-perspirants... also did the herbal colon cleanse, kidney cleanse, liver

flushes... been a month now and her tumor has markedly shrunk... so she's

relaxed about it, life is all happy. She still needs to do virgin coconut oil

detoxing... she and her mom can do it at the same time for company.


I just wanted to point out that if the person does not have confirmed cancer,

and they heal themselves of the oddity using alternative treatments, then they

cannot say they cured themselves of cancer,as the cancer was never confirmed.

In the woman above, there is a huge difference between breast cancer and a cyst.

My raw food diet " cured " me of fibroids. Until many years later when I had an

ultrasound and discovered that they hadn't gone away at all. Instead, they had

grown quite a bit but the doctor was unable to feel them - thus thinking they

were cured.

I'm just adding a bit of caution to the claims that diet will cure cancer.


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But the methods of " confirming " cancer are absolutely harmful and only

benefits statistical records and those interested in terminologies.

Mammography - squeezing and exposing to radition... very harmful

Biopsy is absolutely the worst... a tumor / cyst forms because the human

body in its wisdom encapsulates bad stuff / toxins / poisons it cannot

get rid off in the normal manner, tymor / cyst is a self defence

mechanism. There are many healthy people walking around with cysts

because it is that which keeps them healthy. A biopsy for the sake of

confirming " cancer " defeats the body's objective of encapsulating

poisons and lets the poisons spread out... ultimately harming the person.

The method to cure / heal the tumor does not change whether the tumor is

malignant or not.

Arlyn wrote:




> > A loved one has suspected breast cancer on her left breast. No way

> she should use mammography and biopsy, no need for " confirmation " , the

> method of eliminating a tumor / cyst does not change. She does raw

> vegs, raw fruit, raw fish and raw eggs... and she stopped using bras

> and stopped using deodorants / anti-perspirants... also did the herbal

> colon cleanse, kidney cleanse, liver flushes... been a month now and

> her tumor has markedly shrunk... so she's relaxed about it, life is

> all happy. She still needs to do virgin coconut oil detoxing... she

> and her mom can do it at the same time for company.

> _____________________________________________________

> I just wanted to point out that if the person does not have confirmed

> cancer, and they heal themselves of the oddity using alternative

> treatments, then they cannot say they cured themselves of cancer,as

> the cancer was never confirmed.


> In the woman above, there is a huge difference between breast cancer

> and a cyst.


> My raw food diet " cured " me of fibroids. Until many years later when I

> had an ultrasound and discovered that they hadn't gone away at all.

> Instead, they had grown quite a bit but the doctor was unable to feel

> them - thus thinking they were cured.


> I'm just adding a bit of caution to the claims that diet will cure

> cancer.


> ar



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Edwin is 100% right on! Also breast fibroids as well as uterine fibroids are

caused by a lack of and are dissolved by iodine.

Breast cancer has been resolved by many using ubiquinol, a form of the COQ10

enzyme. Bras are a major contributor as they cut off lymphatic drainage into the

axillary tail of spence.

There is a very informative non-invasive test that will detect breast cancer

(and others) many years before tumors mainfest which is not the cause but the

result of cancer. Removing tumors seldom halts the disease and very often

exacerbates it. Cutting out tumors is a very bad practice and should only be

done when vital organ or circulation is affected by them. There are much better

ways of addressing the disease than by using the Big Three with their proven

poor track record.

You may be interest in my new book " Breast Cancer Cure " at www.lulu.com/comdyne

Its a download presently. I am editing an updated version which I will email all

those who have purchased it now or previously as well as all updates I make in

the future for free.

Carmi Hazen

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Dear avelinedearriba,

You wrote:




Was this a raw vegan diet?

Or was this diet inclusive of raw animal products? (If so, which ones?)

Thanks much!

Glen from Illinois, USA

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