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Re: Need appetite help ...

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Hey, I just realized I should let you all know that I was on Budwig for a

year-and-a-half and loved eating that way, though I did feel protein-deprived

the whole time. So then I added lots of organic protein (not red meat, though)

and that was wonderful too ... still was digging my juice and salads for lunch.

But now, none of that sounds good to me any more ... that's what's so weird ...

I have always loved my big salads and now they turn my stomach. :(


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Although I don't think I have mets, IDC, bilateral....I can relate. , I

had a problem with my weight from age 14 to age about 32 or 33...was a

compulsive overeater until I was 27. Then at about 33....I just lost interest

in food. Mind you I do not have a sweet tooth, I have a " carbohydrate tooth "

and can live on white rice. I just did not feel like eating. When the urge

did strike me, a bowl of pasta or rice was all I wanted. I have to force myself

to eat and to eat healthy at that. Sometimes the thought of cooking up and

eating a healthy meal makes me sick. So I take the bag of washed broccoli out

of the fridge and watch a show eating right out of the bag. I am quite thin now

and my weight goes the other way so I have to keep watch on it.

I guess what I am saying is, don't be afraid, it may not be the cancer doing

this. Our bodies and needs change as we grow older. I also used to be an

awesome cook and baker, I cooked in a restaurant for quite some time. I have no

interest in that either and I've lost the ability to cook (well) almost


I hope you get your appetite back but please, if you are, don't fret about it.

Take Care, Louise.


> Hey Everyone, lately my appetite has been crap. Nothing " healthy " sounds good

to me anymore ... I eat a few bites and just have to stop. Can't seem to eat

much at a time, though I have to admit, Ben & Jerry's sounds like a great idea,

though I'm not being bad like that! ;) Seriously, I'm craving sugar; veggies

and turkey/fish just sound nasty to me, as do salads. I made myself eat a salad

for lunch today, but it was hard going. This is so off-the-wall for me, but has

been going on for a couple of weeks now. I've lost one size without trying,

which is unprecedented for me. Weight loss has always been a struggle for me.


> Quite frankly, with mets, it alarms me a bit. Any suggestions? I can't eat

more than a little at a time anymore, and I've always had a VERY healthy

appetite. I just remember seeing both my parents have this happen to them ...

where nothing sounded good and, if it did sound good, it didn't really taste

good. I have three trips coming up and a move to Colorado in July ... I NEED my

strength! ;)


> xxoo



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It could be that you have low stomach acid. You may also need pancreas

and/or gall bladder support.



From: " " <melizzard@...>

> Hey Everyone, lately my appetite has been crap. Nothing " healthy " sounds

> good to me anymore ... I eat a few bites and just have to stop. Can't

> seem to eat much at a time, though I have to admit, Ben & Jerry's sounds

> like a great idea, though I'm not being bad like that! ;) Seriously, I'm

> craving sugar; veggies and turkey/fish just sound nasty to me, as do

> salads. I made myself eat a salad for lunch today, but it was hard going.

> This is so off-the-wall for me, but has been going on for a couple of

> weeks now. I've lost one size without trying, which is unprecedented for

> me. Weight loss has always been a struggle for me.


> Quite frankly, with mets, it alarms me a bit. Any suggestions? I can't

> eat more than a little at a time anymore, and I've always had a VERY

> healthy appetite. I just remember seeing both my parents have this happen

> to them ... where nothing sounded good and, if it did sound good, it

> didn't really taste good. I have three trips coming up and a move to

> Colorado in July ... I NEED my strength! ;)


> xxoo





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I suppose it's possible you're just feeling a need for change after doing the

Budwig for so long, but..

-maybe you are deficient in some nutrients and that's why you feel this way.

Perhaps you could test for that.

-I read somewhere, I think on this list a while back that oleander was helping

people with appetite stimulation. Maybe someone on the list knows more about

that. I think there are other herbs that can do this too.

-I was going to suggest a FOCC smoothie with frozen berries-kind of like ice

cream substitute if that's what you're wanting, but maybe you were already doing

something like that.

-I believe it was Mike Golden who said at one point that whey protein was good

at addressing cachexia-which is not to say that's what you have but it would

probably help you put weight on.


> Hey, I just realized I should let you all know that I was on Budwig for a

year-and-a-half and loved eating that way, though I did feel protein-deprived

the whole time. So then I added lots of organic protein (not red meat, though)

and that was wonderful too ... still was digging my juice and salads for lunch.


> But now, none of that sounds good to me any more ... that's what's so weird

.... I have always loved my big salads and now they turn my stomach. :(


> xoo



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There are a lot of carminative herbs that work well. Season your food with

herbs like cumin, oregano, fennel, peppermint, cinnamon, etc. Most " kitchen "

herbs work like this. Also drink ginger tea during the day.



> Although I don't think I have mets, IDC, bilateral....I can relate. ,

I had a problem with my weight from age 14 to age about 32 or 33...was a

compulsive overeater until I was 27. Then at about 33....I just lost interest

in food. Mind you I do not have a sweet tooth, I have a " carbohydrate tooth "

and can live on white rice. I just did not feel like eating. When the urge

did strike me, a bowl of pasta or rice was all I wanted. I have to force myself

to eat and to eat healthy at that. Sometimes the thought of cooking up and

eating a healthy meal makes me sick. So I take the bag of washed broccoli out

of the fridge and watch a show eating right out of the bag. I am quite thin now

and my weight goes the other way so I have to keep watch on it.


> I guess what I am saying is, don't be afraid, it may not be the cancer doing

this. Our bodies and needs change as we grow older. I also used to be an

awesome cook and baker, I cooked in a restaurant for quite some time. I have no

interest in that either and I've lost the ability to cook (well) almost



> I hope you get your appetite back but please, if you are, don't fret about it.

Take Care, Louise.

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