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Re: Cancer Survivors with Fibromyalgia

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making your on juces and get  the book called the doctors of food remedies.

From: roz M

Hello Everyone - First off I want to thank everyone that has furnished

information that has not only helped me, but all of the cancer survivors I have

assisted in seeking alternative care. My lastest contact has been a gentleman

(cancer survivor) who suffers from severe Fibromyalgia for the past 25 years. He

can hardly stand up straight. His doctors have all told him it is caused by

stress and there is no cure (2 of them have told him he should seek alternative


If some of you would be so kind to give me your take on Fibromyalgia and what

might work to relieve pain/inflammation if not a final cure. I have done my own

research already but I would like to hear your opinions. I am aware there is a

fibromyalgia group already, but since this person is a cancer survivor, I

am addressing this group as the diseases may or may not be related. Thank you in

advance for any info you might provide.

Rozelle Seifert

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Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia [most of which are also cancer-healing]:

THYROID (large amounts), magnesium glycinate, vit. C, heavy-metal detox; get

plenty of sleep (Arnold Takemoto, BioImmune.com, 2001), Limuplex


Magid Ali, M.D. (1 of America’s top holistic physicians, according to some

sources) achieved excellent results in a study using " glutathione,

taurine…MSM…[CoQ10]…lipoic acid…colon hydrotherapy and liver

flushes…endocrine support…for the thyroid, adrenals, and sex hormones…[iV

vitamins]…oxygenative therapies…EDTA chelation; gentle stretching "


AVOID soy and high-carb foods

80% of fibromyalgia patients have human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6), EBV, CMV, or

HLTV1 virus. IV vitamin C’s very helpful, because it kills the underlying

viruses (Takemoto, BioImmune.com, 2001). IV vit. C’s available from most

holistic physicians www.holisticboard.org; www.ACAM.org). Let me know if you’d

like info on oral vit. C products that can be taken in high dosages.

I indexed the book

Diamond, Harvey (2005). _Living Without Pain: Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus,

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Their Cause and How to Overcome Them Naturally!_. VP


The author's essential guidelines are listed below. He says he’s received

100,000 unsolicited letters from readers (of his previous books) reporting

health improvements and that the majority of these related to his 1st guideline

below (Eat only fruit until noon).

Do the following to improve digestion:

*Eat nothing but (raw) [low-sugar] fruit until noon (most important).

Fruit should be eaten [in moderation and] on empty stomach; may eat other food

20-30min. after eating fruit. But after eating other food, wait at least 3 hrs

before eating any fruit.

Don't eat starches and acidic food (e.g., acid fruit or protein) at same meal.

Eat mainly raw/live food.

Before eating cooked food, take digestive enzymes.

Detox & support lymph system.

Drink more water.

For more info:






www.gnhealth.com/GNthisArticle.php?article=435 (Magid Ali, M.D. on causes)


www.gnhealth.com/GNthisArticle.php?article=429 (detox program by Magid Ali,


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In a message dated 6/3/09 5:18:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

escobar.angelica@... writes:

> If some of you would be so kind to give me your take on Fibromyalgia and

> what might work to relieve pain/inflammation if not a final cure

I have fibromyalgia and could also benefit from the information. Thanks.

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