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Sender: FlaxSeedOil2 From:

FlaxSeedOil2-owner Date: Sun, Jan 17, 2010, 12:51am

(CST+6) FlaxSeedOil2 Subject: [FlaxSeedOil2] BUDWIG





Written by Olson, owner, FlaxSeedOil2, and creator of

http://www.budwig-videos.com If typing Budwig-Videos, be sure to include

the newly added hyphen. Copyright © 2006-2010.


This is automatically posted every two weeks & is sent to new members

when they join FlaxSeedOil2. Please read this carefully, print it out &

use it daily.


The Budwig healing plan has stopped cancer & other diseases for many

people. It has been saving lives for over 60 years. Dr. Johanna Budwig

was a brilliant scientist & health practitioner who worked with patients

from 1952 to 2000 or 2002. You can read about her in our files.


This guide can help you to follow Dr. Budwig's full program. It's based

on her book, " Cancer - The Problem and the Solution " [1999], her

cookbook, " The Oil-Protein Diet " [1952] as well as on our Files for this

group and experiences of our members. The menu below is

Dr. Budwig's SUGGESTED GUIDELINE, you don't have to consume all of it.

Most people begin gradually, adding healthy foods & liquids and

eliminating damaging ones. The diet seems simple, but foods are

powerful and can damage or heal a person. The Budwig plan has healed

people of many kinds of cancer and other diseases and conditions.

In liver, pancreatic, stomach and gall bladder disease it's best to

begin with a " Transition Diet " which is explained in our Files Section,

Folder 3 and at www.budwig-videos.com After the transition, begin the

diet with small amounts of oil & cheese plus other foods.

Dr.Budwig had over a 90% success rate with this protocol with all kinds

of cancer patients over a 50 year period. Many research studies done in

the last ten years support the cancer-fighting value

of the foods, juices, sun exposure and relaxation Dr.Budwig recommended.

There are many testimonials in the Files of this group written by

members who have regained their health by following this protocol after

being diagnosed with cancer - many of them terminal.

To start the diet, it helps to have 3 appliances:

1- A coffee bean grinder to grind the whole brown flaxseeds sold

in health food stores or online. Freshly ground seeds are a must.

2- An immersion hand-held mixer (a stick-shaped mixer) to blend

and bond the flaxseed oil [FO] & cottage cheese [CC] together so that

they become one food, making the oil water-soluble and more absorbable.

It's important to use an electric mixer rather than stirring the two.

3- A vegetable juicer. A masticating type juice is said to give a

more healthful juice than a centrifugal type. Research Green Star &

Omega 8005.


Generally, each tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (FO) is blended with 2 or

more tablespoons of low-fat organic Cottage Cheese(CC)or quark.

That is a ratio of approximately 1:2. Cold-pressed refrigerated

liquid FO is used, for example, Barlean's & Spectrum. It's better

to buy regular FO instead of High Lignan FO. Healthier lignans

are obtained at a lower cost by using freshly ground flaxseeds.

[used instead of Linomel]. Ground seeds must be consumed within 15


TO START THE DAY - About an hour before breakfast, have a glass of

sauerkraut juice. It has cancer-fighting benefits and improves

digestion. Homemade is best in order to get the digestive enzymes

[recipe in Files - Folder 5 'Foods'].

Anything pasteurized has lost its enzymes but still offers lactic acid

which is important and helps with digestion. Biotta brand sauerkraut

juice is pasteurized and is a high quality juice, has lactic acid &

vitamins C & K. One 17oz bottle offers 2 or 3 servings.

" Biotta Organic Sauerkraut Juice-Size: 17 oz. " http://tinyurl.com/mnqwjn


Start with a cup of green tea or herbal tea. It provides warm liquid

required for the ground flaxseeds to swell properly. That's important.

Then, eat the Budwig Flax Oil/Cottage Cheese or Quark recipe below. We

often call it FOCC. Besides cottage cheese or quark, you could use

homemade yogurt cheese or kefir cheese with cow or goat milk. [see

recipes in Files]

Budwig FOCC[or quark]Recipe: [Make enough for 1 meal only, avoid

storing. Eat immediately. Use organic foods if possible. JB's cookbook

has varied recipes as does www.budwig-videos.com ]

[1] Blend 3 Tbs flaxseed oil with 6 Tbs low-fat CC or quark with a

hand-held immersion electric mixer for up to a minute. If needed, add 2

Tbs milk. Avoid adding water or juices when blending FO with CC or

quark. The mixture should be thoroughly blended with no separated oil.

Layer or stir in the following ingredients:

[2] Grind 1 or 2 Tbs whole flaxseeds and add. [This replaces Linomel]

Freshly ground seeds become rancid within 20 minutes, eat recipe


[3] Add various fruits such as fresh [or thawed-out frozen if necessary]

berries, apple with skin on, cherry, orange, banana, etc.

[4] Add other fresh fruit if you like, totaling 1/2 to 1 cup of fruit.

[5] If mixture is too thick, add 1 or 2 Tbs of fruit juice [e.g. dark

grape, blueberry] or milk. Fruits & their juices are proven cancer


[6] Add organic raw nuts such as walnuts or Brazil nuts [no peanuts]

and a bit of raw honey. For variety, try vanilla, cinnamon, lemon juice,

pure cocoa or shredded coconut. Try various fresh organic fruits &


Afterward, you can have whole grain bread with cucumber, tomato,

radishes or other raw veggies. Some members buy Ezekiel bread.

You can watch a video showing how to make the flax oil/cottage cheese

recipe by going to http://www.budwig-videos.com Look in the middle of

the front page. Upon joining the site, you'll see more videos showing

the Budwig plan, along with many recipes and articles.


Freshly-pressed vegetable juice from carrots and/or beet, celery, lemon,

apple as well as green vegetables - lettuces or spinach[carrot & beet

juices are especially helpful to the liver & are strong cancer fighters]

Vary vegetables. Chart comparing juicers:


SUNLIGHT - Dr. Budwig emphasized that being in sunlight is very

healthful for vit.D and other benefits. Avoid burning & avoid sunscreen

& sunglasses.

If you feel up to having some exercise, individualize it according to

your strength - DON'T OVERDO IT. Regarding exercise, Dr.Budwig wrote:

" Often yoga or sport is very important, but sometimes the patient should

not do this " and " I would never allow a cancer patient with metastases

to jog, ride a bicycle, or to practice yoga. His body must relax. " One

form of exercise that is beneficial for most people is using a rebounder

[a mini-trampoline] because it helps clear the lymph system and promotes

better drainage. See www.healthbounce.com & www.needakrebounder.com


A cup of warm green or herbal tea. Use 1 tsp honey if desired (no

sugar). Also suggested, but optional, one Tbs whole flaxseeds, freshly

ground & added to a glass of champagne, known to help digestion &

absorption. [1999 book]


RAW vegetable salad with various home-made salad dressings which

may include one or more Tbs FO blended with 1 or 2 Tbs organic

low-fat CC plus one Tbs organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice

and spices. Or, for sweeter dressing, try FO & grape, orange, apple

or another juice. You can vary the salad dressings based on the

recipes in the Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook. Several recipes do not

include cottage cheese at all. The body can utilize 1 or 2 Tbs

oil without cottage cheese. Avoid commercial salad dressings. Pumpkin

seed oil can also be used. Experiment with spices or honey for variety.

If still hungry, make steamed or boiled veggies and grains. [see

" DINNER " ]


varied fresh raw fruits (organic if possible). Again, use 3 Tbs FO & 6

Tbs CC with fresh fruit[omit flaxseeds if you had them in the champagne

before lunch]. If there are problems digesting this amount of oil, begin

with smaller amounts of FOCC and increase it slowly. Chew very well to

optimise digestion. Predigestion starts in the mouth by mixing saliva

with the foods. Try to have meals in a peaceful atmosphere. Relaxing is



One tablespoon whole flaxseeds, freshly ground, stirred into sparkling

wine, champagne or fruit juice: pure grape, blueberry, cherry, pineapple

or papaya. The amount of liquid can be adjusted to your appetite. Chew

ground seeds for better digestion.

RELAX, in sunlight if possible, TO RELIEVE STRESS. Empty the mind of

worries, angers, fears. Focus on nature, music, deep breathing &

positive interactions. Think kind thoughts about yourself & others. Dr.

Budwig said that relieving stress is extremely important. Many research

studies support this idea.



One tablespoon whole flaxseeds, ground & added to one of the juices

named above. Both papaya & pineapple have digestive enzymes if they are

fresh. Most bottled juices have lost their enzymes but still have

valuable nutrients. If making the juice, drink it immediately after

preparation before the enzymes are lost by air and light. You want to

get as many natural enzymes as possible [as well as electrons from flax

seeds & oils]. [Note: Instead of the fruit juices, some

members heal using homemade vegetable juices as described at 10 a.m.]


Vegetable soup or a variety of veggies and starch-containing foods,

well spiced. Add Oleolux and nutritional yeast flakes after cooking.

Nutritional yeast adds important B-vitamins which boost energy & mood.

Choices of cooked starchy foods - buckwheat (JB's top choice-digests

well & very nutritious), millet, brown rice, lentils, beans, peas, yams

& potatoes. Add lightly cooked vegetables such as kale, tomatoes,

spinach, beets, carrots, chard, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli,

onions, artichokes, asparagus, peppers, green beans, etc. Also, add

healthful spices such as cayenne pepper, paprika, turmeric, sea salt &

others. AFTER COOKING, add homemade Oleolux 'to

taste,' which adds more nutrition and satiates appetite. [Oleolux recipe

in File 5]. Use also on bread [whole or sprouted grain, homemade or



A glass of organic red wine if desired.

The above diet can be varied by the many recipes in Dr. Budwig's book

" The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook, " sold on Amazon & Barlean's websites for

about $10. Original Budwig compatible recipes are also

show in videos at www.budwig-videos.com [be sure to include a hyphen]


Dr. Budwig stressed that we must AVOID CANCER-PROMOTING FOODS such as

hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, animal fats/proteins [as in meats,

poultry, seafood, eggs & butter], cane sugar, agave & maple syrups,

preservatives, highly processed foods, pesticides & chemicals, as in

household products & cosmetics. Drink pure water if possible.

*+ Avoid leftovers - food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon after

preparation to maximize intake of health-giving electrons & enzymes.

*+ Drink warm green or herbal teas, unsweetened or sweetened only with


*+ Stress is damaging. Avoid stress-producing people & situations.

Take time to relax & enjoy each day. Listen to beautiful music, laugh,

do deep breathing, connect with nature, spend time with people you like.

Reduce anger & sadness through EFT[see emofree.com], counseling. a

support group or meditation; clear the mind of worry.

*+ ELDI oils are oils for external application or enemas. Dr. Budwig had

her patients use them as needed. [see Files for information] .

*+ Dr.Budwig did not include drugs or supplements in her protocol

guidelines. In her 1999 book, she spoke against them. She warned that

high amounts of man-made supplemental antioxidants can interfere with

the diet's benefits. However, she did not forbid supplements. Some

people have added a few supplements to their program & have made

progress. Others have gotten well without them while following the

Budwig plan. It may help to ask the group about your choices.

*+ Dr. Budwig warned about adding drugs & treatments such as chemo &

radiation, cortisones, hormones & pain killers. She also warned against

the dangers of oxygen therapy for the cancer patient & said that the

cells are not ready to absorb oxygen but are healed through diet. Flax

oil is known to thin the blood, using blood-thinning drugs, including

aspirin, could be dangerous.

*+ The rejuvenating foods in the Budwig Protocol give the body what it

needs daily to stop cancer & keep it in check. Dr. Budwig suggested

following the diet strictly for five years before relaxing a little, but

you can never stop the healing foods for more than a few days nor can

you regularly eat damaging foods or damaging supplements. Doing so could

allow cancer to return.

*+ Take care of your teeth. Infections can interfere with your


Dr.Budwig's book " Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart

Infarction, Cancer and other Diseases " offers an understanding of

the scientific principles behind this protocol. Her cookbook

" The Oil-Protein Diet " gives practical diet information and recipes.

Both of these books can be ordered from www.Amazon.com or from

www.Barleans.com for about $10. Excerpts are in our files section.

Her newest (and last) book, " Cancer-The Problem and The Solution, "

written in 1999, is available from http://www.nexus-book.com

Excerpts from this book are in the Links Section of our group

along with Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] & other information.


To read more information, many testimonials of those who regained

their health with the Budwig Protocol, and excerpts from FLAX OIL

AS A TRUE AID..., click here for the Files Section of the group.


To see the Budwig Plan on videos, please click this link:

http://www.budwig-videos.com Please bookmark the site for future



Messages on FlaxSeedOil2 are educational, not medical advice.

For medical advice consult a qualified healthcare professional.

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