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High Liver Enzymes

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Thanks Selma, I do reflexlogy. Have for yrs. I stopped everything for the

moment. At least to do the colonoscopy on mon. I think I over did everything by

not checking in and all that dental work and the shots they gave me was too much

for my system. Toxic overload. Have u had liver enzymes check with blood? Big

Hug Blessings J Please keep me in good vibes mon 7:40 am

selmanaka <hardynaka@...> wrote: Hi

Joyce, just read the whole loooong thread about liver enzymes.

Sorry I missed the thread!

Sorry I can't help you on that either. I just know that Toa-free cats

claw caused my liver to be in pain and that was the main reason to

stop taking it and shifting for the whole version.

Even the whole version was hard, but not to that extent. I felt

comfortable with 3 capsules a day, but not really with more. Now I'm

on 2, that's the maximum. I may drop to one soon.

Now I'm on toa-free too, but was ART tested only for 1 drop. The

naturopath added the second drop, because she felt one was too little.

I had/ have liver problems with metal release. Metals cause strong

liver symptoms, and it's the main organ to get screwed up with

metals, in my case.

What also helps my liver were hot bottles with humid towel (my

naturopath recommeded me last time). To be done before bed time.

And reflex massage on the liver point (and gall bladder) on the right

foot. But I suppose it must be done with care. This was not

recommended by anyone, I just do solo (I'm a reflex massagist by

intuition!). I mean, I 'learned' the Chiinese charts many years ago,

and keep using it for ages. I feel what it does to my body, but I

can't recommend it as I'm not professional.

I don't know if it could do more harm than good in case your liver is

poisoned with metals. I suppose it could free metals??

I do both reflex with chlorella. With loads of it, you know it


Hope you'll find something that works for your liver. Gee, what a

disease ...

Will be sending you good vibes in a few minutes!!



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

What is the meaning of high liver enzymes? My Flurry has high liver enzymes

suddenly. I had her on one brand of Milk Thistle that I am not changing to

the Gaia brand. What could cause high liver enzymes and aside from Milk

Thistle, what else could I use to decrease them?

Thank you.

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