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Burzynski,the movie-Berkely,CA-November 13,2010-Sally Rafail-1988 show

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November 3, 2010

Dear Burzynski Movie subscribers,

UPCOMING SCREENING - San Francisco Area:

On November 13, 2010, " Burzynski the Movie " will be screening in Berkeley,

CA at 6:30 pm.

Location: Rudramandir: 630 Bancroft Way

Cancer survivors and others featured in the film will attend and

participate in a Q & A after the screening.

_Click here for more info and to purchase advance tickets._


This screening will be the first of several screenings in the San

Francisco Area in the near future.

We have a little treat for you. On Feb. 23, 1988, Dr. Burzynski, four of

his cancer patients (one of whom is a medical doctor himself), and one

member of " the opposition " were featured in a full one-hour episode of Sally

Jessy Raphael's TV talk show. At the time, this 1988 broadcast resulted in the

largest explosion in awareness of Burzynski the United States had ever

seen. Countless patients flocked to his clinic after this broadcast,

including many of the patients featured in the documentary " Burzynski, the

Movie "

(including Kunnari and s - both of whom had terminal

brain cancer and are alive today nearly 20 years later).

Not only was this show a pivotal point in public awareness for Burzynski,

but this episode also shows us how much national television and the

mainstream media as a whole has changed since this time. During this episode,


will see patients speaking freely, Burzynski speaking freely, a TV host

holding full respect and support of her guests, an audience asking the

questions we'd all like to see asked on national TV - and of course, one very

frightened—yet stern—member of " the opposition " . This episode saved


lives—patients who were told by their previous doctors that " there is

nothing more that can be done " , only to be given another choice—a choice they

didn't know existed before seeing this episode in their living rooms.

_[ ** Click here to watch the entire episode. Forward this link to

others, if you see fit. ** ]



8) _Would you like to host your own screening in your town? Click

here to learn more._

(http://www.burzynskimovie.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=77)

_Click here to print flyers at home to distribute to others. _

(http://www.burzynskimovie.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=76)

To order the DVD:

_Directly from us via credit card or Pay Pal, click here (ships to

anywhere on the planet)._

(http://www.burzynskimovie.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart & Itemid=69 & vmcchk=\

1 & Itemid=69)

_Directly from us via check or money order, click here (ships to anywhere

on the planet)._



_On Amazon (shipping only in the USA) click here_


TF8 & s=dvd & qid=1280936

367 & sr=8-1)

We are busy finishing up production on a full-blown Japanese version of

this film—with Japanese narrators and graphics.

Other regular foreign language subtitles will be available soon.


_Burzynski Movie_ (https://www.burzynskimovie.com/)

Your Subscription:

_Change your subscription_

(http://www.burzynskimovie.com/index.php?option=com_acajoom & Itemid=999 & act=chang\

e & subscriber=203 & cle=6195cceb9e857da39813e4a

ec284945b & listid=1)


(http://www.burzynskimovie.com/index.php?option=com_acajoom & Itemid=999 & act=unsub\

scribe & subscriber=203 & cle=6195cceb9e857da39813e4aec284945b

& listid=1) _

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