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Re: Needed info possible bladder/spot on lung

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All cancers are caused by free radicals or toxic chemicals. Our body has the

natural ability to repair and regenerate itself provided we remove the cause,

toxic chemicals. You may take all supplements available but as long as the

supplements you are taking have toxic chemicals, you are just increasing your

free radicals inside the body and this is the reason why it will not cure you or

cancer. Our protocol back here in the Philippines includes systemic enzyme

therapy with brain dominance therapy (this includes blood type diets) and is

very successful in curing cancer. We already have several thousands of cases. As

long the patient will follow what needs to be done, rest assured you are on your

way to a full recovery without any recurrence.

Tutz del rio

bk4529@... wrote:

As many of you might know or remember, I was diagnosed over two

and a half years ago with bladder carcinoma after an automobile accident.

I've been researching for over two and a half years on bladder carcinoma.

Three weeks ago I asked my family Dr. to order an xray on my lungs because of a

cough I had. They found a spot on my lung. Now I thought I should have the ultra

sound of my bladder since I hadn't had any tests, biopsies, chemo, nor radiation

during this time. My ultra sound showed that the poly poids, or tumors had

grown, that cancer is highly suspected in my bladder.

I have eaten healthy during this time, I've done enemas, cleansing products,

programs of all types. Dr. Schultz the incurable Program, barley max, tinctures,

juices, I try to walk as much as possible. I feel good! Everything works

properly. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't know what more I can do!

Does anyone have any answers as to what I can do??I feel that I don't have the

time to research anymore. My cabinets are full of supplements that I've been

taking. My X-ray showed that I have COPD along with over inflated lungs I

believe that this is the way it was worded.

I'm on low dose naltrexone too.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please reply to me privately. I will be

able to respond quicker to private emails.


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Please let us know your web site (if you have one) and full address and contact


N Vishwajith / Sri Lanka


From: Tutz Dr <tutzdr_71@...>

Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 9:35:44 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Needed info possible bladder/spot on lung

All cancers are caused by free radicals or toxic chemicals. Our body has the

natural ability to repair and regenerate itself provided we remove the cause,

toxic chemicals. You may take all supplements available but as long as the

supplements you are taking have toxic chemicals, you are just increasing your

free radicals inside the body and this is the reason why it will not cure you or

cancer. Our protocol back here in the Philippines includes systemic enzyme

therapy with brain dominance therapy (this includes blood type diets) and is

very successful in curing cancer. We already have several thousands of cases. As

long the patient will follow what needs to be done, rest assured you are on your

way to a full recovery without any recurrence.

Tutz del rio

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No, once we have cancer, that cancer is no longer caused by free radicals or

toxic chemicals. It is caused by cancer -- cells replicating without control.

Once cancer gets going, cancer is caused by cancer.

I tend to believe the Kelley theory, or something similar -- cancer may very

well be very similar to placenta-like cells, which allows it to fool the body

into leaving it alone, and allows tumors to trick the body into nourishing it

with networks of blood vessels, and allows tumors to burrow into healthy tissue

and wreak havoc.

Yes, we do need to detoxify if we have cancer, but this is to allow the liver

and immune system to take charge in kicking cancer's ass, not to prevent any

toxic substances from starting new cancer.


> All cancers are caused by free radicals or toxic chemicals. Our body has the

natural ability to repair and regenerate itself provided we remove the cause,

toxic chemicals. You may take all supplements available but as long as the

supplements you are taking have toxic chemicals, you are just increasing your

free radicals inside the body and this is the reason why it will not cure you or

cancer. Our protocol back here in the Philippines includes systemic enzyme

therapy with brain dominance therapy (this includes blood type diets) and is

very successful in curing cancer. We already have several thousands of cases. As

long the patient will follow what needs to be done, rest assured you are on your

way to a full recovery without any recurrence.


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According to the latest research, Cancer is causd by toxic chemicals (free

radicals). True to what you said, once cancer gets out of control they will keep

multiplying exponentially. Let us look at why this occurs. All of us have

cancer cells that occur around ten times in our lifetime. Cancer cells are

permanently damaged cells, they have to be eliminated from the body, their

damage is up to the cell's own DNA. Problem is, they are also living cells that

could multiply if the immune system is compromised. Needless to say, if the

immune system is weak, we could not keep cancer cells at bay.

Now why is the immune system weak? You have to remember, the immune sytem are

organs that defend our body against anything harmful (bacteria, viruses, foreign

bodies, cancer etc.). Organs are composed of tissues and tissues are composed of

cells. The reason why the immune system is weak is because the cells are damaged

by free radicals already. Now, once you cleanse the body from free radicals

through systemic enzyme therapy, the cells will be able to repair and regenerate

themselves. Once the cells are repaired, the tissues will repair and thus the

organs will repaired and you willnow have a strong immune system to combat

cancer. The immune system will now be able to produce natural killer cells that

are stonger and will be able to melt down the negatively charged protein coating

of cancer cells. Once this is achieved, it will stick itself to the cancer or

tumor and release a highly toxic substance called perforin to perforate or drill

into the tumor. Once the NKC

creates a hole in the tumor it will inject an enzyme called GRANZHYME and as a

reaction to this the tumor which is also a living cell will produce an enzyme

called CASPASE and once these enzymes combine it will make the tumor explode

leaving smaller dead tissues. The immune system will now dispatch MACROPHAGES

(the big eaters) to consume the dead tissues and will be eliminated through


jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:

No, once we have cancer, that cancer is no longer caused by free radicals or

toxic chemicals. It is caused by cancer -- cells replicating without control.

Once cancer gets going, cancer is caused by cancer.

I tend to believe the Kelley theory, or something similar -- cancer may very

well be very similar to placenta-like cells, which allows it to fool the body

into leaving it alone, and allows tumors to trick the body into nourishing it

with networks of blood vessels, and allows tumors to burrow into healthy tissue

and wreak havoc.

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