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Re: Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer:Holistic doctors

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Consult is the operative word, and I'll add that Holistic Physicians still

conduct , must conduct themselves under the constraints of keeping their

license which requires that they also keep using The Gold Standards which are

the Medically Acceptable practices approved by the Allopathic System. Most

important, even more important, is having a good diagnostician that doesn't

gloss over things and is the detective type that doesn't give up looking until

he/she knows what is going on. That is more important than the physician's

philosophy because it is ours that matters. Them 'medical' part of their title

may be meaningless. If they would allow physicians to practice what they

want, we might all be better off.

We need to find and work with Alternative Practitioners that work with lots of

cancer patients and, depending upon one's circumstances, deal with the problem.

There are cancers........and there are cancers and some require much more effort

to deal with than others. Do not expect a Holistic practitioner to keep you

from a referral to an Oncologist or Radiologist because when they do, they

better hide their license. The most important thing is to learn all you can,

research every possible avenue and make your decision based on that not what

some practitioner, any practitioner suggests. Just add the practitioner's

suggestions to your knowledge base and work from that.

Joe C.

Joe C.

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How do we find a good alternative practitioner?

Thanks, Robyn

From: " jcastron1@... "

Sent: Wed, November 25, 2009

Consult is the operative word, and I'll add that Holistic Physicians still

conduct , must conduct themselves under the constraints of keeping their

license which requires that they also keep using The Gold Standards which are

the Medically Acceptable practices approved by the Allopathic System. Most

important, even more important, is having a good diagnostician that doesn't

gloss over things and is the detective type that doesn't give up looking until

he/she knows what is going on. That is more important than the physician's

philosophy because it is ours that matters. Them 'medical' part of their title

may be meaningless. If they would allow physicians to practice what they

want, we might all be better off.

We need to find and work with Alternative Practitioners that work with lots of

cancer patients and, depending upon one's circumstances, deal with the problem.

There are cancers..... ...and there are cancers and some require much more

effort to deal with than others. Do not expect a Holistic practitioner to

keep you from a referral to an Oncologist or Radiologist because when they do,

they better hide their license. The most important thing is to learn all you

can, research every possible avenue and make your decision based on that not

what some practitioner, any practitioner suggests. Just add the practitioner'

s suggestions to your knowledge base and work from that.

Joe C.

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To find an integrative doctor near you,contact the following organizations:

American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology- for a free list, please call


International College of Integrative Medicine- 866-464-5226 or

_www.icimed.com_ (http://www.icimed.com)

American College for Advancement in Medicine-888-439-6891 or _www.acam.org_


I hope this may help you to find a good doctor in cancer treatment.

Good luck.


In a message dated 11/26/2009 8:33:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

arlynsg@... writes:


This has been a difficulty for me. I've got a great chiro, a great

acupuncturist, but when I was diagnosed with cancer, it all seemed to just fall


My particular problem with many naturopaths is that they push their own

belief system - just like regular MDs do. And if clients aren't savvy enough

to do their own research, they may end up buying whatever it is the ND is


Right now, I'm seeing an osteopath. I really liked my ND, but he was

pushing a raw food diet (ignoring the fact that I was already a raw foodist and

still developed cancer), but he had never heard of Budwig, which I find


I actually have another MD that I was going to - who was more of a

holistic doctor, but he is far away and requires a long drive. When I was

diagnosed, he gave me a packet of information breaking down all the alternative

treatments. He told me he wasn't allowed to discuss them with me, but he

wanted me to understand what was out there. I respect that. However, I have

suspicions about him as far as his sanity goes, so I had to stop seeing him. :)

So, I wish I had an answer for you. But I'm having my own difficulty

finding someone to help me. The testing is expensive and insurance doesn't





> How do we find a good alternative practitioner?

> Thanks, Robyn

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