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Re: Options for advanced breast cancer mets?

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Thanks for reposting this.


There is some important information missing from your information.

Breast cancer is rather difficult to deal with in younger women. Your friend

has the BRCA gene, which doesn't have anything to do with how the tissue handles

radiation. It just means that her body is genetically predisposed to make a

certain type of cancer.

Is your friend triple negative? Or hormone positive? If she is hormone

positive, then what has she done to stop the excess estrogen in her body from

feeding the cancer?

Allopathically speaking, hormone positive breast cancer has more options than

triple negative. Chemo and radiation are the standards along with hormonal

treatment if applicable.

From what I understand, Gerson is difficult to do. Your friend will need to be

very dedicated to this treatment.

My personal opinion is that IVC will not help much with breast cancer.

Your friend needs to go to http://www.breastcancerchoices.org and order the

iodine loading test. If she is low in iodine, that needs to be corrected. If

she is hormone positive for the estrogen receptor, then she can start taking

Calcium D-Glucarate. Flax seeds (The Budwig Protocol) will help with too much

estrogen in the body as well.

Look at LDN as well.

Your friend needs to speak to a qualified Naturopath who went to a four year

college and has experience working with breast cancer.

If she chooses chemo and more radiation, that's fine as well. It is her choice.

But once she chooses a treatment, she needs to stick to it.


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I agree mostly! I did say mostly!


Yet, I.V. c is definately worth exploring.  They take doses up 100,000 mg per

day now where origninal therapy was 30,000. They Augment with Alfph Lipoic Acid,

b-12 (forms cobalt ascorbate) selenium and one of several electron donors. I

have been refrerring people to the formost experts of this treatment in the

world today. They can fax your own doctor who can write the order and you can

get the therapy in your own home. Yes, with an I.V.!


Also, I personally am overseeing a dozen cancer patients on cesium chloride. You

can talk to a couple of them as they have asked to make their stories public.


They have responded beautifully to cesium chloride protocols.  I am telling you

the first clinical trial of cesium chloride, (Dr. Brewer,) had 100%

response rate.  How does anyone minimize 100% on anything?


I am telling anyone with cancer.  I am boldly claiming out loud!

Not taking cesium chloride is the biggest mistake a cancer patient, doctor, can

ever make! No testimonial garbage.


  If you want to talk to actual cancer patients taking cesium chloride just

ask,...I may have already posted their personal info. already but just ask! I

will post it again.

Most of my clients, friends, family have responded to combined protocols

involving cesium.


Just imagine combining strong alkaline therapy with cesium (pulls oxygen into

cell and alters ph) added an oxygen therapy (DMSO, citrate, quinones, and

polyphenols,) and then with detox therapy (chlorophyll also oxygen donor)?


This protocol alone can shut down hyperplasia gene, restore normal glucose

metabolism in cancer cells, detox heavy metals, pesticides, petrolium



 Now, if there is no response to this wonderful protocol, keeping these

therapies going you can add ascorbate infusions with citrate,(which prevents



See wikipedia on citrate.


I feel so strongly about this stuff, I know it works if done correctly,... If

this protocol doesn't regress your cancer I will pay for your supplements, Just

Save your receipts,but,.....


This offer depends on you not eating sugars and starches. That you follow the

protocols precisely as directed. That you use them for 60 days minimum!


The protocol will involve CoQ10 which is pricey!


Intriguing offer I hope!  Best of all things!


Bret Peirce, founder of American Cancer Advocates, licensed nurse, family





There is some important information missing from your information.

Breast cancer is rather difficult to deal with in younger women. Your friend has

the BRCA gene, which doesn't have anything to do with how the tissue handles

radiation. It just means that her body is genetically predisposed to make a

certain type of cancer.

Is your friend triple negative? Or hormone positive? If she is hormone positive,

then what has she done to stop the excess estrogen in her body from feeding the


Allopathically speaking, hormone positive breast cancer has more options than

triple negative. Chemo and radiation are the standards along with hormonal

treatment if applicable.

From what I understand, Gerson is difficult to do. Your friend will need to be

very dedicated to this treatment.

My personal opinion is that IVC will not help much with breast cancer.

Your friend needs to go to http://www.breastca ncerchoices. org and order the

iodine loading test. If she is low in iodine, that needs to be corrected. If she

is hormone positive for the estrogen receptor, then she can start taking Calcium

D-Glucarate. Flax seeds (The Budwig Protocol) will help with too much estrogen

in the body as well.

Look at LDN as well.

Your friend needs to speak to a qualified Naturopath who went to a four year

college and has experience working with breast cancer.

If she chooses chemo and more radiation, that's fine as well. It is her choice.

But once she chooses a treatment, she needs to stick to it.


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Intriging, indeed. Are you working with any stage 4 triple negative breast

cancer patients? I have a friend who said she would do alternative medicine

(though she is doing chemo now) if I could find one woman who is triple negative

and can show she is a " success. "



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Thanks for the advice I am getting so far. I am forwarding it all to my dear

friend. Unfortunately her breast cancer is triple negative and she was doing a

strict version of the macrobiotic diet. At first she was with a really good

naturopath who I personally know and has cured another good friend of mine of

advanced cancer. The cured friend of mine also referred many people to the same

naturopath that were cured of advanced cancers as well. For some reason she

decided to see a different naturopath whose main focus was IVC. Ever since then

she has gradually gotten worse. I have encouraged her to return to the original

naturopath, but she hasn't yet and I can't make her decision for her, I can only

make suggestions.

In CancerCured, " Arlyn " wrote:

Your friend has the BRCA gene, which doesn't have anything to do with how the

tissue handles radiation. It just means that her body is genetically

predisposed to make a certain type of cancer.


> Is your friend triple negative? Or hormone positive?

(NaturalNews) What if a diagnostic test actually triggers the life-threatening

disease it is supposed to detect? According to a s Hopkins study just

published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, that may be exactly

what happens when women at risk for genetic breast cancer are subjected to

radiation exposure from annual mammograms.


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Triple negative disease, once it becomes mets, is very aggressive. She needs a

protocol put together that will hit the cancer from all directions. All my best

to her.

I hadn't heard of that study about DNA and BRCA genes and radiation. Thanks for

posting the link. I did a bit more googling as well. I'm still not convinced

because I was unable to find the study results from Hopkins directly. But

it is definitely food for thought.


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I would NOT do Gerson, particularly not in this situation.

Gerson's extremely demanding and has a low success rate, particularly for

advanced breast cancer (BC).

I think Kelley and IVC have moderate success rates w/BC.

I would NOT do conventional chemo but might consider radiation (if needed for

symptomatic relief) or IPT or chronomodulated chemo.

Most of the good Tijuana and German clinics have high success rates w/advanced

BC. Let me know if you'd like info on any of them.

www.Bioimmune.com/services/clinic_directory/index.asp (formerly

CancerOption.com) (888-663-8844 or 480-778-1618)

has the best directory of cancer doctors, but their (superb) protocol primarily

uses IVC, which doesn't seem to be working for her.

Some of the most effective supplements for BC are vit. D, PAU D’ARCO,

genistein (fermented soy) & CURCUMIN.

Other effective supplements for BC include vit. E; selenium, artemix, mistletoe,

astragalus, green tea, poke, kutki, zeolite, Avé, CoQ10, I3C/DIM, calcium

d'glurarate (CDG), melatonin, chlorella; sandalwood ( & frankincense & lavender)

essential oils, Poly-MVA; progesterone cream; standard supplements; Springer


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Could you please explain what chronomodulated chemo is Leonard?


-- [ ] Re: Options for advanced breast cancer mets?

I would NOT do Gerson, particularly not in this situation.

Gerson's extremely demanding and has a low success rate, particularly for

advanced breast cancer (BC).

I think Kelley and IVC have moderate success rates w/BC.

I would NOT do conventional chemo but might consider radiation (if needed

for symptomatic relief) or IPT or chronomodulated chemo.

Most of the good Tijuana and German clinics have high success rates

w/advanced BC. Let me know if you'd like info on any of them.

www.Bioimmune.com/services/clinic_directory/index.asp (formerly CancerOption

com) (888-663-8844 or 480-778-1618)

has the best directory of cancer doctors, but their (superb) protocol

primarily uses IVC, which doesn't seem to be working for her.

Some of the most effective supplements for BC are vit. D, PAU D’ARCO,

genistein (fermented soy) & CURCUMIN.

Other effective supplements for BC include vit. E; selenium, artemix,

mistletoe, astragalus, green tea, poke, kutki, zeolite, Avé, CoQ10, I3C/DIM

calcium d'glurarate (CDG), melatonin, chlorella; sandalwood ( & frankincense

& lavender) essential oils, Poly-MVA; progesterone cream; standard

supplements; Springer vaccine.


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gud day ,

My mom is er positive and she is doing great after debulking of tumor and femara

or lerozole. You might want to check if your tumor is ER postive her cancer was

breast ca four years ago and then diagnosed with ovarian cancer after. Her

ovarian tumor is ER positive so we went ahead with Femara and she gained weight

from 32 to 42 lbs. This is not alternative but a combination with conventional.

Omega 3 fatty acid from fish oil and Coq 10 plus agaricus, ginseng, maitake

suplements. She is normal on her Ca 125 now and praying to God she would


ThresaAguayo28 wrote:

<< She is considering doing Gerson now. I don't know what to tell her,

because the Dr's are trying to push more radiation on her for the ulcer and

they also want her to do chemo. What should be done in her situation? A lot of

really tough decisions to be made.any adive? >>

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> They have responded beautifully to cesium chloride protocols. 

Hi Bret

My twin sister and I are triple negative with Braca1 gene. I got BC 3 years

after my twin and before I had a double mastectomie I started taking cesium

chloride. I had 7 tumours and they staged me a 3. Till this day I believe that

the cesium chloride stopped any lymph node involvement. I have my a supply which

I planned on taking every 6 months but for some reason I puke (about 30

min)after I take them now.

The supplyer cant tell me whats different and I want to do a maintenance but

cant. Currently I'm following the Budwig diet to try and heal my cells and take

in oxygen.

Can you tell me the correct protocol you'r talking about? You may email me

offline too if you wish.

Kind Regards,


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NOPE! on the triple negative question I am sorry to say.


Looking at Brewers trial to see if he had any! Back then, I don't know if

they categorized triple negs.

From: Arlyn <arlynsg@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Options for advanced breast cancer mets?

Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 5:55 AM


Intriging, indeed. Are you working with any stage 4 triple negative breast

cancer patients? I have a friend who said she would do alternative medicine

(though she is doing chemo now) if I could find one woman who is triple negative

and can show she is a " success. "



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All directions?


Great statement:


Apply as much stress to cancer as you can. If your goal is to get rid of these

cells once and for all, this would require comprehensive attack from " all

fronts "


metabolic stress - alkaline

thermal stress - hyperthermia

immune/antibody stress - stimulants and modulators-vaccines, MC antibodies

respiratory stress - oxygen therapies

oxidative stress - chemo, peroxide, cobalt ascorbate

caloric stress- fasting, Atkins diet (type)


All of these can be done at once,....but are they ever combined in real





Triple negative disease, once it becomes mets, is very aggressive. She needs a

protocol put together that will hit the cancer from all directions. All my best

to her.

I hadn't heard of that study about DNA and BRCA genes and radiation. Thanks for

posting the link. I did a bit more googling as well. I'm still not convinced

because I was unable to find the study results from Hopkins directly. But

it is definitely food for thought.


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