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Historical insights on the use of raw liver in the Gerson Protocol

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Hello folks.

Thank you, Leonard, for posting a link to the CHIPSA website.

I wrote them about the use of raw liver, and received a kind and

informative response from one Gar Hildenbrand (Clinical Epidemiology, Gerson

Research Organization).

When I asked if it would be alright if I posted the response to this

CancerCured group, Gar Hildenbrand responded, " Feel free to share and post

it where you like, and thanks again for your interest in our work. "

So here it is, in case it provides insights on the use of raw liver.

peace and healing,

Glen from Illinois, USA

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Subject: Question about Gerson protocol

Date: 6/16/2009 2:02:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time

From: Glen from Illinois, USA

_http://www.chipsa.com_ (http://www.chipsa.com)


Would you please be so kind as to help me with a question about the Gerson


I found this page at your website:



" Dr. Gerson found that inclusion of protein in the diet reduced sodium

elimination and slowed the process of detoxification down. The more acidity

you produce from a high protein intake, the greater the amount of sodium

absorbed by the kidneys. He also observed that dietary protein stimulated tumor

growth, but that when restricted for a short period (6-12 weeks), the

immune profile changed and the white T-cell count improved. This reinforced the

immune response to tumors, fungi and viruses (Gerson 1999). An adverse

effect on the immune system is noted after this period so a form of soured

milk product is introduced. "

" Dr. Gerson used the juice of fresh, raw veal liver and patients responded

very well to the therapy. Due to cross-contamination with campylobacter at

abattoirs today, it is generally unsafe for immune-compromised patients to

do liver juicing. "

Question: Do we know if Gerson used the raw liver immediately (when

possible) in the diets of cancer patients? Or did they first use a low protein

diet for a few weeks or months?

Thank you,

Glen from Illinois, USA

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Subject: Re: [Fwd: Question about Gerson protocol]

Date: 6/17/2009

Hello Glen,

Thanks for a good question. The answer is a bit complex. Gerson used raw

liver juice in cancer only during the last approximately 5-6 years of his

practice. According to the historical record, only about 40% of the

patients whose cases were published in Gerson's " A Cancer Therapy: Results

of 50 Cases " were treated with liver juice. Prior to the early 1950s,

Gerson supplemented his diet with brewer's yeast, dicalcium phosphate, and

vitamins A and D instead of liver juice. Fully 31 of Gerson's 50 best cases

received these supplements rather than the liver juice.

The 19 patients who received liver juice had it early in the therapy,

during the period of protein restriction, due to Gerson's conviction that liver

behaved very differently from other high protein foods.

For an alternative approach to supplementation, from a more modern

perspective, please see the following URL:


I also recommend " The China Study " by T. Colin for an excellent

and provocative review of the role of dietary proteins of different types in

relation to cancer and other degenerative diseases.


Gar Hildenbrand

Clinical Epidemiology

Gerson Research Organization

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Thanks for the research.

The live-in healing farm operated by Vander Gaditano uses a Gerson

protocol variant with our local Filipino fruits and vegetables plus raw

liver from goats in the farm specifically slaughtered for the patient to

consume fresh on the spot.

Vander says he studied alternative medicine in the USA but was

frustrated at the simple things simply unavailable, contaminated or

prohibited by USA laws like raw internal organs.

Raw internal organs like raw cow liver, raw goat liver, raw pigs

pancreas are easy to get in our country.

A few days ago I ate raw beef brain, yesterday raw beef liver, and

tomorrow I have raw beef heart. Nothing special about sourcing them, I

just go to the wet market. Very cheap, organic, grass fed.

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Here is an excerpt from the Chipsa website:


" Small amounts of protein taken in its raw form may not be a burden on

the system. Cooked protein, however, changes its structure from a

globular to a straightened form that is not recognizable to the body's

digestive enzymes for example, the change in the white of egg. The

impaired digestive system of an older or sick person will show symptoms

of bloating, flatulence, heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel

syndrome and allergies. Partially broken-down proteins enter the

systemic circulation as toxic and foreign, and if the liver cannot cope

in mopping them up, inflammatory reactions in the tissues and joints

will arise. "

Need to stress why animal food must be eaten raw. Max Gerson knew this,

Henry Bieler knew this. Aajonus Vonderplanitz hammers this point very

well in his books. Read Aajonus' books available at


With this info, maybe people will see the rational of the raw paleo diet

practitioners on http://www.rawpaleoforum.com why eating lots of raw

animal food is a great idea and keeps many of them absolutely healthy.

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Hi Mike,

Cooking meat protein helps digestion??? That's not my experience. I

eat raw meat and I feel it digested in 1 hour. I eat cooked meat and it

digests in 3 to 4 hours plus makes me sleepy. Going raw food all the

way including raw meat, raw animal fat has made me healthier, has

stopped my liver stones production.

I tried cooked meat paleo diet and I felt bad after 1 month, I went back

to raw meat paleo diet because it feels good.

Statements supporting cooked meat consumption benefits is sheer

speculation and not supported by the experiences of people.

Aajonus Vonderplanitz is a current healer in the USA and uses fatty raw

animal foods in his practice.

Dy Liacco is a current healer in the Philippines and uses fatty

raw animal foods in his practice.

Dr. Henry Bieler was a US based MD and in his book " Food is your Best

Medicine " he devoted 2 whole chapters to Protein:

- Proteins are body builders

- Proteins can be killers (when cooked)

Eating cooked animal food is a luxury only the very healthy can afford

to do from time to time.

Here is a list of articles that support the raw food arguments -

including raw meat:


The Benefits of Bacteria

The Dangers of Grain-Consumption

Info on Toxins in Cooked Foods and Effect of Freezing/Heating on Foods

Essay on The Advent of Cooking

Advice For Newbies Wishing To Slowly Ease Into A Raw-Animal-Food Diet

Best wishes,


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I have to agree. I do tend to quick sear meat but if it is still raw inside

(really almost all the way through just some color on the outer edges) it melts

like butter and is quickly digested. I am not sure my family is quite ready for

straight out raw but my kids rave about the mostly raw and how it feels better

to them (except for my oldest who is in college and likes it med well LOL )



> Hi Mike,


> Cooking meat protein helps digestion??? That's not my experience. I

> eat raw meat and I feel it digested in 1 hour. I eat cooked meat and it

> digests in 3 to 4 hours plus makes me sleepy. Going raw food all the

> way including raw meat, raw animal fat has made me healthier, has

> stopped my liver stones production.


> I tried cooked meat paleo diet and I felt bad after 1 month, I went back

> to raw meat paleo diet because it feels good.


> Statements supporting cooked meat consumption benefits is sheer

> speculation and not supported by the experiences of people.


> Aajonus Vonderplanitz is a current healer in the USA and uses fatty raw

> animal foods in his practice.

> Dy Liacco is a current healer in the Philippines and uses fatty

> raw animal foods in his practice.

> Dr. Henry Bieler was a US based MD and in his book " Food is your Best

> Medicine " he devoted 2 whole chapters to Protein:

> - Proteins are body builders

> - Proteins can be killers (when cooked)


> Eating cooked animal food is a luxury only the very healthy can afford

> to do from time to time.


> Here is a list of articles that support the raw food arguments -

> including raw meat:


> http://www.rawpaleoforum.com/important-info-for-newbies/


> The Benefits of Bacteria

> The Dangers of Grain-Consumption

> Info on Toxins in Cooked Foods and Effect of Freezing/Heating on Foods

> Essay on The Advent of Cooking

> Advice For Newbies Wishing To Slowly Ease Into A Raw-Animal-Food Diet


> Best wishes,

> Edwin


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