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Alphonso mangoes may cause cancer ....... Please read if you are eating mangoes.

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The Alphonso Mangoes from coastal region of Maharashtra called Konkan in India

are famous all over the world. We call them " Hapus " .

It is a fruit that tastes very delicious and has numerous health benefits as

described ancient Ayurvedic texts.

But we greedy humans do not believe in accepting what nature gives. We always

want more and that to quickly…

The farmers here they use a Growth hormone called Kartar in local language for

speedy pro-duction. The story does not end here, they use uncontrolled amount of


In fear of loosing a part of produce to insects, pests or untimely rain (yah,

untimely rain spoils

the produce of Alphonso mangoes which some times comes, another effect of Global

warm-ing here) they cut it off from the trees when it is green and not ripped at

all then they use many chemicals like Calcium carbide to ripen mangoes quickly

which are banned by the gov-ernment and is punishable offense by law here but

are used very openly with out any fear of law.

Calcium carbide, used to ripen mangoes, is extremely hazardous and can have

short-term as well as long-term health effects. Calcium carbide contains traces

of arsenic and phosphorus. Once dissolved in water, it produces acetylene gas

that affects the neurological system result-ing in headache, dizziness, mood

disturbances, sleepiness, mental confusion and seizures on a short-term basis,

while it can in the long term cause memory loss and cerebral oedema.

Recently I met a naturopathic doctor in Bombay who told me that usually there is

a rise in Liver/Pancreatic cancer patients in month of January/February.

He also told the sequence in which the problem grows after having eaten mangoes

in the month of April-May, it generally starts with increase in number of bowel

movements, change in then loss of appetite followed by cancer. (I have a book

written by him, unfortunately in local language here, Marathi in which he given

detailed time line, how the problem grows into cancer after having mangoes in

the month of April-May).

Another thing I noticed that when I was a child (now I am 29), Alphonso mangoes

used to be available in markets here only from End of-March till June second

week. Now they are avail-able from mid January.

I know it's a seasonal fruit that should come only in summer then how it


Use of growth hormones….

Note: There are other varieties of Mangoes which are available in rainy season

here which starts in June and last till September.

Unfortunately this is all happening in front of my eyes and our Government not

doing any-thing to control it.

I feel FDA is very good agency who care for the life and health of citizens but

really wonder how they are allowing Alphonso mangoes in USA.

I remember 2-3 years back they banned it but now again they are allowing it.

I wonder how come this changed? At last the trees, the farms from which these

mangoes are being produced and exported are still the same.

I request you all do not put your health at risk. If you like mangoes then

please eat other not so popular and commercialized varieties of mangoes like

Payari, badami, raywal, totapuri…

We have lot of them…and trust me they taste equally good…..

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