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Re: At Last Someone is doing some real work and thinking-Impossible

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At the moment, I was thinking about Gerson and Budwig. They are not merely

" diet " plans, but they do not rely on the supplements. They have a good record.

Or not?

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Guest guest


> At the moment, I was thinking about Gerson and Budwig. They are not merely

" diet " plans, but they do not rely on the supplements. They have a good record.

Or not?


Hi! I wanted to send you an article I wrote! I've been looking at the whole

issue of cancer for the last 20 years since my dad was given a year to live. I

was able to give him 10 pain free years even tho his prostate cancer was in

stage 4 and in has gone to 12-16 places on his spine. And that was before I knew

all I know now.

Many people try natural methods and have no idea where to go and what to do

because even alternative practitioners only know about what they do. Curing

anything deep is a multi-pronged approach that is highly individualized where

changing the diet is ONE PIECE of the puzzle. It seems to me the paradigm of how

we look at things needs to change.

Good luck,


25 Ways to Heal Your

Own Cancer 75% of the Time

There are two ways of seeing the world. In the old paradigm nature is something

the establishment goes against and attacks. The world is seen only through the 5

senses and what appears solid is accepted with trepidation. Everything is

dissected and seen as separate. War is seen as a way to peace and it's a dog

eat dog world with conclusions and actions based in greed.

Science has evolved. We now know that what appears solid is mostly space. We

know that there is a quantum field of possibility to play in. And thanks to

scientists like Bruce Lipton, we know that chemical reactions in the body are

preceded and maneuvered by thoughts and emotions. We can expand, include and

rely on greater awarenessess like intuition, feeling, and inspiration. We know

everything is interconnected and that in most cases it makes more sense to work

with nature rather than against it.

" If cancer specialists were to admit publicly that chemotherapy is of limited

usefulness and is often dangerous, the public might demand a radical change in

direction—possibly toward unorthodox and nontoxic methods, and toward cancer

prevention. ...The use of chemotherapy is even advocated by those members of the

establishment who realize how ineffective and dangerous it can be. " - Ralph W.

Moss, former head of the research dept. at Sloan Kettering and author, " The

Cancer Industry "

60 years ago 1 in 50 people got cancer. Today after billions of dollars of

research the statistics are 1 in 3. Chemotherapy is extremely toxic. It's like

blowing up your house because you have rodents. The fact is becoming clearer

every day. In most cases, toximolecular science doesn't work.

We live inside an obsolete worldview where the unthinkable appears reasonable,

sensible and even intelligent. I have been a natural health advocate for over

25 years. My research shows that medical science does not have all the answers

and in fact in some ways is going in the wrong direction. There is the

possibility of a saner, sustainable world. Here's what my clients and friends

have done to reverse their disease processes:

1) First determine and decide absolutely that you want to live well and happy.

It might not be possible but if your attitude is that you are going to beat

this, most probably you will.

2) Make this healing transformation your priority

3) Learn how to alkalize and enzymize your blood. Drink a lot of raw vegetable

juices, wheat grass juice and lean heavily if not totally towards a vegan diet.

This disease cannot tolerate an alkaline environment. Change the field in which

the cancer thrives. Cut out all 'bad' and acidic foods. Enzymes are what keep us

alive and play a large part in the art of regeneration.

4) Take out environmental toxins and boost the immune system.

5) Carefully pick a supplement regime with a trusted nutrition coach. If at

all possible find a meridian stress test specialist. This will takeout all the

guesswork on what nutricueticals would be best for you at this time.

6) Find a practitioner who is familiar with Dr. Hamer's work. This work

will guide you to release the area of emotional shock that caused the trauma

that most likely caused the cancer (or any other disease for that matter) to

grow. In many cases there is a traumatic incident 4-12 months prior to the

discovery of the cancer that `breaks the camels back.' Revealing that could save

your life.

7) Find out how to release emotional negativity. There are 2

organizations with great mind/body technology - http://www.releasetechnique.com/

and www.Sedona.com. Also EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

8) Take homeopathic remedies to release the biological/brain issue. Even

though you want to get well, your brain may be programmed to do something else.

We all have a genetic lineage to deal with that may have to be addressed. Family

issues show up in our tissues.

9) Learn how to boost your immune system and eliminate toxic body burden

10) Laughing

11) Find ways to nurture yourself at all costs

12) Learn to love yourself at an entirely new level

13) Find out who you need to forgive and do it

14) Get high quality energy healing sessions with a trusted practitioner

15) Stimulate your own stem cell circulation. (There's a natural product called

Stem Enhance

16) Talk out your fears, hopes and needs with a friend

17) Eat cottage cheese with high quality flax oil

18) Go out in nature and drink in its strength - pull it into yourself

19) Make your needs important

20) Be kinder and more tender to everyone including yourself

21) Research, research, research. What did others do to recuperate?

22) Read really inspiring books

23) Watch funny movies

24) Pray

25) Get the best health coach successfully in the field for many years

A new day is dawning. We are evolving from entrenched and archaic systems that

are cumbersome to our fullest functioning as human beings. You have the ability

and power to influence your body more than you might imagine. With proper

support, you can reclaim your health back.

Self-Healing is a task not many people are capable of. But for those who are

able to be absolutely true to themselves and whose will is intact, it is an

empowering liberation.

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