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Re: Gerson therapy (was Just diagnosed with Melanoma)

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Nili Gitig " ngitig@... ngitig1

<<, I am baffled by your remark that the Gerson diet is considered very

effective with melanoma. I was under the impression that the Gerson diet was

considered effective with all cancers...which cancers do not respond to the

Gerson therapy?>>

The Gerson Inst. acknowledges that Gerson therapy's ineffective w/acute leukemia

and brain tumors other than astrocytoma.

Gerson is quite effective w/melanoma stages 1-4A (i.e., melanoma w/o any deep or

distant metastases) and lymphomas.

However, for other cancers, Gerson's success rate is very low, not to mention

that it's extraordinarily demanding. There are so many other treatments that are

much more effective and much less demanding.

“Of the 86 [melanoma] patients admitted to the Gerson [institute’s] program

at stage 4B [visceral metastases in the internal organs], most had gravely

advanced disease. All are deceased "



“although we still get some results with lymphoma and melanoma without the raw

liver, other cancers are proving much more intractableâ€

Kathyrn , @..., former Dir. of Gerson Inst.,


“followed patients who went to the Gerson [inst.] clinic…for four or five

years. Of the 18 Gerson patients [not lost to follow-up], all died, except one

who had stage III lymphoma [and who was not cancer-free]….Austin S., et. al.

Long term follow-up of cancer patients using Contreras, Hoxey [sp], and Gerson

therapies. J. Naturopathic Med. 1994 5(1):74-6 " www.cancerguide.org/gerson.html

“ Lerner in his study _Varieties of Integral Cancer

Therapy_…cites a resident of a Gerson halfway house in the San Diego area who

reported that during her stay of several months, she observed one of the

approximately twenty patients in residence make a significant recovery.â€

(Pelton, 1993, p. 192).

“From the people i knew at the [Gerson Inst.] clinic ...most of them died. I

have 10-15 cases just by staying there for 6 weeks. And i kept in touch with

most of them†12/18/07


“For over 1 year I have searched for stories and people that I could

personnaly speak with that had active tumors regress on [Gerson] therapy. (I

requested names from [Gerson] institute) I have not spoken to even one. The ones

I did speak to had tumors removed before starting the therapy via conventional

means…The people I met while doing the Gerson Therapy have all abandoned the

therapy becasue their Cancer is out of control….I read all the posts on

[gersontherapy ] from day 1 and not one person has had their

cancer go away….most have just disappeared from the Group†Melina 10/12/06,

gersontherapy ; “All testimonies I have seen are read are from

the 80's or before like I said. I challange any of you to present a recovery

like yours dated 2000 or better. I have yet to find one. And the ones I did find

used other methods with the Gerson Therapy [i don’t think anyone replied w/a

recovery story]†10/14/06, gersontherapy

“I called Gerson [inst.] and got the names of some men [w/prostate

cancer] who had undergone their treatment. NONE of them where cancer free. Some

were on Lupron; all were still fighting with chemo and other therapies, they all

felt the Gerson helped their general healthâ€

gersontherapy , 4/5/06

“It was confirmed to me that from all of the surveys and the constant feedback

from the medical staff at the [Gerson Inst.] hospital they had clear and

unequivocal clinical evidence from clinical observation and the additional feed

back from relatives that the therapy (GT as practised today) was failing to

deliver any meaningful results†Dec 18, 2007

“in my 8 years of practice of my patients, I have not had a cure from cancer

with the GT†Kathyrn , @..., former Dir. of Gerson

Inst., 11/7/06

" Removing the calf's liver [juice] from the program has rendered [Gerson]

therapy, as a stand-alone treatment, relatively ineffective with regard to

long-term cure " kathryn@..., 12/19/07

" Dr. Gerson was not happy with the results he was achieving on the program as it

is practiced today, consequently he added the raw liver juice and we then saw

the results as presented in his book….we could say that we have lost 50% of

the potential of the [Gerson] therapy [due to removal of raw liver juice]â€

kathryn@..., 11/08

“over the last 8 years I have been working with the Gerson therapy….no

longer works as a stand-alone treatment as the individual is more toxic and more

nutritionally deficient than in Dr. Gerson's day….I haven't been able to offer

any long-term survivor stories†Kathyrn , @...,

former Dir. of Gerson Inst., 11/5/06

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Thank you for all that information. I had watched two documentaries about the

Gerson treatment and both looked so promising. My husband has NSCLS stage IV

Adenocarcenoma and we are trying to find the best homeopathic treatment. He is

on an all Vegetarian, primarily raw diet. Eats absolutely no sugar, refined

flours, processed or preserved foods. Drinks at least 32 ozs of freshly juiced

veggies per day and doing Dr. Budwig's FO/CC. He also takes some other

supplements. So far his disease has not progressed since diagnosis at end of

August but it also has not regressed. We are trying to decide whether to just

stick with what we are doing or introduce anything new.



From: Leonard

Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 9:12 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Gerson therapy (was Just diagnosed with Melanoma)

The Gerson Inst. acknowledges that Gerson therapy's ineffective w/acute

leukemia and brain tumors other than astrocytoma.

Gerson is quite effective w/melanoma stages 1-4A (i.e., melanoma w/o any deep

or distant metastases) and lymphomas.

However, for other cancers, Gerson's success rate is very low, not to mention

that it's extraordinarily demanding. There are so many other treatments that are

much more effective and much less demanding.

Of the 86 [melanoma] patients admitted to the Gerson [institute’s] program

at stage 4B [visceral metastases in the internal organs], most had gravely

advanced disease. All are deceased "



'although we still get some results with lymphoma and melanoma without the raw

liver, other cancers are proving much more intractableâ€

Kathyrn , @..., former Dir. of Gerson Inst.,


'followed patients who went to the Gerson [inst.] clinic…for four or five

years. Of the 18 Gerson patients [not lost to follow-up], all died, except one

who had stage III lymphoma [and who was not cancer-free]'.Austin S., et. al.

Long term follow-up of cancer patients using Contreras, Hoxey [sp], and Gerson

therapies. J. Naturopathic Med. 1994 5(1):74-6 " www.cancerguide.org/gerson.html

' Lerner in his study _Varieties of Integral Cancer Therapy_…cites a

resident of a Gerson halfway house in the San Diego area who reported that

during her stay of several months, she observed one of the approximately twenty

patients in residence make a significant recovery.' (Pelton, 1993, p.


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Are you familiar with Dr. Kelley's cancer treatment protocol?


In 1985, Memorial Sloan-Kettering did a Review of Dr. Kelley's cancer treatment

protocol, looking at records of several thousands of his patients.  This Review

was an attempted attack upon him, aiming to prove LACK of results, but found

excellent results.  The Review stated that the cure rate of Dr. Kelley's

protocol was 93% after physicians had used surgery, with the exception that they

found a 100% cure rate (!) for patients with pancreatic cancer (5 patients). 

These findings were valid for patients who strictly followed Dr. Kelley's full


You can find Dr. Kelley's complete book " One Answer to Cancer " that contains the

summation of his life's work in teaching people how to cure themselves of

cancer, in the Files area of the CancerVictory Group. 


Also in the same files area see " Critical facts about cancer pointing to

effective treatment.doc " that contains in Fact 14 significant information about

healing melanoma.

If you can do it, I would take Dr. Kelley's information very seriously.  The

skin cancer information (Fact 14) in my " Critical facts about cancer pointing to

effective treatment.doc " may also prove helpful, as it is specifically focussed

on skin cancers like melanoma.  Skin cancers can be treated in ways that others

can not.

But I am slightly confused.  Is your husband dealing with Adenocarcenoma or


If his cancer is stopped from progressing by his pure diet, then the addition of

an abundance of high quality pancreatic enzymes between meals, combined with

coffee enemas and other purification procedures as Dr. Kelley suggests should

absolutely regress it.  The coffee enemas enable the liver to purify and the

body to expel the toxins liberated as the tumor is dissolved by the pancreatic

enzymes.  Without the use of coffee enemas, pancreatic enzymes could liberate so

much tumor toxicity that the body would be overwhelmed and succomb to the

toxicity in the blood.

Most doctors and even most alternative oriented cancer specialists miss the

essential cause of /cure for cancer discovered by Kelley, DDS

shortly after he was told when he was 37 years old in 1963 that he had " 4 to 8

weeks to live " with metastasized pancreatic cancer.  Prior to that, he had not

even known he was developing cancer!


Under this extreme time pressure and with his health clearly failing, he went

home to research how to cure his cancer and read that in 1906 a ish

embryologist, Dr Beard, proposed that pancreatic enzymes represented the

body's main defense against cancer.  Dr. Kelley took this insight that

pancreatic enzymes are the key and went on to develop an elaborate system for

analyzing what different people need to improve their diet according to their

metabolic type.  These approaches: 1) pancreatic enzyme supplementation and 2)

dietary improvement according to metabolic type, plus 3) essential cleansing

practices including liver flush and coffee enemas became the foundation of his

protocol for self-cure of cancer.  With what he found, he cured his cancer and

in subsequent years he developed his initial findings into a highly articulated

protocol for self-treatment of cancer. 

It is all in " One Answer to Cancer " , in the Files area of CancerVictory


Blessings and may you find what you are looking for,

Alan Kreglow


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Sorry about the typo. it was late at night when I wrote it. yeah it is B17,

the research I have read, was done in the seventies, It said that vitamin B17

has no effect on cancer cells, this was Because when the research was done,

they did not know it needs Zinc to carry it in to the cancer cell, and the

pineapple enzyme to brake down the protein protection around the tumors to make

it work, but the same research paper stated it will work to stop cancer

metastasis dead in it tracts. can you have a look at a book and I hope you don't

mine if I mention a book But I found quite good it called Advanced prostate

cancer and me by L, Goldstone. 2nd Edition let me know how he going

God bless,


From: Nili Gitig

Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ray, thank you for all that information. I do not live in Australia. We live in

the US, NY metropolitan area. What is Trinovin? I never heard of it. Is it a

chemo drug? I am not familiar with B13, I thought Apricot Pits contained B17.

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