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Re: Re: Silver and Vitamin D3 Blue Man

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" Correctly made " being the point. You won't have read how this man made

his " CS " - it wasn't a good way, and from memory, he rejected advice on

what he should be doing. I think he was using tap water or adding

salt. (Yes, he was using salt and baking soda). If I can find the info

I'll post it. Also, I recall criticism that the photo had been edited

to increase the blue tint. There is a woman who has a grey skin colour,

she too was not using the stuff CSers make, but some commercial

preparation - I don't say it was silver nitrate, but it was some

fearsome stuff that she should have stopped taking. The Sota

Instruments article is well worth clicking on to read.


Here are some comments people made:

See this link for an interview:


On Sunday, Feb 10, 2008, ... wrote:

> I noticed in his latest video that he kind of liked the attention he's

> getting now with his publicity. I sincerely hope for his sake that he

> doesn't let this celebrity status go to his head to the point that he

> doesn't diligently seek the cure for his condition that has already

> been developed and used. As I understand it, now that he's blue, even

> clear silver would aggravate his problem. The clear silver does not

> in a normal person allow the accumulation to take place and no blue

> condition will result, unless the argeria is already started..


> > He's the same blue man, but a new video.

>> I saw him on TV last week and he was drinking his " silver " and it

> wasn't> clear at all. It was very milky.

>> Cyndi


If you watch the videos linked at the bottom of the SOTA page about

this fellow, you'll see that there's no apparent discoloration of his

body, especially the torso.

This contrast between the skin on most of his body and his face is

really remarkable. This may support the photographic theory put

forth by long-time, reliable member M. Dudley, as the face would be the

part most exposed to sun. Indeed, basal cell carcinoma is quite

common on the face, especially the nose, and the shoulders -- the parts

that get sunburned.

One good point that came out of the interview: the SOTA generator was

not the one he used. The device shown in one news program belonged to

his fiance. The best news in all of this is that the Blue Man does

not have an apparent agenda and seems supportive of CS to this day.

On Monday, Feb 11, 2008, Dave wrote:

> The discoloration of his whole body kind of shoots down the theory of

> photographic development it would seem.

> He was from Oregon and it is doubtful that he went around naked to get

> the sun light to the places necessary for that to happen. He did use

> Salt and then baking soda as a starter.

> Sota says it was sea salt which of course comes from the world's

> septic tank and could contain anything from nuclear waste to many

> other byproducts of war as well as medical waste and cruise ship

> garbage to name a few.

> Why anyone would put such crap in their body is beyond me .

> Dave


That is a basic condition of the whole area of study, re: CS. Nothing

that's studied and found in journal articles bears much resemblence to

what we're making and using.

In fact, what we do have is many years and many people's personal,

anecdotal experiences plus limited clinical results, along with various

experiments by amateurs and the occasional professional or semi-


Among the consensus results is that " true colloidal " and " ionic " both

seem to work very well.

Remember that " ionic " silver will a) complex to form metallo-proteins

in the saliva during sublingual absorption, and B) form silver chloride

in the stomach, which in the small quantities involved is largely

soluble, thereby remaining bio-available and active.

If it's the minority colloidal component that makes " ionic " silver

successful for so many, then so be it. It's also not caused problems

when made properly and used responsibly.

Of course, that situation may change, just as we've finally seen cases

of argyria for people using archaic recipes using a bit of salt brine

as an accelerant, to add to other known cases from concentrated silver

salts, silver proteins, and other silver compounds.

Blanket statements that particulate is good and ionic is bad are likely

as incomplete and inaccurate as their opposite numbers.

Be well,

Mike D.

dddragomir wrote:

> Here is a man that turned blue from silver.


> The blue skinned man

> http://www.timesocket.com/strange/paul-karason-the-man-with-blue-skin/




>> Modern making of electrically isolated silver (EIS) commonly if

>> incorrectly called colloidal silver (CS) doesn't really equate to what

>> they were able to do way back in the olden days. Correctly made,

>> blueness is not an issue, and people have taken it for long periods and

>> in rather large quantities without turning grey or blue.



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