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Yes, how frustrating this 'insurance thing' has gotten. Don't mind if I don't

call it 'health' insurance--most of the time we survive in-spite-of-it.

After my career in Government as an investigator I devoted 35+ years in the

Insurance field and during the early years was proud of my work. The last ten

years of it was less than proud with the obscene profits and rate increases.

That being said, it is obvious something must be done. Perhaps an option for a

Medicare-type plan?? It would be solvent if the crooks didn't rape it, the

crooks from the Medicos to the bandits that abuse the system.

However, in December 2007 my wife and daughter-in-law were involved in a serious

head-on auto collision at no fault of their own. Because the other person was

allowed to have minimal insurance, it was Medicare for us and a private plan for

my daughter-in-law that took care of a year's worth of medical

bills.............all necessary. My wife had to endure the wearing of a 'Halo

Device' seven months and my daughter-in-law three operations.

Our auto coverage provided the full 'Under-insured' coverage I paid for but

trust me, the $100,000 limit, which I thought substantial before, was not

enough, after. Additionally Medicare and all private insurers have a

subrogation clause permitting them to recover money they paid out. I estimate

our out of pocket expense at $20,000. Oh well.

Perhaps for people that do not want medical coverage for illness one could buy a

quality accident policy?????

Why shouldn't you pay all those taxes and premiums? Someone has to pay for the

Mercedes and 5,000 sq. ft. house of the physician and pay for the $30,000,000

salary/bonus of some CEO of an Insurance company. It's called capitalism.

Joe C.

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if you could take a year off that exactly what you should do ; sing your song

and go to . Tibet, Nepal, India, Australia, The Amazon, Peru, Copper Canyon in

Mexico and Spain .

the chemo for my wife was a trip around the world: france, italy, swiss, spain,

german burma,thailand,laos, vietnam and china,: two years of travel.

We had meet wonderful doctors and many survivors. I remember one doctor

specially, in Chang Mai , north Thailand. She is a very well know MD trained in

our western medicine and Chinese medicine.(12 years of training).. perfect

english and she told us :

" I use only western technology when I want a test done but I will never use any

western drugs on my patients... too toxic. "

I was reading this summer a book written by a brain cancer survivor himself a

neuroscientist ( Servan- Shreiber ; Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life).

founded by the Dalai-Lama. He discovered the same thing .. no Tibetan in his

right mind will use chemo and radiation for cancer and all turned to their

ancient herbal Tibetan medicine.

This is a Mind / Body and Soul disease. Before the discovery of painless surgery

the mind connection to cancer was recognized and actively investigated and we

are coming back now to it with the works of Leshan, Spiegel, Hammer and

others. your anger is very healthy in my book :-)

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Dear , Read your long post and it's quite heart breaking to see that you

have been hurt so much by the health care system and tax policies etc in your

state.No physician has ever said exactly what causes cancer or the exact reason

to initially develop it in your body.Many (including me) believe a good imune

system will not allow cancer to develop in the body and also imporved immune

system will destroy an already developed cancer.So cheers to you.

Have you heard of the story on Tazmanian Devils in Australia? They develop a

contagious cancer (I heard this the one of only two contagious cancers in the

world) It transmits from one devil to another when they bite each other at

fights or matings.The scientists found out few devils are curing the disease and

also found out these devils could identify the difference of their own body

cells and the implanted cells of other devils when bitten and their immune

system is much stronger too.This is another proof for curing power of immune

system of ones body.

Keep it up and we wanna hear that your dreams have come true specilly the

tours you planned.Post few photos too for the community to see.GOD WILL BLESS


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Thank you for your kind words. Actually, I have been helped by the health care

system. I recently received excellent treatment for a stroke. The docs saved my

life. I have received cancer treatment in the past, which I felt helped put me

in remission. The beef I have is that a few of us who work hard for our money

are expected to pay for those who don't work hard. I have never had a free ride.

I do believe in socialized medicine. It is the only humane way to go. To make

profit as the primary reason to care for sick people sets up an unfair system

because then there are many who can't play the game. I can play in the game, but

I work hard to afford it. If you haven't seen SICKO by , rent it!

In France, new mothers are given six weeks of paid maternity leave and even have

paid nannies to help with child care. You can get free health care in France

even if you are not a citizen. I was on the phone all morning today with

political lobbyists and

hospitals reps, trying to have our voices from the private sector heard by our

Oregon Reps. We were not even invited by our Oregon House of Representatives to

have our input on the new tax. I am going down to our State Capitol next week to

provide testimony against Oregon House Bill 2116.


Are you a cancer survivor?


Dear , Read your long post and it's quite heart breaking to see that you

have been hurt so much by the health care system and tax policies etc in your

state.No physician has ever said exactly what causes cancer or the exact reason

to initially develop it in your body.Many (including me) believe a good imune

system will not allow cancer to develop in the body and also imporved immune

system will destroy an already developed cancer.So cheers to you.

Have you heard of the story on Tazmanian Devils in Australia? They develop a

contagious cancer (I heard this the one of only two contagious cancers in the

world) It transmits from one devil to another when they bite each other at

fights or matings.The scientists found out few devils are curing the disease and

also found out these devils could identify the difference of their own body

cells and the implanted cells of other devils when bitten and their immune

system is much stronger too.This is another proof for curing power of immune

system of ones body.

Keep it up and we wanna hear that your dreams have come true specilly the

tours you planned.Post few photos too for the community to see.GOD WILL BLESS


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Thanks so much! My own oncologist recently loaned me the copy of Schribner's

Anti-Cancer book. Very informative! After watching the documentary on Farrah

Fawcett's cancer story, I realized that the message she sent was not the one I

had expected. It was obvious that the chemo and radiation caused most of

Farrah's suffering. I made up my mind that I would never go thru it again

myself. I was shocked when at the end of the film tonight she made the comment

(I can't remember exactly what she said), " Why don't doctors in the U.S. promote

alternative therapies like in Europe? " So the film actually had perhaps an

unintended affect---if enough people watch it they could decide to never use

chemo or radiation again because of the delibilating side effects. I would not

say to someone not to do this or that treatment because I've done it all myself,

but this time around I will not walk down that road.


If I were to keep my health insurance, the only reason I would do it would be to

monitor my condition. But then, it is my understanding that CT scans and  MRI's

can cause cancer from excessive radiation. I am having second thoughts about

cancelling my insurance. But in the end, I will make a decision which is best

for me. I feel like I have been in this merry-go-round for the past three years

with remission, recurrences, remission and then recurrences. It is getting old!


Thanks for caring!



From: shaman_urban <shaman_urban@...>


Farrah Fawcett)

Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 8:17 PM

if you could take a year off that exactly what you should do ; sing your song

and go to . Tibet, Nepal, India, Australia, The Amazon, Peru, Copper Canyon in

Mexico and Spain .

the chemo for my wife was a trip around the world: france, italy, swiss, spain,

german burma,thailand, laos, vietnam and china,: two years of travel.

We had meet wonderful doctors and many survivors. I remember one doctor

specially, in Chang Mai , north Thailand. She is a very well know MD trained in

our western medicine and Chinese medicine.(12 years of training).. perfect

english and she told us :

" I use only western technology when I want a test done but I will never use any

western drugs on my patients... too toxic. "

I was reading this summer a book written by a brain cancer survivor himself a

neuroscientist ( Servan- Shreiber ; Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life).

founded by the Dalai-Lama. He discovered the same thing .. no Tibetan in his

right mind will use chemo and radiation for cancer and all turned to their

ancient herbal Tibetan medicine.

This is a Mind / Body and Soul disease. Before the discovery of painless surgery

the mind connection to cancer was recognized and actively investigated and we

are coming back now to it with the works of Leshan, Spiegel, Hammer and

others. your anger is very healthy in my book :-)

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I believe our sick care system does fail us in many ways, in the effect of a

auto accident, heart attack it does have many life saving good points. I am as

feed up with our Cancer care as the next person, even my Wife who is a RN of 28

years has her days. But for now I will continue to keep my health insurance.

Just the last round of blood work my DR ordered cost over a grand. Of which I

had to pay 100 bucks. I am saving my health insurance thousands by stoping the

Pet scans my former oncoligist used to order. As well as the year chest xrays,

This body has seen the last of un necessary radiation. I know Charlotte Gerson

canceled her insurance 30 some years ago.

All the best to you,



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Yes, Mike. I understand. I am actually having second thoughts myself. My

insurance paid out $26,000 for my hospital stay three months ago from a stroke.

I got excellent care. If I cancel my insurance, I will never get it again until

8 years from now. But the problem is, the only thing I will get to fight the

cancer is a shot of Faslodex in my butt once a month and the oncologist has

already told me it won't shrink my tumors. After watching Farrah's Story last

night, I know for a FACT that I will never have chemo or radiation

again---something I did 14 years ago and which may have helped " extend " my life

this long, but after watching the hell that Farrah went thru, NO WAY.


Yes, hospitals and docs have their place. I did check how much it would cost to

have the Faslodex shot out-of-pocket and it is $960 a shot! Now THAT is what is

wrong with our system. I don't know how much CT scans cost, but my old deceased

onocologist used to order them all the time as well as PET scans. The PET scans

cost $6,000. It would be nice to know which way my disease progresses.


May I ask how much you pay a month and your age range? I am 57 years old and pay

$669 a month. Kaiser covers 100% with no deductibles, but co-pays are $20 - $30

each and special tests can be $15 - $25. Though this is high, it is one of the

best coverages. We have a high-risk pool insurance for those who can't get it in

our state, but after checking on it yesterday, it is awful coverage. They pay

only %70 - %80 after a deductible of $500 - $2,500.


Thanks for caring. I'll have to weigh this carefully.




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The problem with health-care as practiced in the U.S. is not the hard-workers

paying for those that don't work hard, it is the profit structure and Corporate

Law that mandates that Corporations 'must' make a profit and that means do

everything they can to attain that.

The success of a medical practice is its returning customers not customers

(patients) that are advised to live better therefore not needed their services

any longer.

To Pharmaceutical Companies that means 'sell drugs'. It does not mean sell

effective drugs, but simply SELL DRUGS.

To Medical Practices that have a number of physicians in it, this means billing

which is no different from Attorney firms. They must all bill a certain

percentage to remain in the practice, to pay the bills and make the profit they

deem appropriate. Does this mean treatments and examinations being ordered that

are not necessary? I will leave the answer to anyone reading the question.

Does your answer fit the 'First Do No Harm' philosophy they swore to uphold?

The system is failing and cannot be sustained at its current level.

I have one large Group Insurance client left. Within a couple of months we

will be going to see them with yet another rate increase and probably in the

10-12% range. There is little in the way of competition and what we see each

year is a reduction in coverage in favor of placing more risk on the backs of

the employees. None of this reduces costs but rather just masks what the movie

'Sicko' revealed whether or not one agrees with all the movie was about. The

system is broken just like The War On Cancer. The health-care system is an

Industry and will continue to reward CEOs with $30 and $40 BILLION DOLLAR

INCOMES while we fret when some alien or welfare recipient gets an examination.

Joe C.

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Absolutely!! The last time I had a special blood work done in Florida it cost

me :

Doc (specialist) visit : $250 + blood work : $300

I don't have insurance, so the total : $550

When I was in Chang Mai in thailand I had the same blood test done in the


Doc visit $5 + blood work : $15 Total $20 !!

The Doc in the hospital was American married with a Thai.

Few days later I went to see a dermatologist Thai to have some warts removed.

What a surprise to see that he had a postgrade from Harvard medical school !!

I had also a big dentistry job done there. Here in Florida they asked me $24,000

to $35,000 . Dentists in Chang May are taught by Germans professors and all my

porcelain implants where done by a German living there; cost : $4000.00

The prices of drugs and services here are outrageous, I remember one of my

Italian business associate telling me in disbelief that he just had bought an

antibiotics here for $120 that cost in Italy $8.!!

Half of people who go in foreclosure had to do that for medical reasons AND

having medical Insurance .( from a research from Harvard).

Mexico is the way to go !!

Joe wrote:

> The problem with health-care as practiced in the U.S. is not the hard-workers

paying for those that don't work hard, it is the profit structure and Corporate

Law that mandates that Corporations 'must' make a profit and that means do

everything they can to attain that....

I have one large Group Insurance client left. Within a couple of months we

will be going to see them with yet another rate increase and probably in the

10-12% range. There is little in the way of competition and what we see each

year is a reduction in coverage in favor of placing more risk on the backs of

the employees. None of this reduces costs but rather just masks what the movie

'Sicko' revealed whether or not one agrees with all the movie was about. The

system is broken just like The War On Cancer. The health-care system is an

Industry and will continue to reward CEOs with $30 and $40 BILLION DOLLAR

INCOMES while we fret when some alien or welfare recipient gets an examination.

> Joe C.

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