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Need Recommendations For A friend with Pre Cancerous Condition

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I received this today from my friend:


I just want to share a very personal issue with some of my friends. On February

10, 2009 I had an upper-endoscopy done. This is the third time I had this

procedure done in five years... After the procedure my doctor told me everything

looked fine. However he did take a biopsy of the tissue. I received a call from

him Friday informing me that I have been diagnosed with Barret Esophagus with a

high-grade of Dysplasa which is a pre-condition cancer. Although the

test showed no cancer, at this time, he has a concern because of the

high-grade of Dysplasa and has scheduled me for another upper-endoscopy for

March 13th. He needs to go back in and take more samples.... On the bright

side, my Doctor told me we are way ahead of the game, so if I do need surgery it

can be treated... Am I scared? Hell ya

This is what the experts say:

For most patients with high-grade dysphasia the appropriate recommendation is to

have the esophagus removed. This is because in up to 50% of patients who have

high-grade dysphasia identified on endoscopic biopsy the results of surgery

actually show an unsuspected invasive cancer. The results of surgical therapy

for an esophageal cancer identified in this setting are quite good.

Thank you for listening


What do you recommend for my friend, ?

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