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Prolegomenon to unified theories of cancer and other diseases

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The funny thing about this is that my dog (who I mentioned twice

recently) is named Angel! you must be psychic.


marjij@... wrote:



> Oh boy... I just realized what I wrote... I meant Mike Golden of

> course...

> must be the water. Please excuse.


> Marji

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, I see you might be putting your faith in conventional science more than

in the newer theories on old science.  Case in point the new theories on

structured water. Excuse me for assuming.

On another post I mentioned that most conventional scientists do not even accept

the theory that water clusters

or the REDOX theory.  According to them water is just water, no

clustering, no memory in water and certainly nothing to homeopathy, all

of this is pure bunk.


one point that I would stress is be careful of most traditional science

when it comes to health care and medicine in general.  For years we

have been told lie after lie by the medical profession;

1850's don't wash your hands there are no such thing as germs. The beginning of

the AMA in 1842 this was one of their positions.

1920's Doctors said no need for breastfeeding there is the new formula.  How

many babies were harmed....millions?

1930's Use a fluoroscope X-ray to measure your feet for shoes.  Millions of

cases of cancer in parents and children.

1930's-1950's Smoking no problem, more doctors recommend Camels than any other


1940's Women take HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for 50 years Naturopaths

said no.  Millions of cases of cancer.

1940's Don't eat butter it causes heart disease eat margarine instead.  Now who

is correct?


Ulcers are caused by stress and spicy food not by a bacteria.  They

cured ulcers in pigs in the 50's with antibiotics due to H Pylori.

1950's-2009  Eat 'tricks are for kids' for breakfast perfectly OK.  Don't take

vitamins you are just wasting your money.  White bread, white sugar, pure white

salt, GMO food, preservatives in food, these are all OK and a part of healthy

meals.  Watch the commercials for the Village Inn or IHOP with that wonderful

stack of white pancakes smothered in strawberry syrup and topped with whipped

cream.  What is the difference between this breakfast and a giant jelly donut?

1900's- 2009 Everyone must take this vaccine,  Don't worry it does not cause any

disturance in the body.  Mercury, anti-freeze and a host of chemicals du no harm

to children.  Look out here comes the swine flu, the avian flu, SARS or or all

of the influenza you are exposed to.  From the CDC not one influenza vaccine in

the last 35 years has been the correct strain.  Take them anyway they are good

for you.  

It is the traditional Chemists that keep telling us that chemicals are

chemicals.  No difference between synthetic vitamins or natural vitamins even

though the electron spin is different.  They tell us that the food they are

creating is good for us.  They tell us that eating irradiated food is OK and

does not cause DNA damage.

Physics and Astronomy theories change all of the time.  I personally think that

Einstein was mistaken in that he did not take into account electricity in his

gravitation theory of the universe.  The mathematical made up theories that

attempt to explain the universe that Hubble is proving wrong.  Everything about

the electric universe is observed by Hubble and is proving correct and

astronomers are kicking and screaming before change.

The Quackbusters of traditional medicine have been shown to be so far off that

they have become irrelevant.  That anyone can still embrace traditional medicine

other than  emergency room trauma  medicine is beyond me.  , I am not

implying that you do I am speaking in rhetorical terms so please excuse me.

As far as practitioners selling supplements or water sticks or anything for that

matter is OK by me.  At least we still follow 'First do no harm "   Can any MD say

that when prescribing drugs?

Take any cancer treatment facility in the country and ask how much profit they

are making from chemo, 1,000's of % mark-up.  This is where the cancer doctors

make their money, off the backs of dying patients.  Yet they say we did all that

science had to offer.  Who is the true charlatan?

Hope this helps explain my position. 

Thanks for the rant.

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

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Watch your thoughts, they become your words.

Watch your words, they become your actions.

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Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

From: VGammill <vgammill@...>

Subject: [ ] Prolegomenon to unified theories of cancer and other


Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 12:07 AM

There seems to be no end to the simple minded understandings of

complex phenonmena. Scientifically naive clinicians, theorists,

marketers, and their followers love the use of the language of

science to sell products or enhance reputations.

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At 05:34 PM 5/18/2009, you wrote:

>, I see you might be putting your faith in conventional

>science more than in the newer theories on old science. Case in

>point the new theories on structured water. Excuse me for assuming. [snip]

WHAT? When it comes to medicine " conventional science " is an

oxymoron. It makes as much sense as any other science of convenience.

What is science? Science is nothing more than a formal, patient,

dispassionate common sense that is scrutinized and rescrutinized for

the purpose of finding bias-free, truth. The methods of science

often include carefully thought out experiments, keen observational

skills, and drawing tentative conclusions that raise even bigger

questions. The only science that is practiced by megapharm is the

science of separating people from their money.

I would like to be the perfect scientist, one with no pride and no

shame. Nothing makes me happier than finding flaws in my own

thinking. I welcome assistance from all comers.

Change of topic: I was discussing a patient at our cancer retreat

center with my 15-year-old son. He asked me what we could do to save

this person's life; I could tell he was on the verge of tears. I

think I was the proudest daddy on the planet. He always volunteers

to help me in the lab, there seems to be a clarity to his thinking,

and he always gets my driest jokes. I don't think I could ask for more.

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Marji, First of all I agree that Mike is a big asset to the list. I

try to also make a point to read Shaman's posts. I am very partial

to cautious thinkers.

There is one thing I want to emphasize: just because a bias or a

belief is stupid, fanciful, and flies in the face of common sense,

doesn't mean it is wrong, though it probably is. We should be very

thankful that most theories are formulated by idiots. These ideas

are so easily and rightfully dismissed.

The problems start when we are presented with plausible sounding

arguments in scientific areas outside our usual expertise. I can't

say this about Dr Emoto. Did Dr Emoto play " emo " music for his

crystals? What was the control for his praying? Braying?

Thank you for your comment.

At 10:33 AM 5/18/2009, you wrote:

>, thank you for your eloquent expose of " the simple minded

>understandings of complex phenomena. " Reading through your list of these

>phenomena is quite disturbing. Here we are, comfortable in our simple minded

>beliefs that we laymen can diagnose disease and disorders and

>control our bodies

>and our environment. We want to believe every charlatan that comes along

>and offers us the courage of our convictions. I even have a huge picture

>in my living room of one of Dr. Emoto's crystals that he said was prayed

>over by monks which made it form so perfectly. I have been assuring my

>friends that water is sensitive and has memory, and you musn't talk

>naughty in

>front of it. I have been careful to expose my cooler only to Strauss and

>shield it from the Stones.


>You just grabbed us by the collar and shook some sense into us. Thank

>you. Would you mind telling us what your background is? Not to challenge

>you, but to explain the source of your wealth of knowledge. You and Mike

>Angel should tour the country with your wake-up calls.





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