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Response to ricardo on water

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The water that our ancestors had is not the same that we drink.  Conventional

scientists say drink tap water with chlorine and fluoride no problem.  The also

say eat irradiated food also no problem.  In a later post when I make time I

will go over the standard medical model and how far off they are.

I would say first that most conventional scientists do not even accept the

theory that water clusters or the REDOX theory.  According to them water is

just water, no clustering, no memory in water and certainly nothing to

homeopathy, all of this is pure bunk.  Most astronomers and physicists still

cling to the outdated gravity theory of the universe promoted by Einstein. 

While all of the new theories of the electric universe are shunned.  Remember

when Einstein promoted his theories they new

nothing of electricity other then Tesla, and he was also shunned.  Not because

he was wrong, it was that his theories would cost the copper industry, the coal

industry and the oil industry big bucks.  The medical industry is no different,

they are filled with lie after lie.

There are many great scientists that are non conventional and embrace the new

theory's.  Here is one such scientist from Japan the developer of the water

machines and the water stick.

This is a paper on the structure of water by one of the leading scientists from

the Water Institute of Japan.  The translation is OK.


The Original Hydrogen Producing Water Stick

HIDEMITSU HAYASHI, M.D., Water Institute, Japan


every disease there is a single key mechanism that dominates all

others. If one can find it and then think one's way around it, one can

control the disorder.  ( , MD Sloan Kettering Hospital,

NYC) A single key mechanism that dominates all others is nothing but

redox reaction. So that, if we can find a way to control it, we can

conquer the disorder. Water rich in atomic as well as molecular

hydrogen should be an ultimate solution for it as far as my theory is


(H. Hayashi, MD Water Institue, Japan)

1. Redox Reaction


junior high school chemistry we learned that the redox reaction or

oxidation-reduction is the most universal, fundamental, as well as,

most important of all.

The problem of life and death as well

as health and sickness could, therefore, be explained and demonstrated

by the concept of redox reaction.

We can recap these concepts with a following analogy.

Copper (Cu) loses its glittery by oxidation and is restored by reduction.

In quite the same way, a cell unit (call it Cu) is

damaged (made sick) by oxidation and is restored (cured) by reduction resulting

in the production of H2O.

Stage 1

Oxidation of Cell unit

2Cu + O2   →   2CuO

Stage 2

Reduction of oxidized (damaged) Cu

CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O

2. Water, the prerequisite for every life form


or H2O is the very product of redox reaction, i.e., a product of

reduction by Hydrogen and oxidation by Oxygen. Therefore, it is only

natural to say that every life form, born in H2O should be under the

influence of redox reaction. In short, oxidation brings it sickness and

reduction restores it to health again. It is quite clear from the

evolutionary record that life forms could have developed in water,

because it was an environment which provided them all the necessary and

enough conditions for birth and survival of them all.

3. Active Oxygen


oxygen species are considered to inactivate enzymes in the cells,

damage DNA and destroy lipid membrane which should cause every disease,

aging as well as cancer as far as the most recent medical research is

concerned. In other words, if we can succeed in preventing oxidative

damage by active oxygen species, we can control the disorder as far as

my theory is concerned.

4. Active Hydrogen


what is the most ideal countermeasure against active oxygen? It should

be nothing but 'active hydrogen' as far as the logic is concerned.

Active hydrogen or atomic hydrogen is known to have strong reducing

potential. It is only natural to say that active oxygen species can be

reduced or scavenged to produce O2-, H2O2 and HOE one after another to

produce H2O as a result, as shown in the following.

1. O2 + e- → O2-

2. O2- + HE + H+ → H2O2

3. H2O2 + e- → HOE + HO-

4. HOE + HE → H2O

5. HO- + H+ → H2O

5.Hydrogen Poor Water


to my concept, water can be classified into two kinds, i.e., hydrogen

poor and hydrogen rich water. Natural water or 99.9 % of water found on

the earth can be defined to be hydrogen poor water because of hydrogen

bond energy connecting hydrogen with oxygen to make H2O. It is a logic

of mine that natural water, hydrogen poor water, can't be enough to

reduce or scavenge active oxygen species, which should have compelled

us mankind to develop a procedure with which we can fight against

sickness being brought as the result of oxidative damage by active

oxygen. In other words, human medicine should be a kind of fiction

based and developed on our inevitable intake of natural water or

hydrogen poor water. On the contrary, we could easily be free from

sickness when we depend on hydrogen rich water which can be enough to

scavenge active oxygen species.

6. Hydrogen Rich Water


is known that magnesium reacts with water to produce hydrogen gas when

it is heated. We confirmed, however, that magnesium produces hydrogen

gas even in water with room temperature which could be demonstrated by

the Portable Hydrogen Detector developed by ourselves being explained

in the following chemical formula.

Mg + 2H2O    →     Mg(OH)2 + 2H   →   Mg(OH)2 + H2


hydrogen in Hydrogen Rich Water binds with active oxygen to produce

H2O. Molecular hydrogen in Hydrogen Rich Water can be split to atomic

hydrogen by hydrogenase in our body being implied by R.Happe in his

paper 'EEE hydrogenases are enzymes that can reversibly split molecular

hydrogen. EEE Ni/Fe hydrogenases are among the oldest enzymes ( 3.8

billion years old ),demonstrating early that life forms had developed

an effective way to activate molecular hydrogen at ambient temperature

and pH.


7. Hydrogen Producing Mineral( HPM



Rich Water' can easily be obtained by utilizing the reaction of water

with magnesium, hydrogen producing mineral, whose preparation is named

'HPM stick' and is being presented by us for general use.


oxide has long been used in medicine as an antacid and laxative. Quite

a new aspect of the mineral, producing ability of hydrogen to scavenge

active oxygen has been clarified now for the first time by us.

August 11, 2001

Hope this helps

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

Watch your thoughts, they become your words.

Watch your words, they become your actions.

Watch your actions, they become your habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

From: ricardo_macalino <ricardo_macalino@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Response to pamoy88 THE ELECTRON THEORY OF ALL


Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 3:17 AM

Humans have existed millions of years without the water machines we are

talking about thus the fault cannot be attributed to the water we are drinking

otherwise we would have not survive to this time. We should try looking into our

selves, see the kind of vibrations we are offering to the powerfull laws of


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