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clay, idodine, and chlorella before surgery????

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Hello, I am going in for reconstructive surgery monday after having a double

mastectomy last summer. After giving my surgeon a list of supplements I'm

taking (which is alot), he told me to stop taking everything two weeks before

surgery and to only take arnica and bromeline daily. Along with my list of

supplements, I was taking iodine, chlorella and french green clay to detox from

the radiation therapy I underwent. Now, I hear on the radio today that

radiation from Japan will hit southern california tommarrow. Does anyone know

if clay, chlorella and Iodine 10mg. is harmful before sugery? I guess this

doctor doesnt want me to take anything that will cause my blood to thin, or

cause inflammation.

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Before ANY surgery stop taking any supplement that thins the blood because it

could increase risk of excessive bleeding, so no fish oil or vitamin E. I am

not a doctor by any means, just a layperson who has used advanced nutrition for

myself for about 40 years, but that said, I see nothing wrong with the other

supplements you mentioned in a presurgical setting. Please let me know if you

find otherwise in your own research.

I'd regard resveratrol is indespensible in rads detox too, but then again, being

a layperson of course, I speak only for myself and am NOT by any means any voice

of authority.

Best wishes for a beautiful outcome with your surgery too!

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Thank you, I cannot find any information if clay, chlorella or iodine will cause

extra bleeding or any other problems taken before surgery but I guess chlorella

is considered a " food " and not a supplement so I think it will be safe.  I'm

talking so many other supplements that I think my doctor just didnt want to go

down the list to think what is and what isnt safe so he just said stop them all

untill after sugery.  Right now,  it was a habbit to take all my supplements and

even if we get radiation from Japan here in a tiny amount, that tiny amount is

too much for me who just finished radiation therapy in Novemeber.  My gut

instinct is saying to take at least the chlorella.

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Dark leafy greens actually cause blood thickening.

Thanks, Robyn

[Moderator's note: Kale, Spinach and Collard Greens have vitamin K which can

thicken blood. Scroll down this linked page to see the

benefits of vitamin K foods and a chart.]


Thank you, I cannot find any information if clay, chlorella or iodine will cause

extra bleeding or any other problems taken before surgery but I guess chlorella

is considered a " food " and not a supplement so I think it will be safe.  I'm

talking so many other supplements that I think my doctor just didnt want to go

down the list to think what is and what isnt safe so he just said stop them all

untill after sugery. Right now,  it was a habbit to take all my supplements and

even if we get radiation from Japan here in a tiny amount, that tiny amount is

too much for me who just finished radiation therapy in Novemeber. My gut

instinct is saying to take at least the chlorella.

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