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methyl jasmonate

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I have also been trying to get the information on methyl jasmonate.

Joined Grouppe Kurosawa, paid them. But they blocked my participation

on the blogs. Have contacted the web master to fix it...been two

days, no word back yet.


> Mehyl jasmonate has been discussed here receently triggered by a

post from Grouppe Kurosawa


> Does it work? I looked hard for some references to treatment

objectives or promises, or even testimonials for what they are worth,

but I didn't find anything.


> Did I overlook something?




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MJ can be toxic if a lot is taken in by the body.

Grouppe Kasagawa suggests use three times a day

through steam inhaler for three months only.

If i can help it, I would not do it now but wait a bit

until more solid information is available.

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  • 1 year later...
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dear Emma,

Hi. I am using inhaled MJ for my mom who has Stage 4 lung cancer (NSCLC) which

has spread to her liver, bones and spinal cord. I had tried giving her probably

in total 3 times (twice before her condition deteriorated so badly 2 weeks back;

3rd time today). Really hope that it works and will be happy if anyone else can

share their experience with me too. The evidence for MJ sounds convincing. I got

it from a previous post. Will keep everyone updated on how effective the MJ is.



here is info from grouppekurosawa public blog on MJ...


Methyl Jasmonate is a Stand Alone Treatment for Cancer and Leukemia

There is increasing evidence that methyl jasmonate, a plant stress hormone, may

be the ultimate stand alone treatment for ALL cancers and leukemias. The

original research on MJ as a treatment for cancer began in Israel, but now

scientists in other countries, including the US and Japan, have begun their own

research programs on the anti-cancer properties of this simple compound.

MJ is a simple compound that in crude form is used to prevent the infection of

plants by bacteria. In pure form, it is used by cosmetics companies as a scent.

Now we know that MJ is a viable treatment for cancer and different forms of

leukemia. Eventually, the

Israeli scientists who discovered the anti-cancer properties of MJ will receive

the Nobel Prize.

The ultimate anti-cancer compound is toxic to cancer but not normal cells.

Preferably there would be no side effects such as vomiting and hair loss. Also,

it would be nice if this compound was relatively inexpensive and easy to

administer. Naturally, this is all wishful thinking. No such compound exists.

Or does it?

We all know that damage to the outer mitochondrial membrane is a primary signal

for programmed cell death. However, the initiation of apoptosis AKA programmed

cell is a complicated process. It requires the activation of many genes and the

inactivation of

others. Genetic defects in key gene activity can block the initiation of

apoptosis. For example, during periods of oxidative stress or DNA damage the

universal tumor suppressor p53 is activated. This protein promotes programmed

cell death, thereby inhibiting the development of cancers. Unfortunately, over

50% of all cancers harbor genetic defects in the p53 gene rendering it

ineffective in promoting cancer cell death.

Methyl jasmonate selectively kills cancer cells by binding to their mitochondria

membranes and inducing damage. This damage initiates apoptosis, BUT it bypasses

the normal complicated biochemical steps involved classical programmed cell

death. MJ induced cell death is direct. It does not depend on the activation of

other genes or the p53 status of the cancer cell.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?db=pubmed & cmd=Retrieve &

dopt=Abstract & list_uids= 15753398 & itool=pubmed_ docsum

We now know why MJ is so effective in killing cancer and leukemia cells.

First, a small technical review is in order.

It is well established that cancer cells are capable of using aerobic glycolysis

to promote their growth and survival. The average cancer cell uses a combination

of both glycolysis and respiration in its metabolism. The high aerobic

glycolysis metabolism is critically important for cancer cells because it

produces a rapid source of ATP. In addition, the

glycolytic pathway activates the pentose monophosphate shunt. This shunt

provides compounds that regenerate glutathione, the major anti-oxidant in cells,

while producing precursors for the biosynthesis of nucleic acid, phospholipids,

fatty acids, cholesterol, and

porphyrins. Clearly high levels of aerobic glycolysis are absolutely necessary

for the growth and survival of cancer and leukemia cells.

Over the last few years it has become clear that the enzyme hexokinase 2 (HK2),

the first step in the metabolism of glucose, is over expressed in cancer cells.

This enzyme, in order to be active, MUST bind the outer membrane of the

mitochondria. Recent reports

have found that the docking protein for HK2 on the mitochondrial membrane is

VDAC, voltage dependent anion channel. The presence of VDAC on the mitochondrial

membrane, the overexpression of the HK2 enzyme and the binding of HK2 to VDAC

are fundamental aspects of the Warburg Effect, the aerobic glycolytic metabolism

of cancer cells.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?db=pubmed & cmd=Retrieve &

dopt=Abstract & list_uids= 17879147 & itool=pubmed_ docsum

VDAC is a very interesting protein. It is the most prevalent protein in the

mitochondrial outer membrane. This pore protein transports ADP and inorganic

phosphate into the mitochondria for the production of ATP, the energy source of

all cells. It also transports ATP out of the mitochondria into the cytoplasm of

the cell. If VDAC activity is inhibited, apoptosis occurs.

In order for HK2 to promote aerobic glycolysis, it is dependent on the VDAC

mediated transport of ATP to the bound HK2 enzyme.

HK2 binds VDAC after it is phosphorylated by enzymes such as AKT. AKT is a known

cell growth and survival factor for cancer cells.

The binding of HK2 to VDAC apparently stabilizes VDAC and prevents its

inactivity. As long as VDAC remains active, apoptosis is prevented.

A number of VDAC inhibitors are now known to induce apoptosis. But this is only

part of the story.

The release of cytochrome C, normally bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane,

initiates the complex biochemical pathways associated with apoptosis. When HK2

is dislodged from the VDAC complex, cytochrome C is released into the cytoplasm.

However, this effect is probably indirect. The inner mitochondrial membrane

contains a protein called the permeability transition pore (PTP). Disruption of

the functioning of this pore causes depolarization, membrane swelling, and the

release of cytochrome C from its membrane binding site.

Hexokinase 2 detachment from the VDAC complex promotes the inactivation of both

the VDAC and PTP pore complexes. This results in an inhibition of ATP synthesis

and the promotion of cell death by necrosis, apoptosis and autophagy.

A few months ago a study was published showing that methyl jasmonate binds

directly to hexokinase and detaches it from VDAC. This results in an

inactivation of VDAC and glycolysis, while promoting mitochondrial membrane

swelling, and the release of cytochrome C into the cytoplasm. Cellular death

rapidly follows.

In addition to promoting apoptosis, methyl jasmonate also promotes necrosis. MJ

promoted necrosis occurs in at least two different ways. First, it damages the

mitochondria and promotes ATP depletion. Second, it promotes the expression of

the tumor necrosis factor receptor in the membrane of cancer cells. TNF is the

single most potent anti-cancer immune hormone yet identified.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ entrez/queryd.fcgi?db=pubmed & cmd=Retrieve &

dopt=Abstract & list_uids= 18690087 & itool=pubmed_ docsum

Methyl jasmonate is administered in two different ways.

As an aerosol MJ is added to distilled water in a small personal steamer such as

that manufactured by Vicks. It is sold by Amazon.com and large drug stores. 2

grams (2 milliliters) of MJ is added to the surface of the water where it will

float as a light oil. The steamer is turned to high and the steam/MJ is inhaled

into the lung. Breathe through the mask for 15-20 minutes. This is done every

six days. I see no reason why it could not be done more often.

Topically 10 grams of MJ is added to 4 ounces of 70% DMSO gel.

http://www.herbalre medies.com sells the gel that we prefer. It is made by

Clinic Service Company.

This gel is applied up the nose for the treatment of brain cancer and onto the

scrotum for the treatment of prostate cancer. As a more general method of

delivery, the gel is applied to the arm pits. The arm pit area contains a high

concentration of lymph nodes and lymphatic fluid. This is an excellent portal of

topical entry into the circulation. The hair follicles in the arm pits are

literally holes in the skin where MJ can be intoduced into the body. But first

the hair follicles must be thoroughly washed with a detergent shampoo like

Selsen Blue. This shampoo cleans out the crap clogging the follicle shafts. The

topical formulations can be applied daily, although I would be careful sticking

too much MJ at once up the nose.

Methyl jasmonate is used by Grouppe Kurosawa for our skin cream SkinAlive® .

We will sell 10 grams to others in the US for $180 including priority mail

shipping. The total cost is $200 for shipping to Europe. Shipping costs vary for

other parts of the world.

Payment is made by PayPal to


It is my opinion that methyl jasmonate is the ONLY stand alone treatment for

cancer and leukemia. Unlike other promising anti-cancer products which cannot be

obtained by the general public, MJ is made by different manufacturers for sale

to the cosmetics industry. It is a tad expensive, but a little goes a long way.

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Be very careful with inhaled MJ. My wife used it one time a few months

ago at a dosage that was only one quarter of the normal starting dose.

It caused a lot of damage to her airway. She lost her voice and had

difficulty breathing for a long time afterward. She still has residual

bad effects in terms of voice quality and a persistent cough.


chu_hui_ping wrote:


> dear Emma,


> Hi. I am using inhaled MJ for my mom who has Stage 4 lung cancer

> (NSCLC) which has spread to her liver, bones and spinal cord. I had

> tried giving her probably in total 3 times (twice before her condition

> deteriorated so badly 2 weeks back; 3rd time today). Really hope that

> it works and will be happy if anyone else can share their experience

> with me too. The evidence for MJ sounds convincing. I got it from a

> previous post. Will keep everyone updated on how effective the MJ is.


> HP

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Hi Mike

Thanks for your input and sorry to hear about your wife's problems with MJ.

I am a little cautious about using it as it appears that only one person has

experience of it........

Anyone else tried it?



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