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Re: Omega 6/Omega 3 ratios for foods and oils - considerations

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Hi. You wrote:

" Note that only certain foods (individually) have a favorable ratio,

namely, mozzarella through Yogurt, plain. We can toss out canola oil

except for machinery. Also note that beans are high in carbs. This

leaves meats and milk and cheeses as being the best. However note the

actual amount by weight of EFAs in borage oil. It appears to be much

more than any other favorable food. One would then see that taking

borage oil would swamp out various other foods in maintaining a

favorable ratio except for certain foods also with large amounts of

EFAs by weight such as flax seed and flax oil and sardine oil, etc.

However, one could balance highly unfavorable ratio foods with foods

with high omega 6 amounts. Flax could be balanced by sesame oil, etc.

Therefore, using borage oil as a supplement and favorable foods and

also being careful what foods one eats so that one could balance

occasional " wrong ratio foods " with correct oils to compensate would

seem viable. "

A couple of comments:

1) It's my understanding that someone who decides to avoid the

carbohydrates in beans in favor of the protein in cheese, yoghurt,

meat, milk and fish, is opening himself up to a host of degenerative


2) It appears you are once again recommending flax oil without the

mixing of it with cottage cheese, which is a wrong and even dangerous

way to take it.

3) It appears to me that the average person may very well be able to

avoid the kinds of meticulous calculations you have done, and the

trouble you have gone to, simply by eating a wide variety of plant-

based foods, with little to no animal protein. I say this because the

relatively inexpensive, readily available commercial beef, milk and

cheese appears to be a good part of what causes people to have

unbalanced Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio. There are those who say grass-fed

beef and raw dairy will fix the problem, but I am unconvinced that

that will not leave them open to degenerative dis-ease.

Best wishes,


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On Jan 5, 2008, at 8:35 AM, breathedeepnow wrote:

> unbalanced Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio.


Here is a website dealing with Omega 3 oils, be sure to copy both lines

into your browser-

Conversion Efficiency of ALA to DHA in Humans

http://dhaomega3.org/index.php?category=overview & title=Conversion-of-


Metabolism of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Omega-6:Omega-3


http://dhaomega3.org/index.php?category=overview & title=Omega-6-to-


What I get from reading this is that without flaxseed oil in the diet,

which is very high in Omega 3's, it's very difficult to attain the

proper Omega 6 : Omega 3 balance (LA : ALA), as most oils are very

unbalanced in favor of Omega 6's so eating them to balance Flaxseed oil

is going to make the ratio too much on the Omega 6 side.

Sesame Seed Oil

42g LA (n-6)

0.5g ALA (n-3)

Flaxseed Oil

15g LA (n-6)

55g ALA (n-3)



But ALA from Flaxseed oil has a low conversion ratio, see first link

above. Fish oils don't need to be converted, but can suffer from

processing, being rendered dead by heat.

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I think you have missed the point. Go to www.westonaprice.org and look at their

information. Also read Weston Price's book, " Nutrition and Physical

Degeneration " . Weston missed one point in the book, however, and that was the

primitive people's real secret was that they all ate fresh food, freshly killed.

Some one did an experiment with goats and gave the goats the exact food that

goats normally eat except that he withheld the food for three days so that the

food was not fresh. The goats got sick!!

As for consuming omega three oil being dangerous, I agree. If you go to Peskin's

book he shows that omega-3 alone is dangerous. That's why you balance it off

with the proper amount of organic omega-6 or you could use borage oil or you

could use Peskin's own formulation.

As for cc/fo, there was no mention of cc/fo in Peskin's book so it looks like we

might have two camps, the Budwig camp and the Peskin camp. Interestingly, one

says that you can reverse cancer and the other says that you can only prevent

cancer. I suspect that both drew on Otto Warburg's data to a greater or lesser

extent, and Warburg was adamant that you could only prevent cancer and that you

had to kill actual cancer cells. The unfortunate thing is that both Warburg and

Budwig have passed on and are unavailable for clarifications.

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My point is that I believe eating much animal protein, whether fresh,

old, cooked or raw, organic or commercial, produces degenerative dis-

ease. The Weston-Price camp and the disagree with each other.

Best wishes,


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