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Oleic Acid in Olive Oil as a Cancer Promoter?

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Hello folks.

Does anyone have any thoughts about this?:

Grouppe Kurosawa immunologist Dr. wrote:

Olive Oil Can Promote Cancer Cell Development (5/25/2006)





<< Oleic acid, the dominant fatty acid in olive oil, promotes cancer cell

development. Let me make this very clear. Oleic acid does not cause

cancer. It simply promotes the further development of already established

cancers. >>

Dr. included links to www . nutritiondata . com in his articles

titled: " Oleic Acid Content... " , and " Oleic/Palmitic Acid in Foods " .

Hopefully I have this correct:

- The foods highest in Oleic Acid (18:1 undifferentiated, monounsaturated

fat) include Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, and Olive Oil.

- The foods lowest in Monounsaturated Fats include Coconut Oil.

What does this imply about daily consumption of whole almonds, avocados,

and olives?

In the next e-mail, I will post the Grouppe Kurosawa and Wikipedia links I

found with information regarding this subject matter.

Thank you.

peace and healing,

Glen from Illinois, USA

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Cancer and Nutrition (2/12/2005)



Olive Oil Promotes Breast Cancer Cell Growth (2/15/2005)





Pancreatic Cancer. A New Form of Therapy (6/18/2005)




Foods That Kill Cancer Cells (7/14/2005)




A Therapeutic Cancer Diet (12/15/2005)



Olive Oil Can Promote Cancer Cell Development (5/25/2006)





Can Oleic Acid in Olive Oil Inhibit the Expression of the Her-2/neu Breast

Cancer Gene? (5/26/2006)





Oleic Acid Content in Fats/Oils and Salad Dressings (5/27/2006)





Oleic/Palmitic Acid in Foods (5/27/2006)






Oleate (Oleic Acid)

_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleate_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleate)

Monounsaturated Fat



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In my opinion, Group Kurosawa has such bizarre advice that I often wonder if it

is a disinformation site for pharmaceutical companies. Seriously.


> Olive Oil Can Promote Cancer Cell Development (5/25/2006)


> _http://grouppekurosawa.typepad.com/grouppe_kurosawa_natural_/2006/05/olive_

> oil_can_p.html_





> << Oleic acid, the dominant fatty acid in olive oil, promotes cancer cell

> development. Let me make this very clear. Oleic acid does not cause

> cancer. It simply promotes the further development of already established

> cancers. >>



> Dr. included links to www . nutritiondata . com in his articles

> titled: " Oleic Acid Content... " , and " Oleic/Palmitic Acid in Foods " .


> Hopefully I have this correct:


> - The foods highest in Oleic Acid (18:1 undifferentiated, monounsaturated

> fat) include Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, and Olive Oil.


> - The foods lowest in Monounsaturated Fats include Coconut Oil.



> What does this imply about daily consumption of whole almonds, avocados,

> and olives?



> In the next e-mail, I will post the Grouppe Kurosawa and Wikipedia links I

> found with information regarding this subject matter.


> Thank you.


> peace and healing,

> Glen from Illinois, USA

> **************Big savings on Dell’s most popular laptops. Now starting at

> $449!







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I would be more concerned with the heating of any oils, less so with Virgin

Coconut, but it is the heating of oils which changes them. This can be a

problem for cardiac concerns but I don't know anything about cancer concerns

other than the Omega 6 connection.

Joe C.

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Cancer is one of the main causes of mortality worldwide. Geographical

differences in incidence rates suggest a key effect of environmental factors,

especially diet, in its aetiology. Epidemiologic and experimental studies have

found a role of dietary lipids in cancer, particularly breast, colorectal, and

prostate cancers. Their incidence in the Mediterranean countries, where the main

source of fat is olive oil, is lower than in other areas of the world. Human

studies about the effects of dietary lipids are little conclusive, probably due

to methodological issues.

On the other hand, experimental data have clearly demonstrated that the

influence of dietary fats on cancer depends on the quantity and the type of

lipids. Whereas a high intake of n-6 PUFA and saturated fat has tumor-enhancing

effects, n-3 PUFA, conjugated linoleic acid and -linolenic acid have inhibitory

effects. Data regarding MUFA have not always been conclusive, but high olive oil

diets seem to have protective effects. Such effects can be due to oleic acid,

the main MUFA in olive oil, and to certain minor compounds such as squalene and

phenolic compounds. This work aims to review the current knowledge about the

relationship between dietary lipids and cancer, with a special emphasis on olive

oil, and the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects: modifications on the

carcinogenesis stages, hormonal status, cell membrane structure and function,

signal transduction pathways, gene expression, and immune system.

Molecular mechanisms of the effects of olive oil and other dietary lipids on


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Grouppe Kurosawa Treatment Protocol for Colon and Liver Cancer. Feedback

Xeloda is an oral chemo drug for the treatment of colon and breast cancer.

Case: cancer - adenocarcinoma which spread to liver

Subject: woman, age 70 (mouse: Draga, if I may)Location: Slovenia

Hi, I would like to inform you about the progress we are making with this case.

I'm the guy who ordered Methyl Jasmonate for a patient in Slovenia (Europe). A

month ago or so, I wrote to you about cancer case going worse (spreading to

liver). She was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma on lymphatic glands and possible

liver progression at first. Doctors also removed 1,5 x 1,5 inch size tumor in

her colon. This was on November 7th 2008. Her blood test was scary bad. I'll

give you the numbers:

Nov. 2008 Feb. 2009test value ok range

value--------------------------------------------------------K-Lkc 11.4

[4.0-10.0] 9.7K-H 0.366 [0.370-0.470] 0.381K-MCV 76.6 [81-94] 95.9K-MCH 25.8

[26-32] 32.9K-RDW 26.9 [11.3-14.5] 21.2K-Lymp. 19.5 [20.0-50.0] 15.1 K-Nevt. 7.8

[1.6-7.5] 6.9S-Krea. 99 [44-80] 78S-Urat 483 [143-339] 240S-alk.f 3.27 [0-1.74]

2.88S-gamma 3.52 [0-0.63] 1.99S-ALT 1.39 [0-0.52] 0.69S-LDH 9.58 [0-4.12]

3.28S-CEA 160.1 [0-3.4] 63.0

As you can see her HEMA tests (blood quality) showed major lack of haemoglobin.

I gave her Iron 15mg pills with 75mg vitamin C for better absorption. After a

month her haemoglobin rose above the ok range, which is what I wanted. Now I

decreased Iron pills so that the values will drop into the ok range. Also

leucocytes where slightly above ok range, but have dropped down to ok. When you

look at the liver tests, you can see major liver problem at that time. Her S-CEA

is huge. In 3 months time, some of the off range values are already fine, some

of them are going towards the ok area and her S-CEA has dropped for more than

60%. It is clear, cancer is retreating.

Since day one, she was on this protocol (3 months): MJ 6 inhalations (breathing

hard, but manageable)

Glutamine 60g/day

Sodium Selenite 750 micrograms/day

Zinc 50mg/day

Sulindac 600mg/day

Cimetidine 800mg/day

Policosanol 20mg/day

Melatonin 12mg/day

vitamin D 5000 IU/day

vitamin A 30000 IU/day

Isoleucine could not stand it

Besides this, she also received chemo therapy pills Xeloda. They progressed the

dosage and are now finishing with intravenous chemo. Doctors say only one more

is needed. She will continue to follow the same procotol until the numbers get

into the healthy range. I strongly believe she is beating the cancer, although

it's not over yet. I also see that chemo therapy is frying her immune system.

When cancer is " over " , I will ask for some advice how to boost it back (I am

thinking Zinc 50mg, Melatonin 30mg, Lithium Orotate 10mg daily ...) The way I

see her story is, doctors gave her 40% chance to live with cancer stage 3.

They could not understand why cancer was not progressing faster (I think our

protocol choked it badly). They kept asking her if she is worried about the

situation, but she denied (I told her to simply erase stress and she did it). I

think our protocol managed to create a turnover in cancer progress enough that

doctors changed their mind and took it seriously.I have no idea why they raised

Xeloda dosage only in last month. For someone with liver cancer and 40% chance

to live, after 3 months, she seems to be a super woman, or someone made a really

bad judgement heh.

BUT if this lady is on Xeloda, why the Kurosawa talks about " natural "




> In my opinion, Group Kurosawa has such bizarre advice that I often wonder if

it is a disinformation site for pharmaceutical companies. Seriously.

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The only way oleic acid can promote cancer growth is to make the environment

more acidic. All metabolism has acid wastes as a biproduct, and some foods are

bigger contributors than others of acid. Olive oil is a heart healthy way of

preparing food, but if it makes our systems more acidic then we need to

counteract that with alkalyzing foods.

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