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Re: Re: Cancer and Depression

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I just wanted to say that I SOOOOOOOO agree with you!!!!! My stepdad's mom

is now dying of lung cancer. The doctors have told her there is nothing they

can do, and she is not looking at anything other than what her doctor says.

It's so sad to see her wither away! It actually makes me mad, and not as

sorry for her and the family as I would be if she was " trying " to get better

The last time I saw her at a birthday party, I gave her a hug and told her

I'd see her later, and she started crying. WHY do people not look to

something else if the doctor says there's no hope????? It drives me

NUTS!!!!! My mom and I know about Colloidal silver, and both take it on a

regular basis, and if nothing else, that MAY help, and mom is willing to

make if for her for FREE, yet she won't use it! WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!! She

has nothing wrong with her- she walks fine, her mind is still sharp- she is

on many meds for heart, etc. BUT, the only thing making her detiriorate so

fast is the cancer! I just don't get it. She doesn't WANT to die.... well,

maybe she does- if she's not looking to other means of getting better. I don

t know. I guess this was more of a vent, but... I just wanted to let you

know that I TOTALLY agree with you!!! You said it SOOOOO perfectly too!

Thanks Will!

Tara O.

From: Will Winter

Date: 06/30/06 13:01:15

Subject: Re: Cancer and depression

Before we leave this cancer discussion (which I think is one of the most

food-related topics

we could discuss).... I'm DEPRESSED about the state of cancer therapy in the

US. Even more

depressing is how bamboozled the majority of Americans actually are. They


believe the " good news " hogwash being doled out by the government and cancer


They can't see through the thin magician's veil over the cooked-book

scientific " studies.

Any person making a conscious choice to take the reins of their own

therapeutic plan is

treated like a PARIAH by their friends, family and the entire medical

community. Families

will take out bank loans to fund your chemotherapy (and subsequent funeral)

but will cut

you off and write you out of the will if you choose to follow " the suicide

path you are on " .

My PERSONAL FEELINGS are as follows

1) We can ALL cite a case or two of people who got better from a cancer

diagnosis with the

conventional approach, giving power to the notion that our thoughts and

expectations can

overpower anything. So can prayer. And good for them. So can people get

better who

never had cancer in the first place (misdiagnosis). We don't talk about that

2) Everyone here has an uncle that smoked 6 packs a day, drank a gallon of

whiskey a day

and lived to be 100. But, you would be a FOOL to follow their example and

expect the

same results. Yet, the point is, when you get right down to numbers I've

seen 100X more

friends and relatives go down the tubes on conventional medicine and the

only real

survivor numbers I've seen come from natural cure (please don't call it

alternative " it's just


3) Modern cancer therapy, to me, is LOST.


A) Oncologists are more interested in " cure " ($$$$$$$) than prevention


B) Virtually all research $$$ is to find the " magic bullet " cure to sell


---Try to get a real nutrition/cancer study funded (vs. a stem cell

grant, say)

C) They are hardly curing anyone. The ones that get better either did it


their thoughts and prayers OR never had cancer in the first place


D) Almost all the studies that show improvement in cure rates are

manipulated figures

E) They throw out 5 years as a " survivor " and then you are off the books

F) Early detection makes it appear that you lived longer

G) Most detection techniques either cause or spread the cancer (xrays,

needle biopsies

exploratories, lumpectomy, bulk reduction, mastectomy, node removal,


H) They paint your diagnosis bleak. That way if you live they take credit

if you die

they brag about how accurate and smart they are.

I) the only people they are " curing " have a simpler cancer like leukemia

they zap that

then many of these people die of a hideous deep cancer after the 5

year survivor

category window.

J) Worst of all, they rob you of hope, rape your mind of any chance of

survival and

usually cause the patient to die right on their doomsday schedule.

K) Likewise, they will do everything in their power to undermine your

interest or desire

in nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, or other self cures (the Brunetti

way). By poo-pooing

methodologies they know nothing about they destroy your hope.

L) Successful programs in other countries like Denmark, Sweden, Germany


and even countries like Mexico and Caribbean islands.

M) Hospital Food. Need I say more?

4) Because of the items I listed about, I would NEVER give money nor support

such bogus

organizations as the American Cancer Society, the Breast Cancer

Foundation or other

similar organizations. Most of the billions they've squandered goes to fat

cat executives

anyway, but the rest just goes to research looking for magic bullets and

stupid high-tech

cures that will never be available to anyone other than the rich.

5) As proof, cancer death rates are SKYROCKETING in the US. By 2020, perhaps

sooner, it

will become the #1 killer in the US.

OK, I feel beter now, shall we get back to the other forms of DEPRESSION?


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a great non profit is The Women's Cancer Resource Center. I was on the board

for four years. And they not only support women and their caregivers with

cancer...but they look at links to cancer and the enviornment.

On 6/30/06, Will Winter <holistic@...> wrote:


> Before we leave this cancer discussion (which I think is one of the most

> food-related topics

> we could discuss).... I'm DEPRESSED about the state of cancer therapy in

> the US. Even more

> depressing is how bamboozled the majority of Americans actually are. They

> actually

> believe the " good news " hogwash being doled out by the government and

> cancer societies.

> They can't see through the thin magician's veil over the cooked-book

> " scientific " studies.


> Any person making a conscious choice to take the reins of their own

> therapeutic plan is

> treated like a PARIAH by their friends, family and the entire medical

> community. Families

> will take out bank loans to fund your chemotherapy (and subsequent

> funeral) but will cut

> you off and write you out of the will if you choose to follow " the suicide

> path you are on " .


> My PERSONAL FEELINGS are as follows

> 1) We can ALL cite a case or two of people who got better from a cancer

> diagnosis with the

> conventional approach, giving power to the notion that our thoughts and

> expectations can

> overpower anything. So can prayer. And good for them. So can people get

> better who

> never had cancer in the first place (misdiagnosis). We don't talk about

> that.


> 2) Everyone here has an uncle that smoked 6 packs a day, drank a gallon of

> whiskey a day

> and lived to be 100. But, you would be a FOOL to follow their example and

> expect the

> same results. Yet, the point is, when you get right down to numbers I've

> seen 100X more

> friends and relatives go down the tubes on conventional medicine and the

> only real

> survivor numbers I've seen come from natural cure (please don't call it

> " alternative " it's just

> real)


> 3) Modern cancer therapy, to me, is LOST.


> A) Oncologists are more interested in " cure " ($$$$$$$) than prevention

> (0$)

> B) Virtually all research $$$ is to find the " magic bullet " cure to sell

> ($$$$$)

> ---Try to get a real nutrition/cancer study funded (vs. a stem cell grant,

> say)

> C) They are hardly curing anyone. The ones that get better either did it

> with

> their thoughts and prayers OR never had cancer in the first place

> (misdiagnosed)

> D) Almost all the studies that show improvement in cure rates are

> manipulated figures

> E) They throw out 5 years as a " survivor " and then you are off the books

> F) Early detection makes it appear that you lived longer

> G) Most detection techniques either cause or spread the cancer (xrays,

> needle biopsies

> exploratories, lumpectomy, bulk reduction, mastectomy, node removal,

> mammogram)

> H) They paint your diagnosis bleak. That way if you live they take credit,

> if you die

> they brag about how accurate and smart they are.

> I) the only people they are " curing " have a simpler cancer like leukemia,

> they zap that

> then many of these people die of a hideous deep cancer after the 5 year

> survivor

> category window.

> J) Worst of all, they rob you of hope, rape your mind of any chance of

> survival and

> usually cause the patient to die right on their doomsday schedule.

> K) Likewise, they will do everything in their power to undermine your

> interest or desire

> in nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, or other self cures (the Brunetti way).

> By poo-pooing

> methodologies they know nothing about they destroy your hope.

> L) Successful programs in other countries like Denmark, Sweden, Germany,

> England,

> and even countries like Mexico and Caribbean islands.

> M) Hospital Food. Need I say more?


> 4) Because of the items I listed about, I would NEVER give money nor

> support such bogus

> organizations as the American Cancer Society, the Breast Cancer Foundation

> or other

> similar organizations. Most of the billions they've squandered goes to fat

> cat executives

> anyway, but the rest just goes to research looking for magic bullets and

> stupid high-tech

> cures that will never be available to anyone other than the rich.


> 5) As proof, cancer death rates are SKYROCKETING in the US. By 2020,

> perhaps sooner, it

> will become the #1 killer in the US.


> OK, I feel beter now, shall we get back to the other forms of DEPRESSION?








Be at peace.

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my weight loss journey: http://www.freewebs.com/kaje62/

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> They are good. My friend and I were showing the teachers their brochure about

> bovine growth hormone in kids milk. Then my friend went to her doctors

> appointment and was told she had cancer. I told her that I had a dream that

> she recovered and had a mission teaching others.


> Kathy



> a great non profit is The Women's Cancer Resource Center. I was on the board

> for four years. And they not only support women and their caregivers with

> cancer...but they look at links to cancer and the enviornment.


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I think it¹s all related. I was telling Dr. Mom that I wished I was a

scientist so I could research this issue. She told me that moms are the

best scientists. No one on the face of the earth will care for a child more

than it¹s mom. Every hunter knows that you don¹t mess with a mama bear.

Every neurotransmitter found in your brain is also in your gut....hmmmm,

maybe how we eat effects how we feel and act? We have known this since the

1960¹s when Feingold, Doris Rapp, Bernard Rimland and others started

talking. Those people had a hard time making other doctors listen. They

faced humiliation and legal battles.

I think we have a cancer of the planet. When I watch a neurologist from

Harvard talk about trying to heal autism and the last slide is a picture of

the planet, the doctor starts to cry and says she does not know if life will

be sustainable on this planet for more than two generations, I start to cry.

We need to change how we live. At the autism conferences they asked that we

each tell at least one other person.


on 6/30/06 10:28 PM, lhackbarth at lhackbarth@... wrote:





> Interesting, especially when you think that lots of kids on Ritalin have no

> appetite and

> have to periodically have a " med vacation " in order to catch up on their

> eatting and

> growing.

> Lynn


>> >

>> > There is brand new science out that found every neurotransmitter in your

>> > brain is also in your gut. Most doctors don't even know this. It's

>> discussed

>> > at autism workshops because many of the children have gut issues. It

>> > started me wondering if the medication she was taking for her brain was

>> > stealing from her digestive/elimination system.

>> >

>> > I asked a fellow who raises money for cancer research (and knew her) if

>> > anyone had ever researched if people on depression meds had a higher

>> > incidence of cancer of the digestive/elimination systems? His response was

>> > " that is a legitimate question, it won't get researched and you know why. "


>> > Kathy

>> >




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The information about neurotransmitters in brain also in the " gut " is not

new information. Hippocrates said that thousands of years ago. It has been

well known that the digestive system needs to be corrected before anything

heals. That goes for everything. The digestive system controls the immune

system, all working organs, blood pressure, hormones, acute conditions,

chronic " diseases " including cancers. It just again goes back to the old

adage, do not treat the symptoms, correct the cause. If the digestive

system does not function well, nothing will heal. Most of us are only

assimilating less than 50 %. Many only 15%. Some assimilation is 0. It

does not take a ton of tests to see that. A quick Iridology glance can tell


Many others such as mentioned below have tried to educate the world

repeatedly about that idea. It goes way back before the 1960's.

Specialization is not the answer. Treat the whole body as one unit.

Re: Re: Cancer and depression

Every neurotransmitter found in your brain is also in your gut....hmmmm,

maybe how we eat effects how we feel and act? We have known this since the

1960¹s when Feingold, Doris Rapp, Bernard Rimland and others started

talking. Those people had a hard time making other doctors listen. They

faced humiliation and legal battles.

>> > There is brand new science out that found every neurotransmitter in


>> > brain is also in your gut. Most doctors don't even know this. It's

>> discussed

>> > at autism workshops because many of the children have gut issues. It

>> > started me wondering if the medication she was taking for her brain was

>> > stealing from her digestive/elimination system.

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 2/1/08 1:35:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, aug20@...


> suffered from depression for many years, and I know, certainly,

> that a goodly portion of the depression came from being much too

> concerned about myself---from being too self-absorbed, from not

> caring enough about others, not reaching out to other people and not

> trying to do enough good for others.


When a person gets out and helps others, it is a very good feeling and gives

a perspective on ones own life. I do a huge amount of volunteer work and help

many people as well as do dog rescue every day. Not one day goes by when I

haven't reached out to make a difference. Doing this give a person a feeling of

wonder inside because it is really what we are supposed to be doing. Try it.

If you volunteer in a pediatric cancer ward or walk dogs for the local animal

shelter, you can't help but feel lucky that you aren't an orphan in a cage or

have cancer before you've even seen your 7th birthday. It makes you glad

that you have achieved something. It helps you grow and connect to your

spiritual self.

Try it! Let us know what happens.


Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.



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Thanks for the advice. I do not have a whole lot of time on my hands to do

volunteer work. I get up at 5:00 am in the morning and go to work at 6:30. I

return home at 5:30 in the evening and exercise a little, make dinner and go to

sleep at 9:00.


szukipoo@... wrote: In a message dated 2/1/08,



> suffered from depression for many years, and I know, certainly,

> that a goodly portion of the depression came from being much too

> concerned about myself---from being too self-absorbed, from not

> caring enough about others, not reaching out to other people and not

> trying to do enough good for others.


When a person gets out and helps others, it is a very good feeling and gives

a perspective on ones own life. I do a huge amount of volunteer work and help

many people as well as do dog rescue every day. Not one day goes by when I

haven't reached out to make a difference. Doing this give a person a feeling


wonder inside because it is really what we are supposed to be doing. Try it.

If you volunteer in a pediatric cancer ward or walk dogs for the local animal

shelter, you can't help but feel lucky that you aren't an orphan in a cage or

have cancer before you've even seen your 7th birthday. It makes you glad

that you have achieved something. It helps you grow and connect to your

spiritual self.

Try it! Let us know what happens.

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