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Re: Re: Low Cholesterol Myth and cancer

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Then we have 'the other side of the coin'................my cousin, with a

Cholesterol level bordering 300 for decades, whose husband could not retire

because of his group plan that covered her, is one of the healthiest

looking/acting in the family.

She tried the statins with no success and still has high cholesterol and is in

her 80s and during the past 10 years has added sports such as tennis to her

activity list. My aunt, the oldest in the family at 101 next week eats

everything but never smoked nor drank alcohol.

She lives alone and is healthier than her two children.....sends us greeting

cards and forces her daughter to go shopping WITH her, nor for her..........but

they tell me she is slowing down..........really?

When one examines Mike's regimen, " booze, wheat gluten, all refined foods,

sugar, and many other foods I was allergic to. In other words no more Pizza and

beer!!! " can one say this was a good way to eat? Hardly and Mike did not even

add in the outside of his control forces such as the chemical exposure we all

face just waking up each morning and facing life.

Those adhering to the Atkins diet and organizations such as Consumer Reports

regarding the diet, agree that most horrific levels such as Triglyceride,

Homocystein and even Cholesterol eventually go down when leaving out 'bad'

carbs. I will never absolve our Carbohydrate consumption from the list of

more evil of all the foods we partake of. Almost every so-called 'bad food'

falls in the high carb range. Think of what Mike spoke to. Pizza, Ice-cream,

beer...........so while consuming all of this we can hardly blame animal protein

for all of our ills and I suspect had he eaten differently and still consumed

meat there might have been a difference in his health and the obesity factor.

Mike did not even touch on the cooking oils consumed which we now know even some

of the 'good' oils when heated become problematic or the everyday stress he and

others face.

Additionally we have the animal protein containing things that people did not

face twenty and thirty years ago. There are hormones and pesticides and who

knows what else?

None of what I write is a defense of meat-eating while combating cancer but

rather another look at the cholesterol game as played by big Pharma. Talk about


My general practitioner even believes the recent lowering of the 'acceptable

cholesterol levels' is simply a money-making scheme. It is the same with the

lowering of BP levels. If I had the levels they expect me to have I would be

dragging myself around in a stupor.

My daughter-in-law who developed Breast Cancer was a vegetarian from age 10 but

many vegetarians, simply avoiding meat, consume many of the things we know are

detrimental to health. To sum it up, we cannot blame all of our ills on

meat-eating but probably could blame a lot of them on the atrocious amount of

carbohydrates consumed today.

Joe C.

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Promise. I have not shot at the messenger but rather just reminded all that

this subject was brought up before and some people, not me, got rather huffy

over it and it was stopped after a lot of posts. I do not think I ever

responded to a China Study post but I might have........just do not recall.

Hmmm, I wonder if my Cholesterol is so low that my memory is failing. Not!

As for the stopping of that subject after an extended time, nobody stifled it

for any other reason but that it became an obsession for some.............sort

of like when religion becomes part of a discussion.

Joe C.

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