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Merkel cell carcinoma

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I would like to refer you to the work of Dr.

And his Book that you can order on the website: Coffee Enema

on the search organ like Google or .

Or the website : wwww.Drkelley.com

His theory is that all teh kind of cancer come from one source,The

emotionnal Trauma,And this block the normal secretion of pancreatin

from the Pancreas,

Then the lack of Panceatin wil lead to a non digestion of the protein

Then they will accumulate in different area of the body,

Then The body will image the nature of the Trauma and most of the

accumulation of non digested protein will aglutin and form masses

The non digested protein are sometime expulsed by the skin

And created Different kind of ski disease,melanoma ect.

So,Coffee enema,Pancreatin Wobenzyms in good quantities like 10 caps

per meal will work to reverse most on the cancer conditions,when

added with the metabolic type of foods according to metabolic type.

Best Regards

Jean- Lavoie


-- In qxci-english , Joyce LaBrecque <joylab88@y...>



> Hello to All,

> Does anyone know or have a Protocol for Merkel Cell

> Carcinoma. It is a very rare form of skin cancer. It

> Is rapid in growth and goes to the lymp's quickly and

> has a tendency to re-occur this one is located on the

> right arm just above the elbow. Any information would

> be greatly appreciated. Thanks

> Love & Light

> Joyce




> __________________________________

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*Altho I haven't used it myself, I've also heard very good reports of using

oleander salve. The recipe can be found in oleandersoup

Black salve works well topically but can be very painful, while oleander is


Please consider getting iodine that is free of impurities. Iherb.com

sells Atomidine. It's the Edgar Cayce formula, and colorless. Designed for

ingestion. Rhoda


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