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invitation to participate in my PhD research survey

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Hello. I am a PhD student at Walden University. My research project is studying

factors that affect how people understand consent forms for research. This

information could improve how well doctors communicate with patients who may be

in a research study.

I am using an online, anonymous survey to do this research. I do not know who

completes the survey.

This survey asks questions about you, then asks you to take a short quiz. You

will then read a SAMPLE consent form for as long as you want to. After that, you

will return to the survey and answer questions about the SAMPLE consent form.

All this information will be used as part of my research, and it is very

important to complete all the questions. The questions can take about 30

minutes, but you can take as much time as you want to.

I would like to invite you to participate in this study. If you are interested,

you may click on the link below. There is more information there about the study

at the start of the survey.


I need complete responses from 450 people so that the research is significant. I

would be grateful if you would pass this invitation on to anyone you know who

may be interested in participating. Any adult who has access to the internet and

can read English may participate.

If you have questions about this research, you may contact me directly at


Thank you for your consideration. I appreciate your interest and help with this


Regards, Ames

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