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Mammograms increase Breast Cancer Risk

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Dr. J. Rowen,MD in his newsletter Second Opinion of December 2009,

_www.secondopinionnewsletter.com_ (http://www.secondopinionnewsletter.com)

has a very good article on the increased risk of more frequent mammogram

screenings for Breast Cancer detection. The recent recommendation of an

advisory committee to the Secretary of the Department of Health & Human

Services recommending that women under 50 have mammograms every other year


than yearly as currently recommended by the American Cancer Society has

generated a great deal of controversy in the shadow of the Health Care Reform

Debate emphasizing " best medical practices " and the suspicion that " cost

control " will be a hidden factor.

In the Alternative Medical Community, these warnings had been around for

many years, but were drowned out by the Cancer Establishment. The mammoth

advertising campaign, duly initiated by the pharmaceutical and medical device

manufacturing industry was a great marketing tool for businesses that

wanted to demonstrate their concern and support for overcoming frightening


The real statistics are beginning to show that the concerns about a

procedure that exposed women to regular doses of radiation that at best could

only detect the presence of cancer, but do nothing to actually prevent it from

growing in the first place was really raising the risk of breast cancer.

The Archives if Internal Medicine of November 24, 2008 published a study

showing the breast cancer risk to be 57% HIGHER among women age 50 to 64 who

had 3 mammograms from 1996 to 2001 compared to women age 50 to 64 who had

only 1 mammogram at the end of their observation period.

The authors then found that the women who got regular mammograms had more

invasive cancers detected.

The medline abstract is below:

The Natural History of Invasive Breast Cancers Detected by Mammography



cSum & ordinalpos=405_



nel.Pubmed_RVDocSum & ordinalpos=405)

This more distant objective view of the serious dilemma faced by many

women can be much more safely addressed by having a thermography screening,

which detects the metabolic changes in the body, based on the principle that a

tumor gives off more heat than healthy tissue. It may be more expensive and

may not be covered by insurance but it is worth getting if you feel you

have to.See _www.breastthermography.com_ (http://www.breastthermography.com)

for testing sites.


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