Guest guest Posted May 10, 2009 Report Share Posted May 10, 2009 Interesting but until of late I did not know there were people claiming a connection between cholesterol levels and cancer. Additionally averages can be misleading and the types of fat consumed might be more important than the amounts. I say might because few of us know and quoting a 'study' is fine but cannot be the end of the topic. I note the 'China Study' was mentioned and I have never read it and probably will not. I do know the subject has come up more than a few times and was deemed not worthy for the list because of the controversy surrounding it. The China Study has its followers and detractors and since it has been suggested we leave it alone I suspect that if it heats up we will be hearing from the moderators again. It is the kind of thing that cannot be proven to the satisfaction of the many and leads to arguments. Whether or not it is a myth that too low, and I wonder what too low is, a cholesterol level in the elderly is indicative of mental decline doesn't interest me as much as the effort at reducing cholesterol does. There is a difference in the 'Average' cholesterol level because of diet than a very low level caused by statin drugs. There are studies that claim that more people suffer death-causing heart attacks because of statin drugs even though studies reveal less heart attacks for people taking statins. Then again for ever study revealing one set of statistics, there's probably another showing another aspect with different outcomes. We usually offer studies to support our beliefs and ignore those contrary to our beliefs. It is late on the East Coast so good night all. Joe C. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 A few years ago will be three years this summer my Regular Md handed me some statin drug samples as my cholesterol was over 300. Said its time to get these numbers down, it ran in the family. Mom and Dad both had high numbers as well. That was just one of my many health issues at the time besides having chordial Melanoma left eye. MY idea of the SAD diet ( standard american diet) was a huge steak, potatos smothered with butter, and perhaps a small side dish of vegs. At that time my blood pressure was 160 over 100, I also was obsese. In addition I guess you might say I was a border line acholic, as my Dad also was one. Its always hard to admit you have health issues, ever harder to actually do something about it. To make a long story short, I threw the statin drugs in the trash and changed Drs. Well anyway added one, A MD who was more into alternative treatments as he has beated Cancer stage four twice. Of course we all know your never out of the woods with cancer. He recommended a new diet, Vegan did a heavy metal detox, plus a spectracell test, food alergy test, to see where my real health issues were. In otherwards besides all animal protein, I had to give up my booze, wheat glutin, all refinded foods, sugar, and many other foods I was allergic to. In otherwards no more Pizza and beer!!! It was a tough choice, could I just cut off my right arm instead? But I agreed to get it six months, what did I have to lose? Heres the just of it. I lost 60lbs, lowered my blood levels below 150, lowered my blood pressure to 100 over 60 without the aid of a single pill. Not to mention all the other wonderful things, I had forgotten what it felt like to actually feel Good. I have always exercized this past ten years faithfully but always strugled with weight. In otherwards it made a believer out of me. The naysayers can no longer say We are what we eat as I am a living example. Even my regular Md who gave me the pills had to concede, keep doing what your doing with the weird alternative stuff. How is eating healthy considered alternative in this day and age? Sad indeed that in todays world its considered normal to take a pill, but alternative in eating organic fruits and vegs. I guess I have become of of those weird Tree hugger guys I used to make fun of, not that I havent always loved the outdoors. A very good documentary on EATING if you havent watched it is by Mike . My wife works in a Cardiac Rehab unit where she showed that movie last week, most still believe that heart diesease is not reversable. Thats true there is no magic pill that will reverse heart disease while still eating your ice cream. But its a proven fact if you don't eat animal products you can't have high cholesterol. Anyway its made a BELIEVER out of me. All the best, Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 Hey Joe, don't shoot the messenger ! I am not here to kill the Holy Cow.! Love cows : a poem to compassion (Gandhi) I never had to enter in a debate with somebody who actually had read the book simply because the research is clear and doesn't leave room for personal interpretation. I just present raw facts and what people decide to do with the new information is beyond my personal control and part of their own Karma. You wrote : " I say might because few of us know and quoting a 'study' is fine but cannot be the end of the topic. I note the 'China Study' was mentioned and I have never read it and probably will not. " Joe, I didn't present a " study " but at least two studies. One by Colin who was able to turn on and off cancer cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo AT WILL and this experience was never denied by any of his detractor and can be repeated anytime any where. To do so, he just used only one product : animal protein from casein. [Moderator's inserted comment: Dr found that when the casein fed to rats was under 5% of total diet calories, cancer stopped. When the amount of casein was 20% of total calories, cancer grew. It's the AMOUNT of casein that made the difference. See page 56 of his book.] Dr. Dean Ornish, who 30 years ago started to reverse coronary Heart disease with nutrition was not doing it with meat and cheese but with a low-fat, plant-based diet. Now, a few years ago with about the same diet, he was able to reverse prostate cancer on most of his patients. [Moderator's comment: Dr Ornish recommends fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes in his plant-centered diet and also includes fat-free buttermilk, skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, egg whites and soy products in his " Most Healthful Choices " list in his book entitled 'The Spectrum.'] Now animal protein are more powerful in activating cancer cell proliferation than aflatoxine even in mice genetically programed to have liver cancer even in people with declared cancer prostate.. Is it worth it to mention this in a group of cancer survivors ? Joe, I've seen the Cancer Map of the China Study and it is true that one image is worth a 1000 words. The Cancer Map follow the CDH Map and again : I need to mention, the ratio for cancer is 1 to 10 000. This is the difference between the Chinese on a low-fat/low-protein diet and the ones who eat our wonderful western diet. You wrote : I do know the subject has come up more than a few times and was deemed not worthy for the list because of the controversy surrounding it. Joe, this is the same controversy that you will find each time you could hurt the powerful interests of the food Industry. Do we have a debate on growth hormone ? Yes. On the use of antibiotic in animal farming ? yes. Do we have a debate on meat or milk being good for our health? Yes again.. Contamination and destruction of our rivers and soils by animal farming ? Yes again. Lobbyists first will try to silence detractors with derision and personal attack... then will install a debate. Debate are better than derision because like the one on mercury and dental amalgams who started in Napoleonic times they can last for ever. Colin was the hero, as a farmer and a scientist of the animal protein promotion in the 50s. (he still has his farm up north but after the China Study is not a meat eater anymore). So was the " Mad Cowboy " a cattleman. So was the famous Dr Spoke, the knight of milk consumption, so was Robbins the Heir of Baskin and Robbins. Things are changing, knowledge is changing..Habits are changing.. The China Study changed my life and I read it every year at least once. I made my " beef " out of meat for 28 years as a chef/owner of several restaurants - from fine dining to junk food and from Italian to Cuban. By the age of 33 I had already extra bacon on my tight chest pain and problem with certain delicate plumbing of my anatomy so I changed my habits but not enough to ever feel perfectly good. My wife's breast cancer was our real wake up call and we started to investigate the heart of the problem : Nutrition. We are far from our goal to be like our friend Ruth Heidrich, a 74 years old triathlon athlete ( still training everyday in Hawaii)condemned by orthodox medicine 30 years ago . You know why she was condemned ? Cancer last stage with metastasis all over.. We are far from our goals, yes, but we are only in our mid 50 s. Personally, I never had to watch again one day my calories intake, I bet sometimes I am up to 4.000 (like yesterday)I went to swim laps one hour and skating another hour so I was late for diner time..starving. I used to look at Dean Ornish, McDougall, Null, Colin , Ruth Heidrich as health nuts. i use to think that they were running marathon for hedonistic purposes. Far from reality. Now I am one of these and I can tell you that I have to exercise everyday one to two hours because I have too much energy and I get this energy from fruits, nuts and vegetables. I will not debate on the China Study. you have the raw, organic, unprocessed facts. Blessings to all of you even if you still like eating ageless corpse parts :-) I mean meat as I look at it now.. :-). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 11, 2009 Report Share Posted May 11, 2009 I agree with your comments, Joe. However, as the wife of someone with cholesterol and heart disease running in the family, and his father dead at 57 of a massive, unforseen heart attack, we have been watching my husband's cholesterol levels as well. His LDL was at 130 and of course the doctor wanted him on statins, which he tried, but the side effects were too much and he was miserable, so he refused to take them. Then I read this article: The article states that the " American Heart Association recommends an LDL level of 100 for prevention and 70 for high risk patients. In the new study an LDL level of 107 was associated with a 33% increased risk of cancer and death, an LDL level of 87 was associated with a 50% increased risk. As the LDL goes lower the risk keeps getting worse. " Gee, my LDL is 63 and guess what? According the the AHA I am " perfect, " but I have cancer!!! The article goes on to say, " We have known for many years that individuals who maintain an LDL cholesterol level of 130 as they enter their 40s and 50s have much less heart disease as they grow older. This is because they are healthy and have maintained fitness in their cholesterol function and metabolism. My husband, the supposed one at risk, was at LDL = 130 the last time his blood was drawn, about a year and a half ago. Since that time he has followed mostly a vegetarian diet with me and increased his exercise program, so I suspect his LDL has gone down a bit. The article then goes on to say, " In the current study the ideal LDL cholesterol level was 126. The researchers were able to identify a bell shaped curve, in terms of a departure in either direction from this ideal number. LDL over 146 or less than 107 was associated with 33% increased risk of cancer. LDL over 164 of less than 87 was associated with a 50% increased risk. The risk keeps getting worse the higher or lower the number progresses away from the ideal of 126. LDL in the range of 108...145 had no statistically significant cancer risk, although being in the center of this range is clearly best. " My diet has also radically changed over the past year and a half to one of vegetables and fruit, no processed foods, very little to no meat, so I suspect my cholesterol is even lower as well. Great. My diet hopefully helps to fight cancer, while my low cholesterol puts me in a higher 50% risk for cancer... Debbie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 12, 2009 Report Share Posted May 12, 2009 Ditto! My thoughts exactly! Well said. It seems its always a heated topic animal protein as its the staple of todays Western diet.Mike commited that the average person will eat 3000 animals in his lifetime. I must of consumed 2000 or so in my first 52 years ( I dont blame animal protein for the Melanoma I have.) Non the less its a proven fact animal protein is responsible for most the preventable deaths in America. Heart disease, Many Cancers. I read somewhere recently that 42% of our food consumption is based on animal protein in the USA. I never brought up the china study because I know its been beaten to death here in this room. I find it interesting many who dismiss it never read the book. I have read over 60 books on cancer and varias health issues these pass three years. Does it make me a expert? of course not it just confirmed for me My personal Journey to health being a Vegan is a wise choice. Whatever path a person chooses, may it be a healthy long and loving life. Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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