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Just diagnosed. Could use your advice...

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My mother was just diagnosed w/breast cancer on Friday. They took out a tiny

tumor last Monday and discovered it was cancerous. They want to go back in and

do a 'lumpectomy' and remove some surrounding cells, followed by radiation and

" MAYBE " chemo later on. I was wondering if anyone has the answer to a few


1. Does anyone have comments regarding this overall?

2. We live in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Is there a good oncologist one would recommend

around here? (We'd love to get a few names for insurance purposes. She has only

medicare and medicaid.)

3. My mother's lifestyle is somewhat sedentary and I was going to get her a yoga

video. Any comments or recommendations regarding this?

4. Any recommendations for hypnosis or visualization therapy?

5. There is an enzyme which is supposed to break away the outer wall of the

cancer so our white blood cells can attack it, have you heard of this? Do you

recall the name of it and where to get it?

6. My mother plans to attempt to follow some slightly modified protocols,

starting with a local lady who has her own protocol after going through her own

cancer nightmare. She may do this in ADDITION to the lumpectomy and doctor's

recommendations. Any comments on this? (I say " slightly modified " because my

mother has a number of dependencies and addictions, and some psychological

problems. So indeed, she would be unable to give up certain things such as her

medications, coffee, soda, and smoking (although she can cut down). I know many

of you must be strong willed and self-disciplined, so I can only ask that you

please understand and accept...)

7. Does anyone know of a book or site with a list of people's personal cancer

stories, especially contrasting mainstream and holistic treatments? We would

also appreciate hearing your personal stories if you'd like to share. :)

Thanks in advance for your input. You're a beacon of strength to us, and we are

privileged to have the opportunity to benefit from your knowledge and


If you want to email me personally, the best email to reach me at is


Thanks again.


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" ronixo " wrote:

> My mother was just diagnosed w/breast cancer on Friday.....



I'm very sorry to hear of your mother's diagnosis. Cancer is a difficult word to

hear when its spoken to you. I know, my wife has breast cancer as well. At this

point in your mother and your life the both of you can use some empowerment. No

truer word were ever spoken in the phrase " knowledge is power " when it comes to

cancer of any kind. You have many questions. What's next? Where do we go from

here? How do we find much needed information? What are our options? We spent

weeks researching breast cancer. We bookmarked websites, made notes and visited

and joined sites such as CancerCured. These websites have provided a great deal

of help and information. There is one website (www.cancertutor.com) that gave

us a sense of direction and much needed empowerment.


posting this is an early diagnosis. You have time!! You have options!! Do your

homework and help your mother select a therapy that's best for her.

Here are a few of the websites we found helpful and empowering. There is much

more, google breast cancer for more information. The very best to you and your

mother. I hope this helps!





http://www.breast .com/





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Thank you so much Chas for your thoughtful reply to my post, and for the

recommended links. We will definitely be checking them out. You hit the nail on

the head regarding 'empowerment.' It's so easy to feel stuck with only the

doctors' options. There's also a stress free feeling of surrender when you leave

everything up to them, so it's tempting. So we thank you for your encouragement.


> > My mother was just diagnosed w/breast cancer on Friday.....

> >


> Roni,

> I'm very sorry to hear of your mother's diagnosis. Cancer is a difficult word

to hear when its spoken to you. I know, my wife has breast cancer as well. At

this point in your mother and your life the both of you can use some

empowerment. No truer word were ever spoken in the phrase " knowledge is power "

when it comes to cancer of any kind. You have many questions. What's next?

Where do we go from here? How do we find much needed information? What are our

options? We spent weeks researching breast cancer. We bookmarked websites, made

notes and visited and joined sites such as CancerCured. These websites have

provided a great deal of help and information. There is one website

(www.cancertutor.com) that gave us a sense of direction and much needed




posting this is an early diagnosis. You have time!! You have options!! Do your

homework and help your mother select a therapy that's best for her.


> Here are a few of the websites we found helpful and empowering. There is much

more, google breast cancer for more information. The very best to you and your

mother. I hope this helps!


> Chas


> http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/index.html

> http://www.truthpublishing.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=PRINT-CAT21560

> http://www.vitaminlady.com/articles/navarro-urine-test.htm

> http://www.breast .com/

> http://www.webspawner.com/users/ldnforcancer/index.html

> http://imva.info/

> http://www.naturalnews.com/

> http://www.smart-publications.com/index.php


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I highly recommend she start the Budwig diet--it's mixing flax seed oil with

cottage cheese, but she can also mix flaxseed with yogurt if she really can't

stand the taste of it (though I don't know if it's as effective).

Every day, I mix freshly ground flax seed, greek yogurt, with bananas,

blueberries and strawberries, and then mix it in a blender with ice and a little

apple juice.

You should read about this diet...it's really cured a lot of people of cancer.

There's a group (flax oil) that you can look into to.



(In terms of her lifestyle...you just need to ask her if she wants to live or if

she wants to die. Because if she wants to live, then her behavior needs to

manifest that belief. (She can take Wellbutrin to quit smoking--it works great.

Just take the pill everyday, then about three weeks later she'll quit smoking on

her own.) But if she's ready to die, then it doesn't really matter what she does

and you or anyone else can't save her.)


> My mother was just diagnosed w/breast cancer on Friday......

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