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Hi Carole,

I just sent an email to Benita. Hopefully she will contact you soon.

There is nothing like having a support system of someone who is going thru

exactly the same thing that you are going thru. If you don't hear from her

soon, please let me know and I will just send you all the informatin I just

sent her.


Carolean06@... wrote: Hi!

Any experience with osteosarcoma in a teenager? Any experience with chemo?

Thanks, Carole

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In a message dated 2/20/06 11:59:38 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jennyhauf@... writes:

> my sons doctor in Mexico regarding alternative treatment for osteosarcoma

> with metasis to the lungs and he says the best treatment would be stem cell

> therapy combined with a metabolic therapy

could this be done for a dog perhaps?

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Hi everyone,

After reading your post on the cancer cure groups regarding the osteosarcoma,

I checked with my sons doctor in Mexico regarding alternative treatment for

osteosarcoma with metasis to the lungs and he says the best treatment would be

stem cell therapy combined with a metabolic therapy. if you want to discuss

this further feel free to give me a call at: 269-876-8475 or respond to this

email and I can go into more detail with you.

Judkins <msfitnes01@...> wrote: Hi , The more I hear of

your story, the more amazed I am with both your son and YOU! I so admire your

courage and strength, especially being a single mom myself who has fought many

battles on behalf of my kids. You are just amazing!

Where can I get a copy of your book? I would really love to read the whole

story. You are an inspiration to both cancer patients and single parents

everywhere! Congratulations for all you have accomplished (and suffered) for

your child!


Hauf <jennyhauf@...> wrote: Hi Faith,

Welcome! below is a brief story of my son.

Virginia Hauf, whose son was cured of inoperable brain cancer by means of an

alternative and controversial treatment that remains unavailable in the United

States. Ms. Hauf tells her courageous story in her new book, Saving My Son:

Surviving Cancer.


Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.

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Is this for a dog? I dont know but I can find out for you.

szukidavis@... wrote:

In a message dated 2/20/06 11:59:38 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jennyhauf@... writes:

> my sons doctor in Mexico regarding alternative treatment for osteosarcoma

> with metasis to the lungs and he says the best treatment would be stem cell

> therapy combined with a metabolic therapy

could this be done for a dog perhaps?

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> Firefighter renews battle against cancer: Experimental treatment is

> up next in third bout with disease


> By Arrington

> Staff Writer





> Photo/ Saunders

> From left, Jay , Robby Cowart, Christian H. Mild and Michele

> Crews stand in front of a firetruck Friday at Station 3.





> How to help


> There are several opportunities for those who want to contribute to

> Robby Cowart's fight against cancer.


> Cowart's brother, Steve Cowart, and sister, Christie Drake, are

> holding a benefit raffle to raise money for his trip to San


> where he will receive cancer treatment.


> When: 6 p.m. Tuesday


> Where: Forsyth County Fire Station 3, 4125 Dr. Bramblett Road,

> Cumming.


> Prizes include a $300 gas gift card, a $200 gas gift card and a $30

> gift card from Wal-Mart. Tickets can be bought in advance at


> Biscuit Barn on Peachtree Parkway or Midway Building Supply on



> Winners do not have to be present for the drawing.






> The Red Knights Motorcycle Club, Georgia Chapter 18, has scheduled


> ride to raise money for Cowart. A cookout will follow the ride,


> is open to the public. All proceeds will go to Cowart and his



> When: registration starts at 9:30 a.m. June 21; ride starts at


> a.m.


> Where: First Redeemer Church, 2100 Peachtree Parkway in Cumming


> Route: TBA


> Cost: $25 per bike, includes passenger; $30 for a meal and raffle

> ticket; meal tickets also will be sold separately




> --------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------


> The Forsyth County Firefighter Association Local 4230 is holding a

> four-player scramble golf tournament for the Injured Firefighter

> Fund. A portion of the proceeds will go to Cowart and his family.


> Cash prizes from $600 to $150 also will be awarded.


> The tournament is sponsored by Good Ol' Days Irish Pub and Grill


> All American Mechanical Services.


> When: June 23. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. with a shotgun


> at 10 a.m.


> Where: Hampton Golf Village, off of Settingdown Road in northern

> Forsyth County


> Cost: $150 per player, $250 for hole sponsors. Fee covers:


> and cocktails at Good Ol' Days before the tournament; greens fees


> cart; two beverage tickets for on the course; two beverage tickets

> redeemable at Good Ol' Days after the tournament; heavy hors

> d'oeuvres will be served during the after-party.






> There's more to Robby Cowart than his disease.


> He's a firefighter. He's a family man. He's a beloved friend.


> He also refuses to let his battle with cancer keep him down.


> Cowart, 35, was first diagnosed in 2001 with osteosarcoma, a cancer

> that forms in bone. The cancer was on the left side of his head and

> was treated with surgery and chemotherapy.


> It reappeared in 2005 in the same place.


> " After 30 surgeries and two rounds of radiation they said it was

> gone, " Cowart said. " Three years later, it has reappeared in my

> lungs. "


> Because of his condition, Cowart has been reassigned from Forsyth

> County Fire Station 3 to administrative duties at the fire

> department's headquarters.


> " I want my lungs back and I want to get back on the fire truck and

> get back to my crew, " Cowart said.


> In about a week, he is going to a clinic in San , where he

> will participate in clinical trials of a drug called Reolysin.


> said he is optimistic the treatment will extinguish the cancer once

> and for all.


> The drug, Cowart explained, uses a virus. When it comes in contact

> with tumors, it reproduces until " it blows them apart. "


> " It educates the immune system to fight that particular cancer, " he

> said. " That's how it's been working, so that's what I'm going out

> there for. "


> Though he would rather be fighting fires, he said he is grateful to

> be working.


> " I've been very fortunate to be where I'm at, " he said.


> " The administration at the fire department and the (human


> department have been more than gracious to allow me to work in an

> office mode until I go out there. "


> He and his wife, Melody, will make the trip together, but will


> their daughters, ages 13 and 9, with family.


> " My family is my life and my wife, what can I say, she's

wonderful, "

> he said. " My kids are my inspiration. I can't say enough. "


> Cowart's trip has garnered the support of his siblings as well.


> His older brother, Steve Cowart, and younger sister, Christie


> have organized a raffle scheduled for Tuesday at Fire Station 3 to

> raise money for his trip.


> Steve Cowart said his brother's diagnosis came as a shock to him


> his sister.


> " I was just devastated because I want him to enjoy his life with


> little girls and I want his little girls to grow up to have their

> daddy around, " he said. " We both were just devastated. "


> Drake said they lost their father in 1992 and their mother died of

> breast cancer in 2005, about the same time her brother's cancer


> back.


> Drake described her brother as " the nicest guy you'll ever meet. "


> " He's very honest, very dependable. He's the type of guy who'll


> you the shirt off his back, " she said.


> Firefighter Jack has known Robby Cowart for about five years.

> Though they never worked out of the same station together, they


> formed a solid friendship.


> " He's your best friend even if he doesn't like you, "

> said. " He'd do anything for you. He'd do anything for anybody. "


> is vice president of the local chapter of the Red Knights

> Motorcycle Club, which consists of firefighters who are also

> motorcycle enthusiasts. explained that the Red Knights hold


> charity rides a year and members participate in rides sponsored by

> other groups as well.


> The organization is organizing a ride June 21 to help Cowart.


> " This one hits close to home, " said.


> He said Cowart is always in good spirits and he has never known him

> to have a negative attitude.


> " He's just like this big guy and you would think, 'I do not want to

> mess with that guy.' But he's just a big ol' teddy bear, " he said.


> " He's fought this twice already and now it's gotten into his lungs

> and now it's like where do we go? What do we do? How can we help? "


> Cowart leaves June 9 for Texas and will have to stay in San


> minimum of 45 days and a maximum of eight weeks for treatment.


> " Without the fire department and my family, none of this would be

> possible, " he said. " I never have felt worthy of such attention

> because, you know, I'm just me. I just try to be as honest as I can

> be in life. "


> Cowart said his struggle has been an " emotional roller coaster. "


> " My wish is to get back with my crew, get this behind me and watch


> kids grow old, " he said.


> E-mail Arrington at juliearrington@...



> Originally published Sunday, June 1, 2008




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